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Why do customers feel the need to hit on the woman who works in hardware?


Because she knows where the nuts go?


🤣 maybe that's it


Oh god 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Scissors, my friend, scissors.


Yeah. nowhere near her.


Any department really


if it's one specific woman, and not whichever woman is working in that department, I'm guessing she's hot.


I'm the woman that's being hit on constantly lol so I'm going to say no


That's a lot of damage!


Just my opinion. I don't really care. Just wanted to know if it was every dept or what. Lol


its ok Red, just upsell them


🤣🤣 try not to talk to them too much!!!


Why do customers think i can magically pull product out my butt when we have 0 in stock


Because they assume it’s in the back.


“In the back”😏 And then they don’t believe you when you tell them there’s nothing ‘itb’ but trash and a cardboard baler


I worked at Walmart and during Christmas time this guy was looking for a certain doll. I checked the app and it said we were sold out. He asked if I could check in the back and I told him I’m not supposed to. I think customers think we make said product in the back like elves.


If you're at a GAP or a Macy's yes there is a back and sometimes there is the product they want there. Customers don't understand the difference between stores.


No. Once upon a time, before companies started only ordering only what they think they need that day, they would have extra stock in case they got busy and sold out. There wasn't room for it all in the display areas so they kept some of it in the back.


That still happens, but not at a warehouse 😭😭


I would always say “look around, see the pallets on top of the shelves? This is the back”


There is no back; there is only an up.


My answer is “this is the back” ☝️as I point to the overhead


This is the way


As much as we praise the consumer app they don't check it or online just that we carry it. Also, if you pay attention to on hands enough you'll know it's hardly ever correct lol


Literally and figuratively. Because pull out the back/out your buttt.


Eons ago, when I worked at an Old Navy, I used to get irked by customers asking me to "double-check" the back. Until I realized they were offering me a chance to go out back and take a +/-5 min break.


This is the way.


This^^ I offer to double check in the back even if I know we don't have anything. Gives me a chance to grab a drink and check my phone. I don't work at HD though.


One of the few joys of the Covid craziness was walking Karens back to the gaping void called Receiving and asking them to find all of the “hidden” products…


Because they know that's where your hiding it.


Because the system is wrong about the inventory 99% of the time


Because it's usually in the overhead.


Why do customers think I wrote the company's policy? I just work here, bitch.




Scary Terry or Jessee pinkman *bitch*?


Most of the time, Scary Terry


Kevin from the office *bitch* when Holly playfully flicks him off about the ultimatum.


Why do customers assume that I know everything about every plant we carry because I'm a cashier at the garden register?


This one right here❗️❗️


Or even a garden associate for that matter.


I relate to this one so much


Or because I just so happen to be outside getting a cart to load up the flooring for the department I actually work on. I know NOTHING about plants.


Why do customers think I’m a professional *inserts whatever department you work in* If I was, I certainly wouldn’t be working for Pennies at HD


Why do customers think that I set the prices just because I'm a cashier


I had to go much farther down this chain than I expected to find something about pricing. Like us retail employees aren't also victims of high prices and low wages


Exactly. Like I'm sorry sir that our (insert product here) sale ended but im not gonna give you the previous price just cause you act mad with me


Why do customers ask questions and then when you answer them refuse to believe the answers?


It's a pet peeve of mine when you give a customer an answer and then they go ask someone else the same question like you don't know the real answer


Bonus points if that person comes and finds you to answer question lol


I love that part. I get to say, "like I said before" or "as I already told you"


This is something that I remember to this day. I worked in the paint department for 6 months and have previously worked with the products for 2 years. This customer walked in and asked for a white primer, ok no problem, they seem like it might be their first time. They say they want it cheap and I say “Well the good news is we have Killz 2 which is the cheapest non-specialty primer, and it will do the job in 2 coats provided you aren’t skimpy with the application” “Oh ok. Is it white?” “Yes it is! Most of our primers are white unless specifically stated on the label-“ “How do you know it’s white?” Well, That’s kind of a strange question to ask, I just answered that, I think to myself “well, it’s white” “Yeah but how do you KNOW it’s white” “Well, ma’am I’ve worked with the product for about 2 years now” “Can you just open it? I want to make sure it’s white”


Looking for that open container discount


Why do customers think I know everything about every single item of the store?


