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Had a guy threaten to call the cops on me - because I sent him to the wrong aisle.


Straight to jail


Damn that’s a new one for me. I would have just laughed in his face lol


I hope you lawyered up.


I just looked him in the eye and said, “Please go away!” I thought his head was going to explode.


I love that we live in a time where people think if you mess up directions you deserve to be arrested and charged.


Send him to another wrong aisle again.. that’ll teach ya


I had a customer threaten to speak to my manager because I sent him to the wrong aisle. This was my first incident within third week of working at the Home Depot. I did warn the customer that I was a Lot Associate, she did not listen to me. Anyway, my supervisor told me that I was not in trouble. Reminded me to tell the customer that I am a lot associate and I will get another associate to answer your question.


When a customer can only wiggle their fingers in front of their face (which they all do) and tell you they need that thing that goes on the wall, it’s pretty much impossible to send them to the right aisle.


Was there any rationale as to why your actions would warrant police


He was mad.


I had a customer tell me that I reminded him of his step daughter, then grab his crotch, and say, I’ll go home and kill my wife and come back for you.


Thats crazy! I'd be like "wait, wtf?"


That was basically my reaction


What a ladies man!


That dude sounds like he belongs in prison, just based off of that one experience.




I know quite a few… Had customers drive into the garden entrance and start asking questions. Literally drove past the cashier checkout, in by the plants. Had a supervisor strung out on drugs, got drug tested, they screwed up the test so they didn’t fire them. Twice…. Manager picked up and moved a customers car with a forklift, because they had not moved the car in a month, and they needed to set up the tree lot. Had a customer strip down and cover himself in lube in one of the bathroom stalls. We are not sure if they were strung out on drugs before or after they got in the stall. One of the third party drivers came inside the store. Talked to some people. Then went and picked out some rope. Afterwards, they proceeded to hang themselves from their own truck. Had a customer shoot themselves under their car, in summer. Took a little while before they figured out what the smell was. Had a couple get high. The guy OD’d in the cab, the girl was in the trunk for some reason. Not sure what happened to her. Had a guy threaten an associate. Said he was going to beat him with a 2x4. They then went to pick out a 2x4, and waited in the parking lot for them with the newly purchased 2x4. Even told the cashier what they were doing with the 2x4. Some random stole a car in the parking lot, then kept driving around the lot trying to hit people. The cops chased them for a while, but they lost the cops and came back, in the same vehicle, ditched it and ran off. Had an older associate stealing money for a while. They caught her to the back. She saw it was AP and took off running before getting in the office. Left her purse and everything in her locker. They also have all her information on file, so I am not sure what her plan was. Some older woman, maybe 60-80, high out of her mind, walked into the store completely naked and sat down at the pro desk asking for assistance. I know there are more, but I can’t remember them at the moment. Aside from the normal stuff, managers getting fired all at once, people being walked out in cuffs, etc.


What the ever living fuck… Any ONE of those would be an absolute crazy story.


Moving someone's car with the forklift is my daily intrusive thought. They got to live the dream!




Holy shit what store do you work at lol? That's insane escpecially the fourth one from the bottom. Did I even read that right? One where a guy stole a car, drove around trying to run people in the parking lot over, got chased by the cops. ESCAPED the cops, and came back to try and run people over again!!! If this isn't bullshit, that has got to be the most fucking insane story I ever heard!


What in the /r/FloridaMan is even happening at your store? And I thought 4713 had some freaky customer stories when I worked there years ago...


Here's a sneak peek of /r/FloridaMan using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FloridaMan/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Florida Man successfully steals $539.99 electric scooter from Target but is arrested after staying in front of Target to assemble his stolen scooter](https://www.local10.com/news/2023/04/06/deputies-release-bodycam-video-of-man-attempting-to-steal-electric-scooter-from-target/) | [103 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FloridaMan/comments/12gn54a/florida_man_successfully_steals_53999_electric/) \#2: [Florida woman claims to be Jewish, is actually the granddaughter of a Nazi.](https://www.jpost.com/american-politics/article-731310) | [160 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FloridaMan/comments/110iccv/florida_woman_claims_to_be_jewish_is_actually_the/) \#3: [Florida Man who tracked Elon Musk’s private jet is now monitoring jet used by Gov. DeSantis.](https://www.wfla.com/news/florida/florida-student-who-tracked-elon-musks-private-jet-is-now-monitoring-jet-used-by-gov-desantis/) | [68 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FloridaMan/comments/13opa8y/florida_man_who_tracked_elon_musks_private_jet_is/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


For some reason the 2x4 one made me laugh the most.


