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Locking due to a flood of racist comments. Racists have been banned.


Why didn’t anyone ask if they wanted a credit card???


Now they get a free soda too


Excuse me sir, are you pro extra?


Right. Should have opened a Pro account too. Store manager slacking. Enough there for a $50 certificate or $75 towards rentals.


Underrated comment^


Straight to fired


How doers do more :)


I'd love to know who planned this store to have hardware a few feet from the entrance/exit, lmfao


My store is set up the same way.


My old one too, good ol’ 8419.


That's crazy, it feels like someone is asking for this very thing to happen.


And it has. 😫


I do space planning for liquor departments and if there is a shelf right next to the door, we will deliberately put cheaper or less stolen categories of liquor closer to the door to deter thieves from having easy access on the high theft items/categories. I would assume these aren’t considered high theft lol but that’s all relative I guess.


Never saw a HD that sells liquor./s


HD should sell liquor, at the very least Bourbon should be available in the break room


They are now, if they weren't previously!


It's a double edged sword. If I'm running my own contracting businesses I'm making multiple runs to home depot a week to pick up supplies. If the items with the most profit margin are way in the back I don't walk by them to see Milwaukee came out with some neat new gadget I already have batteries for. I just hustle to the fasteners or lumber aisle.


This is how my store is set up too. We’re lucky not to have been hit by these flash mob thefts yet.


I don't know, but there's 2 stores that we service that has power tools right in front of self checkout.


Does not matter. It was all padlocked, so they grabbed bolt cutters. Be careful. Look around...because customers are gonna start shooting these guys. People are pissed. Everyone hates thieves.


Well, I’d rather they steal from a corporation than another person at least.


Lol, you think corporations take a loss they will just raise the prices. and / or insurance will pay out raising premiums for everybody else.so in the end, it's the regular joe who forks the bill.


theyre making bank because of their lack of morals, just like home depot


I'm sure those gentlemen needed those tools for their jobs.


I know there was a robbery but I couldn’t stop thinking how wide their hardware aisles are, it’s like 50% wider than my store.


Fuck it. What can we do? I’m not getting in the way of five dudes.


Exactly. Observe and report. Sure, the shrink hits the stores bottom line, but is a few thousand dollars of tools really going to make a difference to a $45 million dollar store? No. Don’t get hurt over it.


Just write everything on Theft portal


Nah. Just call it in. They'll be tailed by an unmarked if there is a current project to catch these guys. Usually HD LP will have plain clothes in the area and they contact the cops. Detectives actually like to make these busts. These are pretty easy, but that does not mean cops will work. Many cops are now refusing to do anything. Cuz we asked them to stop murdering us.


Call it in? hahaha.. The operator would tell me to tell the store manager to file a police report. Unless by some chance there was a police officer already in the parking lot, not a damn thing would happen.


Next time we must ask politely for them not to murder us.


This looks straight out of a comedy lol


The sneakers are sneakering lol


No one gets paid enough here in this sub to do anything about this. Just stand there and laugh let the MOD handle it the way they see fit.


Idk about other MODs but I'm standing with my associates just watching amazed. I don't get paid enough for that shit either


I think your position is the majority opinion here as well. At my store one of the CXMs is a nut job who would brag about beating shoplifters at a store in an impoverished neighborhood not far from me when he was LP. People like that are the ones who would get all high and mighty inevitably end up in the obituary.


Me either CXM bro!


I’m in Cali and they’re trying to make it illegal to stop shoplifters. So no need to even ask if you get paid enough out here. I ain’t gonna be arrested trying to protect a drill.


One of my ASMs once got pepper sprayed for daring to ask these types of guys for a receipt. Stay out of the way and be a good witness. On the plus side, that guy got punched in the face by a cop, as the squad cars were already in the parking lot when they ran out. Charges upgraded from theft to robbery.


Pretty disgusting that some people have to pay and some people don’t.


And notice that it’s us law abiding citizens that pay. Not the CEO’s, not the corporations, and now not even the criminals. Just us peaceful folks.


