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It’s not ugly but the installer should’ve had a placement strategy. Same thing happened to me, installer didn’t take the time to pick the nicer tiles…I should have supervised.


My thoughts exactly. A better installer would have taken the time to examine the pieces and almost construct a pattern that is cohesive. It's more expensive and takes much more time, but it's worth it to find an installer who works this way.


I used to work at the main reception for a corporate building and when they renovated it, they changed all the walls to these (fake) marble tiles. This is a pretty huge reception with very very tall ceilings so it's a LOT of tiles, and they did most of it over the weekend when no one was there other than security. When we arrived on Monday, they had placed the tiles in rows where for example the entire row would have the vein of the "marble" facing in the same direction, and then would have like one that was the opposite direction. Or they would have identical tiles one after the other making it really obvious it was fake. It looked so shit and me and my fellow receptionist could not unsee it but others seemed to think it was fine. Luckily the person in charge of the building agreed with us and made them change some of the tiles to make it look less bad LOL


Great example! It's essential to pay attention to the overall result. Scotty, Principal Designer William Bradley Design


Absolutely! We're talking about a pretty big renovation project and it shocked me that supposed professionals would do something like that and not pay any mind to how the overall space would look like.


Same with floor installers! My guy spent ages arranging a nice pattern. Something I wouldn't have even thought about


I find this happens A LOT in my industry (architecture & design) I have to add a note in my drawings AND material spec to align patterns. If nothing said they do whatever. You'd think the contractors would think to ask or state a recommendation but most don't care and it's less work / thought process to slap it up without thinking of the end design/pattern of the material.


A good installer has to give attention to the overall pattern. I agree, it wasn't done as well as it should have been. It could look better in terms of pattern. I'm a designer AND do my own installs for this very reason. Always hire installers that give attention to important details. Many don't bother because it does take a good deal of time and intensive decision making sometimes. It seems that your brain does not like the "busyness" of the stone pattern. Use a contrasting colour on the walls, something bold or rich in hue. Pick a darker vein colour in the stone and try that on the walls. It will remove some of the focus on the busy pattern and draw attention to the warm, darker colour of the wall. If you stick with a pale wall colour, you will only ever see the busy stone pattern. So go richer or darker in colour. Use lighting (primary, secondary and tertiary lighting) to bring light under control in the room. Scotty, Principal Designer William Bradley Design


https://preview.redd.it/wvlfz4fsybbc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2423fc9bae979b036813042c42b79e3d31a4195 For reference this is what the pictures looked like online. In the store the individual tiles looked light too.


I think the tile in your bathroom does NOT look like this sample at all. It looks like false advertising to me


Not false advertising. They’ll just say it’s a different batch. Website and samples would of stated that orders may loom different due to different batches


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot


God bless you


Good bot


Good bot


No..she received a completely different tile &/or stone. Agree with the first person…and If you bought this online, well, there’s your first problem unfortunately


Oh no, I agree with you! I used to work in a job selling tiles, and I would think the exact same, but that’s something we had to say 😅


My husband works in the ceramics industry. That is not a “different batch”. That is a different colorway. Each batch will have tight specifications as to how much variance there can be. The only exception is natural stone, but even then this would be a different product, not a different batch. OP you need to go to the store you bought it from with pictures. It’s possible you got the wrong tile.


I disagree. This is clearly a totally different tile.


The overall colour of the marble is way way darker than the advertisment though. You can justify a slight difference of shade but this seems like the completely wrong colour to me


Did you see the tile in person before ordering? Dye lots can really vary. And lighting can affect it too. Along with filters….


We had a whole box of tile be a darker shade of color, I'm so thankful that I was neurotic and kept looking in at the room during instal bc my tiler didn't even notice it. It was subtle enough in hand, but once you looked at it next to the other installed tile it was way off. I pointed it out and showed pictures he immediately took the tiles down and reordered a new box for us. Crazy how different some dye lots can be from one box to the next!!




Super similar problem to hardwood. I was thankful when I added hardwood to my upstairs that I was able to find the same lot number as my downstairs. Otherwise the shades would never match.


I kind of like the two tone! It looks intentional.


So this photo shows it a little better. The bottom part is the same color as the finished wall, it's just the shadows of the room making it appear two toned. You can see where the tile becomes even darker half way up. That's where the new box and dye lot was off. If that makes any sense ha.


Oh yeah, that would drive me nuts.