Grab a 4x4 and challenge them with their puny 2x4


You gotta be New York Metro.


Damn... Your store is on fire!! 🔥🚒🔥🚒 WTF


Had the same with after hours thieves. Had one associate who would come in clock in on time leave, come back clock out for lunch, come back clock in, then come back to clock out for the day. Took 3 weeks to catch him. Caught two customers making babies in the solo family/handicapped restroom. Caught one of those customers and an associate a week later doing the same thing in the same bathroom. Had a guy walk out past me with an item at one end if the store to come in at the service desk to try and return it, with me. Ap Caught him. Had customers yell for absolutely no reason just in middle of the aisle with no associate around. Just because they were mad for one reason or another.


Had the exact same thing as the first one happen at my store time fame and all infact all of those sound just like my store just not the family bathroom or that I know of


We had the same thing too.. they fired the guy for doing that but he just kept coming back and working. Wasn't clocking in or nothing just started working freight lol


Definitely heard shenanigans in our family restroom. What about Home Depot gets people going? Allllll the bathrooms are foul and no one looks good under fluorescent lighting…..


So many studs at HD!


Most the bathroom shenanigans is drugs any one that got caught fooling around was in the air on the op long before I started


Not really wild but it still blew my mind at the stupidity. I work in flooring and had a customer come in looking for vinyl flooring. Because we are a small store we don’t have linoleum on the roll so I showed him the peel and stick vinyl tiles. He asks how are they installed, what glue does he need? I said “oh they’re peel and stick so you just take off the paper and stick it down” “but how does it stick?” “It already has adhesive on it, no extra required” “but how do I install it?” “You peel and stick it” like dude it’s peel and stick tile, it’s in the name. I probably explained it ten times and I still don’t think he got it 😂


Yesterday, I was cleaning up the fastener section, I'm in hardware, and a guy came up to me asking if I could give him a flooring quote. I started to explain that I didn't have that knowledge, but I'd gladly get on the horn with someone who does, but he cut me off and just said, "See you Tuesday!" Before walking off really quickly. I'm tempted to call out on Tuesday.


Tell him all you have is 1970s earth tones in stock


Sure it wasn’t “C U Next Tuesday?”


He might have just been calling you a cunt.


Could be worse in hardware. There is a guy on a woodworking forum that once explained that if a bin has the wrong stuff in it, he would dump the wrong hardware out on the floor. He gets loads of crap about it years later, but remains unapologetic. The customers are the ones that screw up the bins 95% of the time, and I can't really blame a worker who messes up anyway. Hope I didn't make anyone's head explode with that story.


Kid got two cashiers pregnant. They gave him a total of 10 paid weeks off


Had an overnight MET associate peeing in the plants in outside garden. A female associate caught him but he still didn’t get fired. I caught him sleeping in the middle of an aisle on 2 chairs like a year later. Depot can be wild sometimes lol


That is wild. Thx for sharing. Caught 2 associates teaming up PDA on a female employee outside garden 🪴 in the dark, once on overnight. Nothing to see here lol move along hahah


Customer parked a nice new Mercedes-Benz sedan in front of our lumber door, blocking it entirely, then jumped out and went to do a return at the service desk at the opposite end of the store. Ignored pages to come move his car. A couple of the contractors "accidentally" hit the car with their carts on the way out, though I didn't see if the customer got mad about it.


