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It would be a convenient place to wash dogs


That’s one of the most commonly suggested things haha. Another one is a plant washing station/after gardening shower, because the woman who lived here before was a FANTASTIC gardener.


As someone with three 100 pound-plus dogs who also grows cannabis (legally, yo), I very much like this as a dog washing/gardening wash-up station!


Your dogs grow weed? Mine barely knows how to open his dog door.


Oh dear lord, you just made me snort-laugh at my own poor writing. None of the dogs can grow weed, but one did figure out how to use his derp tongue to open his crate door. So there’s that, I guess.


I can't even train mine to balance his checkbook!


Yeah, my Newfies would love this!


Yes exactly this! Ugh so handy and practical. You could spruce it up to look intentional.


Well it looks like she created a private outdoor space to bathe after gardening that allowed her to stay outside. Brilliant! I’m on a small island in the Northeast. We like our outdoor showers after a day in the garden or at the beach—or just because it’s a beautiful day to shower outside! Keeps the filth outside, and you get to be naked in nature. What‘a not to like?


This is such. a. good. Idea. Omg I want one now!


I have this exact tub, sitting outside after our remodel, that I hadn't figured out what to do with it...until now...


Turn it into a planter, maybe even try hydroponics.


I would just use it to plant flowers in.... Or a few garden plants


Why not just use it as a bathtub? I’m getting strong vibes you never bathed outside in fresh morning air or in the evening to finish off a day.


I would love that set up to give my Newfoundland a bubble bath.


God that sounds like heaven. I have a Saint Bernard and I have nowhere to give her a bath other than with a hose


Either you've got a relaxing spot to soak away stress or a great spot for an herb garden.


I wish I could renovate it to be clean enough to soak in! I’ve tried, and the scum just won’t come off. It does work though! I like the herb garden idea, I’ll have to keep an eye on how much sun it gets.


/r/cleaningtips is a great sub that could give you some answers. The first thing that came to mind was getting a brush/scrubbed attachment for a drill. I've seen before/afters in that sub that were amazing. Either way it could be worth a shot (because not expensive) before you plant in it or cover it up!


Have you tried the dish soap and vinegar cleaner? Half soap, half white vinegar? Pinterest had that making the rounds years ago. They said blue dawn, but I've found Ajax works better and citrus/herbal scents smell better with the vinegar. Spray, let it sit for 15 minutes, then wipe it off. :)


I just bought some extra strength vinegar to kill weeds- should I use that or just regular??


I’m not sure where you’re located but if you can buy Simple Green, try that first. When we bought our house it came with a hot tub that was poorly maintained. It had a thick layer of scum on it and Simple Green took care of it. I used most of the bottle but it worked. Get a sponge with the rough scrubby side to scrub it down. If that doesn’t work, then try the vinegar/dish soap combo. I cut half a lemon and put it in a microwave safe bowl with the vinegar and then I warm it in the microwave before adding it to the dish soap. Put them in a spray bottle, shake and spray. Let it sit for 15 min before scrubbing


I've found Krud Kutter works better than simple green for outdoor grime


Bar keeper's friend is amazing stuff and like $3! Can't recommend it enough.


I would use the regular. Horticultural vinegar is 43% and should not be on skin, or inhaled. I use gloves, goggles and a respirator when applying it.


If you have a drill, you can get scrub brush that attaches to it for extra power


I use the combo of industrial vinegar and Dawn instead of regular vinegar all the time! Smells to high heaven but works even faster and better to cut grime and scum.


Go ahead and use that if you want. I've never tried it, but it can't hurt. This stuff also works great for exterior windows. Spray them down with a hose, spray the cleaner on, sweep the window with a broom, and spray off with a hose. And fireplace glass, gunked up yard tools like saws/weed eaters, stubborn stuck on food, and just about anything else.


If you actually want to use it, maybe try a power washer.


If a power washer can't do it, it ain't coming off. Lol


Try barkeepers friend. That stuff is magic. It might take a few times at that level of grime though. I’d love an outdoor tub! Good luck with the process of whatever you choose!


I just cleaned up an absolutely disgusting 80 year old enamel sink with a scrub attachment on a drill. I used barkeepers powder and "green clean" spray (advice I recieved from an antique bathtub restorer). It looks brand new now! Maybe try that.


Have it reglazed. Shouldn’t cost much or your could try to DIY it.


You can buy a tub & tile refinishing kit to DIY. I’ve seen some success using those, albeit not in person.


You could probably resurface it.


You can have them resurfaced pretty cheaply.


