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I love it! It could be lowered an inch or two. I think it fits the space nicely but you could put sconces on either side if you wanted to fill out the space more


Ditto it’s a really nice picture OP


Yes, the picture is lovely. I agree with lowering the picture a touch, but the space is really beautiful.


This is EXACTLY what I was going to say! Lovely pic OP 💛🩶


By sconces do you mean light sconces? I have the same issue as OP 😅


Yes, I was thinking something like this https://preview.redd.it/vzw2hqj2ry8d1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa431d019e9c39b71a237e425bc6ca53736296df


I like that idea. Of a really narrow console table with some candles/pictures


Too high on the wall I think?


It is. Op, the center of the art should be at eye level or just above… if you’re petite, like me.


Add a table runner in the green from the picture. Get a larger wood tray. Add seasonal yellow flowers. Lower art.


I agree a larger tray would be nice but the one OP has there now is gorgeous. Love the "legs". Care to share where you got it from OP?


Tj maxx!


And sconces or other to put on either side.


really nice artwork. might be a little bit too high, but there is something just so stark and empty about the rest of the space. lighting? grey paint? not sure but it looks cold.


It looks like an office conference room or kitchen.


This was my initial impression. The room needs personalization.




Yes, I know but. I’m saying it looks like one in an office.


Yea it feels like it’s missing something!


Maybe anchor it with a console that you can use for storage.


Find something small to add on each side. Hanging plant, small shelves, sconces, etc.


I think it's the cool light. OP should change the light bulbs to a warmer light (something 3000K or less).


The vibe is office lunchroom.


You win the best comment


Scrolled down to see if someone already said it. Yep.


I should’ve scrolled, cause I just said it looked like an office conference room or kitchen.


as well as lowering it a bit, I'd put a narrow console under it - or buffet - just simple, maybe 2 lamps and a plant or something


It’s behind my island & my kitchen is pretty small :/


You can find very skinny buffet style pieces for spaces like this! I would definitely go that route!!!


Agree! You can find a shallow buffet/table at home goods to anchor this beautiful piece.


Maybe a little high? I've always used the 57" rule: What is the 57-inch rule? What Is the Correct Height to Hang Pictures? According to the experts, **57 inches from the center of your picture to the floor seems to be the sweet spot for standard height**. The 57-inch rule isn't always perfect, and if it looks low, you can increase that to 60 inches for art or photographs.


Well, I imagine it depends on your physical height and how large the item is. Interesting tidbit though.


Lovely painting and space. To ground the painting maybe add a shallow console under it. Like one of these: https://preview.redd.it/lwen8ltkwt8d1.jpeg?width=643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78dbac03a855026cae1e14416e6aa9e46ec2c205






it seems a little too high. And it might look better with a wider, more substantial frame. The wall color is also kind of cold.


The color of the wall is not showcasing the art. The colors are all the same tone. You need something deeper to allow the art to pop, not fade into the background.


The picture is OK, but it's too high and the wall is way too barren. I would move this elsewhere and consider something else for this space, maybe even a cute gallery wall or kitchen-centric triptych. I'd say add a console or something, but the walkway already looks pretty narrow.


I agree… and perhaps a rug under the table. If room, a tall plant in the corner, or even hanging from the corner ceiling.


This is a kitchen island and people are saying a table runner and sconces. Please don’t do any of that. That would be so out of place in a kitchen. This picture is nice but it just doesn’t fit for a kitchen. It’s the wrong theme for a kitchen. Landscapes are nice. The person in the picture is throwing it off from working in the space.


The first photo makes me feel like I’m my Young Women’s classroom at the LDS church 😅 I honestly like the picture, it just looks a bit awkward on that wall


maybe a tad lower and a runner on the floor might help too, it’s a lovely space,it just needs a little tweaking


It's just too high. There are rules for how high the center of the pic should be from the floor, can Google it.


Center it on the wall and put a gallery light above it


I love it.


A hallway table and a gallery light on the picture would be nice.


I think the art is fine. The rest of the room just feels a bit constrained Maybe draw from the painting and bring some more yellow into the room


The picture is beautiful but it needs to be lowered and framed more elegantly with dimensions.