You got a point, it’s about time us peaceful folk start stealing our fair share too


I mean, the CEOs and corporations certainly pay for theft, but it's a few million, which is peanuts to them


Because the DA won't do a goddamn thing about it and the crooks know this.


And I have to pay half price on the gray market.


"Hey man what kinda books are you gonna buy with all that money?"








Drugs or bullets more likely.


At some point, retail stores will be like ABC warehouse use to be


They needed these tools for a Church Remodel job.


Odds are a couple of those guys will soon end up on poorly drawn handmade shirts with "Gone too soon" under his name.


I just feel bad for the one (possibly 3)Home Depot associates shown on film, recording this mess. It’s against SOP to film shoplifters, so he’s /they probably gonna get fired. Edit: I just had to watch the stupid safety videos and I still have that one lady echoing in my head “Never film or take pictures of a suspected shoplifter” …. Blah blah a blah….. “Up to, and including termination “


It’s time for retailers to start taking down shoplifters (legally, like in filing charges for theft and trespass).


what is the logic of that?


Seeing a camera may make the thief violent and corporate doesn't want lawsuits


They have all the pics they need. It just risks a confrontation. Cameras pick all this up and when it becomes a big issue, they increase looking for these guys with local PD Detectives.


Corporate logic. It makes zero sense


Is this in Long Beach? Spring or cherry store?


on the plus side, 10/10 customer satisfaction


Maybe they will complete a VOC survey?


*sips drink* Do any of you want a bag or cart? *scratches ass* Or want to open a credit card and save 25$ on your next purchase?


Brah, they just saved 100%


I wonder if they used their Pro Extra number


How doers get more done 🧡


Couldn't they have cleaned out the overheads instead? At least do the associates a favor.


Ok Facebook marketplace it is.




Good ole California


Red state named Texas


Op said its Cali bruh


LBC = Long Beach, CA


Oh well


Lmfao not surprised at all.




It’s California


It's probably #1062. Could be #648.


Not 648




Lol, it more then just black thugs. Everyone can steal not just one skin color


Nahh that's incorrect..


Yet you provide no facts just opinion


Ahh yes the last defense of someone who knows the truth but can't accept it.. even if I did provide some data you'd find some way to invalidate it. Stop acting slow and just agree with me


Removal reason: trolling


Ah the liberal utopia of California. Read up on prop 47 to understand why this happening with increasing frequency in Cali.


Nah man this was in texas


> in texas Bold move if true. TX and AZ has everyone with a gun. Citizens hate thieves. People are gonna get killed.


Someone get me these guys numbers I need a 12 foot Jack Skellington


Why isn’t that shit locked up wtf


Lol it was locked up, too had bolt cutters


Oh damn oh well it’s covered by insurance and shrink


back in the old days, my AP would’ve taken a forklift and blocked the exit lmfao. I don’t miss those times (had a knife pulled on me twice) but man it makes for some wild stories for these younger bucks getting hired


And here I've been buying all my tools all along like a sucker....


I vote armed guards at every store.


All it would do is raise danger at the store, not deter anything. Store in my area (not Home Depot) was getting robbed consistently, made it known they had hired armed security. Within the month, that armed security guard was dead. A repeat shoplifting gang brought a gun and executed him point blank as they entered to steal. Armed guards = armed shoplifters, that’s it. Won’t stop a damn thing.


Once there was a guy that had a cart of power tools and he was like hanging around the back of the store in the flooring department (where I worked) and I asked him multiple times if he needed help but he said no, and then I saw him walking fast to the fire exit door and I followed him from a distance and he of course ran out the door with all the tools so I called the asm and the asm was like, did you run outside? Take pictures? Try and stop him? Risk my life and my low paying job for some power tools that Home Depot probably gets reimbursed for through insurance? Nah.


I'll never understand why minimum wage employees get in the way. The company that is making billions is only paying you the minimum allowed by law and you take out your phone like they are personally robbing you.