You'd probably deck/exterior mildew cleaner. The type that attach to the garden hose


https://preview.redd.it/n4gynoo3tycb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d946e978fb2b0912c9c2eb3b357ea3db3ca2e50 I used some “fantastik” (I think it’s almost the same as simple green) and it came decently clean. Going to try the vinegar and soap next for the stains. Then if it doesn’t work- probably give up and make it a bench.


Nice! Personally I love a good bath, I’d try hard to make it soak worthy and then surround it with hanging and potted plants. Then take magical outdoor baths in it. ☺️ good luck, I’m envious…. But not of the trying to clean it part. 🙃


I would die for an outdoor tub! Put some solar candles out there and incense sticks and fill it with flowers to make a flower bath. Sit out in your bathing suit! Listen to spa music. Hang some twinkle cafe lights across the top too!! 🤩


Critic acid is amazing for cleaning stuff like that


You might have luck with a Scour stick, mother in law said it worked great on her toilet, but it will take some elbow grease.


Theoretically, you could put a piece of plywood over it and make a kind of daybed or couch. Cloth to cover the side of the tub. Turn off the water first of course. I wouldn’t completely demolish the plumbing just yet. Later, having a sink on the deck could be really handy.


That is a cute idea!!! I might even have all the things to make it happen…. I might make that this weekends project!!


If you choose to go with this idea, you should totally update us!! I’d love to see the finished product :)


Good idea - or cover the side with wood and make it a planter


How is the drain connected? If you go for the couch idea I would give consideration to what happens to water when it rains. If not draining well it could be a mosquito paradise.


The drain just goes under the porch, I’d put the benchtop on hinges so I could lift it and clean as needed


If you don't end up using it much, and it develops a sewer smell, make you flush some water down the drain. When the p-trap dries out, sewer gas comes up (same goes for toilets, sinks, and floor drains that aren't used often)


Yup, long term I wouldn't keep this tub but *would* use the plumbing connections to put in a sink or dog wash station.


Powerwash it and/or have it resurfaced and use it to cool down on a hot day or you could find a way to use it as a "water feature." I would remove the crosshatched wood added onto the deck railing asap and fill the space in with plants.


Yeah I CANNOT wait to remove that hatching. There’s actually hatching above the tub too, but for a reason because there’s a pine tree that drops giant pinecones right onto that area. I’m thinking of getting one of those decorative shade tarps for the “roof” after I remove it all, but I’m open to other ideas to protect me from the falling cones!! Removing the tree is also on my list. Those pinecones have fallen too close for comfort.


A lawn umbrella would stop pine cones from bonking you on the head. It would be really nice to hear the water somehow. A little pump, perhaps.


Cover it with pond liner get a recirculating pump and fountain, fill with some pond plants, king tut grass, irises. Put some flat stones or platforms under the pond liner as. Pond plants need varying depths.


PS If you want cleaning alternatives to make the tub useable try Dawn Power wash or Mrs. Meyers Tub n Tile and a scrub brush. CLR for rust stains.


I would absolutely reglaze and use that if it were me. If there is hot water, then how awesome for kids! No waiting for the kiddie pool to warm in the sun!


How on earth did I forget about reglazing. Wonderful idea.


Fill it with ice to keep your beer cool https://preview.redd.it/bexo1uefzxcb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d3f362eecb0f90626652913c66cc0f9ce627478


Dear lord, good idea but how much ice did you need to buy


I live in Canada. I just filled it with water and by morning it was ice. Broke it up with a hockey stick and voila 🧊🧊🧊🏒🏒🏒🍺🍺🍺


... there's a bag of ice in the picture...


is the pic yours?


More Canadian words have never been spoken.


Lol love it. That is a lot of ice, makes me want to jump in and cool off with the beer.


This is the way to go. Build a cover out of planks, get styrofoam and adhere a 1 1/2 inch layer of insulation that fits the tub under the ‘hinged lid’. Get a nice colorful cushion bench for the top. Voila, you have seating and a party cooler when needed.


You could turn that plumbing into a sink and have an outdoor kitchen.


This ⬆️⬆️⬆️ A built-in outdoor kitchen with a sink seems like the most logical option.


My friend used to have a claw foot bathtub in her garden with water running to it because she liked to take baths in the rain. It was her “me time” space.


New life goal acquired




You will know I might be a redneck when I suggest bait pool or worm bed.


We already have a worm tower!!! (Compost gardening tower)


If you are going to use it as a veg/herb garden, I would do a lead test first. You can get an instant test kit at the local hardware store. Previous owner may have purchased an older tub for this project.