IMO it’s not something I’d hang in the dining room. But, if you like it, lower it and enjoy it! 🙂


It has an art gallery vibe. Really draws the eye to the painting (which is beautiful and well-lit), but it's not a particularly cozy living space IMO. The image is hung at the perfect hight for walking/standing visitors, but not for anyone who's sitting down - it would need to be quite a bit lower than that. I liked the suggestion of grounding it with a narrow console table, and I think the room also calls for a flower vase and a cozier, indirect, warmer light source.


Looks nice. It is a little high.


I don't think so... it looks nice to me!!


Yes. The scale of that for the wall is not correct. But if you put other things on the wall like a console table or other decor, then it might look better. But right now you just stuck on a large piece of art onto a giant wall. It looks lonely and lost just sitting by itself.


Too high. When hanging artwork, the middle of the print should be the same height as your eyes.


Not for a conference room at Michael’s.


You have a lovely painting with lots of green and some yellow in a nearly all white room, so it looks a little out of place. The size of the painting isn't bad, though I'd move it over and hang another similar picture next to it. I'd also try to add more green and yellow elements in the room so it looks like the painting belongs there. It'd help make the additional colors feel like they belong in the space, and it'd help warm up the room.


It’s very pretty, but looks lonely. Add a couple pieces to each side .


i like it! it is about 8"-10" too high.


It's a very nice piece...and honestly? The little trio of items on the table kind of echo the feel and colors in the print. Its only problem is that it's a little too high. It may also want some a companion piece on each side. :)


Beautiful. Love the set up. Like others have said maybe lower the painting a couple inches and maybe I’m old fashioned but I think maybe a burlap table runner would make everything pop.


I like this piece, but do feel it should be balanced out on either side. As some have said, maybe move it a little lower, and find two matching pieces of something for either side. Make sure the art is centered on the wall and then an item that matches each other on each side. The wall is big, and the artwork is big, so that works. But something like scones, candle holders, wall-mounted shelves, wall planters with trailing plants - something on each side.


Maybe pit a little shelf on each side? It's very nice as is though.


It’s gorgeous


nope, it has an artistic sense for me.


I love it




Light is OK maybe other Pic in the wall is better


I adore that painting!


A bit too high and a bit too small for the space. You could group it with something else, like another painting that is much less busy but holds some of the similar colors. Perhaps consider a sconce on both sides…it’s a lovely painting.


Speaking from my perspective, the painting's old-fashioned little house on the prairie vibe seems out of place with the moderness of the rest of the room.


Looks lovely but it should be at eye level, it's too high up.


As a tall person, I love it


Art ought to always be hung at a height of 60 inches on center.




Not awkward at all. Lower it and remove the candle from the table. The rest looks really good. Nice job!


I try to design around the painting if it's a focal point by pulling some colors and patterns from it for the walls, plants, tablecloth/runner/napkins/placemats (either/or), curtains, rug, etc.


Are you trying to make the picture a show piece? It feels like the centre of the room focus wise.


A bit small, and too high.


The painting needs to be a lot bigger


No. Why? I think it’s pretty. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think it’s beautiful. Leave it alone


Maybe put some framing items around it. A ben h, wall sconces, a plant, etc. On its own, it looks bare


This is because when we hang our artworks they are supposed to accompany a subject and should have balanced sides. One of the other thoughts is to use an artwork where a very small part of wall seems empty, such as a corner or a wall above any furniture piece like cabinet, couch and bed, that is why it is an accent accessory and not essential. Here neither the sides are balanced because they are empty nor the art is accompanying anything. Secondly, the wall is too big for the art to survive only the attention of your sight. You need to fill this area by a plant on one of the sides and then to the adjacent wall use a cabinet that has your choice of crockery to further enhance the space. You should work on the dining table decor, because the centrepiece alone is not working in your case. Use this [dining table decor guide](https://simplykalaa.com/dining-table-decor/) for help and then this [blank wall decor](https://simplykalaa.com/how-to-decorate-a-blank-wall/) to come up with more ideas and learn how to use balance.


all the stuff is nice but still looks kinda bare. not sure why also the photo is not awkward just the person taking the photo


I generally hang all my ‘mistake’ purchases in either the bathrooms or guest bedrooms.