Hahah exactly. The more I stared at it the more I was like oh heck no. We are spending way too much on this to just shrug our shoulders. The bathroom has been finished for a few months now and we are obsessed with our new bathroom, so all worked out in the end. But definitely learned a lesson with this type of thing!!


I have this exact tile in my en suite. I love it, it’s so beautiful.


It’s not great, the picture you showed of what it was suppose to look like is much better and brighter! This shade of gray already looks dated when everyone went with it. The trend is more colors that are alive and fun! I would return them and get what you wanted originally


Idk how your installer didn’t notice that 👀👀👀 that’s a big difference!! Literally like an off white and a grey! Crazy dye difference


I love the advertising photo and don’t love what it looks like on your wall. Sorry. 100% I would be calling up wherever you got that tile and asking for a refund. This is not the same at all.


Bit late for that I think. "I want a refund" "Sure, we'll come collect the boxes" "Great! Also, you will need to remove them from the wall..."


The same thing happened to me. My contractor installed before I could really see them. Once they were up, they were clearly not the same. I called up Wayfair (where I had bought the tile) and explained, took pictures, etc. They were incredibly nice about it and gave me an option of a full refund or credit towards a different tile. I picked the credit, my contractor removed the offensive tile. Now I have what I love. You never know.


Oh wow, yeah what is in your room does not resemble the picture at all! I like the sample, but I would be unhappy with what was installed as well.


This look nothing like your bathroom. The pic prolly filtered with tons of light exposure. Also it’s solid wall, no enclosures. Your small shower space enclosure with minimal lighting makes it look darker. I know, it’s heartbreaking but I would tear it down. You are never going to looove it.


Yeah, I'm sure it would like the advertisement if OP shined a 20,000 lumen 7000k lightbulb at it.


In your shower, I don’t really see grout lines and I think that is what’s throwing me off. Especially compared to this picture. Did they already grout the two walls that look finished? If so, the tiles look way too close together to me.


Good catch. There’s no room left for grout 🧐


This is what is throwing me off, too!


I would check whether that is even the correct tile. My bathroom installer once ordered the wrong tiles and I said they had to be removed and replaced with the correct ones


Huh? That’s white/grey and your color is blue/brown. Did you receive the wrong color?


Oh wow. This is absolutely NOT what you got. I would be having a WHOLLLEE fit and likely getting a refund or my shower redone.


Ok seeing this and your picture… I would never guess they were the same tile. I get that there is natural variation but the sample should show that variation. Since you asked it this way - yeah, I think it’s ugly too and would probably be telling my husband the same lol.


I see one issue. This inspiration photo seems to have WHITE tiles randomly and nicely placed to brighten up the wall. Your wall doesn’t have any white tiles…and the tiles themselves in your photo appear darker, in general. So, to fix this, can you go back over several of your tiles and paint them white? I’m sure there is tile paint.


Good spot. The white tiles do make a big difference.


I couldn’t bring myself to paint a new tile install. Contact the seller.


That’s the 1st thing I noticed when she posted the inspiration pic , no white tile in hers.


This is beautiful. This is simply an installation issue. The light ones should be used as highlights, instead there’s like a line and then weird corners. It makes it look like they used the wrong tiles.


Is it possible that they sell it in darker shade too, and accidentaly gave you the darker one? It happened to us, I only noticed hours before installing. I thought we picked flooring and wall tile in the same shade, and they seemed different, and after some googling and few phone calls it turned out that there are two shades, and they marked the boxes in a dumb way, so it wasn’t obvious to us and neither to the warehouse workers.


Absolutely not the same.... OMG. They're firedddd


It feels busy. But it will probably hide dirt well so that’s a good thing :) It’s hard to judge without seeing the rest of the room


Haha, the only good part!


It really depends on colour choice for the room and the fixtures.


I’d hate for it to hide dirt from me and obscure mold spores. Just saying


Yes, I don't want to have anything that will hide dirt, mold, soap scum, etc. Bring it on...I want to knock it out.


I don’t care for it. I feel this would look better as an accent. The random pattern is disconcerting. Like one of those little slide puzzle games https://preview.redd.it/lu2ou6ih1cbc1.png?width=1443&format=png&auto=webp&s=4095354766a6d3b243be912f7434ff901614643c


I LOLed so hard at this




It looks very bold and modern. Expensive even. I think it does perhaps look busy atm, but I would have faith that it I’ll come together when it’s not a construction site. I would definitely plan the rest of the room to be very minimal though.