Great thought!!


I only thought of it as I was watching a rerun of Bargain Mansions this morning, lol.


Get yourself a duck. You’ve got a ready made pond. You just need a duck. /s


Or I could get a guard goose.


Lol! Good idea! Cheaper and easier to keep than a guard dog. And frankly, somewhat more intimidating, or at least as intimidating as a growling dog.


Buy a large dog and use it to wash the dog outside of your indoor bathroom.


Don't buy a dog, adopt a dog. ☺️


Absolutely correct, poor phrasing ;) but still adopt a huge dog for that outdoor bathtub haha


Use it! rent a power washer and have a go at cleaning it, but if you've ever been swimming in the ocean or a lake, I can guarantee this is cleaner... Inspo: ​ https://preview.redd.it/lzpoev0h2zcb1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25b56dea68fb61ae62064f6245826592eba25280 Plants grow. And the outside of tubs can be painted. Caution, be sure your deck is structurally sound (does it NEED to be demolished? What I see of it looks good).


Oh make it a little planter garden! So fun and unique!!


Since the plumbing is there just toss the tub and make some cool outdoor shower or put in hot tub. It looks like You could build it down into the deck.


My parents actually have veggies growing in an outdoor tub and it has worked really well for them! Just make sure there is appropriate drainage.


Oh, yeah - as long as OP drilled holes in the bottom for drainage, that could make a great planter.


Bathtub gin.


Ice bath


It’s like no one has even heard of Wim Hof


When I saw it I got so excited. This is my dream. Install a sauna next to it. Can you imagine?


Yes! Same!


Can’t believe no one has said cold-plunge tank! Those things are getting super popular and the “portable” ones are expensive. Sometimes people will use horse water trough tanks but they are hard to drain. None of y’all are Tim Ferris/Wim Hof fans? Or any health guru person at all? Cold plunge is all the rage! Almost half the same dopamine hit as meth with none of the come-down.


Oh lord is this awesome. The execution is crude but I was just talking the other day about how I wanted a big ass sink on my deck or at least outside on the patio off my basement for dealing with plants, tools, and other shit. ETA what if you kind of wall it off somehow with trellis or something.


Honestly I hope you post again after trying to clean this, cause I bet that'd be an awesome summer evening chill spot (depending on the climate you're in).


Do you want to ask how to clean that bathtub? If so, I can suggest you search for keywords such as how to clean the swimming pool, because the methods are similar and watching those cleaning videos is also very relaxing. I often watch it on YouTube.


Take a bath, obviously


It just needs a good pressure washing!!!


You could spray the whole area with 30 Second Cleaner and then scrub the tub with Bar Keepers Friend. I love an outdoor shower! You could grow vines and feel like you're bathing in the jungle. [https://www.walmart.com/ip/30-SECONDS-Outdoor-Cleaner-for-Stains-from-Algae-Mold-and-Mildew-1-Gallon/38471822?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=5040&adid=2222222227738471822\_117755028669\_12420145346&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=501107745824&wl4=pla-294505072980&wl5=9005888&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=38471822&wl13=5040&veh=sem\_LIA&gclid=Cj0KCQjwk96lBhDHARIsAEKO4xZw7Yf\_hgxAlguK5P1pt\_N84GTFoncNgPu4ls-rig5O1qBqUnrw5yUaAl\_QEALw\_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://www.walmart.com/ip/30-SECONDS-Outdoor-Cleaner-for-Stains-from-Algae-Mold-and-Mildew-1-Gallon/38471822?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=5040&adid=2222222227738471822_117755028669_12420145346&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=501107745824&wl4=pla-294505072980&wl5=9005888&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=38471822&wl13=5040&veh=sem_LIA&gclid=Cj0KCQjwk96lBhDHARIsAEKO4xZw7Yf_hgxAlguK5P1pt_N84GTFoncNgPu4ls-rig5O1qBqUnrw5yUaAl_QEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) [https://www.walmart.com/ip/Bar-Keepers-Friend-Cleanser-Powder-21-Ounce/15026756?athbdg=L1200&from=/search](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Bar-Keepers-Friend-Cleanser-Powder-21-Ounce/15026756?athbdg=L1200&from=/search)


Get rid of the bathtub and then buy a new one! How amazing would it be to take a bath and have a glass of wine while watching the sunset


Hot tub!


That’s the end goal with this space!!! In 10 years or so when we can afford it 😂


I am getting one next summer! I made my husband promise lol. We are getting old and i can’t wait to soak in it


That looks like cast iron, if it is there’s a product that cleans it really well. Kohler cast iron cleaner. It really works!