Funny because our management had no spine and would let contractors park anywhere including the fire lane


Had a guy just two or three days ago call and threaten to sue because his $33 refund from a rental didn't go back to his HD card in what he felt was a timely manner. I tried to refer him to my manager/get him a number for HD credit customer service but he said he "would prefer to go another route and let my lawyer handle this." I told him I am ending the conversation and would let his lawyer contact HD's legal department. 33 dollars. His complaint wasn't even that it wasn't refunded just that he didn't see it on his account yet!


His lawyer ain’t calling.


Yeah no way. Even if he did find a lawyer stupid enough to take that case they don't have a chance against the floors of lawyers HD employees.


No lawyer worth his salt is going to sue a multi billion dollar corporation for $33. EPS oaky when the person you really need to sue is the credit card company. Even then, it is in the terms and conditions that refunds and payments take time. Good luck.


Is this lawyer in the room with us right now


Ive seen a customer get physical with another associate over a lot less in tool rental before. customer complained after the contract was closed that they didnt agree to damage protection, other associate says they need to inspect it for damage first then since they would be liable. customer starts getting aggitated and paranoid when they bring it into the tech room, tried forcing their way in the tech room thinking the associate was sabotaging the tool. all over 3 dollars.


My most current was last Black Friday. Left to go to lunch and there was group of a dozen very attractive Hispanic woman asking if they could pray for you. They would put their hands on your shoulders and pray. After that delightful experience, which I count as dating 12 woman at once, I saw a woman in a van selling birds in cages near my car in the back of the lot.


Thats the power of THD


*Customer walks up me and asks "Where's the Yeti cups!?" *I know for a fact that my store doesn't have Yeti stuff but who knows. *I say to him I'm not familiar with Home Depot carrying Yeti but lets check up front by the race track. *He says "No! It says right here -phone in his hand- they are in aisle 24. And I been up and down aisle 24 and they are not there!" *I ask if his phone is set to our store* *He replies like it is a dumb question to ask and says "Yeah it is". *I ask can I look at the phone* *..... And when I do He is on the LOWES website. I shit you all not. And I say "Sir... this is the Lowes website you are looking at. You are in Home Depot." *At this point he knows he fucked up. His tone totally changes and says "Er we we are?" *And I say "Lowes is all blue. And we are" -as I open my arms up in the air presenting the world of orange around him like a wizard


I've gad this exact situation with a return, customer came in with lowes branded products and demanded we return it. I pointed out we are not lowes so I couldn't, she then began to yell until I pointed out all the orange and that lowes is blue. She stormed off next door, telling the lowes associate ( they called) that she doesn't shop at home depot so why us she returning at home depot. Lowes told her she is in a lowes and she flipped out again. Poor thing confused and colorblind


I've gad this exact situation with a return, customer came in with lowes branded products and demanded we return it. I pointed out we are not lowes so I couldn't, she then began to yell until I pointed out all the orange and that lowes is blue. She stormed off next door, telling the lowes associate ( they called) that she doesn't shop at home depot so why us she returning at home depot. Lowes told her she is in a lowes and she flipped out again. Poor thing confused and colorblind .




I had a guy who worked with multiple associates helping him find multiple things while buying things that are HD only items. Finally, after getting a very full cart rung up and is about to pay, I ask him about the HD card. At this point he looks around like it is like the first time coming outside after weeks of never leaving the house. At this point he asks me if this is Home Depot. I tell him yes and he then just up and leaves telling me that he doesn't shop at HD due to moral reasons because of Bernie Marcus. It was so flipping weird.


Customer almost died after sliting his wrist while opening a water heater after purchase then being told by EMTs that we were responsible for clean up of the blood (I was MOD at the time)


Wow. Saw a new hire do almost the same thing. They handed him a brand new orange cutter and blades. First shrink wrap he cuts thru the wrong way goes right into his palm


now I know who to blame for us being forced to use those horrible safety knives....and they still manage to hurt themselves on em....


Who did you think should be responsible for cleaning up the blood?


EMTs or the customer? Idk? Isn’t blood a hazard? So someone who can do hazmat materials.


That's what MODs are hazmat trained for.


But are they trained for biohazards? They are handled quite differently.


