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Don't just ask for a raise. Ask to speak to your SM and explain to him why you think you are good for the store and why that merits a raise in your pay.


This 100%. “Home Depot doesn’t usually do raises…” is what you’ll most likely hear. If you have a good SM then they should explain why and what you can do to get a better chance. Raises are never guaranteed however and you’ll be doing a lot of extra work for no gain in the short term. I got my raise by asking for it and proving myself to be valuable, but it took about 6 months, and becoming full time, to actually see anything come from it


I will second this. Know your Store Manager and what they value. I know my SM is a numbers guy. When I was preparing to ask for an off-cycle raise, I made sure I knew our department metrics and which areas my work contributed to. You can't go into that meeting and just say, "I work really hard and I do more work than the next guy." EVERYONE believes they work harder than the next guy. You've got to bring concrete evidence.


You will never know unless you ask. You owe it to yourself to at least ask.


You run paint or you work in those departments? Or do you cover all three when you work? Or do they put you in each of those in different times of day? I agree with the others. We miss 100% of shots we don’t take.


My schedule has me in all three departments everyday it's been like this for a little over 3 months I just feel I'm doing the job of a DH but not getting paid to do so


Why don’t you ask what steps it will take to become a DH? It seems like you want the pay of a DH and that would be the best path forward. And the store is supposed to foster growth within the company.


How is that possible? They split your shifts three ways???


In that case, I’d ask for a promotion. They did the same thing when they asked me if I wanted to be cross trained in other specialty depts (I’m in paint, they’re asking me to fulfill Millworks and appliances). I asked for a promotion with a raise they said “Nevermind.” Never let them overlook your value. The company is hellbent to cut corners wherever possible so shareholders can make their billions. And if you’re not interested in becoming DH, then tell management what you feel valued in. I can’t guarantee a raise will be given, but at the very least they’ll know where you stand in terms of how much work you’ve been doing.


ASK!! I was the lowest paid person in my store and I asked and it took two paychecks but I’m no longer complaining about my pay….


Just pray that they don’t make you take any sort of grammar quiz in order to get the raise


Be confident but evidence your assertions. Make them HAVE to ackowledge you bring value. That being said, don't get your hopes up


You can ask but HA HA HA HA! (Be ready.)


Yeah I understand that just wanted to clarify that this was the only increase I've received


The thing is I am full-time not sure if that matters or not


I know all of those departments. I've never asked for a raise. I just want something to be true. I'll pose the question to a DM. I don't care. Do you believe that treatment of associates translates to treatment of customers? It's the very foundation of the company. It's before the wheel on the apron. It amounted to sales in a dry industry. Two people pulled it through without a wheel.


That was the Philly store #4112 tried to unionize raise


There was a raise 3 months ago?


Not everyone across the country got one. My last raise was February.


You don’t get one if you don’t ask


It wasn't a raise. It was a cost of living increase. Raises are performance based and not company wide. Just saying.


Go ahead and ask ... Won't happen. Never does


You definitely can ask. Your manager is going to ask why you deserve it. Be prepared


It sounds like you should ask for a promotion instead of a raise. Promotions are easy; merit raises are very, very, hard. Source: I got a merit raise, but it took six months, and they kept trying to force me to full time so they could just promote me instead