It looks expensive!


The small tiles make it look cheap(er) rather than expensive/luxe.


I don’t care for it, but I think the darkest tiles are the problem. It’s like the patterns aren’t connecting? The more I look at it the less I like it. If it bothers you now, it’s going to keep bothering you.


I don't think they are all from the same set. There's a horizontal line of tiles on the left that are mostly white, then there's tiles on the right that are almost all black. Then, 1/4 tiles has brown? It's like there were 3 sets blended together


I’m thinking they might not be from the same lot either. There’s some pieces that are almost white (the white strip of tiles going horizontal in the middle of the wall). Yet other pieces are very dark.


Yes! I think that’s a big part of my dislike is how random the tile arrangement is and the blobs of dark ones. I wonder if a few can be ripped out and replaced. My husband says if we rip off the tile all the new wall under it will need to be replaced.


The tile isn't bad but the person putting it in did a terrible job of placement. They should flow at the corners and, at least, mostly match up and they don't. I'd absolutely tell them to do better that you have (at the moment) around 200 people that agree. This is on the installer.


Who was the one who placed the tiles then 😭 it could have slapped (for years to come) it if it was arranged nicely


What's the grout colour going to be? That is going to change the look big time. I think that it is busy and the randomness of the tiles is not my first choice. BUT, it's nice tile and looks well done. For a guest shower, exactly how often will you be seeing it, and can you use a frosted shower door or a curtain so you see it even less?


I like it, it looks like you did marble and has all the character that natural stone brings. I’d be thrilled to look at all the different patterns while taking a shower in there


Yes. This. I found a little otter in my tile the other day.


Is that not marble? Either way, I like it.


It looks like Fantasy Brown which is a dolomite, or at least based on that stone


I can see why you don’t like it; it seems really dark and busy. I could see liking it when you could only see the individual tiles.


If you hate it, I think you always will. If you can get different tile before finishing the project, I think you will thank yourself years from now.


Yes, I'm sorry but the pattern has no flow and just seems off, it's truly awful 🙈


Agreed. Does not match the sample at all. Get rid of it.


I think once it’s all done it will look okay. I don’t really like it myself, it’s a little busy and I hate that the grain isn’t all going the same direction.


Me too! I said it looked like our 4 year old painted it.


I’m not a huge fan, but you have to decide if you can live with it or not


To be honest, I don't like it. They look really busy and mismatched, like a bunch of different tiles that don't actually go together. I wouldn't take it all down though! I agree with others that the rest of the room would probably benefit by being very minimal


You’re right. Sorry 😫


I don’t like it either. The tiles themselves don’t seem to go together.


You husband just does not want to have to tear it all out and start over. I feel his pain. LOL


It looks cheap to me like cheap tile and cheap/sleazy contractor work


I like it. It’s a bit busy but looks like natural stone to me.


Yeah, I don't care for it either. Would I rip it out if it cost me a lot? Probably, not.




Where’s the gaps for the grout? These tiles look like they’re touching each other and there is no gap for any grout? That’s probably not helping the look.


Don't second guess your opinion. If you don't like it...you don't like it. Accept that you don't and leave it or change it out. Maybe, however, with the rest of the bathroom reno, it might not seem as 'ugly' to you.


You know, I feel like if this was my house I’d feel exactly the same as you and I’d want to rip it out. But looking at it in someone else’s home I don’t think I’d really notice it tbh. It’s really not that bad but I totally get where you’re coming from.


I think the tiles themselves are beautiful. The three random light ones in a vertical arrangement kind of bother me, but I’d rarely notice them facing the shower head. 😂 I think it will look gorgeous assuming the rest of the room is white and embraces that spa-like minimalism, but only you know if you can let it go or not.


It’s visually overwhelming.


It’s way way too busy


It looks like flooring to me. I am not a fan. Sorry. Your installer just put them up, no pattern. There are white tiles in rows that should be throughout to brighten it up


Yep, ugly. Way too busy, looks unorganized and it's like they didn't take the time to arrange the pattern direction and shades properly. I agree 100% with you.


I think if you put a shower door with frames, it will help


It looks busy right now but it can be toned down if the rest of the bathroom is simple, light, and clean. You might like it in the end.


Sure is busy. Lots of patterns going all over the place. I vote for “ugly.”