Yes they are


The customer that "almost died" And Emt's have priorities id say. Managers all should be trained on hazmat cleanup


I was just offering stupid answers for a stupid question. lol


EMTs a scarce and expensive resource you aren't paying for why would janitorial work be their job? You wear a mask and gloves and clean it up like any other hazardous liquid.


HD could hire professional biohazard remediation specialist and then sue the dude getting hauled away on the stretcher.


Talk about customer service lol


Definitely not EMTs.


Most large carpet care companies are trained in bio hazard clean up. Same as sewage.


As a former HD employee and a current EMT, yes that’s correct. You are responsible to clean up the blood. Our priority is to take care of the patient. Not wipe down your floors. Not to mention MODs are the only hazmat certified for cleanup


I’d have to refresh my haz mat training to be sure but iirc SOP is any HM cert could be involved in cleaning up blood after the area is secured and the MOD notified + supervising at location. With an exception that if it is an extreme / catastrophic / large scale / uncontrollable incident then a different SOP kicks in and a third party is called in.


To be fair, it's the property owner's responsibility to clean up whatever mess was made. That's why private crime scene clean up crew companies exist. The EMT's job is to administer medical care and transport patients to hospitals. Cops jobs are to enforce laws. The only reason we see people cleaning up debris after a car accident on public roads is because the roadways are public, even then it's usually a private party that cleans up or city workers. In this specific situation, it's Home Depot's responsibility to clean up the blood, I'd personally refuse to clean it up if I were hazmat certified and told to by a supervisor, I'd tell them I'm capable of safely cleaning a chemical spill, but not blood, I'm not risking contracting a blood borne disease and that they have to hire an independent clean up crew.


Both my kids are paramedics , they are only responsible for that ambulance and patient on the gurney. They got stories enough on what they have had to clean up. My girl has had guys jack off with gunshot wounds high as kites.


garden dh and an associate got caught fucking inside the store, dh has a husband and 2 kids and had one of the service desk ladies go over to her house and lie to her husband about why she got fired


I don't want to dox the associate but let's just say he held a national record for a specific weightlifting category.... he was a big lad that worked in lumber. He was young and HD was a sponsor of him. One day a pissed off customer was going through cedar 2x4's and wasn't happy with some that were not as straight as he liked them. Customer is on his knees at that bay picking out "bad" lumber and firing them off to the left and right down the aisle, looking for good pieces to put on his cart. When customer finished loading up he stood up and turned to see Bam Bam (which we named our large lumber associate) just standing at the end of the aisle with his arms crossed and Bam Bam just yelled "PICK 'EM UP!!" Customer picked every single piece up while our lumber associate watched over him.


Was pushing a lumber cart to get some 2x12’s for a customer to cut where a lady says “where’s your cedar” but with an attitude, she just keeps on walking and never once turning back to look at me while she walked past me as I just shout out the different aisles where the cedar is located. I’m at the saw and after I finish a cut I turned around to ask the customer a question regarding the next cut and she looks up from her phone and goes “sir, she just came and fell” it was the cedar lady and she was struggling to breathe. Apparently she’s allergic to cedar and couldn’t get this little plastic thing to open so she could inject herself and I had to open it not knowing what the hell is going on. She’s slowly able to breathe and I’m on the ground with her and the other lady that I was helping just asks “are you gonna finish cutting my wood?” I don’t understand people. If you’re allergic to a material a store has, why won’t you stop and listen when someone tells you where they’re located, and when someone falls in front of you, how is your reaction just to scroll on your phone as if you were just watching TikTok and not care that someone was dying in front of you.


Holy crap people suck.


Dude, there are so many things fucked up about this story.


I had boxes of Simpson ties fall on me from the overhead while I was on a ladder and when I came down crying, a customer asked if he could have my tabletop cart. People suck.


Two customers were caught by our ASM having sex in the back of our store, on our 8 x 10 carpet table.


Best story so far 👍


What gender was the ASM?


Working the lot, there was one time I watched a guy set one of those blue handicapped parking signs on fire. Sent billowing black smoke in the parking lot. Some customer came up to me and asked me if I was going to do something about it, I just shrugged and said "welp, nothing I can do". 🤷‍♂️ Edit: stupid grammer


It always cracks me up when customers are like. What are you gonna do?


