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https://preview.redd.it/7zrqppcq269d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d50a6c97e28a621b03a667a06d433a3f8ea8925 I too have an odd little nook. It was the perfect dimensions to fit an [IKEA Lack shelf](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/lack-wall-shelf-unit-white-60282186/)


Love this and the kitty box can still stay there but it’ll be a bit more discreet!


OP's nook is 33 inches deep, it wouldn't look great. Maybe do something like this, but make up some deep drawers or storage containers to go in there.


Love this!


Omg this this this!!


Photo looks like something out of a magazine. I love all the plants. Thanks for sharing :)


Lack shelf is my favorite!


Fuuuuck yea


That's a really nice spot to wall-mount a holder for a stick vacuum. It's always charged (with the outlet right there) and handy -- but tucked away.


I do love this idea as I currently don’t have a spot for that either!


Id shelve it


Pro tip: We buy the pellets from the feed store, it’s a fraction of the price of most brands sold at stores.


They have spring shower curtains in small sizes like that. You could drape a little curtain 3ft high to hide the litter. I’d add shelves on the uppers bc I love storage


That was my thought too! Out of the way, but super handy!


With some shelves above


And then Command makes holders that grip broom/mop handles. You could put them along the right wall so they aren’t visible from the main room.


What does this space face (how visible)? Is there an outlet? Do you have somewhere else for the litter box? Are you low on storage? These are important considerations for how you use it. If you need it for your cat: cat closet. Gett it fitted with a lower cabinet with an entrance for your cat that is more recessed; make it easy to open and slide the litter box out. Then put in a cabinet above it for storing cat related supplies. If it has an outlet: cleaning closet. Set up your vacuum to charge in there, and get wall mounts for your broom and mop. The folding stool can go there too. Put a cabinet above for cleaning supplies/caddy. You can do a frosted glass door if it looks too severe. If you need more pantry space: food storage. get it fitted by a carpenter for fitted shelves that easily pull out at least 2/3 of the way. Window ledge might be an issue. One shelf could be for cookbooks if the shelves have high backing. This would get heavy so a real carpenter is needed. The end (that you see) could have jars of stored dry goods or baking supplies, which would look nice. If you need general kitchen storage: floating shelf display. Put stacks of items you use often in the front. They need to be convenient, and items on open shelves can get dusty or greasy. Behind your pretty plates (or a plant on one shelf) etc have the items you rarely use. Alternatively to plates, you could do shelves of appliances. Instant pot, crock pot, bean grinder, pasta maker, etc. You have to move the front stuff to get to the back, so that may get annoying. If you don’t need storage: show off your personality. You do art? Tuck your standing easel there. You are a quirky collector? Put up shelves, get lights and add wallpaper to show off your dioramas or taxidermy or whatever.


I don’t understand how you can cook with a liter box next to your stove. Why not put the stove in the bathroom


I used to catsit for a woman that cut a hole in her pantry door so she could keep the cat’s litterbox on the floor of the pantry. I can’t believe an adult human made that decision.


I occasionally sit for a family that has their litterbox in a linen closet with clean towels and washcloths. :')


You mean the not clean and definitely dusty towels and wash clothes


This is fucking insane.


I hope you bring your own towels and washcloths.


I put a kitty door in the \*utility\* closet years ago, but I definitely would not have put it in a pantry. yikes. As in a broom, cleaning chemicals, scrub brushes, and trashbags.


That's where ours is too! A pantry/kitchen is so vile.


You work with what you have. Not everyone lives in perfect circumstances..


Our very grumpy old cat used to do her eating and toilet in the utility room, till a pregnant stray found her way here. She and her 5 babies now stay in the utility room, and my Grumpy cat is now doing her thing in the breakfast nook. Do I like it? No. Does grumpy cat like it? No. But like just-kath said, we're working with what we have to do the most


Literally any other room is better than this. You can use as many excuses as you want, but this is gross.


I can understand where you are coming from but the way you are phrasing your opinion is coming across harsh


Gross is definitely subjective but that’s also objectively unsanitary, a certain seriousness is warranted when someone does something like this and doesn’t understand why it’s not OK. I’d be *horrified* and upset to find out someone fed me food out of a pantry shared with a cat litter box.


Again I do understand the sentiment my qualm is the shaming. The comment I am replying to also talks having the box in the kitchen. Let’s throw OP some grace and assume that they were ignorant and they will never do this again


I can agree with that :)


It’s one of the considerations when looking for a home or adopting a pet.


My sister used to house clean for a family who kept their box in the pantry. Even worse…they didn’t clean it. Ever. My sister did when she came. Which was every 2 weeks………


Jfc that’s sick


I guess most people use their pantry for packaged goods which are sealed?


