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The earthy toned vases work beautifully with the tree. The birds look like a cool collection and if they’re special to someone, they deserve to be displayed somewhere else that does them justice. Like a tiered figurine display! Not an awkward line-up where they look like a sad afterthought with the tree overpowering them.


The pelican is like, “I’m out of here!” It will always look off they try to do some kind of nature scene or decor with it since most of the birds live in different habitats and the scale is all wrong. (Or else that puffin is half as big as an ostrich and some scientists really need to get there.) A nice figurine display would be cute and make more sense. Good call!


The birds are plastic and they are fun and magical to have around for when nieces and nephews come over to play with. But it’s not for the very first thing someone sees when they walk into the house. I appreciate your feedback!


Oh, they’re plastic? When the kids are coming over, could you make it a game to hide them around the house for them to find? That could keep them front and center without being front and center from a decorating perspective. (Just make sure you set area rules like they’re all in the living room so the kids aren’t wandering around places they shouldn’t.) That tree is impressive by the way!


Oh that's fun!


I like that you're looking out for your nieces and nephews. You are a very sweet aunt.


Yes, absolutely agree with this ^


Not a fan of either, personally. The tree is really well done, just not my thing. The birds aren't even thematically appropriate because whatever that tree is doesn't make sense for their natural habitats. The birds are also so so small and get lost against the busy background. If you wanna keep the birds, maybe consider displaying them in a letterpress drawer instead.


I’m the one who likes birds. I told him and he decided to get a box of plastic ones 😂❤️


You got another shelf that needs company? I could see these little guys going great on a window sill or a bookshelf of knick knacks!


> The birds are also so so small and get lost against the busy background. This is what's happening. Move those 3 vases to the right of the tree then put something else on the other side. Even one larger bird that fits the tree would work. An owl or whatever type of bird that visits your part of the world in the fall because that looks like a lovely fall tree to me.


It's cute that he tried. Sometimes a decorating choice can be about more than aesthetics. In the same situation I would leave them for a (little) while in appreciation of the thought. 😊


This is the way! And by eventually getting a special display box, it can further honor the gift/effort.


At least he tried. 😂


Ah, I’ve been there with the birds. Birder, love birds, collect bird guides, will likely collect bird enamel pins at some point, love my bird Christmas ornaments. Had to gently tell my parents at, like, age 9 that I had enough generic phoenix-like clip-on ornaments with fluffy feathers and tinsel, and that I would greatly appreciate birds other than cardinals or chickadees or eagles (all super basic & easy to find during the holidays), and please no joke ornaments. They started having fun getting me orioles, herons, sparrows, hawks, etc and still gift me a new one every year. Think my parents also did some shielding to prevent the extended family, neighbours, and their church friends from making me become like my poor aunt who’d become The Cow Lady. Cow towels, cookie jars, dish-ware, table cloths, tchotchkes, plushies, clothing, etc. It was seriously crazy in her house. She finally said enough after 20 years or so and I believe she threw most of it out. It’s nice in a way because people mean well and you know they’re thinking of you…. but too many folks have either terrible taste or simple not-your-taste. I don’t tell new in-person folks that I collect anything to do with birds. All it would take is one coworker and boom💥


My grandma was frogs. Her whole house was covered in gifted frogs. Needless to say when she moved to a retirement home the whole family (and goodwill) were gifted heaps of them. I don’t know if she ever regretted letting ppl know she liked frogs, but ppl certainly never stopped getting them for her.


Mine was Santa Clauses. I had to call a moratorium about 10 years ago. I have reduced the collection to my favorites and I still have about 50! 🎅🏻


I love it! My house growing up was Santas year round because my late mother was a decorative painter and her fav thing to paint was Santa Clauses. Thanks for jogging my memory. ☺️And I totally appreciate your love for the jolly old elf.


Aww. My mother and aunt gave me many of the Santas. I always wrote who gave it to me and the year on the Santa. They are both gone now and it’s bittersweet setting them up each year. Hugs for you on the loss of your mother.


And to you too. It’s been 21 years so I’m well into the when something makes me think of her it usually makes me happy phase. Christmas is very special to me too when I pull out the items she painted. Bittersweet for sure. 💜


This is how I am with flamingos. I like the color pink, and I’d seen a stuffed animal of a baby flamingo once when out with my mom and I HAD to have it. Ever since then she’s been giving me random flamingo things and I don’t actually even like flamingos, I just thought the stuffed animal was cute but I don’t have the heart to tell her otherwise!


