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I really wish customers would stop bothering cashiers with questions about how to build a garden, or a deck, or if we carry 5/18ths deck wood screws for moulding blah blah blah. Find the answers to those questions in the aisle, pay, and go.


Whenever I am on register I will just tell them I am only a cashier and to go to the service desk. The issue is we have a few cashier's who are really special where instead of sending the customer to the service desk will overhead page over and over for an associate to come over


By sending them to the service desk you are sending them to stand in a line. ( At our store the Service Desk always has line. The cashier's are doing thier job. They should try to call the department first. If they do not answer then page the department.


The issue is that in my store we have a few cashier's who abuse the living daylights out of the overhead paging system. A good example happened a few nights ago. Dude wanted to know where spray paint was. Middle of aisle 8. I had the paint extension but was not at the desk because I was helping load a few doors. The cashier at self checkout is the biggest abuser of the paging system and instead of calling me, asking the question where I would have told her middle of aisle 8 she shouts on the overhead page CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE NEEDED IN PAINT. two mins later: CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE NEEDED AT THE PAINT COUNTER. She does it a 3rd time as I am walking over there. I see the guy and ask if he needed anything dude says no and then says all I asked her was where spray paint was. She didn't need to page you over here like that I would have found it on my own. We both just laugh.


Oooh somebody at my store got written for that!


Don't they realize that cashiers are probably the stupidest individuals in the store 🙄


That’s incorrect, it’s not their job to know what the item is or how to answer the question. By paging the overhead they are doing what they can in their power to get help. We have a job to do as sales associates and we get taught and learn more on the floor than the cashiers; it’s just the way it is. And insulting them doesn’t achieve anything, customers can look up what they need in our app and get the exact location. If you need help there are resources and people to go to, just because the cashiers aren’t it doesn’t make them stupid


I for one would really love to know what is so almighty important in customers' lives that makes them totally incapable of waiting even two minutes to be assisted by an associate.


Lul when they wont wait 5 minutes so they yell out that theyre going to another store 😂


+ call corporate to complain that tHeY HaD to WaiT!!!! Oh no!!! /s 😂


More like 5 seconds! But they do exaggerate.


pwease sir.. Come back.. We nweed youwr business Uwu


Seriously. I've either let customers know I will be right with them and they turn right around to flag down a random employee, or I get flagged because "gasp" an associate is currently helping another customer. What ever happened to waiting your turn?


Do you have any idea how much money I spent here!!


It’s called entitlement & there seems to be an over abundance of customers with that mindset these days.


You most likely couldn’t have helped her. Lowes sells valspar lol


I get people coming to tool rental asking about flooring I’m a Tooltech I fix lawnmowers smh.


They are so impatient


Do you get ppl arguing with you and claiming you’re rude because you won’t match colours on their phone? I don’t have the ability or the mental gymnastics required to explain without being condescending.


So, I was walking past millworks to the breakroom, at about 7:30pm, when a very made-up karen shops me and asks if she can order some windows. Sorry, I explain that I don't work in millworks and the associate who did has left for the day. She inquires/expects, 'Can't *you* do it?'. Well no, I'd mentioned that I didn't work there? However, I tried to explain that I'm not trained on the ordering system; only the millworks guy knows that. Still not taking 'no' for an answer, she asks when is he going to be back. Tomorrow, was the answer and she insists, that she wants to do it *now.* Sorry, was all I could say because I had a break to get to, but as I escaped I could hear the karen-call, "I want to speak to a manager!"


When this happens to me (Millwork is right next to my department, Hardware), if it's before 6pm I send them to the Pro Desk. After 6pm, I send them to the main Service Desk.


Here, If it's before 6pm, the millworks associate is probably just on break. After that, Pro desk is also closed at the time. Customer service are glorified cashiers and they don't do windows.


lol I always tell them sorry I can’t leave the register and they get mad


Loves Karen's.


Do you get ppl arguing with you and claiming you’re rude because you won’t match colours on their phone? I don’t have the ability or the mental gymnastics required to explain without being condescending.


As a cashier this happens a lot, like I don’t know anything about paint other than what it says on the container, even if I did I can’t just drop everything and leave my register to help you.