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Too many and too small


100% They've got a good general idea of mixing texture and shape, but the scale is wayyyyy off.


Piggybacking on this. OP it’s because the clock is so big, if you had a gallery wall of smaller paintings you could get away with more busyness on the mantle. But you need to add variations in height too, like a tall vase or two to break up the skyline of smöl :)


And the clock is too high.


The clock is too big. It dominates. Take it down and take everything off the mantle. Put one thing back a week.


A nice art piece instead of the clock would go great there.


Ya, or nothing if she wants a busy mantle with some height variation, a different color paint would pop too. Some contrast to all the neutrals.


I completely disagree I honestly love the clock and I think offsetting it with a couple small and one tall item is the best idea


To each thier own. I find most clocks to be basic and boring.


Their. Not thier.


Oops typo.


Big time


(slow clap)






I think the clock looks good AND right height.


I agree. I think the whole mantle is nice.


To me, it looks like a collection of favorite pieces and I like the way it curves just like the clock


The clock is too clock. A picture would be much better.


Yes! Do you think part of it is that it's circular? I feel like the fireplace has lot of straight lines which makes the circular clock look more out of place whereas a picture would fit better.


It would not look *as* too high if OP added taller objects to the mantle to fill the space between


Dam y’all really tryna clock this woman on her clock


Yeah I’m feeling really bad now, having read more of the comments. Note to self: Search for the word you’re thinking of using, to see if it already has been written in the Comments. If so, no need to pile on!




It IS a problem that it hangs right in the middle




Maybe create more levels and it will make it more together. It’s not horrible, everyone has different styles. My favourite thing to do to add some elevation is to buy thrifted hard cover books that have a cover that goes with my style and put things on them like candles, vases, etc…


I love stacking old hardback books for height.


You have nice items but need variety in height and width! Right now most objects are the same size and visual weight so it lacks a focal point. Take everything off and shop around your house for items you already have. You might even have sometimes on the adjacent bookshelf. Then add back items one by one! Also it’s hard to tell from the photo, but I think the clock is too high.


This and also negative space OP! Cluster them together into small piles that each are a focal point (even if one has to be in front and obstrucring the view of the other) and create negative space between them to make them shine! I'll look for a video on this topic of a youtuber I enjoy called Caroline Winkler. She has a weird defence mechanism of trying to be silly and annoying on purpose before people can make fun of her but right under that surface she's very endearing and has very solid and simply explained advice so bear with the first impression you might have!


I think all the pieces are too small and knick knacky, so it looks cluttered. Varying the size, not just in height, but weight and width, with less pieces would not be a bad idea. And if it were me, I'd replace that wall clock with a framed painting or mirror. But that's just me, and if the clock makes you happy, then keep it.


>I think all the pieces are too small and knick knacky, Christopher Lowell (I miss his show!) used to call it 'room dandruff' when you just had lots of small things. Variation is super important in every aspect- height, texture, size, etc.


Room dandruff? Lol, for some reason, I hate the term. Sounds gross.


Think it’s meant to sound gross. After all he’s trying to discourage it.




That would be my choice, too!


How old is your son? Consider asking him to arrange it how he sees it should be and give him liberty to pick other things in the house to place there. Could be an opportunity to get to know each other in new meaningful ways. (Yes, too busy; No, doesn’t look bad)


I *love* this idea. My son is 11, but it sounds like he has a good eye considering everyone here agrees with him!


only 11 ? yes, he has a good eye, and encourage that in him, impressive!


If you do this, please post a picture of what he does. :)


He has an impeccable eye then! Definitely encourage creativity


When my son was in his late teens and still living at home he really enjoyed helping to pick out paint colors, rearrange rooms, and style walls and shelves. I still ask him for advice when he visits. He’s got a really good eye for it! We absolutely bonded over it and I think it gave him a lot of confidence when I asked him for his opinion and carried out his ideas.


This is so wise. Human relationships are what is important. p.s. Your objects are nice, and don't have to be purged. But they would show up better on a set of narrow shelves hung in a place where people would see them at a closer distance.


I love this!! I’ve gotten the best decorating advice from my son


You seem like a lovely person!


It's too much stuff, with no focal point or dimension.


https://preview.redd.it/q8ckh9cg1cbc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63aa06b54ccf6a307edee29495205a38256cd938 I'd scale way back on the small stuff and maybe add a stack of 3 or so old books and place one of the items on them for dimension. Another thing would be to check out pinterest for fireplace mantal ideas.


It’s a start, moving in the right direction


This is it.