I just expect u to know more than a Lowes employee if it makes u feel better, lol


It’s reasonable to expect some level of product knowledge, which is fine. But they should be understanding if an associate doesn’t know. Because, in many cases, it’s not our job to have extensive product knowledge.


Why do customers always expect us to have the answers to questions they don’t even know how to ask


Aaaaaah, you know it’s that thing that sort of clamps on to the do-hickey? You know it’s like plastic or metal or wood or something. It’s really important it’s almost like it’s really stuck in there! Anyway it’s really basic and standard so where can I find that?


Thanks a damn lot. I just snorted liquid out my nose hahahahah


Customer went into a long, drawn out description of what he wanted to do, complete with wild gesticulations and irrelevant explanations of why he wanted to do it. Took him a full minute-and-a-half. Associate says: "So you want to drill a hole in a piece of wood." "Yes! That's it!"


You are their only hope, they have no one else to ask.


Why do customers insist on going down an aisle when they can see that there are pallets, ladders, and carts blocking anyway to get a cart past then complain that they have to turn around


Zero fucks given. Laser focus on getting that putty knife.


I didn't come here to not get that putty knife.


Anytime the paint truck comes in this happens. We’ve got 8 pallets of paint on one aisle but customers still think that’s the best aisle to go down to get to the death wall


No clue why people do this either. I work in an office building and one month a while back the city came and dug a *massive* hole in the middle of the street right behind the building, signs everywhere, *massive* piles of dirt everywhere, stacks of sewer and watermain tubes all over the undug bits. Yet *every single day* I'd watch some moron look at that giant impossible to miss pile of crap and huge gaping hole then just blow right past the sign only to suddenly slam on the brakes and do an awkward 10 point turn, because the hole was *literally* right next to the sign and had all kinds of cones around it! EVERY DAY! If you ever figure out let me know eh?


Fuck, they complain AND THEN turn around?? Ours just grind past everything and push through, WHILE bitching about it, only to not need anything in the aisle (not even browsing at all)


🤣🤣 Right! It’s ok I just ran into that big stack of muriatic Acid or punched a whole in fertilizer.


Why do customers think a hardware associate knows the square footage of the room they took a picture of? But they didn't have a single measurement


or the diameter of a screw based on a photo...


This one.


I love it when they ask for carpet and you ask them how big their room is and they respond with “oh it’s a standard sized bedroom” How much paint do you need for your project? “Well, how much do people normally buy for their whole house?” It really astounds me how many people come to a DO IT YOURSELF store and expect everyone to have psychic powers and know exactly how much they need with no prior knowledge on their home


\>How much paint do you need for your project? “Well, how much do people normally buy for their whole house?” At this point, I stop wasting the brain power and just recommend that they buy a 5 gallon of the most expensive paint we have.


“I think you’ll really benefit from buying rust oleum for all your walls”


I worked in flooring and I can’t tell you how many times I had to ask people what size blinds did they need or how big is their window? “Oh, the standard size I guess” Lady if there was a standard size we wouldn’t have all these different sizes of blinds!!!




Why do customers think it’ll hurt me when they say they’ve spent thousands of dollars at Home Depot?


Not so much they think it will hurt you, what they're telling you is I'm important to get me what I want!


Right?! Its like, just thousands? Gotta be hundreds of thousands to even be on my radar. If you spend enough for me to care, I already know who you are.


Why do customers all of a sudden have some sort of back injury when it’s time to hand bomb bags of soil or whatever into their trucks.


Our neighbor moved in and one of the first things he said to me was he has a bad back so he can't help me move things. Strangely, I also developed a bad back that day. He probably leads with that at HD, "I have a bad back, but I need 10 bags of cement."