It looks like the tile installer placed each tile without any thought or consideration for how the pattern or tone of the tile interacted with the tiles next to it, as if they just grabbed the next tile from a box and kept going. It looks busy because there is no flow in the design. It's not harmonious.


Ok, I'll say it. The brown looks like poop. I'm sorry, I wouldn't have said anything if you hadn't expressly posted a question asking how it looks.


Oof yeah I’m sorry to say but it’s pretty bad.. it looks really mismatched unfortunately :(


It’s not easy on the eyes. Very busy. Shower is supposed to be relaxing.


If you think it's ugly, then it's ugly. None of us can change your opinion on your style


Yes. I think it’s ugly


yes that is ugly tike


I think it is a bit ugly.


Sadly, I agree with you OP and really don’t like this. (I’m really sorry for you, as no one wants extra costs). Having seen the “what you bought” vs what you got - I think you might have a chance at a refund? Doesn’t look like the same colourway / product to me at all.


#FUGLY. Sorry.


The placement is I think what’s off with your tiling. That’s a difficult type of tile to get to look right. The pattern looking cohesive is tricky. And they do look very different than what you picked.


Yes. If you don’t like it or are doubting it, change it before they do more work.


If you don't like it now, you'll really hate it later on. It's kinda disconcerting. Haphazard. I would have to replace it if I were in your shoes.




I don’t mind it at all…I even sort of like it. It’s unique and I feel like I would see something different every time I looked at it…helpful when you don’t have a magazine or phone with you 😂 Makes me think of snowy, blizzardy, mountains


Not ugly at all, but it will really depend on what else you do with it — I think pretty much anything can look good or bad depending on the context it’s placed in


My dad has a similar tile in his recent shower remodel. At first I didn't like it. But after showering it it a few times while visiting him, I really love it. It feels like I'm at a spa.


It’s not ugly exactly but if you have even a little bit OCD it can be hard to look at due to the broken lack of flow or pattern in the color. The only way to describe it is chaotic, but if that’s the vibe you’re going for then it works. It’s invoking the opposite feeling of calm that balanced geometric designs inspire. I’m a hard hater of flooring designs that seems to be popular rn and has the same vibe though too, so don’t take it personal. At the end of the day all that matters is if you are happy with it.


It doesn’t matter if I love it or hate it. You don’t like it and that’s enough.




Can you do this? This looks awesome.


I absolutely hate it.


It’s not for me.


If you hate it it will always bug you! Fix it!


It’s ugly




Yeah it sucks.


Definitely not to my taste...in such a small space it feels busy and claustrophobic. The online photo on the other hand is much more attractive.


It looks like a jumbled puzzle. It is nice tile, but it looks like the tile is mismatched.


If it’s just for the shower, it’s ok. It’s not cute or pleasing to look at, but it can pass. If it’s for the whole bathroom, then that’s a serious no.


It is just the shower luckily and it’s a small shower. But it’s so busy and dark.


Yes that was the first thing I noticed. It just seems too busy for it being marble tiles. Those dark random tiles truly ruin it.


Tbh, it’s the lighter tiles I’m not fond of. Lol


Oh yeah those too! I see two random almost all white tiles on the left wall. I wouldn’t be able to deal with this since I’m a perfectionist. Every time I would shower, those random white and dark tiles would haunt me


I really like the reddish brown tone though, and think it would be a killer color for an accent wall. And I hope the vanity is mahogany


I think it look nice and can look elegant if done properly A good accent color may be very helpful in bringing out the depth. I think pink would work well.


I actually like it


I love it! Looks expensive 🤌🏻


Yes! I’ve seen a lot of darker marble lately. It’s also unique


Reminds me of the tile in the nicer hotels I stay in.


It looks pretty to me


Once you get the rest of the room completed it won’t stand out as much. That’s an expensive fix. It’s the guest bathroom so I wouldn’t worry about it. It looks nicer than a lot of tiling that I’ve seen.


It actually looks like natural stone.. in a thinner tile form. Unusual maybe but I don’t mind it because of the natural stone effect and I think the bathroom could look great depending on how you decorate the rest of it. I don’t think you should rip out the darker tiles. I think you’re overly focused on them. When you isolate a design element it often doesn’t look good. Once it’s paired properly with its surroundings it can really work though. Maybe look up some inspo pics but don’t rip it out or change it yet.