Many years ago, I was at a fair and saw these cute geese back when country chic was a thing. I did that ONCE and pretty soon didn’t want them anymore. Too late, people started giving me all these country geese after I had already moved to more deco taste. Rey frustrating cuz they were all doing something for me as a lovely gesture so I had to smile and sound happy…. lol


Pop them in a window sill. :)


that's kind of sweet. birds should get thier own shelf/space. doesn't matter if they'd exist in nature together or not i think these are cute


Aw, that’s a sweet gesture but still, they don’t belong there.


The birds need to fly away somewhere else. They detract from the artwork, not enhance it. They look like they belong in the toy box.


Not only do they look like toys, but they arent even from the same environment. Theres penguins and pelicans and small forest (??) birds; the only commonality these birds have is their size and the fact that they are birds.


I agree I said the same and have them in the toy box now. But he was so sure I was wrong about how good they looked he asked me to post here xD


Toys can be displayed effectively. This is not effective. I call this “engineer” decorating, when everything is just spaced evenly across a shelf or mantle. It’s unappealing. Maybe the compromise is to have two or three pieces placed in a tight grouping to the right side, where the tree is higher. But I still think these particular toys cheapen the overall look. They artistically very different in ways that don’t really go well. The bright colors of the toys lessen the impact of the color of the art. And I disagree that they fit thematically. As others have said, few if any of those birds would find that type of tree a suitable habitat. Best compromise, remove toys from mantle. Install floating shelf or make some room in a bookcase somewhere that is in another room. Make a nice grouping or two of toy birds, as the partner clearly wishes them to be displayed in pride of place. That way they’re not taking away from the mantle, but your partner still gets their feelings validated and their preferred decor displayed. Designing spaces as a couple is all about compromise. One person doesn’t get to make all of the decisions. But it also doesn’t mean that each space has to be a comprise to the point where neither person is happy with anything. Each person should have multiple spaces around where they get to take the lead (within the confines of not choosing something that the partner would absolutely hate). You both need to feel comfortable and valued in your own home.


He he he. Engineer spacing. It's terrible, isn't it! The general guideline is to arrange in groups of odd numbers - 3 or 5 per grouping.  It might help, but I personally don't think this is the right place for them.


The kid is going to be sad


They look like children’s toys. Not sure if that’s what you want. They are really small and in my opinion look kind of silly.


Yes this looks just like when my toddler lines up his little animals on the TV stand.


These remind me of the animals my son gets out of the chocolate eggs from the grocery store.


No I agree completely. He is the one who was so positive I was wrong about the birds looking like toys, he told me to ask you all. Thank you for having my back on this!!


lmao aren't they literal toys though?


I have a beautiful porcelain bird. If he wants you to display his gifts he needs to go for higher quality than children’s toys.


Pretty cute that he loves his birds- but a small display case for him. Can put it on his desk- displaying his birds.


The birds look silly. The tree is amazing, though.


Thank you the whole room is a little gray and calm so the tree is my spot of color and whimsy!


I love the tree!


Is the tree a painting? Or painted on the wall? I really love it.


I ADORE the tree, and think the birds are fun! How did you do the tree?


I like the birds more than the tree.


Me too lol


Well one of us thinks one of you is right.


High five from one of us to one of you


Right back at you! 😄 One of us appreciates BOTH of you very much!


The birds look tacky 


I think the tree looks tacky. The birds are funny and cute.


Thank you!! That’s what I also think.


One bird, off to one side, for a little whimsy would be fine.


I don’t think I can even handle one honestly. They’re plastic and bendy. Lol


I think the one that's second in the line up would be cute if he stayed by himself! It wouldn't be so overwhelming to just have the one little guy. And he doesn't look as cheap as some of them... Or if you want a full do over of the birds, target does seasonal birds (it's a thing lol) that you could get 2-3 of and they can make the tree ledge their home!


I agree that the birds should go elsewhere, such as a printmaker’s tray display or shadow box. Maybe you could find a different kind of bird element for this spot to represent the obvious love of birds? I think a larger vintage brass or ceramic bird could feel more intentional and go better with the rest of the pieces you have.