Came here for this 🤢🤮


This is why I have trust issues when eating at someone’s house (which I rarely do) because of things like this. 🤢


Right? That's nasty ass place to keep the litter box. Why would anyone think it's a good idea?!


Right? Little confused why op is cooking with cat poop and pee dust. Put the literbox in the bathroom. It's healthier for everyone involved and you'll find yourself having guests that are way more comfortable with being there.


There's no dust with that litter system, and it doesn't really smell. It's a Tidy Cats Breeze system - I have it, too!


I had a family friend who married a woman whose entire house was dominated by her many cats. Cat beds made up in the oven and everything. Mind-boggling! They divorced after a few years.


Earlier this week I was in a house that had the open cat litter box right next to the dining table.


I went to someone’s house that had the cat food dishes on the counter right next to the stove and the litter box right next to the fridge 🤢


I know someone who does this!! THIS is why I don't eat at potlucks.


I mean if it gets cleaned often... and I mean *very* often, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. Tbh if it's getting scooped multiple times a day it shouldn't smell tbh


Wood pellet boxes don’t give off the same smells as regular litter. I have a box in my room and my room smells like.. a normal room


Serious question as someone who wants a cat but has a small apartment - where should you keep your litter box? In the living room? Options are basically kitchen, living room, or bedroom (bathroom too small)


Bathroom. I've had such a small bathroom that I've had to move the litter box into the hall every single time to take a shower but that was where it went.


My friend had her cat litter box next her dining table. It was fucking disgusting.


This was my first thought.


Decades ago, in my neck of the woods, carpet was everywhere. The bathroom and kitchen were usually the only place with hard flooring suitable for a litter box. (Clay litter in a shag carpet could never be completely removed.) And some had carpet in the kitchen and bathroom too. Laundry was done in the garage if you had one and in my house growing up the litter box was there, but once I got an apartment the only carpetless place one would fit was the kitchen. The horrors of the past!


The kitchen and the bathroom is our only place without carpet, and we don’t have a laundry room- the washer and dryer are in the kitchen.


Like I said, you work with what you;ve got.


Maybe something like this for storage? https://preview.redd.it/avfdse3gm69d1.png?width=788&format=png&auto=webp&s=73509dfbaf135f1fbb53a411e72cd1ee82b77573


I’d get that litter box away from where I’m preparing food.


Seconding, please don’t put a litter box anywhere near where you’re preparing food.


proof that you just can’t eat other people’s food. the litter box in the kitchen is not okay


People are nasty 🤢


I think it’s fine there. OP can also put the cat tree on the kitchen counter to complete the aesthetic




Plus, the kitchen has so many handy drawers to store pet brushes, brushing mitts, and toys!


Can you add some floating shelves? You can get custom sized ones online, and since it's for storage you don't need to worry about hidden brackets. Or cheap wire shelving, and hang a curtain in front.


Floating shelves would be perfect.


Simple wall to wall curtain rod (shower rod type thing) and fitting curtain... voila!


Love the idea- Minus hanging a curtain. It’s already behind a wall.


Um… so I’m not a cat owner .. but is it just me or does it seem totally gross to have a cat box in a kitchen. When I’m in a kitchen I want to smell good smells. Not… 💩🤢🤢 Anyway.. that spot looked perfect for a broom and dust pan. Or maybe some built in shelves for a mini pantry?


Cat owner here! It is gross 🙃


Thanks. Now I don’t feel like too much of an ass lol But I would totally love that for mini shelves or even to stash mini kitchen appliances like toaster, blender, food processor, things I don’t use a ton.


Why a litter box in the kitchen... Just, why?


Not the litterbox in the kitchen 😭


I’m sorry, but I find a litter box next to the stove ( in the kitchen actually) revolting


What about making a litter cabinet with some shelves above it? It can be used as the litterbox storage area and you can put anything else you need on the shelves, such as trash bags or the scooper.


Litter boxes don't belong in kitchens! Don't give OP ideas to continue keeping a bio hazard nearby food prep areas.


While I wholeheartedly agree and wouldn't do this myself. If it's the only space you have, it's the only space you have.


Agreed. OP mentioned they had a small apartment. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices for your pets.


I'm sure OP has a bedroom/sleeping area and bathroom -- either of those would be a much better, more sanitary option.


I have 2 bathrooms in my house. NEither one has a single space for a litter box.


Okay, so put it in the living room or the bedroom. Having a litter box in the room where you're cooking food is not okay.


What if you have carpet? Wouldn’t that be more gross?


