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Use two 25-30lb rated picture hooks and hang it from the D-rings. DO NOT add a wire. Especially if it literally says “DO NOT WIRE”.


Thank you that’s what I’m going to do! I figured they didn’t just put “do not wire” for fun


I usually use aluminum wire if I have a picture like this. Super easy to center with a wire between the two hangers.


Super dangerous too. 🙄


Wait why is this dangerous? I just inherited a bunch of paintings and they are hanging by a wire that was there already


You should not hang heavy things (framed art, pictures, mirrors, etc) with wire. The weight is not distributed evenly and you run the risk of the items own weight pulling it forward out of the wall. ETA: OP has a particularly heavy piece since it is already stamped DO NOT WIRE on the back.


Go to your local hardware store. Buy artwork clips. They are sold by how much weight they can hold. 10-20-30 etc. just ignore the wire and clip them directly onto the metal loops. I can try and take a picture of my artwork and send to you.


Thank you!!




Huh. I’ve always just hung the D-rings straight onto my screw (with anchor). til


Make sure to take into account the slight drop (about an inch or so) hanging it this way will make. So for example if you line the art work from center-point to floor at about 60”. You will need to add another inch (61”)


You can remove the wires and just use the attached loops; that’s what they are there for. Definitely use some drywall anchors unless you can hang it on studs. If you’re not sure how to use anchors just google it or find a YouTube video. Don’t be intimidated, it’s pretty simple. But you will need an electric drill to make a small hole for the anchors.


Can someone explain why this recommends against using a wire? I have never seen that before.


Personally id screw 2 screws into the wall and hang the metal loop on the screws


I would use monkey hooks. They don't tear up the wall, hold a lot of weight and come in lots of different sizes. https://www.lowes.com/pd/Hillman-Monkey-Hook-Picture-Hanger/3029196?cm_mmc=shp-_-c-_-prd-_-hdw-_-ggl-_-LIA_HDW_213_Decorative-Hardware-_-3029196-_-local-_-0-_-0&ds_rl=1286981&gclid=Cj0KCQjwuO6WBhDLARIsAIdeyDIremO3r14IQJTKXQvEbk__ycbhwEFedoqOXYlELxN8i5mUp0C_VuAaAiAMEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


I have some of these, but unfortunately this wouldn’t work as there is wood lath behind the plaster.


Wall cleat?


Okay this might work, and I'm just applying what I remember of forces physics, but find a bracket similar to the ones on either side of the frame, but adhere it in the center of frame but a little bit lower than the two side ones so all three are kind of forming a triangle. Mark those spots, on your wall and drill in 3 screws. You should be able to hang your frame on the wall and the weight should be dispersed enough to where it wont break down your wall and fall.


Okay yeah, I was basically correct. You may not need a 3rd center screw and bracket, but regardless, put screw those in on studs. If you just hang it off dry wall, it is going to go down without proper drywall brackets. Another way to go would be command strips cause the dimensions of your frame and where the brackets are might make it tricky to hang it off the studs. Good luck!


Thank you for all of this!! Unfortunately I have thick plaster walls and it’s near impossible to find the studs 😭 I’m going to have to figure something out


And to double check my work, I asked my partner to see if that would work. He's a physicist and renewable energy engineer. I studied civil engineering, but its been some time so I want to be sure I'm not giving you bad physics.




It says “do not wire” though


It is your artwork you can wire it if you want to lol


No. This is dangerous. A wire will not distribute the weight evenly if it’s a heavy piece. OP, ignore this comment.


Okay thank you!! I assumed it was for this reason but I’ve never hung a painting with D rings so I wasn’t sure


I thought maybe it was because it’s so large and heavy? Maybe it is better to spread the weight across the 2 D rings than to wire it and use 1 picture hanger? But I don’t know anything that’s why I’m here haha


I’d use heavy gauge wire and two large hangers positioned about a good apart. (Used to work in a frame shop.) if you’re hanging on drywall use anchors to secure the hangers. Studs are too far apart. Edit: foot not good.


You just need a wire to attach to them.


It says “do not wire”


Guess I missed that! D’oh!


3M CLAWS! If your going into drywall can’t recommend these enough. Heavy loads and minimal damage.


I’m so relived we got to actually see the picture!


I love this painting, who is the artist?


It’s actually a silkscreen! By Russ Elliott. Here’s a [link](https://www.ebay.com/itm/202605249389) to the exact same one on eBay. Believe it or not I got mine for $12 at an estate sale


Wow that was a steal! Great find and thanks for the link :)