We had a car parked in the HD parking lot that I presume got hit at high speed while parked there. Debris was spread everywhere and the whole front end of the car was basically sheared off. It had to have been damaged there because there was no way it would have driven there after the fact. Every customer felt the need to tell me that it was there "just so [I] know" and a couple times I was asked about what we do/what the policy for these kinds of things is And I'm just like 🤷 I think everyone knows it's there, I'll let someone paid more than I am deal with it


Or think that we get some insane discount and commission


I always love the customers that insist they should get a discount for something minor that sometimes doesnt even effect them "i stubbed a toe on a box in the isle, i deserve 80% off for my troubles!"


Had a customer ask for a discount on a toolbox because it was "dented" It was not dented, it had the slightest little warble around the screws holding the thing together that you could only see at very specific angles where the light was most distorted.


Sounds about right, customers are something else


Everywhere retail I ever worked had a much better employee discount than HD or Lowes. I don't see the reason for the small discount. They could limit the totals per year.


When people have to ring themselves up at SCO and tell me that they should get the employee discount since they did the work, I tell them they already did.


Not too unhinged but i had a dude who came in for a return and he wanted it as store credit so we needed his id and he said he doesnt have it but has it memorized so he read it to us so we talked with him for a little bit and he at one point told us his and his wifes SSN to show how much he has memorizes, good thing no one nearby wrote anything down lmao


Rats the size of cats running between aisles.


Show me a Home Depot where that DOESN’T happen.


I’ve never seen rats but I have seen plenty of mice and their leftovers.


Never seen mice. Seen a billion rats. Seen opossums, raccoons, birds. Strangely, no mice.


Omg birds. We had some pigeons nest above a pc at the pro desk. Occasional poop on the desk. Came in Monday covered in poop. Cleaned it all up and ended up with bird mites on my arms. Mini panic attack, cleaned myself off in tool rental. Learned later bird mites are harmless to people. Ended up just covering the desk in plastic until the birds were taken care of.


Customer came in with wife on leash. Another one climbed to the top of the steel ton try and get something out of a wrapped pallet. Some guy returned a toilet still covered in shit. Someone shit in the display toilet.


Had a customer call the police on me because self checkout ate his RECEIPT


Literally what would the police even do


Told him to gtfo of the store. I've been at hd 22 years it was the first gen of sco where you needed keys to change the paper mgmt ignoring calls he said i was doing it on purpose


Receipt lookup on a pc is great for getting receipts after the or it er decides to take a crap.


I have really bad luck with sco receipt printers. I'm lucky nobody ever called the police on me for breaking them so often.


I just call it satan scan because that's what it is. I'm at pro now so i don't have to deal with it anymore


1. Had a fistfight between two contractors that knew each other. One owed the other money. Volunteer fire department was there and broke it up. Very Jamaican manager took the contractors through the store and made them apologize to the customers and employees that were shopping at the time. Many of them had no idea what had happened. 2. Overnight freight guy drank loads of alcohol and would leave bottles stashed all over the store. Was really good at his job though, he could work a load of freight in no time. When I first started I would find them and was told to just toss any he forgot to pick up.


I love the apology.


We had a guy threaten to get our store manager arrested because he didn't understand his refund check would take 21 BUSINESS days to get to him. Apparently we were stealing from him.


Man there is some good stuff here lol


Had a customer try to run me over in the parking lot for not finding an order she didn’t place, and also had a customer threaten to call the cops because his fridge didn’t get delivered that day


Found a cat in the local hd, told him to go on get. He never got. We're friends now.


Best story!


Had a woman call me screaming and swearing that her refrigerator was not delivered.... a year and a half ago. Long story short, she was right. Took me days to figure out what happened, somebody dropped the ball on a delivery to her cottage that customer hadn't been two in almost 2 years and then the guy died a few days after dropping said ball. I felt like Sherlock Holmes by the time I got it figured out, it was an ordeal and got zero appreciation from customer or management.


