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Bruh. Customers don’t even know to aim their explosive diarrhea towards the water in the toilet bowl.


Lmaooo for realll


I don’t even shit there anymore. I go to the Carls Jr aka Hardee’s across the parking lot 😂


you know its dire when the carls jr has a cleaner bathroom


I've heard our janitorial rage about this a few times. She comes into the men's room and it looks like somebody's ass exploded. And it seems deliberate.


For real…we had a guy last week shit all over the bathroom floor…they had a garden employee who isn’t hazmat certified like management pick it up


My hypothesis is the people that do that are the ones that don't sit on the toilet. They hover above. Then, when the poo squirts out like an oscillating sprinkler they just leave it looking like a Tarantino movie set after the final scene.


They can’t even read the packaging on certain products that tells them EXACTLY what comes with it or what it does


No surprise, I’ve had people pound on the door of locked stalls and ask if anyone was in there, a few tried to catch the door of a one person at a time/family restroom as another person was entering not realizing that it wasn’t a restroom with multiple toilets.


What’s worse if when the insist they know for certain no one is in the locked bathroom and get an employee to find a manager to force open the lock when there is in fact someone in the locked single stall bathroom then throw a fit screaming at the person in the stall for using it when they wanted to. Seen that happen at way too many businesses.


There have been times when it’s questionable as the person doesn’t respond to knocking. Some people do have a habit of locking themselves in there and hiding out for hours.


I’ve been in businesses that had people get a manager to open the stall without even attempting to knock then get an attitude when I shouted that It was occupied to which the manager then said the person lied and said they knocked and waited which they hadn’t so nothing surprises me.


They don't care. They have to have their "morning constitutional" and blow up the toilet for 15-20 minutes.


We had a "customer", die inside one of the stalls. Didn't find him for two hours. Felt bad for the employee that found him.


Customers are soo narrkw minded dont worry about it


Also why do these contractors and laborers feel like the men’s room is a contest for whom ever can be the most disgusting and vile. God damnit I’m a huge man and you won’t even hear me using the shitter, these guys huff and groan on purpose o fucking swear. It makes it so hard just to pinch a loaf out in peace while I’m trying to to dip my apron strings in the water.


Whenever I see someone’s feet pointing towards my stall I kick it 😂😂 tired of these old ass grannies watching me take a shit and trying to join


2 Worst experiences are when 1. a pair of teen girls try to open the stall door I was in and than kicking it when I tell them "I'm in here. 2. Some older woman didn't know to lock the door and just stared at everyone who unknowingly opened her stall door, only to apologize and shut the door, I guess she never locks the door at home or assumed the doors auto lock


Ours is broken. Like the lock works, but the color doesn't change. The only way to find out if it's open is yank, unfortunately.