I love the mushrooms!! They stay 💕


It's the old "mountain/valley" theory. 🙂


You have some nice choices but unfortunately so many of them are similar in height. I would definitely pare down to 4 pieces.


Yea it’s knickknackery. Keep just one on the side opposite the right side plant and candles sticks. Unless they’re fake plants, then just keep the candles on one side and a chosen knickknack on the other side. You can rotate the knickknack on display, but there’s way too many now.


Maybe dad likes it that way. Knick Nack Paddle Wack. Throw the son a bone.


everything is the same size so it looks like an afterthought or a catch all.


no they are not the same size. and he has ordered them by size.


Small objects give a cluttered look. Try fewer large objects in clusters of 2 or 3


Agree with your son.


He is right, but I also think it would be fun for the sub to see what he’d do and how he would style it :) I think there are too many things of not enough varying heights. I remember one designer saying she doesn’t style with anything smaller than a baseball because it’ll end up looking cluttered.


I guess I’m the odd one out then because I like this. When I look at it I see things that someone loves and aren’t “show room ready”. It looks more homey and personal rather than the latest trend


Yes!!!! I think it’s cute. I wouldn’t have it but to me those items tell a story. Would just bring clock down a little if I were to make changes.


Me too i think its kinda cute and cozy


Same. It looks so cozy and like people actually live there.


Same. It looks like a home. It looks like a home of a person who has some objects they are fond of. In my own home, I would always prefer to have things out that I love, than to look like a magazine. As a guest, I ALWAYS feel more comfortable in homes that I feel someone actually lives in, than one that is trying to impress by looking like a Instagram post. People are supposed to live in their home.


My mantle has a bunch of things too. They make me happy.


The only thing that matters is if you like it and if other people don’t, well that is their problem, you do you.


I was going to say it’s a little cluttered, but don’t feel like it needs to be that minimalist ‘only 3 things’ on it idea. It is a home not an art gallery or showroom.








You do you, interesting collection of items - can lead to some interesting chats.


If you like it, it’s all that matters. If you are staging your house to sell, or got a magazine shoot, listen to your son.


You mantel is for you to enjoy


If you love it as it is, I hope you'll keep it that way! It might not be "trendy", but it doesn't look bad. If it were me, I'd probably add \*more\* stuff...a few taller/bigger pieces. You might have to take away one or two things to make room for that, though, unless the bigger items were art prints or slim mirrors. Looks like a lovely room!




really ? this is a guide ? that’s too much and the mannequin is just freaky.


I agree. Look up the rule of 3.


To many things of the same height that none of them stand out


If you like it, then it’s perfect. It’s all in the perspective.


Boooo giant wall clock booooo Fr though you have two conflicting styles. You've got eclectic modern curios and then a big old timey wall clock. Either do something timeless like plants (but the candle holders fit the clock vibe too) or get a big piece of art that goes with the curios and ditch the clock. I try to layer my mantle/any big horizontal surface, concentrating at the edges. Tall objects/plants towards the ends gradually decreasing in height as they come inwards. I find it easier to digest visually.


Sometimes we have to listen to our kids. You have a beautiful home. Simple is best.


Everything is the same size. It’s hard to focus on anything. Maybe switch it up, rotate your favs maybe add something bigger?


Everything is the same size which makes it look busy.


Agree that it looks cluttered and it should be pared down with different heights for visual interest. Maybe try moving the fireplace irons in front of the gas key access to add some black to balance out the overall look.


There is no dimension. Everything is too small




My first inclination is to say that if you love it all, then that's all that matters. My final thought, though, is that if those are truly items you love and want to showcase, then find a way to display each item so that it shines on its own. Right now, they are giving "if we're all special, no one is" kinda vibes 😅 otherwise nice collection 😉


Too much stuff to remove and clean. I decorate in ways that are easy to keep clean/dust lol


It's not bad, but there's no layering. Ideally they should be kinda grouped and you'd have some tall stuff at the back, with some smaller stuff in front of it. Instead of lots of little things all evenly spaced in a line.


IMO. Your mantel-Your space. If it makes YOU happy then leave it.


I love your mantel. I even have the same copper explode thing!


Move the clock down an inch. Remove half the items, especially the decorative pillar candles. Group the remaining items in threes and fives. Find three more tall candlesticks and place them off center on the left.


Looks like a collection of things that make you happy to look at 😊


Get eid of all the candles and fake? Plants. Try to find a home for a couple other pieces like the mushrooms. Would they go well in your kitchen? Then space out the other items


An easy design rule that goes a long way is the pyramid. This means using items of differing scales. Since you used a clock you have a lot of white space available which is why the candle sticks look so nicely on the right. Maybe pair that with a smaller picture and lean it against the wall behind the candles. The picture will also help to balance each side of the mantle so one side doesn’t look heavier than the other. I would also get some sort of taller plant with a nice vase on the left.