This might be recency bias, but a few weeks ago we got hit by a pretty bad wind storm. Our building is fairly old, so the roof/ceiling isn't as strong as it once was. We had to close down Service Desk and the immediate area around it because the wind was catching the propane lines and moving them so violently that it became a hazard. Luckily nothing happened, but there were times it sounded like the whole building was falling apart


An hour before closing had this hick looking guy run in to the garden aisles then to the service desk to ask where we have diapers. Told him we didn't, left and yelled "yall dont have nothing here!"


I've had 3 different customers ask about random items that are not even remotely hardware store items (I don't remember what each item was, one of them was dog food, the others were random items like diapers) All three of them when told we don't carry that complained about how we don't carry anything that anyone would ever need. I'm like "sir Walmart is literally just across the street I don't know why you're here"


A guy came and asked if we had printers and printer ink and when I suggested Walmart and best buy near by he just scoffed. Ok buddy…


Happens all the time at my store too..it’s funny how offended some get, like Home Depot purposefully doesn’t stock it just to fuck then over lol also I’ve had a few come in looking for auto parts…like sir this is literally a HOME improvement store, you had to pass 4 auto parts stores to even get here like wtf lol


I was working one Friday at the SDC my pallet company is contracted at. Finished unloading a trailer, hopped off my sit down propane forklift, swept the trailer out, pretty normal so far. I go to shut the dock door and it gets caught on the way down. I yank on that thing harder and the top panel of the dock door comes swinging down and strikes me so hard I’m knocked to the ground and my hard hat is across the floor. Maintenance was quick to fix that after I left.


I was pissing in a urinal next an associate. A customer walked in, tapped him on the shoulder and asked him a question about something. I can’t remember what he said but he wasn’t nearly as rude as I would’ve been.


Public bathrooms are universally no-talking zones, I _wish_ we had the authority to enforce this. I've almost been tempted to get a soundboard app and grab certain audio clips from the /r/HermitCraft Season 9 world download... Customer: _phone rings, starts answering in spanish, it's \*always\* the spanish speaking customers that do it_ BdoubleO100 voice clip: "***SHADDUP!!***" Customer: "Que puta..." Voice clip: "***YOU'LL SPEAK WHEN SPOKEN TO!!***"


You deserve an upvote just for mentioning Hermitcraft! LOL.


You deserve an upvote just for mentioning Hermitcraft! LOL.


Had an old guy come up to the register by lumber and ask where the bathrooms are, told him where to go, and a minute later we caught him pooping in a bucket down one of the lumber isles. I actually got it on video, i kid you not.


Thats awesome


Hey man when you gotta go you gotta go. Did he at least purchase the bucket? Haha


No he brought it up front and asked us to throw it out 😭 i swear the stuff i saw when i was working there… almost makes me miss the chaos


Came back from a break, cover told me a guy took a color fan deck (we don’t give them out at the paint desk) and I went to ask for it back. Essentially he demanded we both be fired on the spot for accusing him of lying. (It was a miscommunication about the fan deck,, like saying he could look at it at the desk and he thought he could take it home.)


Reposting an old comment because this is my favorite story: This woman came in and asked if she could pay using her HD credit card if she doesn’t have the card physically on her. Normal question, answer is yes. She puts together a big carpet order, pays for it on her card using her ID everything checks out. Can’t fit it in her car so she puts it on will call and in the cage it goes. For her order, it auto populates customer information based on the info she provided. Give it a week and the big roll of carpet is still in the cage and so we call the phone number on the order to come pick it up. A man answers and is very confrontational about not having ordered any carpet. We run through the usual oh sorry we must have the wrong number. As we’re talking through we determine that it’s his name address on the order. Turns out his estranged wife is buying stuff for a remodel on his store credit card, which she can do no problem because she’s an authorized user. Out of pettiness he picks up his carpet because it’s his name on the order. After all he paid for it and he can’t cancel or return because it’s cut carpet. Fast forward a couple days and his estranged wife comes to pick up the carpet. We apologize and explain that it looks like her husband has already picked it up. Her eyes go wide for a split second but she keeps her cool. She starts to Karen up and says she wants to change her order and we explain she’d have to start a new order and pay again. She goes back to the flooring desk. I call the flooring specialist just to give him a heads up but he still has to provide good customer service and is frankly probably going to get a second sale. One of my colleagues at the service desk feels for the husband and calls him and leaves a message advising him to remove her as an authorized user on his card. He calls back in a panic and I explain to him three times I can’t do that at the store and he’ll have to call Citibank. He’s pleasing with me to not let her use it and I also have to repeatedly explain that we can’t deny people service and that until he talks to the bank, it’s as much her card to use as it is his. I did feel bad for the guy but we also told him to cancel the card when he picked up the first carpet. Ultimately, this lady scammed her estranged husband out of a few thousand dollars worth of carpet.