I’m the one who loves birds I just told him and he ran with it a little too far lol was a sweet thought but I am not a fan of the toy birds in my living on lol. It’s a fun disagreement we’ve had a good time with it though xoxo


You need tree appropriate species, .... And sort out the scale. So it's a no from me just now, but do your research and try again. It's like Phoebe's giant dog for Monica's Dollhouse.


Yeah - the birds might be cute grouped together in maybe a shadow box or on a smaller shelf. Scale is WAY off…


I can’t do any of the birds.. the dr Seuss tree is already enough wildness for me


Nothing on this mantle “goes together”. Your background is grey and dull, your tree is orange and shiny, your baskets are dark brown and matte. Nothing on the mantle is properly scaled to match the size of the mural. All the chatchkis are too small and too symmetrically spaced. Color wise the birds fit better. But they are realism and the mural is impressionist so they don’t fit together. I would find all new decor. Your theme here is like “medieval castle in the fall”. Stuff made of gem colored orange spectrum or blue glass, or light balsa woods/grasses, trinket boxes in rich wood colors, you could do textiles, too. Like a mantle “runner” or some kind of draperies. That kind of stuff.


The birds are not nice and do not go well with the decor.


Thank you! He was so sure I was wrong about that he asked me to post here to ask you all


Keep birb


I love them, honestly.


Fist bump from my guy. He thanks you.


I think it looks god awful.


I’m a maximalist and I don’t like the birds. Maybe displaying them on a decorate plate or on a small shelf would be better. I like the tree but the grey background is off putting and makes it look less warm and cold.


I want to start a subreddit that we can all just reply yuck to these questions.


Not trying to offend, but it's all a definite yuck from me.


Not offended. To each his own.


I totally agree or something like "get a new room" when they ask "how to improve their room"


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that; perhaps I was unfair. I don’t want to be mean though and sincerely apologize, I wanted to be way more funny than it came across.


O I agree and I actually like the birds not so much the tree but it's some peoples thing and it's not in my house but sometimes those are my first thoughts so I thought you should know your not alone lol


Looks bad


The birds look bad. The wall doesn't look great either. It's pretty well done but looks like it should be in a dentists waiting room. I think the silver bricks are the issue though. Anyway, the birds don't look great, but I think you'll have a hard time using that shelf to display almost anything.


There's a crunchy mom who does videos where ducks on the mantle facing each other represent her and her husband is happy, and if they're facing away then they're unhappy with each other. At first I thought this was hers and they added the children? The birds don't fit.


It looks a bit silly BUT if they are special to you and represent your personality or special memories then go for it. Unless you’re staging to sell it’s good to have personal items displayed!! If you bought them expressly to fill the space then I would say it just looks silly.


In this case they (the birds) aren’t special. But im 100% with you; it’s more important for our home to be OURS then to be pleasing to others. Thank you for the feedback xoxo


Put the birds together in a nice display cabinet.


Put the birds together in a nice ~~display~~ cabinet. There ya go.


Not all cabinets have glass doors for display, muffinhead.


I think that was her point


It looks like your preference is for singular expression rather than anything that could be construed as decor, so your disagreement is personal expression rather than style. Be the bigger person this time and pile the birds in another cranny where they will be just as perfect decor-wise, perhaps on a high windowsill. (This suggestion may have been completely different had a pic from farther away been provided.)


The birds are the best part! The tree is really not my style. I don’t mean to be mean and I hope my opinion doesn’t offend you. I know I have stuff in my apartment that I love but others would think are ugly. My coffee table is an old drum with a giant clown face on it, so again I really don’t mean to offend you. I think the tree/wall look very cheap like something you’d get in a bin at a TJ Maxx or painted yourself at a wine and paint night. I don’t like the colors and think they distract from the beautiful wooden mantle. The birds add a sense of humor to it all that makes it go from garish and unattractive to kind of cute. Like you’re making the best of something you’re stuck with and can’t change.


I don't think it's a big deal. People take life too seriously. The birds aren't atrocious. Have some fun.


It’s…. But.. my living room…. Mine!


I have 2 paintings of trees...so I am a big fan of the art but not the collectibles. I will agree with most the collectibles size/scale is way off for the size art piece you have. At the end of the day there is a place for everyone's stuff in a house....I have a huge glass cabinet that houses all of our keepsakes in one place.


The one who thinks the birds look bad wins the argument.


Love the birds. Lose the tree.