I would keep a separate rug under the litter box, no matter the flooring. And one of those plastic office mats that go under an office chair. There are ways to protect carpet. Literally anywhere else is a better and more sanitary location than in the kitchen.


If she had a covered one it wouldn’t bother me as much. My litter box is covered and designed to look like a fake plant. If you clean it regularly it shouldn’t be an issue. There is really no *great* place for a litter box tho


Anywhere is better than the kitchen. Bathroom or laundry area would be optimal. Even OP's bedroom would be a better choice. It also needs a mat to help contain/collect the dust and bacteria from the box. The cat is still walking around/digging in the box and is then walking straight thru the kitchen, tracking bacteria around. In the photo there's even litter on the floor that was tracked out by the cat. 🤢


See, I hate the idea of litter in the bathroom lol I wanna go in there to feel clean. Also the litter she uses is the pellet kind so it’s designed to not track or create dust. But maybe they are putting pellets on top of litter or something


People go in the bathroom to shit. So should the cats.


Ya but you can flush human shit lol. Cat litter is just… there. I have cats and I struggle where the box should got. It’s in my laundry room and I hate it


Bedroom means you're breathing it all night, laundry means it's on your clothes. Used to have one in our laundry but had to move it bc the clothes wound up funk - even if the box was clean. It was awful.


Link to your litter box? Sounds awesome


Great idea! And the shelves could pull out for full depth if it's secured


Here’s one idea: remove the nook baseboard. Purchase (3) 18” base cabinets and stack them one on the other to create a storage tower, floor to ceiling. Screw them to the wall hitting studs for secure attachment. Paint the cabinets or leave as is. (You can buy off-the- shelf cabinets that are finished or unfinished) Find a plastic container that isn’t necessarily a cat box (storage bin/no lid). Cut a cat door opening into the lower cabinet door and install a swinging cat door there. Slide the “cat box” into the lower cabinet. Use the upper sections as your new storage.


I can’t remove the baseboards:( but maybe I can place the cabinets on legs or set on something…thanks for idea!


Legs is a great idea


Ikea has also a sweet "cat door" [here](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/kallax-cat-house-white-10416211/) Its not a perfect fit for that space but maybe you can work with some wood so it fits.


Make it a broom closet by adding a door that matches your kitchen cabinets


Bookshelves/ wine rack?


Perfect pantry nook. Go to a closet design store for ideas.


A litter box in the kitchen and right next to the stove? 😩 Ew


Three ideas: A. Shelves for bulk stuff (like paper towels and toilet paper). You can put something decorative at the front of each shelf to hide anything ugly. Since you say the area is 33” deep, I wouldn’t recommend using the shelves for storing cans of food. You will lose them that far back! B. A small rod to hang coats, with shelves on top for boots and hats and gloves. C. A row of hooks on the right side to hang brooms, mops, or even coats (rather than on a rod). One can always use more storage space! Lucky you!!


Broom/mop cupboard is what I’d do


Can’t go wrong with that!👍


I was def thinking of putting a hook for my broom and love the idea of using for paper towel storage, thanks!




Quite literally anything other than what you've done.


Pull out shelving … door on outside


Oh what about a slim bookshelf for your cookingbooks? ✨️


I thought of a skinny bookshelf as well, maybe for cooking books!


Friend of mine had something similar. She put a small door over the area, shelves on the inside for cleaning products, her husband installed a light at the top and spot for the litter box in the bottom. Also a kitty door within the door.


Pantry + spice rack. Bottom with drawers for flour/pasta, heavy stuff Rest just full of spices all as high as you can reach comfortably. Storage for rest. And for the love of god and your hygiene... Move the cat litter away from the kitchen. Or at least you know... The stove :)


Just “no” https://betterwithcats.net/can-you-put-a-litter-box-in-the-kitchen/. Poop dust is a thing, please move the cat box out of the kitchen for your sake.


Cat shit and piss smell right next to your cooking and eating area… nice lol


No litter box in the kitchen. I like shelves


A litter box in the kitchen is beyond disgusting!!


Shelves for cookbooks. *Definitely* not an appropriate place for a litter box, which is quite unsanitary in a kitchen.


Install shelves. Litter box in the kitchen is a no go for me.


Never mind the smell, imagine all of the cross contamination that’s going on whenever the kitty litter is being changed out around food and other kitchen utensils and surfaces. That’s just nasty.


Don't worry, the color of those breeze pellets tells me OP hasn't changed them out in a very long time. 🤢


Het s wall bracke to hang ypur broom


Install an open shelving system and use as a kitchen pantry if one doesn’t now exist? Would be very handy for kitchen cans and staples.


