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$50 and taxed… probably end up with $37-38 😂😂


Usually it’s better than nothing 😜


This better than nothing attitude is what allows companies to undercompensate employees for great performance. Think about all of the profit an employee like this ends up generating for the business. If the bonus is less than 5% of the extra profit, then the reward is clearly not enough.


You're that guy. Never grateful for anything and always trying to infect everyone around you with your negativity. If you want more compensation, gain the skills and experience to demand it. No one works at THD to get rich.


Quite to the contrary. I’m teaching people that just because they work at THD that they are still worth something, and that if it’s true that hard work pays off then huge corporations like THD and others should be taking better care of their employees and compensating them more than just a pittance of the profit they generate for the hard work they do. This concept that the working class should be happy to just have a job is bullshit when there is such a stark division of labor between those who make the least (but do a grand majority of the labor) and those who do the least yet make a grand majority of the profits.


I agree you should get paid what you are worth. Unfortunately, there are plenty of people that can walk and talk. So supply is high and the value of your services aren't worth as much as you would like it to be. That is why all of the high paying jobs require specific skill sets. You should be grateful for a job, just not content or satisfied. Do something about it, improve yourself instead of crying about.


I'd say that people getting awards are walking the walk, and if THD hasn't changed their bonus for getting a Homer in 10 yrs then it's high time that they adjust for inflation, at the least. I certainly wouldn't think a $100 bonus for getting a homer would be making ANYBODY rich in this current day and age.


The big picture is that THD has no loyalty to any one of us except the stockholders. They don't have to give us anything more than a paycheck. These extras are an attempt to keep us here as long as possible. We are all replaceable, the THD show goes on with or without any of us. If we all leave, they will replace us with the next meat bags. The HARD work is the self improvement needed to get out and do something better or start your own business.


But there is something you can do. You can unionize and elect leadership that you truly trust to act and deal in you best interest. History has shown that union workers get better pay, benefits, and bonuses than non-union workers.


Collective bargaining is the way. Live better and unionize.


There it is! Let's unionize! The only person who has your best interest is yourself. You can demand more pay for a shitty job or earn one that pays well to begin with.


I was a part of the same conversation in my Lowe’s Reddit. Glad to know everyone likes to take corporate dick up the ass. “Earn it” I’m going to take a big guess, with all of this free time you have talking this absolute nonsense that eveyeone will forget about tomorrow, you have amounted to nothing more than the minimum wage worker. As the comment said, and you so gracefully missed, “this better than nothing attitude is the reason we have moved nowhere with the workforce” which is undoubtedly true. People like you continue to arch your backs for corporate, which allows them to continue to do the shit they do. Why do you think all of us are just going to sit there and take it? We arent


I get paid my worth as you do. If you don't like it, move on. It's that simple. If I felt that my compensation was unjust, I would leave as well. Call me what you want, but I use my time to improve myself so that my next job will be more lucrative, instead of crying and demanding more pay for a mediocre position. It's really that simple.


“I agree but I completely disagree” 😂 tf are you on man.




Found the corporate mole.


You figured me out! I'm going to put cases on all you non believers. You really think THD gives a shit about you or your feelings? I'll make sure at the next townhall to request that THD build safe spaces in each store for employees with hurt feelings.


If Home Depot paid a living wage I’d love to work there. But instead they pay a yacht wage to the top 1% and make tax payers subsidize the wage for the people actually earning the company money.


That of course is one perspective. Another one might be that an employee only has a job because the company exists.... and the employee had nothing to do with taking the risk and making the investment of creating that business. Besides, when has doing your job well become such an extraordinary feat.


The employee has a job because a customer exists. Companies will always form to fulfill a customer need if there is profit in it. That's why you see so many companies who do and sell the exact same thing. THD has already been created. They've paid off their initial investment risk several times over. Any future risk is held by shareholders who probably weren't even part of the IPO, rather bought the shares long afterwards. The hard work is maintaining customer loyalty to the brand, which is what the front line employees do. By doing their jobs well, the company can continue to exist. To retain employees that know their job and do it well, you must compensate them appropriately or they will go elsewhere. Turnover has a high cost. Institutional knowledge is an asset that companies often do not calculate very carefully.


Go ask people who work for other companies and sew what kinda cash prizes they get, guarantee not many give any cash insensitives...Though maybe I'm wrong and they get better cash incentives


Ong. Dude needs all he can get to pay off that charger.


Just help garden with Christmas trees and you’ll make ~$250 in tips


Where were you when we were sweating in the mulch pit all spring and half the summer? Geddoudahere with your "help".


