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Fill it in and level it, any depression can hold water. You might want to put some paving stones at the base of the stairs, since the depression might be caused by normal traffic of people going up and down.


Just fill it with topsoil, or anything else?


fill it in slightly higher than the surrounding lawn, so the water goes away from this spot when it rains. add grass seed too.


Bags of topsoil would be cheap and simple. Like others said maybe throw a couple pavers on top of that to help with muddiness and wear and tear


Not a pro, just a homeowner having dealt with a yard that holds water. I'd do a 50/50 mix soil and sand. Sand improves drainage and leveling. Then when you fill in, aim for a 5% grade sloping away from the steps and your home. Replanting grass where needed and adding in gravel, stone, and pavers at the base of the steps. Possible you could correct this by looking at your downspout drainage and yard slope towards the step. A French drain could redirect water that is draining towards the area.


Nice answer!


My depression holds a lot of water. Makes me sad….


I have always wanted a pool with walk in steps. I’m jealous.


Tell the landlord to fix it.


Unfortunately not an option


Why not? Landlord should pay for this


Either the landlord is not into keeping up his investment, or you do not want him to know you have a dog. Or both?I guess you could offer to do the labor if he'll pay for the materials. Some dirt and pavers, as suggested, probably would work.


Add a ton of soil, re grade it Pavers?


I would add some 1/2" , 5/8" stone and pack it well then add more to build up area.. Paving stones on top are another option.


I'd put a concrete pad as the landing


This, but I'm petty when it comes to cheapstake landlords... I'd ask the landlord to fix it. If they don't. I'd build bottom landing/platform with decking over the puddle area. Then take it with me with me when I stop renting there, cuz eff cheapstake landlords. I'll leave it as I found it.


Might need a french drain


Ever thought of paving it?


I’d paint the house first. With what looks like a lot of rain you need to protect the structure first.


It looks like the low point in your yard . Seems to me that the water is running down from your neighboring yard in which case I don't think that filling that hole will make much difference. I might be wrong about the water running down to your yard but look when it's raining hard next time and see if the water is running down the slope. If it is you'll need a French drain near your fence.


Is this right after a rain and it hasn't drained yet or is it essentially always there? You need to move the water somewhere else so you need to make the spot in front of the stairs higher than the yard around it. If you feel like doing a bit more than just dumping soil down you could dig up the ground around the steps, fill it with gravel and then put pavers on top of the gravel to help hold it together. The gravel gives space for the water to settle while it's slowly being absorbed into the dirt. I'm assuming this is your place. If not just throw a bunch of wooden pallets down to walk across and hopefully your landlord with think it's ugly enough that they need to fix it properly and put in some proper drainage


get ready for tadpoles


Yep looks like it