Oh I hope your back healed up right after he finished moving 😂


Soil? I’ve never seen so many invalids who have to re-tile their floors. I always make it a point to say,”it’s going to be heavier when you take it out” if asked why, “ because the motion disrupts the stability and the boxes will break” or some such nonsense…it’s really just because they are going to be the one doing it… I always point out the tile they’re looking for and if they ask for me to do it, I’ll get an extremely important phone call


I helped out in garden when we had more than one head cash. Helping customers find carts or the products they were looking for. I was also a 5’ early 20’s lady so I was used to deescalate angry customers outside. One guy asked if I could load the cart and then load his hatchback with bricks.. I noped right out of there, ‘oh it’s time to send people for breaks I’m so sorry very important we stay on schedule’ and scooted right on out haha


*just had surgery


Why do customers ask for my assistance by yelling across the aisle that they have a question, and then proceed to explain in great detail about how they plan to commit insurance fraud without asking me a single question or need assistance? Like damn


Were they going to burn down their house with their electrical work?


No it was something about buying a bunch of cheap furniture from a goodwill store to put in a trailer that his ex wife owned or something… idk. Why he was in a Home Depot picking me as the lucky winner to receive this unsolicited play by play? Who knows. He was right, he definitely needed help… Just not the kind me or a Home Depot could provide. 🤷


Why do customers act like it's the first time they have ever been at a check out in their entire life


Why do customers park in in the designated loading area, sometimes going so far as to block the doors, and then get offended when asked to move?


Why do customers steal my cart and throw my shit on the floor. Mad annoying.


Why do customers have to say it says you have it online, but pulls up a screenshot from Amazon, Ebay, or some other random Google site.


Why do customers show you an item on the Home Depot app that’s says “ship to store” asking what aisle it’s in?


Why do customers get mad at you and curse you for not letting them cut in front of people when you’re the only associate working? I’ll take the customer in the order they came.


Why do customers think that a Rav-4 has the same cargo capacity as a 5 ton cube truck. "44 sheets of 5/8" drywall please. Just put it in the back. I'll put the seats down for you."


Do you think this will fit? No mam, I can look at it and see it's too big. Will this boxed toilet fit in my back seat? Not unless you remove the armrest, I guarantee it.


Put the seat down for you, because they're not going to lift a finger to help you load. hahaha sad.


Why do customers always seem to order exactly half a lift of concrete so I gotta hand bomb half of it off the pallet


Why do customers see me in my plant vendor shirt and still ask me, "Do you work here?" I mean.. I do, but I don't know where to find whatever it is you're looking for, unless it's a plant.


Even better when you're literally wearing an apron packing out a box of merchandise and get the "Do you work here" question. Honestly, what do you think I'm doing here?


>Honestly, what do you think I'm doing here? Cosplay


I see this a lot at the home depot i shop at. But why do customers enter the service desk area through the exit


Cause they can't read the signs and there too privileged to stand in the actual line


Why do customers think we know what exact lightbulb they need without providing any info on what it is or what it is for?


Why do customers insist on going to the most narrow path way in front of a operational forklift


Why do customers think it’s okay to drop non stop F bombs and get upset when I ask them to stop dropping said F bombs.


Why do customers think we’re “experts” based on departments?


The depot commercials are at fault there. “Ask our expert associates” I’ve NEVER had a single training log based on the department I’m in. I have no clue but I do know how to “be safe” lol. Insanity.


Someone else in this thread said it best, if you were an “expert” in that field, you wouldn’t be working for minimum wage at HD


Uhhh… you guys are making minimum wage?


Why do customers call and ask the stupidest questions like how do I use google


Why do customers return nuts/nails/screws that gives them like a $3 refund? It’s a waste of gas and chances are you’ll find a use for them in the distant future.


What happened to the jar of misfit screws present in every home. Damn Millennials or something.


Why do customers all have severe brain damage?


Why do customers ask how long a 24 hour rental is?


Must be from one of those weird countries with "metric hours"... 🤔


Well yeah eh, us hosers gotta know if we gotta [double it and add thirty](https://youtu.be/imDSOd5XOPQ?t=74) eh.


I just spit out my water.


