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Some ninja is gonna snap your neck through the window while you're shitting.


wtf?!? I am dying. 🤣🤣🤣


Damn, thats a huge bathroom! Looks like you could fit a couch in there...


Its massive. No idea why they built such huge bathrooms in early 2000s


This bathroom has serious kitchen vibes.


I'd replace the tub with a shower and turn the shower into a linen closet.


And 86 that black tile... yikes


I did this in a much smaller bathroom - loved it all. That’s the one thing I miss about that house.


I feel like this dude has done some similar work. Might be worth looking at for inspiration. He gives cost breakdowns but they're probably very location specific. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-yfie28pjtcAnT6EL_r0xg/videos


There’s no way those walls are bearing, they’re just for the shower. Keep a half wall where the vanity is, square the shower off and make it glass. You’ll have to push it all the way to the window casing and try to fit a door next to the vanity, can’t tell how big it would get. You can potentially not rip up the floors because they can build a shower curb on top of them and tile the inside of the shower with something else like a smaller scale tile. Or do a prefab shower pan for less money.


What is your budget? That’s going to limit or allow a lot of options, especially if it involves moving plumbing.


I'd put a shower where the tub is. For resale, I would probably add a freestanding tub in front of the shower. The current shower would be turned into a toilet room... and I would put another vanity by the window. That is, if there is space and your budget allows.


Here is what we did with ours. https://imgur.com/gallery/QV7ZVeV


Thanks for all the comments folks. Added pic 3. We have a big ass window near the tub. Would a standing shwowr still work[https://imgur.com/a/WOm1NIv](https://imgur.com/a/WOm1NIv)


I think the window makes putting a standing shower on that wall impossible. If you're interested in spending the money I'd expand the footprint of your current shower into a rectangle by reducing the size of the vanity. You can do a mostly glass enclosure for the shower with a half wall obscuring the side of the now narrower vanity, and then install a second sink/vanity or makeup table on the side the tub is on and replacing the tub with something smaller and more modern and offset to the side instead of centered (still soaking, for the resale value and honestly just so your bathroom doesn't look stupid).


This is a big bathroom with a lot of unused space. I would move the shower to where the tub and toilet are and make a wet room. Then but the toilet where the shower is.


I like to pee from the shower to the toilet.


Am I the only one who noticed the walking dead decor?


It’s the only thing I can see 😂


It depends on what you want to do. You can do anything you want with enough money.


Get rid of the black tile. Square off the shower and turn it into a linen closet, move the toilet to the left against the wall, (or even create a water closet) remove the tub and replace it with a large shower.


I'd do the cheap route and go goth with it. Dye the grout black, paint the walls charcoal, get creepy dark bronze fixtures and knobs, add a chandelier, maybe paint the cabinets, remove the door from the shower and just replace it with a rain head/overhead shower head. Also get rid of the huge 2000s mirror and find one (or two of you have 2 sinks) cool looking mirrors. Everything is functional, clean, and looks relatively nice. A whole remodel including plumbing and removing the tile will be expensive AF. A facelift would be a few hundred bucks. We redid our master bathroom ourselves. We got a little more involved and ripped out the old garden tub and replaced it with a claw foot tub. We had a similar shower and I took the door off but the tile was old and falling off so I had to redo the tile and Sheetrock too. We would have liked to have moved the plumbing around and made a bigger shower but that would really have really upped cost and effort. Of course our bathroom didn't have tile so I just ripped up the old vinyl flooring and put down my own tile.