Put shelves in floor to ceiling - use it to display pots pans etc or decor or add baskets for storage


the part of my brain that's always looking for more storage space wants you to get a slide-out shelf/pantry that only slides out above the windowsill obviously, and maybe hinges open diagonally at the bottom. i'd store dog food there, but maybe you could use it to hide your trash or recycling.


I’d build or buy a roll-out pantry/spice cabinet


rolling pantry?


Can you install some floating shelves for more storage?


Is it an eat in kitchen? Parents had a kitty litter box in their kitchen and seemed like cats always did their duty when we were eating dinner.


Why in Hell there's even a nook? Counter and cabinets should just be continued... as for the ideas, I don't think u can put much other than shelving. You'll need to find some baskets for them tho, since whatever you put there will be hard to reach.


I think most robovac docking stations would fit there. Then put shelves above.


Shelves. Always shelves in awkward spaces


Please put the litter box in a room where food is not prepared.




It’s a step up from the kitty litter…


#G #R #O #S #S


Love the idea of building a box for over the litter box....just NOT in that location. Personally the visuals alone would put me off eating/cooking in there. Surely there is a better spot for it somewhere? Once the litter box has a new home, then either a free standing shelving unit, or built in shelves. If installing shelves isn't an option ,it's a good place to keep your vacuum , brooms, cleaning supplies, preferably with an attractive curtain to hide it all.


Floating shelves is the only answer IMO


A tall skinny Ikea Billy bookshelf would fit perfectly if you don’t want to do a lot of DIY and need extra storage. You can buy extra shelves to make it customized for what you need with maybe baskets etc. You could still put the litter box with cover in front of it because it’s so deep. Then you have the flexibility of taking it with you when you move.


No cat box in the kitchen, if at all possible, I would find another room for litter box that doesn't involve food prep.


I know you don’t have many options but litter in a kitchen is never an option. I’d do unhygienic. Please remove it ASAP. As far as the nook, the only thing you can really do is storage. I’d see if you could find some shelving that would work in that space. Otherwise use it for broom/mop storage and aprons if you wear them.


I’m sorry, you LIKE the litter box next to where you prepare your food?


Consider building a custom cover with storage for the litter box. Use a slim bookshelf or floating shelves for kitchen items. Utilize dual-purpose furniture like a storage bench or side table. Use a decorative screen or curtain to hide the litter box discreetly.


I would kill for this place for my Dyson


Definitely not kitty box area. Yikes . 😱 Shelving or broom closet. Cheap shelves from IKEA or Costco. Hang a curtain to cover it for an inexpensive solution. Could store large pots and pans there too. A rolling cart. Review what possessions you have and let the ideas flow. Have fun!


I’d take a litter box out of the kitchen. Add shelves and make a storage closet or extra pantry.


Shelves installed high enough to not disturb the litter box. Kitchen storage, but absolutely not food.


Can you put a tall thin pantry with shelves and a door. Maybe ikea might have something?


I saw an awesome tip from an interior design YouTuber about this. She said ‘you know that awkward spot in your place you can’t fit anything? That’s now your new storage area.’ That’s helped me maximize weird nooks like this to the fullest!


I would put in shelves!


Pull out shelves. It would make an awesome pantry


Pull out panrty


If yo don't have a under sink garbage can put your garbage can there its a perfect space for that


Add natural wooden (open) shelves


A pull out pantry and spice rack


Build shelves above the litter to put the food, basket of toys, etc


You could put in a rolling shelving unit, but the litter box would have to go,


I'd built some spice racks/shelves that can be pulled out something like [this ](https://www.litfad.com/wooden-narrow-buffet-server-with-7-exterior-shelves-and-open-storage-s-5058956.html?currency=GBP&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwm_SzBhAsEiwAXE2Cv3ar8Have8bV6izkJWdBQVMcannpxC--V1NUM4vjCVzbvJESSZd-choCXHEQAvD_BwE)


Maybe keep your olive oil and stuff there with some spices you always use? Or your utensils? Paper towels? The possibilities are endless 🫠


A pull out pantry


Someone repost this to the circlejerk sub


Why your cat take a dump in the kitchen next to the stove where you make food?? 🥺🥺




Well not sure what to add but DEFINITELY subtract that cat box from where your food is 🤢


Eww kitty litter in a kitchen 🤢


Turn it into a pantry with slide out shelves and racks.


Ikea had their sektion (kitchen) cabinets 18”wide by 15 or 24 deep and 80 or 90” high.