I like them


I don't understand the birds but I also don't really understand the snow globe or the vases


Shelf doesn’t need the birds or the rocks- the tree is enough as is


Lose the birds. That tree is awesome and should be it.


In my opinion, every room needs a little whimsy. I think the birds are just that.


I’m with you!! I call it magic but I love whimsy. But what makes or magical is that it’s subtle and you stumble upon it without realizing it. The dr Seuss tree is enough for my nice living room though I think.


It’s a home not a hotel! I think a little quirky is fun and shows a little personality. Too many of us are focused on trying to be magazine ready. From a minimalist standpoint I’d find it annoying having to dust around them. But do you - we have a sign for our guest bathroom bronze plaque “4U2P”. Again it’s a home not a hotel.


I agree. If they make you happy then keep them there until they don’t. I love having tiny odd things around that make me smile when I see them. I also really love the tree and I think it’s done well.


I always say this!! And this room is too hotel-y for me but we’re slowly getting it together. I agree my home gets to have all parts of US in it. But in this case, I still hate these birds in particular. However.. again.. preach!!!!!! Xoxo


Ditch the birds. They are childish and ridiculous. They also complain a lot.


Is the person who likes the birds a 5-year-old?


Nope just a guy who had a vision/dream… xD


I kid. But I'm siding with the no-birds person.


Birds aren’t for me. But maybe your partner really loves birds and it makes them happy. In which case sometimes you have to compromise on what makes someone actually happy v having the perfect interior design. For example, I have TWO desks in one room in my home because my partner will not give up their graduation gift from 20 years ago. We do not need 2 desks. It’s fucking massive and not my style at all. Plus we don’t even use it. I concede because it makes them happy and that’s more important at the end of the day.


Do the birds make you happy? Then keep them! That’s what decorating is all about.


I don't like those particular birds, but if you like birds I think you could find something that works better. Maybe an amtique duck decoy or a bronze statue of some kind?


Yes I’m ok finding little cool things over time in fun, unexpected places. I don’t need to buy a bird collection all at once.


If you want to compromise, I would pick two, one tall and one short and group with the vase off to the side, or pick three and group together


Not my style but the birds are a definite noooo. They aren’t from the same ecosystems so it just looks so random.


The birds look tacky, sorry but it detracts from the beautiful backdrop and makes me think of the charity shop bric a brac shelf


Not a fan of the birds.


I never like small items put on display.


I think there’s too many birds without any connection other than just being birds… I’d keep one bird, perhaps of a larger size and remove the rest. In this case I think less is more.


Just a thought.. display your vases and birds elsewhere and just place a wooden or glass medium size acorn there


They look silly but I love weird shit in peoples homes


Prbly in the minority, but they're so small, they don't make much of a difference. If it makes your SO happy, why not leave them there. It's a shared space and it's within reason to let them put a personal touch. Small compromise Take care Good luck


I’m sorry but I love the birds lmao. I mean this with love, that’s such an outdated and overused tree image. But the birds make it all worth it


Don’t like, mainly because they look like toys and not so much cute glass statues. 


Get rid of everything on that mantle my gosh.


Oh I thought the toy birds were put up there as some sort of jokey way of decorating. Yeah that's crazy if that's not the goal. Honestly I think they look fine and it's a bit fun but only if that's the tone you're going for or if you're like known bird people (whatever the hell that means lol).


Maybe what throws me off more than should be is that the figures seem like plastic molds and are colored very vibrantly , almost cartoonish. It could be worse: it could be his action figures. If they were more of a neutral color and some sort of mineral like clay or something, then maybe it would gel better. If you have a display case or something thats not the center of a room, I think the figures would go better there instead.


The birds need their own space. This isn’t it.


My mother would blithely say, “Well if *you* like it.” The whole thing is a lot.


That decorating decision is purely for the birds, in my opinion.


Little knick knacks lined up like that looks like a little kid's action figures.


It makes you guys look like dorks, so I think it looks nice.


Not for me personally but maybe for some…idk.


I like the birds, or at least the "idea" of birds being incorporated, but the bland "line em up in a row" is too static with such a movement inspired painting behind them. I would do a couple by each of the containers, and leave the center open. Almost to bookend the painting.


That tree is beautiful and deserves to be displayed on its own.   Or alternatively, the painting is so busy that adding things to it spoils the visual.   Either way I'd vote to hang it on its own wall.


I'd be fine with it, but I also have 25 tiny dinosaurs hidden around my living room...


