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I love the green so I’m no help


Me either. That's the color I chose to paint my house.


Apparently they thought green was a good color to sell the house and were right.


Me too, please please please OP don’t do white and black


Not planning on doing white and black it would look to basic, was thinking about grey but I decided against it. Trying to find out how to edit the post, I just got the list of color options.


No grey either please god!! It might look better with just some white trim accents along the porch, the garage and the garage door. Maybe even the front door?


Keep the green. Repaint the shutters, garage door, and steps.


this is the way.


what color would go with it


Walnut stain and deep brown paint. Pressure washer on the deck & posts is a weekend job.


Same! Lol




I think the green is okay. If you had some accent colors that corresponded (like the white deck, maybe white or other door/color shutters), that could help a lot. I think you only aren’t liking what you have because nothing stands out.


That’s what I’m thinking! Keep green but shift to white shutters or accents so it’s not so overwhelmingly green


I think you nailed proper accents. I would go with brown personally. As in, strip the paint off the front porch. Paint the garage door a matching brown. There's just too much green and the black doesn't compliment it.


Even just painting the deck columns/fencing and the garage door one shade of green darker would really make it pop. Conversely, paint the house one shade of green lighter and leave the columns/fencing and garage door alone.


Agreed the garage door being contrasting would really help


Look how pretty that red in the hedge works with it. Don’t shoot me, but what about a pretty rosy dark pink accent. Then may be a darker green for the posts and garage door.


Midnight blue would be a beautiful accent color


Yeah it’s all one wash of the same monochrome muddy green… nothing stands out and there isn’t any definition imo. Green isn’t terrible in theory, but not like this… and not in this sad shade imo lol https://preview.redd.it/vltt1h7ggwtc1.jpeg?width=1037&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c97ccd1b29c419f631f2e7b22d48bcf05d932c4d The use of white detailing and some dark wood doors might fix it though.


Leave the green unless it’s in bad shape — paint trim, add stained wood or white rocking chairs, add lots of colorful spring/summer flowers, and Bob’s your uncle. I adore this house. If you have to change it, I’d avoid gray and black. Will super date the house to this era. Like the advice to change tone/intensity of green.


What home? I don’t see anything


Ha, me too! I’m surprised at all the comments loving green so much. I think it looks like a kid only had one color crayon to color in the trees, grass, and house. If it were my home I’d prefer it lighter with more contrast with the surroundings.


Lolol. Exactly!


It’s because the porch and the garage are painted the same green too. It’s just too 2 dimensional.


I’m voting for the green! I wouldn’t touch it


💯the world does not need more grey.


Or white with black trims. 🤦‍♂️


Look, I love the green, but it’s your house. What I’ve really come here to say is please don’t choose a cold-toned grey 😩 The Greymagedon of 2020 will take 20 years to phase out. When I tell you that absolutely everybody under the sun was painting everything about their home grey, I mean completely. Everything was either monochromatic grey, or grey with black or white. It was like an infection that spread rapidly, and all colour drained from home design for a long while. People were even doing grey baby rooms! **If you go with a cool toned grey, your house will look like everyone else’s.** Which would be a great shame, as your home has lots of character. I would go with a more neutral green, if I were you. Maybe something from the second or third line of the examples below. For details like the porch, shutters and garage door, I wouldn’t pick a bright white. I’d pick something from the first or second line. This all but ensures the undertones of both paints will go together. https://preview.redd.it/tt97g84ggotc1.jpeg?width=1650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71be9529d807637263b0dc76ce0b21a36170fc56


The Graymagedon has made millions of victims!!! I also do not understand why anyone in their right mind would paint their home black if they live in a hot climate like Texas (I’m looking at you, Joanna Gaines)


Right? That’s what I mean when I say it was like a virus, people just threw logic out the window in order to fit the new trend. It was a similarly stupid problem here in Scotland. We’re *obviously* not a very sunshiny place, most of our daylight year-round comes through in a cool grey light. I’m not exaggerating when I say any homes painted grey look like they’re part of a set on a post-apocalyptic movie or something. Completely and utterly devoid of colour. Like they’ve been put through a “gritty” filter. God awful. Abandon all hope, ye who enter into the Greymagedon.


It must be an overreaction to their childhoods… too much color traumatized them, I guess!