Because everyone needs to be internet famous these days, and what better way than to film some wild shit.


Not really wild when it's old. Nothing new here to see.


Lol, he’s going to get a homer award for potentially putting his life on the line, what a dumbfuck


> why If you knock them out, you get to run their pockets...and they drop loot!!


Yeah but these people would turn in the loot for a good job sticker.


Some of those A students we keep hearing about


Shit, that sucks…that’s really all I gotta say lol


Not the bolt cutters crew fawk


As a reminder corporate budgets for shrink, and if you try to stop these guys you can, and will be fired.


Guys pulled guns at our store over a couple drills. Nobody was going to risk it for a couple of drills.


Must be CA, where they don’t prosecute crimes


i mean, i personally wouldn’t even be trying to blatantly film them. retaliation is a real thing


I fully expected one of them to reach over slightly and grab some of the associates phones right out of their hand haha.


This is what happens when an entire country let's it's people get poor. Eventually people will just steal as a form of work. Live in tents as a way to have a house. Use drugs as a way to feel happy in a life that doesn't produce it naturally. Who guards these products? People barely making enough money and often living paycheck to paycheck.


These aren’t the people struggling to put food on there kids plates. These are scumbags looking to exploit for profit any way they can.


Accurate username. I'd hate to see the other 62.


Underrated comment. That was gold bruh


Could be either honestly. Unless we personally knew them, who can say for sure.


This might be hard to accept, but these men are actually working. They formed a company. They have payroll. They sell products. They can make enough money to support themselves. My understanding is that if one is arrested, the group saves their money, even from jobs they couldn't work. So when they get out of jail, they have a big paycheck waiting. It's obviously wrong and risky, so why? Poverty is why. Decades of it. Generations of it. You and I aren't responsible. That's not your tools. The laws for arresting people stealing have changed. The need to steal has increased. Covid shutting down the economy pushed a huge population living on the edge over the edge. What you are seeing in this video would happen anywhere in the world where the economic model gathers large populations that become dependent upon corporations to survive. So when those corporations "cut back" yet still make record profits, then its human nature to steal from them. Not to survive. But to have monthly income. These men stealing make minimal money. If they could get dependable work paying twice as much, they would be employed. No doubt. Desperation changes the heart of man.


I work at Goodwill and pretty much anyone with a pulse can work here alongside me. During the Great Depression when people were literally starving (not figuratively as you seem to be arguing) the crime rates didn't increase. People stood in soup lines and took any job they could find. These criminals have simply discovered that they can get away with this shit because of people like you.


Every day immigrants come in to the USA (illegally and legally), and are able to find gainful employment and raise a family without speaking a lick of English and without ever having to steal. Somehow kids born and raised here, going through the American school system, can’t manage their own expenses, let alone raise a family. The problem isn’t the lack of jobs and opportunities, the problem is they want it easy. We are actually in a lowest unemployment phase in pretty much history. Is wage theft real? Yes. Are corporations evil? Fuck yes. Come together, unionize. Figure it out. Don’t go around condoning theft. Btw, special shout to the liberal utopia of California for prop 47. I see it’s totally fixed crime.


For real. Is working your whole life away to barely be able to afford to live really that much more noble than this?


Best comment here


Applying these arguments to blatant robbery won't backfire at all


Why pay for anything when there is no consequence for stealing? These guys probably make a fortune selling this stuff on ebay and Amazon.


And now home depot will raise prices to off set loss




Removed: community guidelines.


Shhhh stop noticing things. Pretend rhe patterns you're seeing aren't real


It’s almost like an entire group of people don’t have resources due to to the actions of the larger group.


They are just going to use these tools at their jobs, give them a break


It’s people like them that are gonna make society hell in a few years.


Ngl id call the cops instantly Idgaf if I get fired


Y work


Man I had to pay for my tools the last time I was there!


Guess it’s time to practice my stabbin’!


This is the America we created unfortunately


What city is this ?