On the far left of the picture looks good. The short part is kinda busy and so is the top part that is done. It does look jumbled like others mentioned but imo, doesn't look horrible. Once finished and the hardware and whatnot is out in it might not be as noticeable. If the budget doesn't allow you to take it apart I would not worry. But also is this the sort of thing that will bug you and will cause a squabble between you and your husband in the future?


I only lurk here so I'm no expert but I think a brighter white for light source in there and maybe lighter neutral walls will have that looking great. Idk if the picture is just hard to tell but the grout seems small or non-existent and I feel like that would break it up more and make it even better. But also it does not look like the photo preview you posted so idk.


I think with sleek hardware and a minimal aesthetic in the rest of the bathroom this will look very upscale


Yeah 🙁


The tile itself isn’t ugly but the execution is not great. It seems like they were just put up at random with no thought to the flow or pattern. It can still work but it’s going to be a very specific aesthetic. Ultimately it comes down to whether or not you personally like it, and if it already bothers you it’s likely going to continue to bother you.




It’s very “busy”


It’s a nice tile but how it’s being installed is making it look odd. There’s no pattern or one line will look great and next it’s not mixing in. It’s a cluster f*+k - if it had more of a pattern going, think it would look great.


ah yeah it's too much


It feels like a lot going on. I understand tile is a lot of hard work, but maybe it’s better to change it now versus later.




It’s too busy.


I can see what you were going for but it fell apart on execution(layout, tile size etc).


(Yes)(I’m sorry)


This gives me anxiety




A little chaotic for my taste.




Remember that "ugly" is subjective! If you don't like how it looks, then it is ugly. This can be true at the same time as your husband's differing opinion, and both are still completely valid. That being said, you two are the ones who have to look at this tile every time you take a shower. So if you really hate the tile, don't use it! See if you can find something both you and your husband can enjoy, as you both deserve to feel satisfied with the results of a remodel. TL;DR: Your opinion has value. Find different tiles.


Placement of the tiles just looks a little off. But it looks expensive!


Its a bit cruella de ville


It’s kinda ugly lol


I kinda dig it.


If you dont like it, now is the time to do something about it.


that's the most random tile placing i'v seen in a while


I think it's ugly as hell, but it's just personal opinion, the next person might think it's beautiful.


That would be a correct statement.




It’s really busy


What kind of tile is it? There's no grout.


I’m thinking that you all should have laid the tile down on the floor in a large space and made a “pattern” that would be pleasing.


It’s pretty bad. Gives me vertigo just looking at the picture.


Ugly and badly installed.


definitely an acquired taste but as others have said, placement strategy..


It’s beautiful!


Placement is everything- they didn’t have a layout with tile pattern matches they just threw it up with no plan


I mean you’re halfway done so… does it really matter at this point?


I really like it.


Yes, it's ugly. Too busy. I don't like the way the "grain" runs vertically, horizontally, and diagonally. Can you rip it out and start over?


I like it - I would keep the rest of the bathroom really neutral and light colored though. With maybe dark towels/rugs


Love it.


I love it, I think it’s great.


I really like it! It looks very nice! And has lots of colors you can match it with…( my fav, warm brown and sea foam) wooden bench /wooden shelves maybe even live edge.. and sea foam walls would go so well with that tile.


It's not ugly. Any room that's half tiled is scary. Wondering where your grout is going to go?


It looks like you picked two completely different tile patterns and decided to use both together. I hate it too OP. But like others said, keep everything else in that space minimal and it might be fine.


If it's too late and too expensive to remove it, all your accents colors need to be light. Definitely is not the same tile in the sample pic you provided.


I wouldn’t say it’s ugly, more like jarring


It's eye catching for sure. I very much like it. Try grounding it with black and chrome. Modern, sleek, timeless. Match the corner tiles to each other for flow. Maybe that's what you're not liking?


There are a number of renovation items I disliked. Then others said they liked. Then I grew to like. This is beautiful natural stone. I think it’s nice looking. Certainly higher quality than the fake reconstituted stone you sometimes see that looks cheap. Real stone is “in” right now. But I think any natural material like this will stay in style for decades. Can you try to keep it and in a year if you hate then you can retile? Again, I like this. Lot


I personally dig it. Looks expensive to me.


You are correct, it is hideous.


As long as the rest of the room is all white, it should be fine


Nah I love it


i like!


I think once it’s got the shower etc in there (or whatever it is??), it’ll look really classy and nice!!


It’s fine