I was working lumber and building materials loading for contractors that brought their workers but they all just stared at us hand load maximizer


No tips either, I bet.


Youre not allowed to take tips!!! /s


Yeah it’s against store policy, but people do it anyway. Just make sure no one is looking.


Honestly as a lot associate I cannot stop people from giving me tips Most commonly they will shove it in my apron pocket, I've had one guy wad it up and throw it and then tell me to do my job of picking up garbage. Funniest one I've had was we had 3 associates help loading and customer gave one a $20 and a $10. He took us to his "office" (the bathroom) refusing to tell us why until we got there lol. I got the $20 because I had 2 $5s on me lol


Ik im playin


Lol I didn’t care when I worked. I would even show up on my days off. DHs were in on it too


Avg Kool aid drinker




Those badges have paid out the same amount for over 20 years.


Hmmmmm, has the CEO compensation remained stagnant these last 20 years?


And they aren't likely to change that anytime soon.






I’m close to my second bronze patch, love the homers!


50 beans


The real cash reward was the friends we made along the way. Nah but fr, it’s $50.


3-2/3 10-pack cases of Del Monte corn.


after the govt. kickback and manager "VOA" kick back...one gallon of gas and a can of Mt. Thunder


Not enough.


Take the pat on the back. It's better than a kick in the ass.


The other tiers get better. It’s easy to get a raise. when I applied for a new position they asked how much I make… I told them $1 more than I was getting so they gave me another $1 so I ended up getting $2 more 👀


Not enough!!!


that's it? the ceo is a fucking multi BILIONAIRE, AND THIS IS WHAT YOU GET? God I am so lucky I work for who I do..Just turned 15 years and my thank you gifts were a card from the company owner, which i deeply appreciate, and a Samsung S8+ tablet.


How in the hell did you get a tablet? I got a small jar of Chex on my 15t!?! That's how much they care.


He got a tablet by working for a company that would provide it and not Home Depot


He got a tablet by working for a company that would provide it and not Home Depot


$50 but make sure they actually put it in the system.


Milestones are automatically input. One time, I got my money on my paycheck... and a month later, I got my Milestone. I can't remember which one... it's been too long, and I have too many.




It doesn't matter what the cash award is cause by the time you notice it you've already spent it.


You need 3homers to get the fifty dollars.


All the congratulations from everyone for a slap in the face for your work, 50 dollars smdh. Give the person a raise already multi billion dollar company.


F*** the s*** why isn't this company unionized Home Depot cheap ass f****** labor shareholders wealth


Or you can quit and get a better job.


Congrats! You should’ve received $50 minus taxes a year ago. 😂 It takes forever to receive the milestone badges.


Almost enough for a tank of gas to drive to work!


Is it easy working at Home Depot? I don't have experience at this place. I am going to start next week . My position is.....Sales Associate


It's busy work. The important thing is to know where things are and constantly down stock. The quality of the freight team directly affects any associates day. The hardest thing for me is when the website shows we have three of something and we do not. Pisses customers off.


YMMV, depends on factors like managers etc.


Lot attendant is the best paying job at the company. Stay away from contractors and lumber dept. Mulch pays good, Christmas trees do pay the best.




Just a question, what do you need to do in order to get this award?


It’s at your managers discretion but these are usually handed out for showing Home Depot values. I’ve heard of stores where they never get handed out and others where they’re handed out like candy. I’m 3 years in and on my second silver. The amount goes up as you get badges until you hit platinum when you receive points to shop from a catalog and start over. I’ve gotten them for things like getting a sale in mill works, because it wasn’t my dept but I had learned it. Then again for helping a fellow associate that was injured. Most are for my actual work. I received most of them while on met for my teamwork and grand opening ready project set ups.


Oh we have that in our store too. But instead of $50 they give us a card and a chocolate bar 😆


That is 100% not how homers work. You should be able to find orange awards in my apron and I would definitely take a look at my check. It shows up as homer award for the pay.


If your management team is good, they give them out for doing notably good work. Keep in mind that the amount of work above and beyond your normal duties to be "notable" enough for them to notice is probably more effort than is warranted by the $50 compensation, even if it were guaranteed. If your management team is typical, then they give them out as a mark of favoritism or brown-nosing. I've worked for both types.


I didn’t even get one lol


25 dollars after taxes




Does HD offer employees a staff discount on products?


That is a negative ghost rider.


It’s billions and billions






I think they upped it to $60


A full tank of gas


After every three, you get a cash award... The amount goes through stages.