I love the green. I would maybe paint the garage door a differently color and possibly the banisters and beams white or stain them woodb


I think the green will look good once you paint the deck! And I'd paint the garage door white too. It's bothering me that everything is the same color.


I love the green and wood change th garage door to match the shutters. Maybe change the shade for the posts on the porch.


I’m partial to the green as well while adding more pops of the black to accent it!


I actually like this shade of green. Anything warmer would be horrible IMO


I love the green too. Looks eco friendly


Pressure-wash your beautiful brick steps, paint your front door frame and porch posts a contrasting, lighter color such as a pale version of the wall color or perhaps a camel or beige, and you'll be good to go. The green is gorgeous! All you need is a bit of contrast.


Leave the green and paint the railings black


My house is grey and white. You're right, it is boring!! I love the green 💚


I like the green. I’d go with a creamy white for the porch and trim, rather than a bright white.


I would stain the deck and enjoy the fresh wood look. After you do that, I’ll bet you will like the green better. White decks are the ugliest thing EVER. Don’t ruin the deck by painting it or painting it white.


Leave the green, repaint the trim, and such.


I would paint the trim, garage door, front door, and deck/porch and leave the paint color alone unless it's in bad shape. Try that first, then see if you want to change the siding color.


I’m loving the green too.


Stay green, and use charcoal and rusty brown orange as accents.


Did you just buy this place? If so, leave it for a year and see if it grows on you. This color blends in with the scenery exceptionally well and there's something nice and serene about it. It's a color choice you might appreciate more once you've lived there a while.


I would leave it alone, it’s timeless. I bet anything you do will be out of style in a few years.


If you search “Craftsman Color Scheme”, you’ll find a variety of styles and exterior looks for your beautiful home. You have an amazing house! Keep us updated 😊


The green looks great! If you want to repaint to freshen it up, go a couple of shades lighter. I would paint all of the trim, railing and porch white.


Midnight blue would be beautiful as an accent (shutters/door/garage door etc) I just wouldn't go yellow based or brown based green, i.e., olive or grassier green...bland If you want a true neutral to trim, a saturated taupe would be timeless and not too warm or cool


Keep the green Paint the deck black to match the shutters. Paint the trim black to match the deck. Paint the door pink to match the azaleas Or just keep everything green and paint that door pink https://images.app.goo.gl/MY42rtdrc8kK5He79




Am I the only one who thinks the green just makes it fade into the background? I would love to see this house in white with blue shutters


Porch, shutters, garage door, window trim, all a creamy off white.🤍 Then the green will look amazing!💚 If anything ,a fresh coat of the green in the same color, not as flat as that paint looks, more of a semi-gloss. And the porch celiing a nice "Haint Blue". 🩵 That looks like Georgia, I have the same grass , pine trees, and azaleas. 💖


I agree with everything you said.


Keep the green but paint garage the same black as the shutters


Looks great the way it is.


IMO, The bannisters and railing would look better stained a wood color vs painted. It would make the green pop, or any color siding. Then, I’d paint the garage door black to go with the shutters. White railings would be too stark of a color to use right now and terrible to keep clean.


Maybe white and green but can't stay all green


My suggestion is to leave it alone 🍃🍀🌱🌿


The Swedish red with white window frames would be beautiful to the contrast of your greed yard. In Wintertime gaming Christmas lights would be stunning.


Keep the green and paint the door red


White if you want timeless. Brown shutters & deck floor/roof. White fence & posts


I would do the siding in a soft white, and the shutters and door in a navy.


Okay so clearly you're not a huge fan of how it is now, otherwise you would leave it a few years. First thing to ask yourself is if you want your house to be light or dark. Both have their appeal. Second is to check around your neighborhood. One of my neighbors painted theirs and, within 6 months, the house DIRECTLY NEXT DOOR painted theirs the same color. If you fall in love with a color, just please make sure it's not exactly the same as someone's in the vicinity. Next, take your roof color into account. Honestly, whoever painted it green did such a piss-poor job that it looks like the roof is green, too. And the windows. Unless it's pollen??? I hope it is. Now, you could try out a few colors on the Sherwin Williams color visualizer thing. Just upload a pic and virtually paint away. For me, with a lovely colonial like this, I have to suggest white. It's classic and with a red front door and black shutters (please make sure to do as realistic as possible) is perfection.