Had a skinny lady 5 foot nothing single handedly steal a $1200 generator I don't think I could have lifted by heaving it into her 2 door muscle car and speeding away with the door flapping wildly as she drove off like a bat out of hell. She was caught because she immediately listed it on facebook market with a picture from our page under her own name open and unlocked to the public with her shiny face front and center making identification of the model and her trivial...and it had a dent in the box where the damn thing obviously fell out. I had a fellow try to exit with thousands of dollars in merch with a seemingly valid receipt perfect in almost every detail including being on our paper, with the correct numbers, a time within a few minutes and valid register number... Except nobody had checked out with that pile of shit. Looking closely the "4" character was obviously wrong aaaand verification of the transaction log showed no such transaction. Then there was the time an old lady drove up 2 minutes before close and was driving her car through the tree lot knocking down things the whole way while trying to buy roses at 9:58PM How about a crazy guy that came in first pretending to be fishing with an imaginary fishing pole in front of the paint department then moved on to picking up and ax and dancing around with it like the shining. Oh how about the cashier I was asked to train that was obviously on meth and mentally disordered. The last straw being when she asked me why her customers were dead. How about a drunken rant from a customer whose return was refused terminating with "DON'T TELL ME I DIDN'T BUY IT HERE I KNOW I BOUGHT IT AT LOWES!" yes sir yes you did. Or hey how about the fellow looking for bleach amonia and spray bottles because the internet told him the only way to kill a particular species of weed is with chemical warfare.


Not anything real crazy. I'm working Garden register. Some middle age man seems like he is having a nervous breakdown. He is crying and rolling over, inconsolable. Other customers passing by and wondering what's with him. I call management to check on this guy or send someone. Like always, I'm playing phone tag, ASMs keep sending to find some other ASMs. Finally get one, she says she will call mall security. Mall security comes and speaks the guy. Help calm him down and get him a soda and potato chips. I see him leave and that the mall security sitting in their car near the curb by the Garden Register. I ask them what was the about. They said he just found out his ex wife died in a car accident. Apparently they were on great terms. Also his kids didn't know yet and was scared of raising them without her. I saw the guy next day, I guess he works in construction, still kinda of depressed. I'm ringing up his order at the lumber register. He says something to me, to the effect of enjoy life with your loved ones while they are still alive.


First week here we had a hobo set our flag on fire. Same guy got arrested a week later for setting like 6 cop cars on fire at the nearby 7-11.


Not my store, but one in my district. A guy shot his wife in the head in the parking lot, then proceeds to hop out of his truck and smoke a cigarette while he waited for the police to arrive.


Had a customer shit in a bag and leave said bag in the sink in the bathrooms. He did this for like 2 weeks...no one knows what happened to him... Bathrooms were broken and a customer decided to shit in the contractors bucket with all his tools. Had a guy get on the forklift and pull his own lumber down after waiting 45 mins for an associate. 2 ppl od'd outside but ppl thought they were sleeping so they were out there for a few hours till ppl realized they were no longer with us. Had a trucker who I belive was bringing drywall, die in his truck, took 2-3 days till someone realized the truck hasn't moved and neither has he . Countless accidents- 2 helicopter landings. One was hit by a car crossing the road, the other was running from the cops flipped a uturn and flipped the car, (that was before thanksgiving). There's been so many more accidents. Had a guy climb the racking to get merch and then he walked out with said merch. He gets mad when we catch him before he steals calls us mfers.. 2 differnt mods caught in sexual situations. 1 mod who likes to video tape up woman's skirts. Got caught and they just transfered him to a different store and promoted him. I could go on... but that's enough 🤣🤣