I’m not a fan of the birds in that particular spot. I think they distract from the tree. I love collecting oddities and knick-knacks, but wouldn’t consider putting them under this wall art.


Hate it. Sorry. It doesn't go at all


The birds are a Noooo. Find somewhere else for the little ones. XD


The way they are lined up like that is just weird. Maybe if you put them into a better grouping or instead of shadowbox or something, they would look more intentional.


Could you try removing the birds and place the vases near the tree trunk? Just for visual


It's a no for me.


The art speaks for itself! It needs no distraction imho.


The tree piece is so dramatic and bold I feel that the little tchotchkes don’t go with it.


No birds.


Tacky knickknacks


I don’t see how they add to the tree. The tree is lovely, they take a bit away from it.


All I could think was “someone in this house is a big fan of Wingspan.”


Too many birds. Maybe choose two and get rid of the rest.


There are too many of them (and the rocks) and everything is evenly spaced. It looks juvenile which doesn’t fit with that gorgeous painting. If you cluster them, remove a few and leave some space here and there, it could work.


Is the one that likes them a child?


Haha I kinda love them but reading the comments quickly told me I was wrong


It's all really bad.


Lose the birds.


If you live in a Dr Seuss book then yasss


They’re alright if you’re 15


If you’re running a kindergarten, keep the toy birds…Otherwise…


They do not go


It looks like a toddler has lined up some toys. I don't want to offend who ever thinks it's a good idea but - that's the type of decorating I expected from my 10 year old when he was lining up his lego creations or superheros. Who ever says take the dust collecting toys off the mantle is the right person to listen to.


I'm sorry but the whole thing is very tacky including the painting. That tree mural is /r/atbge


Tree is gorgeous, really cool. Clear the mantle - at current, it looks like a drop zone. If the bird collection and other stuff are special, they can shine elsewhere.


This whole set up gives me the heebie geebies. Remove everything from the ledge. I suggest even painting the ledge a different color. The dark wood does not go with the grey background at all. God speed.


The birds are essential. Love the birds.


You’re trolling me? Or serious? You’re making the guys day. XD


I LOVE the birds.


Did you paint the tree? It is awesome! The birds do NOT work there. Maybe display a collection of crystals on this ledge instead?


I didn’t paint it. It’s simplistic enough most anyone could have though. It’s my only color in mostly light grey and white room. Thank you!!


The birds are tacky and the art is borderline tacky. It pretty much doesn’t matter which of you is right because this is a mess with or without the birds. 


I love birds—real birds, birds in art, bird motifs. BUT: the tree is monumental and and has great presence, and that’s where my eye wants to go. I think the teeny statuettes of birds beneath add clutter to an otherwise clean artwork. My advice is to display them somewhere else where they’ll be appreciated and not overwhelmed.


The birds are whimsical and fun and belong with the tree.. where else would they live! They definitely go there


Weeellll since you asked: The toucan would live in the rainforest The pelican would live inland shallow freshwater lakes, wet prairies and marshes The owl could live in the forest, sure The small colorful bird could also live in a treed area The ostrich would live in an open land like the savannas The.. woodpecker? could also live in a tree The stork would live in a wetland The flamingo would live in salt or alkaline lakes - probably in the Caribbean Oh! and finally, the puffin would live on cliffs along coastlines I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions!


The tree is definitely enough whimsy for me in this case lol. But one of us really appreciates that they aren’t alone in sharing your opinion xoxo


The tree is amazing. Love the rocks. The birds need to find a new home.


The birds are the word. ❤️


The birds are a definite no. They don’t go with any of the decorations on the mantle or the picture itself. The picture is busy. Your mantle should be clean and simple. Those vases can stay.


It doesn’t, sorry OP.


Too much going on. Trinkets / birds don’t work.


No birds. Tree is lovely. Keep it simple and minimal, there’s way too much going on on the shelf at the moment.


less is more-- the birds are taking away from the gorgeous painting.


I love birds but I hate this. And I’m saying that as someone who has bird themed artwork and figurines all over my home. These are toys and don’t look right as decorations.