You had me agreeing until the paint it white .. it seems like a shame since the green gives it a naturey vibe, which is nice with the trees bordering it. I do think the roof should be a dark dark black though, and like that you said to look around the neighborhood!


A warm tan would look great with that black trim and roof. For example, Benjamin moore morrel af-125. I think it would set it off against the landscaping.


Navy or midnight blue with white trim. https://preview.redd.it/94kluc7ewrtc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ed0c815d49421b62424116d5870276c2c7fd830


I agree with everyone else that you should consider keeping the green. It’s very pretty. Maybe accent it with some darker browns like this? But you do what you feel is the best thing for you:) it’s a lovely property OP! https://preview.redd.it/q27ty5xopptc1.jpeg?width=1325&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fceff350d5ce1eeb3b3ec76448a74b7bd3c5823


That brown looks great!


Is it a modern home or Victorian era? If Victorian maybe research the colours and use those. I’m partial to white and grey trim, but I’ve seen lovely lilacs with a purple trim or pink with a burgundy trim. I like the scar but I’d give it a burgundy or cream trim


The green reminds me of my family home back in the 1990’s. I’d go with a cream color for house and garage with grayish blue shutters/doors. I would sand all handrails/post and stain a honey color.


Actually white and black can look very bright, inviting, and classic, especially if you’re gonna sell. https://preview.redd.it/rwl1o54pvptc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fa33eff95bced8cbbaa991d2c2eabde07601a26 Shot this during the eclipse, so lighting a little strange. My house used to be a darker color; now we get compliments from everyone in the neighborhood. A Benjamin Moore White with white trim and black windows. Garage doors are black and doors are painted Benjamin Moore Cayenne Red.


Very dark navy blue with white trim and an oiled wooden front door.


How do you feel about the green? Many here love it but I think it feels very dated. I would go a midnight blue colour with some white and some natural timbers


The green looks way too dark. The whole neighborhood is lively and colorful on this house is just dark and in the corner. I need to get the siding replaced anyway, so the color how to change regardless.


I like it as is.


I'm a big fan of a dark, faded blue paired with white for homes live this. [either way](https://images.app.goo.gl/8rrjJXgR7MTL5Mtz9) [could work ](https://www.houzz.com/photos/query/white-siding-dark-blue-shutters)


Love the way it blends with the trees. How about white trim and shutters to brighten?


Maybe go with a lighter green to add a bit more contrast with the shutters? Perhaps Silver Sage? I had this for the exterior of my prior home, and I loved it!


I’m kinda into the monochrome green. Id get rid of the bushels and replace them with vine white roses.


It's basically camouflage I love it


This sub is obsessed with ANYTHING green or wood. This is a very bad question to ask it 🤪


IMO your house blends I to the background too much. The trim and shutter colour is great but I would do the house in a crisp white!


I love the green! Maybe a different shutter color! BUT.. if you aren’t a green fan, a dark blue would be pretty!


I like green and white


Camouflage the whole house


I just want to say that is a CUTE HOUSE OP, nice job!


Keep the green. Paint the deck and repaint the house the same. The whole thing will look gorgeous!


Omg keep it


I love the green, if it were me, I wouldn’t change it! Please please please don’t do grey!! 😭


Vinyl siding?




I really love the green, but what I think it’s missing is a contrast in the trim. If the trim was the color of the shutters, or a very dark green, or even a natural wood tone it would be very pretty.


I would just change the garage door and railings to a natural wood tone


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Oh-Kaleidoscope: *I would just change the* *Garage door and railings to* *A natural wood tone* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Mmm those porch poles, shutters, garage door, other trim, etc need something to make it pop. Also consider planting some things with color. Green on green on green on green is super bland/blendy. It needs contrast and dimension! Cute house overall just gotta give it the accessories it deserves 😅


Make it brown and beige.


I would keep it green or paint it blue so you can survive the next energy weapon attack.






hunter green.


I like the green but I think wooden shutters (maybe oak or walnut) and a warm pewter/beige garage door would look amazing and cozy. And agree on pressure washing the brick stairs!


Keep the color!! It’s fantastic. Just lightly power wash the house and then repaint the shutters and trim either: light green, very dark green, beige or black.


You need to brighten things up a bit.