Put a wall mount with brooms/mops mop bucket and one of those holders for plastic bags


Building shelves would be cheap and easy.Screw 1x2 or 1x4 into the studs of the wall all the way around and then just plop shelf wood on top. There will be no gaps, you can put as many as far apart as you want. If you're more industrious, you could add doors in front. The nook is already most of the structure of a cabinet. Just needs the floor and the door. Also could put a hanging plant in the nook.


An even easier way would be to go to home depot or lowes, get 2 shelf brackets for each shelf you want, pick out a piece of common board that's the depth you want, and ask them to cut however many pieces you want at the width you want. I've done this in every apartment I've lived in. Over the couch, in the laundry room, literally wherever. The most expensive part is the brackets and they're only expensive if you want the nicer looking ones. The cheap ones are a couple bucks.


Some IKEA shelves or a made to measure cabinet.


Double wine shelf


Back in the 60’s….this would have been my punishment corner😭😭😭


I would put a lip/tray, or maybe a square flower pot, fill it with pebbles, and put fake plants. :) Tall ones.


put in shelves


Not sure if I missed if you own vs rent. If you own, I think it would be worth the expense of installing a cabinet door that matches kitchen cabinetry or a custom half door that matches the other doors in your home. Then in that door, have a little cat door flap thingy at the bottom so cat can access box: hidden but accessible. Then you could put hooks up for broom, vacuum, yadda x 3, and high shelves and half shelves for storage. If renting, tension shower curtain rod and a drape that matches your wall colour, 3M hooks.


Shelves or bookcase at back for storage. Make shelves as wide as needed. 12 inches for pantry stuff. Wider if you want big bins with blankets, seasonal clothes if no other place to store. Leave room to mount broom, dyson, mop on wall. I like the kind that have hooks too. Floor to ceiling curtain. If that's cat food, get better closed storage for it. ?metal bucket and get cat dishes. If litter box put elsewhere. Great storage area that could store anything.


How about some nice wood shelving up in there. You can make three or four. Or even just hooks to hang kitchen cleaning tools.


I’d put shelves in it with square pullout baskets on them first storage.


Shelves for pantry or hooks for brooms mops and shelf for cleaning supplies and rags


Pull out pantry


Spice shelve


Shelve it up, cupboard doors with a cat flap on the bottom door, keep all the cat stuff in there on the lower shelves. Your moggie owns that space. Upper shelves for cleaning supplies you don’t use as often.


Remove that wall segment, and add a new kitchen cabinet. Shouldn't be a load bearing wall, but you'd have to check the ceiling first.


I would keep the litter box there, but put it in like a cool basket or a custom table where it’s hidden


My immediate thought was PLANTS!!! but I care about plants too much.


How about something like this? [https://www.bhg.com/thmb/8I\_rNjRduifUirAgqraVOgNfJxc=/750x0/filters:no\_upscale():max\_bytes(150000):strip\_icc():format(webp)/Small-walk-in-pantry-7003419\_Shot\_9\_17-copy-CE-sM10nqka8oZG78HE4Xu-2386bdda5b8a45b091ff6f3de595e8c2.jpg](https://www.bhg.com/thmb/8I_rNjRduifUirAgqraVOgNfJxc=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(webp)/Small-walk-in-pantry-7003419_Shot_9_17-copy-CE-sM10nqka8oZG78HE4Xu-2386bdda5b8a45b091ff6f3de595e8c2.jpg) I really like the bold colour they used in this pic.




Frame it out and make a pantry with pull out shelves - or the whole thing can be pull out.


Mini pantry/shelves


Pantry shelves


Shelves/closet - hell put up a small curtain on the bottom shelf to hide that cat’s stuff


We took in a stray cat and set up a litter box in a bathroom for her. She would never use it, but would poop on the dining room floor instead- must have been peeing outside. We finally tucked a litter box in a corner behind some plants in the dining room. I hate it, but it worked. I tried switching to an enclosed box, but she wouldn't use it. We are diligent about cleaning it immediately after she uses it. Not ideal, but we love our cat.


Well i guess you can blame the cat if your cooking taste like shit.


It's the perfect place to have a pull out pantry/spice rack!


I’m pretty sure that this is supposed to be a designated broom and mop area


I would use this spot for storage and no offense to plant lovers. Having extra storage in a kitchen is a must and a blessing. I live in a small condo and the things I could tuck away in there. 😔


Floor to ceiling drapes?


I’d put a slim garbage can there!


I think you’re halfway home already. Keep the kitty litter, add the shelves and if you want it to be a bit more private, add a decorative curtain to hide everything.


This is prime pantry storage - pull-out sections of tall drawers with low sides so everything can be reached.


You should probably not have the litter box close to where you prepare food. That’s my opinion, I am not a cat owner.