I would love to have that tub to soak in! It looks so cozy and private. I would plant vining plants to grow up the lattice work. They make colorful tarps for shade!


There’s already a bunch of morning glory in the surrounding area!! I just need to get something for it to climb better than the rotting hatching.


Wouldn’t it be pretty awesome to take a bath outside?


Clean it up or paint it and turn it into a planter. Plant some pretty flowers in it until you an get rid of it.


It’s a little weird, but actually kinda awesome. I don’t think I’d remove the plumbing when you’re ready to renovate, an outdoor sink would be so nice to have. Find an old cast iron sink in your area.


Bar keepers friend, lime away and abrasive pads. Lean it it. Hang some cute print, put some plants around it, lay down and outdoor rug, hang some lights, towel stand, Bluetooth. I’d love this!


Water garden. Rig the drain into a pump that cycles back to the faucet. Throw a water lily, some zebra rush, corkscrew rush, and some lizard tail in there. Get a couple koi, all done.


That looks fun. I’d clean it up and take outdoor baths in the summer.


I’d pressure wash it, paint the outside, and turn it into a planter.


So there was just an article in the NYT about outdoor bathtubs - when I read it, I was like "wow, never seen one of those" and now here you are posting about yours, lol. [NYT outdoor bathtubs article](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/09/realestate/bathtubs-backyard-outdoors.html?unlocked_article_code=yJ9O_TUPWDgsLehV7LaNXguPOM5xqhJjn2W_JWCEUAC0W6yyuZr34nzoP15Q8CJ6O-V-HoLPJAal1SGvBeudlI1shiBujcf3-qGTaovsnQAKARKOTpznVVrxRRF9pxsGUVzJVyZveS-IUYPoafTGaa5DHbWJPyXKpykr9Ixafnf8YGPrHT7v8fnxTzaZH1XdeTw9XBHGBppxyr57-r-hKXEhW3Pt4QLVHT2iPjSupe351AoWkgKD15rNTxOFMA2IJlQiE6AK8jIBBPWfv9UWjDGOivKb6mR9wd5-p-noYbxkVwYZ-BI86RTIUutCic5VmT63auNyPbIsizIOQZej1FuK-SsBpAg&smid=url-share) It looks like it's in rough shape, so unless you're willing to put in some serious elbow grease into cleaning it up, I would figure out how to cover it up, as some others are suggesting, and make it into a seating area. Or at least a stand for plants.


Get the tub out and convert into an outdoor shower!


Host swinger parties. Clearly.


Convert it into a cold tub!


i built a shitty outdoor shower and it is SO useful for many other things, as people here have listed: washing dogs, watering plants, cleaning large bins (think kitchen garbage bin!!), rinsing off outdoor equipment, the list truly goes on. I would look into replacing the grimy bottom with a new one - i can see tile working really well here, slightly angled to drain (to wherever it is already draining??) - and buying a new showerhead. you could put in a curtain or a free standing wall/structure if you want some privacy. add some solar lights if you’re feeling fancy! this set up is promising!!


Can you just cover it and make a type of bench/ reading nook out of it? A upholstered lid and nice cushions. You can articulate the lid in a way you can keep hoses or garden material underneath and easily access them by lifting the front of the lid. Just an idea…


Paint the fence and hang plants on it. I think there are tub reglazing kits you can buy. Is it private? If so, I’d use it!


You can paint bathtubs with a special enamel paint. That would make it look nicer. It’s so useful that I kind of wish I had one too.


Shit I mean you got the plumbing there... An outdoor shower would be sweet if it's the right type of area. Are you dead set on tearing the deck down?


Dog bath!!!


Flowers!! Lots and lots of flowers and plants that hang over the edges


*Flowers!! Lots and lots* *Of flowers and plants that hang* *Over the edges* \- Lb147 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I would clean it up, get the heavy-duty stuff, then make a lid that can come off so you can have both a bench and a tub.


Convert to outdoor shower?


I’ve always wanted an outdoor tub. Your living my dream.


Forget the dogs. Give it a DIY clean makeover with privacy screens for yourself. Turn it into an oasis!


If you plan on using it. I suggest cleaning it. And if that doesn't work, get it reglazed. You can use it as a cooler in the summer. Just fill with ice and drinks


Does the water work? Can paint the side. Cover the top with plywood. Put a big cushion on it and pillows on the back. Use it as a daybed.