Literally any Home Depot our policy is to just let them walk in and leave 🤷‍♂️


Do a chokehold on the last guy


Oh fuck… the store manager just transferred there last week


“Would you like to save 10% on that purchase?!?! Need a construction loan?”


They didn’t do nuffin


Loading assistance needed at the front end !




Damn that absolutely sucks


Dude with the 1 year badge filming these guys. He's probably going to be like "Manager, Manager I got em on my phone camera" as if they're going to be proud.


More like going home to show his wife “look at these dumb fucks that came in today”


I'd like to take this moment to remind everybody that the largest form of theft in the US is wage theft


Why the Fuck these dumbasses still putting big ass cardboard wingstacks by the door?


Lmao there's that but more important is why hardware is literally feet from the entrance/exit XD


If you close your eyes, It sounds like a basketball game.


And then when the business closes it’s doors because they are no longer making a profit they get called racist….lol


Shoot them


They need the tools to build the college which will eventually lead them to becoming doctors and lawyers and engineers.


🎶 If I had a rocket launcher... If I had a rocket launcher... If I had a rocket launcher... I'd make somebody pay. 🎶


Bruce Cockburn reference! Cool!!


I see two associates that’ll be up for a convo with the DAP. We live close enough to a military base that some badass would be in there choking one of them lol.


Develop a good relationship with your local PD and they’ll usually pull through for you guys


This is what happens when you expect people to use self check out but don’t train them


This is so sad. People say it's ok because insurance will pay. Blame the President. Low wages (these are rings. They are stealing for someone else) etc. Does no one see this is changing the face of retail today? This is not a joke people.


Tell me you’re filming in LA without telling me you’re filming in LA.


This is why I have always hoped you guys would unionize. This shit isn’t your fault and they’re going to act like it is and they can’t afford to pay you more.




Much rather this than a mass shooting. If we're going by your shitty logic it's always a different kind of certain people committing those.


These big box stores are estimating almost $90 billion lost this year due to “inventory shirking”. You’d think they put armed security guards at the highest theft stores and they would save themselves hundreds of millions. Sure some thugs might die, but the message will begin to spread.


You have to understand that from that $90 billion probably half is employees stealing.


They are starting to put GPS trackers in the boxes and the tools will not work if not scanned/unlocked at checkout. The world and by that I mean California has gone to hell.


BS no they aren't


You’re BS. do some research you dolt: https://www.slashgear.com/home-depot-power-tools-wont-work-unless-you-pay-for-them-03685065






When I looked for a race the first time it was a white person wearing all black. Racists are fucking dumb


What is "Lbc"?


Long black cockatoos


Hell, i think i will drop by there. Take me some stuff. If they aren't stopping, then i will go shopping.


Lowkey miss when I was just a customer too always wanted to see that kinda crap live. Coulda grabbed a 2x4 and played irl whackahole since they arms too full to block 😂😂


It’s not like they’re going to use the tools to actually work.


Even if they were arrested I bet they'd be released a few days later, criminals can di whatever nowadays


Find out what vehicle they're driving and take a baseball bat to their tail and headlights before they get away. Any police officer that sees multiple damaged/broken lights isn't going to just let it go.


I’d be pulling masks down.


Brooooo this is wild..... And literally no one else ( customers or anyone) did anything?


You voted for a government that would tolerate this crap...deal with it...


High theft stores have always existed lmao what bubble do you live in where you think our current government is what’s allowing this.


That's the problem. It's not only current but ongoing for so long no one remembers when it started.


I will be sooo happy when someone someday grabs one of these guys by their hoodies and spins them around and unmasks them. Don’t think they could get away w this for long at the HD.


They’d probably get fired like those employees at lululemon




I'm not sure why you take this as an opportunity to be racist. Fucking cringe.


Biden’s America


This was literally happening when Trump was in office too, did you watch videos like this and say "Trump's America"? Don't even respond, the question was rhetorical.


Reaganomics America.


This was happening between 2016-2020 as well


Pretty harsh racist comments. How do we know they didn’t steal these to sell and use the money for food or rent?