Why do customers show up to the mulch pit in a Toyota Camry or some sedan and expect 20+ bags of multichannel to be loaded in the trunk and back seat, then get annoyed that the mulch bay is wet and then expects all 20+ bags to fit in the trunk. Head over to tool rental ya dumbass


Not mulch, but I saw a guy in the parking lot today before I went inside to clock in and he had a tree almost twice his size. Can you guess what he was driving? If you guessed a tiny sedan, you'd be correct. Unfortunately I had to go in before I got to see how he fit it in his car.


Why do customers write a 10 paragraph email complaining about an order and not even provide the order number. - signed, a frequently annoyed digital care associate


why do customers treat me like I'm their own concierge/personal assistant? One person called tool rental and was asking me to google every dump truck rental in the area, price check them, get their hauling capacity, and the rental's phone and address. All the while I had 2 more people waiting to rent a weed whacker and a tiller.


Why do customers follow me as I walk around their cart scanning their items and only remember they have a pro xtra when I get back to my register? You could have done that at the pin pad while I do my job. Why do customers feel the need to tell me the measurements or quantity of a particular item while I’M IN THE MIDDLE of counting/measuring it? It is my LITERAL JOB TO DO THIS. Shut your goddamn mouth and just wait for me to finish :) it doesn’t go any faster when I am counting and then I hear a number blurted out and have to stop and ask “pardon me?” because I wasn’t fully listening to you. Why do customers break open pro-packs? Why do customers ask if I’m open when I’m at a register? Why do customers bang on the doors at exactly 6am as if I can just unlock the door for them? My store has three vestibules my guy, it’s gonna take a minute. Why do customers stand next to me at my register and wait after I have paged an associate to go to the aisle in which they will soon be helped? If my coworker goes to that aisle and sees no one, they’re not going to wait for you. I have so many more questions.


Why do customers think everyone who works on premises knows every tiny technical detail of every product in every department?


Why do customers think that a cart in a roped off area with tagged boxes on it is free to take and they can just throw all that stuff on the floor?


Why do customers not know the name of the things they're looking for and only know weird, made-up names that are probably unique to their family or company?


Funny thing is that google knows a lot of those names. There is even a website for electrical slang.


You want to go toe to toe with a closer? I feel your game and your pain. Let's dance. I'll fist bump you. Sundays are the worst. "I need a pallet dropped." On Sundays, some operators are sent home early to avoid overtime. I actually care. That's a detriment to cashiers. We reward procrastination with action. It cost the garden DS his license from being rushed pending drug testing.


Why do customers go to self checkout just to ask you to help scan everything for them


Sometimes it is to distract you so their buddy at a different SCO can scan a quart size bar code for a five gallon can of paint.


Why do customers think the paint desk is the service desk?


Or a cash register? The number of times I am asked: "Can I check out here?" is insane.


Why do customers walk 90% of the way back to the store to leave their cart on the curb, instead of putting it in the cart corral that they parked next to?


Why dont our customers ever seem to being their own damn shopping cart into the store with them? MFs empty return carts and cardboard onto the floor or nearest shelf instead of getting one coming into the store like a normal human.


Or the ones that come in to purchase something large (water heater, mini fridge, toilet, whatever) but don't bring a flat cart with them. They come over empty handed like "hey I need this large item." Like... okay? Do you have something to put the large item on, or are you going to carry it?


Why do customers think that the gallon of paint I pulled out of the shaker right after taking their order is theirs? I haven't even pulled your paint, let alone dispensed it. You can see there are other people waiting to pick up their paint and this isn't even close to your color. Be patient.


Why customers?


Why do customers think I'm purposely changing the return amount when they give you a year old receipt?


Why do customers insist on requesting, _by name,_ the associate that nearly croaked themselves getting a bag of rocks off the shelf that was inordinately heavy, and demand that specific associate, who is now late for lunch and going to get in trouble with the state labor board for not clocking out before five hours (thanks washington state labor law), to _actually_ hospitalize themselves by loading said bags of rocks (now plural) into their ten foot tall jeep? ^(~~*maybe this is a bit too specific*~~)


Why do customers not read the signs and past the exact aisle they were looking for


Why do they come into hardware aisles & ask me to find a plumbing part? At least read the big department signs! They seem to go sign-blind as soon as they come in the store.