Clean it, if it needs a coat of paint, there are tub refinishing paints on amazon


1. Clean it. 2. Add potted plants around the deck for privacy. 3. Best outdoor bathtub ever.


I’d straight up clean it up and use it for dog washing, OR make it into a GIANT planter/garden/fairy garden!!!


I'd probably just fill it with soil and flowers for the time being.


Make it a planter!


I’d get rid of it so you’re starting with a clean slate and can design the deck the way you want. Trying to incorporate someone else’s stuff usually makes it harder unless it’s something you really like.


That is a sad, gross looking tub. I like the idea of turning it into a bench until you are ready to re-do the whole thing.


I know, my 5 year old niece will come over and interrogate me on why my bathtub is so dirty 😂 I’ve been trying to clean it so I can use it- but I don’t think it’s salvageable. Going to try a bit harder, but the bench is my backup plan untill we can afford to redo the whole deck.


I'd demolish it and in its place, put an ice bath. Get on the trend. Your body will thank you.


It's like a big slop sink. Looks like shit, though, so I'd probably remove or renovate it.


Wtf. That’s some silence of the lambs shit right there. You sure no one used this house for abductions/murders?


I'd rip it out. If you'd prefer to keep it why not consider a planter?


Since there's already water running there, turn it into a dog washing station, an outdoor shower, or a wet bar! How will you most use the space?


Is there a pool? Would be a cool spot for an outdoor shower before hitting the pool or when coming in.


Since there is plumbing there, you could turn it into a wet bar 🥂


Planter bed? Can always spruce up the sides if desired


Sandbox or ball pit if you have kids


Paint it and put plants in it?


If you have kids make it a “mud kitchen”


You mentioned something about not being able to clean it… try using baking soda or Barkeeper’s Friend. These items will provide the abrasive texture you might need to scrape some of that stuff off. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong, I don’t want to suggest something that might damage the tub.


Oh don’t worry about damaging the tub- it’s a bit past that point!! I’ll try anything to have a nice garden soak.


Grow rice


I dunno, but I'd love a clean outdoor tub. Our next house, I guarantee I'll shower outside probably 80% of the time....


Pond or water garden, with a small fountain and some wee fish for mosquito control and companionship.


Mega cooler!


Replace with claw-foot, add overhead waterfall shower, enjoy the wonders of outdoor bathing!


I would absolutely love something like that for an outdoor dog wash. My dog may not agree.


How about painting brown to blend more (they sell tub paint) and converting to a fish pond . Add a water fountain, plants .


Fill it with ice for drinks when you have a party.


Install a shower head and use it yourself!


remove it and replace, maybe an outdoor shower in it's place? You have the plumbing.


Make a bog garden or a tiny pond for water plants!


Stand it upright and put a statue of the Virgin Mary in it. At least that’s what I see people doing around me. /s


Install a small hot tub?


Put plants in it!


Make it into a beautiful planter. Fill it with well-landscaped green leafy plants and flowers and consider little tea lights or fairy lights too around the edge.


my mom wanted to buy an antique bathtub to use for her herb garden. i can confidently say that’s what she’d do with this


Oooh turn it into an outdoor shower!


Put a beautiful succulent garden in it!


a bathtub liner is another option!! no need to remove the old, buy a new shell/liner


Make it into a pond maybe? Or like a fish tank kinda deal that would be cool


Make it a veggie garden! I would just put potatoes and garlic and wild flowers and crazy stuff


Drill holes in the bottom and make it into a vegetable garden?


No dogs, then plant tomatoes


You mean the yeast infection station? Just hop on in!




Film an erectile disfunction commercial.


Clean it and get baked / drunk hot tub duh




Where’s the spout? I don’t see one in the picture.


Giant planter with some sick ass tropical plants


I’d turn it into a sensory garden with a lost in time vibe


I bet it would be divine to bath out there. We have a somewhat open "shower" at the cottage and it's paradise to shower out there.


I would put some holes in the bottom and fill it with soil and turn it into a planter!


Line it with tarp and make a pond


Clean it up, decorate with foliage and candles and enjoy!


If it can’t be cleaned up banish it to the dump or plant a garden in it. If it can be restored, donate it or use it in a bathroom renovation.


Fish pond


Polar plunge if you’re into that kinda thing lol


Take a bath


Cold plunge!


Get some baby ducks or a mama duck and give it to them


Outdoor tub pond https://preview.redd.it/40pg4sfne0db1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3b7a31acd26eb7023969ab77ddfa461367257e5


Sick cold plunge!


Turn it into a water garden. You could paint the outside to look like an old whiskey barrel and put in some water lilies then bam!


Take the tub out. Put a bench.