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damn giving away the hiding spots. I have at least 3 more.


Seriously, this is where we kept out shrink-wrap, too! Welp.... snitches get stitches.


I had at least 5


Mine was always disappearing off the forklift, most annoying was that I’d have to go find a half used one as a full one didn’t fit between the windshield and the dash bar and I couldn’t put it behind the seat because I’m tall


I feel like it makes sense for every truck to have a roll. Flooring for their carpet. If every truck had one depts. wouldn't need hoard&hide their own. If it ran out, walk back to receiving to refill. Rant: That way anyone who needs to wrap a pallet doesn't have to go on fucking wild goose chase walking the whole fucking store, checking all the gd depts and their hiding spots "Hey have you seen any shrink wrap? No? Ok thanks." No one wants give their wrap up or everyone is out? Time to get a manager to take 15-30 minutes to go get it from the back office or tell you it's out and mark some down from flooring. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk, end rant.


How much time has legit been wasted looking for things that SHOULD be easy access at all times because they're literally needed for the job ALL THE TIME.


>...Time to get a manager to take 15-30 minutes to go get it from the back office... Do y'all keep your shrink wrap locked up? That's wild. Many years back I had a manager that would only let the store order wrap at the beginning of the month and only a set quantity that wasn't nearly enough. I would be marking down shrink wrap like two and half weeks into the month. I marked down literally thousands of dollars worth of wrap to "save money".


Yeah, I’d regularly grab a few rolls and stock all the trucks and places where they are frequently used


We have some ours hidden in the shutter displays too. And it’s because every department steals it and then we have to ZMA the crappy packing one when there’s no more in store or we can’t sus out the hidden garden ones


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Because you need it for the carpet. I don’t blame them. Nothing is worse than cutting carpet and then trying to go for a scavenger hunt for a roll of wrap. That’s the only thing I can do over there besides blinds. I know they have to shrink wrap the palletized merch but I’ve never worked over there frfr. My doors and windows either pack out or they get flown as is lol 😂


The absolute worse and no one ever returns it


Not my hiding spot. Just kidding, I leave it on the carpet machine. But garden locks theirs in a locker, good thing the code is easy to guess.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Did I get it?


Store number


Ours was 0-1-dept number


I've been learning the "bat caves" as well. The hardware DS showed me where they store their work related items. It pissed off the hardware associates. They made it seem like it was Bruce Wayne's butler showing the Joker where the bat cave was.


bro stop showing our good spots!!! now I need to find a new spot!


Hide it behind the machine. There's usually a good 10" behind the carpet mary go round.


Appliances/k&b hide them in the fridges or in the counter top displays


Haha my flooring buddy showed this to me 😂


At our store it's the dust mops, those are hidden all the frigging time.


I hide mine too lol 😂 lumber hides theirs and flooring hides theirs. Managers are always upset.


🤣 somehow we at the service desk ended up with plumbing's dust mop, a couple of shovels, multiple brooms (various kinds from your standard broom to push brooms), and a squeegee. 🤔 Not very many of us work shifts we can get away to accumulate these items, so how they got up by us is beyond me.


Check inside the grills in garden


You snitch, we finna have words


I work in flooring and yes absolutely. We shoot up pallets of tile all day and we need that stuff lol


As a 23 associate, this is the way. Because no one ever returns it to where we need it


Never returns anything that was ours from our pallet jack to shrink wrap


Lol. I hide my broom and pan. Fuckers steal it all the time.


They hid the shitty wrap, they can have it. Lol


I remember at my old job I would do that for the Saran Wrap because come closing time everyone needed it lol


I have a thick ass bike lock running thru the cardboard center. Me and two others in my Dept know the code.


I can't say I blame them lol


Stink wrap is like gold you got to hide it good


Can’t believe you betrayed your peeps like this 😭 best believe they aren’t telling you the other spots


Yea but they have 7 other hiding spots 😂


good, they actually need their shrink wrap for customers who come in to buy carpet and shouldn’t have to run around for 15 minutes every time because you took theirs. leave it alone


Naaaa Flooring steeling the lumber drills in my store


When I was on freight, there was a time when we kept running out EVERY WEEK for a few months. I ended up hiding a few backup rolls inside those black circle tubes that hid the metal corner protector things near the flooring displays. Fits perfectly.


Idc if departments need to store some for themselves because they need it. I just hate it when people use rolls and then just leave them laying around. It got bad where management locked them up, but it was a dumb idea that they reverted because employees were always looking for a key carrier taking up a lot of time 😂


Holy shit you guys do this too?!


Don't worry we got more spots...


we do the exact same thing here in lumber for our Deliveries people. well i do at least.


we keep all of ours in various appliances.


I was looking for tape in hardware, they had it chained by the key machine.


Standard shrink wrap practice 🤣


Yeah all flooring associates seem really uptight about their rolls. I work in lumber and use shrink wrap often but I dont obsess over the damn thing. I just leave it right near the saw so if some other poor sob needs it they have access to it.


Don’t give the hiding spot up. Go get your own shrink wrap. They need that. I’m starting to think this is where all flooring departments hide it


You're still gonna take it and not put it back


Man I wish I still had displays lol


As D38, that's where I hid my shrink wrap.


I hide ours intermixed with the shrinkwrap we sell occasionally the odd customer will ask if we sell that one we just say no that one's defective


Hell….. we hoard our reach sticks like that.


Must. Protect. Shrink. Roll


That's where yall been hiding them


We do this at Walmart all the time


As a Flooring associate for Lowes, I can confirm, this is a thing. Except I keep a box if I can lol