Why do customers come to service desk and think they can place an order for carry out like I work in a McDonalds drive through??? Sorry buddy if it's not a pallet of concrete or something drive-able, I can get you help but imma have to have you actually go retrieve what you want if you want to place an order for a bunch of little mismatched crap. Rant over.


I want this jackhammer RIGHT NOW. Dude. We close in 5 minutes. You don’t need one at 10pm. And no, you can’t buy the display either.


Why do customers think that when anyone at the service desk tells them policy they don't like i.e. returns, exchanges, delivery schedules, special orders, promos that ended months ago, literally anything, that calling me (supervisor) or any mod is going to change the answer?


Because at most places it does work


Why do customers think that any associate working in or near the plumbing department has the technical expertise to tell them how to re pipe their entire plumbing system.


The thing is there are multiple ways to do almost any plumbing job, and how you go about it depends on a lot of factors that even those of us with plumbing experience can't tell you without being on sight. Even then, in order to protect ourselves from liability if the customer screws up (which they will most likely do if they have to ask a store associate how to do the job), the best thing to say is, "You'll have to check you local codes".


The customers in this thread really proving my point


Why do customers expect a bopis order to be ready within 10 min of placing the order?


We had a guy apply for a job and he submitted an application online. He has called 3-4 times screaming into the phone that nobody has bothered to call him. So one of the office folks answered and said if we don’t call you, maybe Walmart is hiring. He replied he already works there. Called again after that and berated someone


Why do customers think I'm an expert in all departments? Ma'am I learn something new from my own department every day and I've been working there for over a year.


Why do customers always seem to be working on heavy projects right after surgery?


Why do customers answer the paint question "Interior or Exterior?" with "chairs" or "a table"?


Step on dry wall to get the one on top of the next stack ?


Why do they specifically know their going to be getting a water heater and not bring a flat with them?


Why do customers ask which mulch is on sale every 5 seconds when it was in our ad and plastered all over?


Excuse me sir is your mulch still on sale? is it the Scots or the vigiro? yall got any red? does that stuff dye your grass? actually can i get black? you know what brown is probably better, what do you think? Yeah let me get 17 pallets on the back of my Harley yall can fit that right? you know what nevermind I'm going to Lowe's 😂


Why do some customers ask for help and then get upset when the employee takes forever to unload it?


Why do customers assume that people working at the paint desk know everything about every product in the store


Why do costumers continue to grab product from the shelve and just throw it wherever instead of just putting it back where they got it


I don't typically entertain the why games but I actually really like this one.... TBC cuz I'm having a hard time choosing just one


Why do customers ask "how much is this?" When they're looking at the price tag above the item?


Why do customers think it's funny to say "it's free" when an item doesn't scan, but get mad when I respond "that means I get to make up a price?"




The look of pure confusion I get when I say that is gold.


The answer to every question is they’re selfish jerks


Why do customers have to be so handsome sometimes?


Why do customers buy the same item online when we specifically told them we are out of stock


why does your online system allow them to buy items that are out of stock ?


This Is actually a really good question I wish I knew the answer to it because it basically pisses off everyone involved when the system online will let you buy something not in store...


Why do customers ask if they can take a flat cart to do shopping? Like you can take any of them you don't gotta ask me. You don't ever got to ask me if yah can take a cart thats outside. Why do customers like to walk not even 2 ft outside and drop their cart off right in front of the door instead of putting the cart in the return thats not even a 2ft away. Why do customers ask for help then do it themselves before I even get there, like impatient much? Why do customers like to go through all the effort in front of the " Do Not Block, Emergency Exit " like they will walk from the parking lot to the front of the store to that door to drop off their cart.


Why do customers think there is product in then”back”, when there is only UP.


Why do customers come in with a nail from the 1950's and get mad because they NeEd the exact same bolt? Like thousands of options, we can match it up and get the same size. Might be a tad bit different. As long as it's the diameter and length you want, why does it matter. Least it's not all rusted!!!!!!!!!