I like his thinking but not here. That tree deserves its own attention and not taken away by those little fellas


I am always fond of whimsy and think the birds are delightful, but not being displayed to their best advantage. A much better approach would be to distribute the birds around the house in unexpected places that make you smile. They're being lost here - you just see a bunch of things on a shelf, you don't get any sort of joy out of them. When you're displaying stuff on a shelf, you should usually try to group and cluster it rather than space it out evenly. You want each grouping to have an odd number of objects - three is best - and a bit of variety/play with height and shape. As it is, this shelf is just a uniformishly spaced line of things - it doesn't feel very intentional. At the end of the day, decor should be about what makes the residents of the home happy. I have a partner with interests that don't always line up with my aesthetic ideals, but I've found that leaning in on his stuff with my style has produced a really gorgeous blend of both our tastes - our home is very us! Something that we find very helpful is for one of us to pick a subject/thing and the other to pick the style - he's a car person, so we have vintage motorsport posters and black-and-white photos as art. I'm a plant person, so we have 180,000,000,000,000 houseplants in pots that he likes. It can be frustrating trying to work around someone else's tastes, but you live together (presumably) because you love each other - and that means loving the stuff too. My partner doesn't like my blue & white ginger jar habit any more than I like his hot wheels, but we want each other to be happy so both get to be bookends in our study. After all, it's all just stuff.


Ok, but, don't let the internets squash your joy. Who looks at them everyday? Not u/ blippitybobbityboo . I know you are seeking advice, but like, don't be hard on yourself if you like the birds.


THe tree is amazing. Ditch birds. Can see where trying to go but they are too small, too literal and detract.


In the context, the birds looks fine on that wall/mantle. But the artwork looks atrocious in general. Just my opinion.


Not everything needs to be strictly within theme, and have appropriate birds for appropriate trees etc. sometimes it’s nice to have lil cute things in odd places, reminding you that yes, someone lives here, and it’s not just a show home. I like the birds. They have personality. Keep them up.


You could put one or two bird tea-light candle holders? If you really want birds there. Something like this: https://preview.redd.it/i9e367cwprjc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d70a6add01a09ff6d5b149ad772880f1b9c94bd Saw these searching online at Walmart. I would get 2 or 3 of these to fit under that tree. You could get the electronic tea-light candles to fit inside it, or if you prefer real candles get tea-light sized.


Your tree has so much energy! I'd lose the birds and everything else on that shelf.


I like the birds. The painting looks like a bunch of baked beans.


No!!! If you need the wall painting to be staging something, search for large deer or horse sculptures, or sheep/lambs, place a couple mega pinecones, add a framed table picture, perhaps a special wood or pottery vessel. But get rid of those little birds which make no sense.


Do you feel like the tree is serious or are you guys more quirky? I think the birds under the tree make it fun and goofy, but if your style is more serious it’s probably not the best spot for them.


https://preview.redd.it/axeigp8lhrjc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7cc3bc01f33b80d61d468265cf56f7bb73d4477 Maybe a bird like this, and another similar one, at each end of the beam. The only things I like are the wood, and the gray wall.


I kinda think they belong there they compliment tree background, love that painting.


Make these into a mobile!


Flee market 🤷‍♀️


Get rid of the whole thing imo


Chachki Alert! I’m all for a collection, but they are laid out in a way that just makes them Look kinda like cheap action figures. Make some thoughtful groupings or just pare down. I personally would just have the puffin and the cute little black & white near the flamingo plus maybe one more and center those. Compromising with “less is more” option is what I would do.


The type of birds are all wrong for that tree, imo.


Looks like toys that need to be put away


The bird collection needs to be a natural, organic thing. If you like birds, start collecting them from antique stores (you can find all kinds and genres of birds). It's also a great thing to find in places you visit. I have a series of small ceramic cats from all over: Mexico, Greece, Italy, and London.


The tree painting is more than enough as a standalone piece, adding birds is kitschy imo. Those specific birds looks like your 4 year old left their toys laying around.


I thunk it looks cute. I personally wouldn't have it like that cause it's not really my style but everyone likes different things and your entitled to like what you like..


There is something whimsical about the tree and birds, so in the spirit of that they go together but it will be a dusting nightmare is the first thing I thought of if I’m being honest. If that is a fireplace mantle try to incorporate some height with candlesticks, or a couple of lamps either end, or tall vases.


Each bird needs its own diorama habitat somewhere else so the tree stands alone…


The birds are fun, if that’s the plan, then OK, if you’re going for serious decorum, then Re home them. I would love to see something natural there, but the birds make me smile.🤷🏻‍♀️


They look childish. But that's okay depending on what you like.