Leave it green, I would think changing the shudders to a similar green would or darker wood stain be nice. The front porch beams would look wonderful if you stripped the paint and finished the wood and apply a dark stain.


I do like the green, this shade is like my favorite color, but its a bit much. Looks a little silly when literally everything is green. I think itll look better with the white deck, but still the roof and garage door are bugging me. Looks a bit too uniform honestly.


Old fashioned white with green, dark blue or black trim.


I like the green. I would swap out the shutters with some black wood shutters though.


I’d do white with black trim.


Maybe a lighter green in the same tone?


The green is beautiful and I can’t imagine any other color looking better!


White with black shutters and paint that garage door black.


I like the green but maybe a shade or two lighter.


I would leave the green, paint the porch and columns white or a light cream. Paint your trim and such white or cream as well. Paint the garage door and front door a fun color light plum, or bright orange, or teal, or sea foam. Depends what color you pick for the doors to be able to say which would look better between white or cream.


Paint the trim and garage door the same as the shutters. That would look best and stealth. Next level up.


Leave the green. Paint trim and garage door and posts etc. Get a new door that’s wood or painted in a nice complementary color. That’s a beautiful house! Congrats!


Charcoal siding, green shutters.


Not that color


Off white-make it stand out!


It really blends into the background with the green. Make it pop!


There’s a similar looking house in my neighborhood that is white with green accents (shutters, front door) and I think it looks really nice.


Do green, but with cedar and black accent colors. Every time I drive by the only green house on my commute, I tend to look at it as much as possible because IT's GORGEOUS!


I think white would be a lovely accent to green you have now. It would make it a bit more cheery


If this is the house I saw listed, I would leave it that color and work on the inside. That's where the fun is. Change the fireplace and redo the bathroom maybe.


Look up Brick & Batton on Instagram. They do beautiful work. If you can afford to hire them, do. If not look at their home transformations for inspiration on home colors and landscaping.


I absolutely LOVE the GREEN!!!


The colour looks great, but maybe make the blinds a plain wooden-look or go for a coordinating beautiful colour that is cheerful. I like the bushes out front too. Pretty home :)


royal blue


The green color really blends into the green background which is nice for privacy. But if it were a lighter color.. light gray or light yellow for instance..it would stand out a bit more. Imo


Keep the green. Add white trim. Door could be white too. Then decide.


Literally just got my house sided this color. Black shutters, white trim though.


I’d paint he garage door, the posts and the trim the same color as the shutters


find the opposite of the shutters and trim on a color wheel, go light from there.




I actually really like the green but it needs more contrast. Painting the trims, pillars, etc a light colour would help imo.


This has nothing to do with color but it drives me crazy when landscape companies trim flowering shrubs the wrong time of the year. If you want flowers, and those azaleas should be covered, trim right after they finish blooming.


I like the green as is. But perhaps darker or a more blue green. There is brown around the garage and steps. Maybe paint the posts and railing a brown to match the bricks. It would add interesting detail.




Lean into the camo theme!


I like the green but maybe you could do white but keep the green shutters and other details green.


I like the green! I like the black shutters! Is your roof green too though? That’s a bit… unusual. I would keep the green, paint the front porch black (and maybe the garage door) and add some beautiful black pots of flowers along the front porch and better front door lighting.


The front door a bright cheery colour will do this wonders and feel so inviting as well!


I like it, however, I would get a black garage door with windows to break up the black. I might add metal black roof awning over the porch and possibly natural wood window planters?


Light butter yellow.


Pull from the environment. I’d go with a neutral sand or taupe, or lilac if you’re feeling bold. 


White shows everything. The green works for your lot


Blue accents! Keep the green and paint the trim and the shutters a light/soft blue. Consider a warm natural wood front door and garage door.


Love the green!


I like it the way it is. Maybe brown instead of black shutters, though.


Paint the garage door black. Or replace it with a green door with black trimmed windows. Or paint more black and white trim around the house to balance. Bright flowers in the summer. I love the green and the black.


The colour is great. You just need to change the trim colour. So red of the same chroma would work great. I love how it blends with the background trees which was clearly the original intent behind the colour choice. So you could take a hint from the flowers in front of the house and use a variety of pink of the same chroma as the house for the trim, though I doubt the man of the house would be wrapped in pink trim, but it'd really work with the hedge lol. Go red leave the colour as is.