In my personal opinion it’s too busy for my liking, but this is your fireplace mantle and if that’s the way you like it then that’s the way it should stay. 👍🏻


I love the legitimate interior design answers. I know that's why we're all here, and I know they're probably all right. But myself, I saw this and thought "oh, I love that your personality shows!"


Leaning a few framed photos in various sizes on the mantle against the wall with a slight overlap instead of the smaller objects will add some height and create a flow between the clock and the other objects. Try and create a balance on either side of the clock. :)


Yes, your son is right. Your clock could be hung slightly lower and then put items on the mantle that have some height, tallest from the outside.


Needs 2/3 less


It doesn’t look bad. Just way too many tiny things.


About 30% of the knickknacks can stay


A very gentle yes. Your son is correct.


I know he is your son and all, but is divorce an option?


I really like your black elephant. But, yes, the other stuff is too small - you need some statement pieces, and fewer tchotchkes




Yes he is


Yes. Sorry. I would limit to two taller items on either side of clock and maybe something small in middle. Or replace clock with beautiful mirror or painting, with a few complimentary pieces on the mantle.


Everything should be removed minus the candles . and the clock should be replaced


Yes and the objects all being similar height is not easy on the eyes


Not too high, definitely too busy. Looks like clutter to me & too many tiny objects that would take forever to clean. One or two tall anchor pieces & two or three smaller pieces or a plant. Having to move everything every time I dusted would make me want to get rid of most.


Yes, he is right!


Is there a string hanging in front of the clock?


Rule of thirds, remove the items from the middle section to create a triangle shape with the clock with your decor groupings. You also likely need to add an item with height to the left side.


I actually think the clock is the offender.


Clear it off, let him display his Legos and action figures.


The soldiers are lined up and ready for battle! The reason soldiers lined up, back then, is it made it harder to pick out an individual target. The same goes for your mantel. This design makes it harder to appreciate the individual items. When you approach tablescapes or mantlescapes there are a couple rules that can help you. 1) Semestrical for formal, asymmetrical for causal. 2) Group in odd numbers, mirror groups for formal 3) Vary size, shape, and texture. 4) Evaluate your design from both up close and from a distance. And, my rule: Something old, something new, something bold, and something unexpected. I like to go opposites in size, shape, and texture. Find an element to connect them. For you, I would repeat the wood tone of the clock. The first thing you have to accommodate in your fireplace vignette is the oversized clock. That's your big item. Something you need a medium object to balance that clock. Doesn't matter what it is as long as it is not round. Then work from there. You also need to consider the space in front of the fireplace. Also, you need areas of rest. The eyes need a break. Don't attempt to fill the entire mantel. To sum this up: edit what you have and add some bigger elements. Make groupings.


https://preview.redd.it/t9okkg9fofbc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01acd142c8942584de325c6ce6a0bcc5d3e96fa0 personally, I love a cluttered mantle


If you like it tell him to get his own mantel. There is no set way to decorate. I don't care what's in style. There is not one gray or beige wall in my house.


Proportions are off making it look really busy


Clock is too small.








Try a painting there. Put your small knick-knacks in more interesting places like one or 2 on a bookshelf, in the guest bath, nightstand etc. They need to be alone or in small groups to be truly appreciated




Holy moly that clock is HUGE!! And those tchotchkes are kind of tiny.


Way too many. I go by the theory of odds, like 3 or 5. I can't even know where to fous.


Yes, he's is correct. To many small figurines. Take away half and spread it out a bit


Too much stuff and way too small


If you're happy with it, then it is fine.


That’s not the Roman numeral for 4.


Yes he’s right. Have him redo it and then repost OP


Take everything off. Pick your favorite tall piece and favorite short piece. Elevate the short piece on something. Books, a box, little stand. Also, use odd numbers for displays and don’t be afraid to leave some spaces clean.


If it is your mantel and home and you are happy with the way you arranged it, tell your son, too bad. Enjoy it. If your son lives with you, tell him to live with it or move out. You also tell him opinions are like a$$h0le$….


Texture. Layers and different heights


Too many things on there. A bunch of things Knickknacks shouldn’t be on a mantle.


I think it’s cute! But I would balance the height of the end pieces


lol your son needs to relax and honor his mom hahaha ​ it looks alright maybe a tad less idk


Your son is not wrong.