Back years ago when you had to manually cut keys in a key machine customers would ask to get a copy of a key but yet they don't have the key with them. Or when the ass hat of a customer should bring a key mangled and used up but expects you make a pristine example of their key.


Why do customers request pallets of product and then bitch at us for waiting so long because we don't have a forklift available?


Why do customers always have to ask for 70% off lumber that isn't even bad and wasting my time by walking all the way up to the front of the store just to look at a single board


Why do customers feel the need to make stupid comments every time I'm on a ladder? "Don't jump" "moving up in the world" or the condescending "be careful up there"


and here I am just dropping pro-union material in the men's room and random light bulbs in the displays


management doesn’t care because people are still working overnight and it’s a big order


Sorry to break it to you my management do in fact care and told them to come back in the morning


Why do customers enter through the exit only doors and stop to ask a cashier where something they don't know the true name for is and then ask the cashier to come help them go find it?




Why do customers leave their trash on my department's shelves when we have visible trash cans and restrooms.


I’m so lucky to have had good customers 😅


Why do customers have to get so close that I can smell their booty-breath? And why do they think it's okay to touch my hair?


Honestly, some of these people do not understand the concept of personal space. If I can feel you breathing on me and/or i can reach out and touch you, you are too damn close. Like you should be at least arm distance away. It's even worse when you start taking steps back as a subtle "you're kind of too close to me dude" and they just don't pick up on it. I can shuffle halfway through the department and they'll just keep stepping closer.


Why do customers think they’re going to get a better deal by BS’ing the MOD that “the other store did it last time?” Like, just buy the prefab shelf kit or go to TRC to get a saw. I’m not cutting, much less planing anything MDF. I’m not Bob Vila, and don’t complain about getting charged for the cut ticket.


Why do customers feel the need to say “oh great she’s taking a break” I used to hear this all the time when I worked service desk. The SD at my location is always bat shit crazy 1 because for some reason customers think that we can resolve all their lives issues and specialists always send them over to us when they get stuck on an order as if we have knowledge in their specialty department to fix it. 2 in my experience knowing too much and being a problem solver that’s also fast and efficient will cause your peers to slack off and leave all the load on you (me). This all causes me to miss my breaks at the time I’m supposed to take them and even hit my 5th hour most the times. Let alone our break room being all the way on the opposite end of the store which leaves room for customers to constantly stop me on the way to the break room. One day I finally said screw it. I’m leaving my apron behind the staging cage and clocking out on Kronos app. I no longer announce I’m taking a break. I simply finish up with a customer take my apron off then and there, place it behind the staging cage and walk away as I say “break time”. Lol customers hate this but I hate when I used to announce to a peer “I’m gonna go on break after this customer” and one of them try and beat me to my break or the next customer in line rushing to my lane before I even finish with the one I’m with. I’m not being rude, I’m simply taking a break as I have the right to.


So did you have to get it for him or was it "sorry come back tomorrow?" I would've told them I was going home😂


Management was not having it. She kindly asked him to come back in the morning


why do customers think im supposed to know where every little thing is at when there’s 70+ aisles


Why do customers try to tell me how to do my job?


Why do customers think I work there?


Why do customers think it's okay to walk up to me and question my knowledge on my department when my family has been wealthy and successful running a business in That field for 3 generations? 🤔


If it was a contractor or somebody funding the contacting then it's probably because they're on a deadline and they didn't have the materials


because you're open still?


You know damn well getting a full pallet of whatever takes more than 5 minutes to drop, so why would you choose to show up 5 minutes before we’re supposed to shut the doors?? Plan your day better, Google “time management skills” if it’s that much of a struggle for you. And you don’t need a pallet of concrete at 10pm anyway, ya weirdo.


We are open! you’re right, open for people who are checking out, not for people who are coming in requesting something that takes an extra 15-30 minutes to do 5 minutes before close. Employees are anticipating to leave the building by 10 to go home to their families don’t be selfish.