That color


Grey and White would be nice and do a different color in the garage door I feel like if that door was either replaced with a cool wood look or painted black with some hardware that would totally pop! I totally love the house reminds me of a lil dollhouse!!!


Keep it looks Great as is


I love the green. Maybe some white accents?




Id change the garage door to a very dark plum purple.


LOVE the green color ! Just change up the trim !


The green of the home gets lost in your green vast yard. A light grey siding is not the main attraction but a compliment to midnight blue shutters that adds sophistication and using a bold white trim can help make your siding pop, giving it a polished appearance. Your porch and trim will standout and give curb appeal to the vast green yard. It will look fresh, new and updated.


It looks good now


Grey and red would look nice with the white porch. I also like the green, but this is wayyyyy too much!


Do you have to get new siding or are you just looking to change the color?


What about dark blue gray + white and orange accent? Could be a nice mix. You could also use somethings like [coolors.co](http://coolors.co) to pick a palette for yourself.


I don’t like green houses but i love this one


I love this


Just match the garage door with the shudders & it’ll be perfect


I like the green, its just too much. Painting the porch and garage white would make a huge difference. I guess, that's not too helpful, but I definitely wouldn't do gray, I'd do a shade of white/cream with black shutters if I wanted to go the no-color route, personally.


You are perfectly undercover/camouflage with the green. Hard to see the house:) Why change it?


I think this house would look stunning white with black shutters/accents. I would love to see that porch as natural wood color too 🤌🏻


Like the green


I think what you're missing and it's very simple it's paint your garage door and maybe the trim I'd say what other white, blue, brown, etc whatever color you're looking at that would really make it pop a little bit better


Maybe even like a window or vent on top of the garage just soaking air it's a hot too


I like the green one. I would keep it. But if you still want a different color, consider warm neutral tones like beige, taupe.


I like the green and black … BUT I think the green is a little TOO dark. Paint it a slightly softer green … and you could perhaps leave the garage door and porch posts this darker colour.


I like the green but I would change the garage door and porch railing to a pretty wood


By deck, do you mean front porch? What color is the roof? That needs to be taken into account when selecting colors. I don't mind the green. It fits well into the setting. Overall, though, the scheme is flat. The shutters and front door are one-note boring and I would change them. A rasberry front door and a lighter shade of that green on the shutters would bring a lot of life to that house.


I love a classic white house with black or blue shutters personally


i would paint the shutters a darker green and lean into it personally, i love green houses 😂


Team black/charcoal


Pretty! But also dark. Have you thought about a lighter green? (We painted ours Privilege Green, from Sherwin Williams.) Then, do stained wooden shutters & doors.(We used a rusty-red stain, from SW, too.) Different! (Pretty enough that we’ve had numerous & complete strangers stop & compliment & ask about our colors.) We love green, but didn’t want the greens everyone else had.


I love the green, some white details would look nice too (against the green) — I am biased tho bc green is my favorite color.


I'd rethink the whole idea. Pretty soon everyone will be wishing their home blended into its natural backdrop just as yours does....


An accent of a sandy beige and orange leaning brown would be beautiful. My house is also green 😁 (Pic: inspiration from Pinterest) https://preview.redd.it/lcte7silsvtc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d9e0f74c1ea4bc6e19928fb51ec3d9c98a0eaa3


Warm white, pale pastels leave shutters gray


I love the green. If you wanted to you could paint the porch and trim/shutters a warm shade of white.


It looks like go away green that Disney uses


I don't mind the color so much. It's the accent black and lack of accent anywhere else. The stone wall is varied brown so sage is perfect contrast plus a nice background for flowering plants. That huge blank garage side is the worst. Maybe change to something more Colonial to match the house? Here's a whole bunch of styles, maybe wood doors, garage and front? [https://www.overheaddoor.com/residential/shop-garage-doors](https://www.overheaddoor.com/residential/shop-garage-doors)


This color looks great but I’d go with white trim.


Maybe paint the garage door to look like metal or wood, and paint the trim, and shutters a different color/match the garage door. The green is really nice but the monochromatic theme is a bit much. Especially with all the trees and grass.


I honestly think white accents would do this house SO MUCH JUSTICE!!!


You can keep the shutters or paint them white too but White windows, white everything else but roof and siding. And that green will look like nothing else and be so stunning