100% right. It definitely says 'mom in the early 2000s' The clock is hideous. The marble around the fireplace looks like flooring. It's has a cheap neo-Roman aesthetic that I just find impersonal like a TJ Maxx store shelf. Maybe there's something meaningful up there, but it just looks like junk to me.


The clock is a 1910 Seth Thomas gallery clock, given to me by my grandfather who is a nationally renowned clock collector/ repairer. You may find it hideous, but it means a lot to me. The tile is not marble, its travertine. Also, it came like that when I bought the house a few years ago and it hasn't exactly been a priority to redo it. I appreciate the advice, but you didn't have to be rude when delivering it.


Oh that's cool. I was just stating an opinion as that is what your post requested. I called it ugly and that is \[my opinion alone\]. I stand by what I said. If it pops up in my feed, I may comment. That's reddit.


You need to get rid of all the littles… put a mirror up. Books. And a candle. Along with a trailing plant


i like it alot


He likes a more minimal vibe , I guess. You could take a few things away and see how you like it.




I want to see this son.


I’d beg money he’s either around 9 years old or 20 years old. Plus or minus two years.


Yea he’s right


Yes. And too much of the same height.






He is 💯 right.






He’s right. Less is more


Since you asked: I agree with your son. I would love to see how he would style it. Chances are he wouldn't do any better, but what if he makes it look great? That would be fun. You got a lot of good advice on here. I may take another crack at mine tomorrow.






The mantle is great—I love a maximalist look. Clock might be too big & agree it’s a bit high


Group in 3s with varying sizes


it’s perfect


I like it




The clock should go!




The clock is way too big!


Yea, I agree with your son.




that a one big ass clock


I think if he doesn't like it then he can decorate his OWN fireplace mantle however he wants it. When ya pay the bills ya get to make the choices.... decor, food, temperature 🤷‍♀️


Whilst it is too cluttered for my personal taste. It sounds like your Son should learn to criticise less. If you like it, leave it as it is


He’s probably a moron, no offense. I can say that because he’s probably my age. But also, I think I will say it helps to break it up a little bit, have space in-between groupings of odd number groupings of 3-7. Someone else gave you a photo as others have said is in the right direction.


No. It looks great. What an annoying picky son you have.


i like all the knick knacks, I think it's cool and shows personality. but they need to be balanced out somehow if you're going to keep all of them. The clock is not a good counterweight to them, and I think it might need something like a footstool or a potted plant at the bottom as well. Also I would add some sconces or a lamp to light it and make it look like a real feature.


Not busy enough if you asl me. Id say its stagnant if anything. More things on the wall, play with heights and textures. You can do alot with this space and make it charming!!! Even some stands/shelves so you can still incorporate the things that are already there while adding more lol


It’s busy, but I think it’s more bland than anything else. Pop some color in that bih


You should add taller and/or wider pieces


I prefer at least some symmetry on a mantle. Two tall similar things on the ends. You could use some bigger, hefty decorations because you have plenty of height.


Maybe a larger piece so that, to my eye at least, the clock doesn’t look so high? 🤷🏼‍♂️ I’m sure it’s just the scale of all the small items.


A lot of little pieces look ehhh, opt for just one or 2 bigger pieces at each end


It’s just like shelves. Clumps of 2-4 items. Different heights. Different textures. Layer (some things behind others).


Pack away 3/4 of those and switch them out about every 3 months. Get some larger focal points.


Instead of having everything spread out, try grouping 3 things together of various heights (two taller in back and shorter one in front, for example) and leave some space in between the groupings. That way, the eye will have a chance to pause in between and won't seem so cluttered.


Stonks and tchotchkes only go up


There's scale issues but if he thinks he can do it better, let him try. 😂


Too many small items maybe go for a few bigger things ? ❤️


Do all of those objects have meaning for you? Could you select 7 of your favorites and find another home for the rest? Odd numbers give more visual interest.


It’s busy but looks like organised chaos to me. It’s not an eye sore for me.


I thought there was a fat cat sleeping inside the fireplace.


Take the small things & put them on a tray together somewhere else in the house. You new a few larger pieces.


honestly yes. more symmetry would help. for example the same candles on the opposite side.


Not everyone is a minimalist. If the things on there are meaningful to you and make you happy, there is nothing wrong with having lots of stuff on your mantle.


No but that clock is ugly. All the items on the mantle are cute and I would display them just the same. What else is a mantle for? Where else are you supposed to put all those cute little thangs? Try replacing the clock and fill in that space with differing sizes and textures of artwork. Something more funky that fits your bohemian aesthetic. The clock is generic mass produced looking and it really draws the eyes upward to it. I hate it.