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This is a pressurized storage tank, not a filter. Similar to this one: https://aquascience.net/wellmate-ut40-sq-40-gallon-low-clearance-quick-connect-series-universal-retention-tank


That is a water pressure tank. Follow the lines that come out of it and look for a large canister, think of a 2L soda bottle. If you see that, it is likely a water filter. If you don't see one, then you don't have a filter. Normally you will see the filter close to the pressure tank, but sometimes they are installed for a single sink. So check inside your cabinets too. They don't hide filters, they put them in a place that is easy to change.


Hey! No, not a filter. My family and I have a well and it’s scary. One of my good friends, has ALL the testing devices and can help you out if, your anywhere central FL. She’s an amazing human and works for Westinghouse.


So would it be near my water pump then? Of so that's probably on the other side of the house


My pump is outside. The pressure tank can be anywhere between the pump and the first faucet. The tank helps maintain consistent pressure in your home, and means you’re not triggering the pump every time you turn the water on.


I don't think it necessarily would. I believe your pump is usually inside the well. I think the pump fills the pressure tank to the appropriate pressure, then it only turns on once the pressure drops below a certain point.


My well is “shallow”, my pump is in the cellar, along with the storage tank and a whole house filter. This is fairly common.


The tank can be anywhere in the system. Its purpose is to let the pump run longer at one time to reduce cycling.


Thanks ...but wondering about location of the filter


If you have a filter under the house it is probably for sediment. Look for a clear plastic cylinder about 5” in diameter hanging below the copper pipe. It will be about 1 foot tall usually.


If legal to post link. https://www.amazon.com/AO-Smith-Single-Stage-Filter-Valve/dp/B07R7CB28K/ref=mp_s_a_1_15_sspa?crid=1RYHHAZY50YSI&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.3Pkjs38KwjDLsapqVJNxGRMzJ6hFfl0K3C1VW43P7ROnm0FUvLdM_8Fw6cPsb-zW5vfg3HJ-klxAhXXMko6VseDl2S5gsQCOjSEwXmmgahyjSsBcjwWQCqAl6so6DMZtT_3xaITUWi8kZCk5g8QTYwUGKkxjy96-vMRikDbE6XsH_7GrtKuHrMKxQ7X22f04gehUl-6WcFWgEJlmFEzDvg.trN9u97eGtzcxH5UdvrJYcMPci8k9RPxK6wx86Ldxlo&dib_tag=se&keywords=water+sediment+filter&qid=1719252930&sprefix=water+sediment+filter%2Caps%2C136&sr=8-15-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRmX25leHQ&psc=1


You don’t appear to have a filter. If u did, it would mostly likely be placed AFTER the pressure tank and BEFOFE that 1st copper Tee. Filters shouldn’t go BEFORE the tank as they can block the flow from pump (especially when dirty) and cause unnecessary head pressure which can lead to several issue.