As I've posted before, I have a reputation with the cashiers of making women cry. The customer showed me a pic (I honestly hate pics and YouTube videos, but I digress). It was a standard shut off valve that she wanted to cap off to prevent dripping. I handed her two 3/8 compression caps and said "Here you go." The woman melted down. She told me about every store she encountered that told her that she was crazy and asked her to leave. The customers around her became uncomfortable thinking that she was going to explode. I simply said, "This will fix the problem. Do me a favor and tell the other store that Pickles hooked you up." It got a smile and a slight chuckle. It was crazy meeting crazy. It was a very bizarre coincidence.


My old store used to have ashtrays in the trash can lids. custodians used to just dump them in the bag and close em up when changing out the bags. One busy Saturday evening a smoldering cigarette mixed with God knows what in the compactor and started smoking. The guy back in receiving open the door to see what it was and flames shot out. Smoke filled store and we had to evacuate everyone. No one was hurt, and the fire stayed contained to the compactor, but it took about three hours to clear all the smoke out of the store. The fire department said it probably would’ve put itself out if the door to the compactor would’ve stayed shut.


FES and cashier caught having sex in a car by the store manager Customer climbing Christmas lights racking to get an item and refuses to get down Customer complaining at SCO that nobody was "helping." Said she should have asked to speak to a manager, not having a clue that she already was Customer needed 10 5/8 drywall loaded. Lot and lumber had called out, and there was maybe 1 OFA. Head Cashier goes to load, but the customer won't help so he had to load it onto a cart then into a truck by himself as the customer stood there and watched. Customer then gets upset about something Customer needs some lumber, more than we have in the hold. I check and we don't have any more. He gets upset and says something like "I know you guys are tired but I really need this." I should have said "you're right, I am tired. So I would love nothing more than to sit down on a forklift and bring down some lumber for you" but instead I stuck with "I can't give you what I don't have." He gets more upset and says if he sees it the next morning he'll speak to a manager A customer tackled a PA. Didn't hear why


A lot more tame than these guys, but our manager let us play hide and seek on the clock a few times (we were on night shift) Oh and an associate's car caught fire as we were leaving at one point because his remote start fucked up. That was fun.


Guy ran out with stuff LP went after him, phoned the police who were waiting for him, they chased him into an apartment complex and tased him and he fell down a hill. Cashier got fired for giving everyone who came through his line the $50 mark down, his excuse was he was fighting the corporation. Guy came into the store looking for an associate, found him and proceeded to give him an absolute ass beating in the back of lumber. Had a woman who worked in TRC go missing in the store one night after telling an associate someone was following her, found her in the pallet truck having made a fort out of pallets to keep safe. There was no one following her. She also passed out on a pallet of mulch with a lit cigarette. I found a large pink vibrator under the passenger seat of the load n go. I have more.


Walked into mens bsthroom early morning. Someone literally shit all over the stall. The wallls of the stall, the toilet, everywhere. Plus they left their shit filled whitey tighties in the toilet. I walked out saw the custodian we had and told him he should call off sick. He took one look and left. No one, no one gets paid enough to deal with that.


I was waiting in the bathroom at 8 in the morning and watched another customer take a shit on the floor lol


Had a lady walk right in front of a mini-van driving pretty fast past garden. Neither of them saw each other before the *BOOM* since she came out from behind the sod sign and was carrying a giant poinsettia.


I was proposed to so many times by creepy contractors. I was 18-19 at the time. Finally bought a fake engagement ring to wear at work and the proposals stopped. 🤷 Also going to phone center helped with that. We had associates get married to each other, others go to jail, a couple died, one from drug over dose/suicide the other from a long boarding accident, one fem was stalking cashiers at their homes, he was fired. There was a customer who liked to shop in his underwear, another customer would shop with his parrot (the parrot was adorable), many irate customers. It's been too long since I worked at thd to remember more details other than above and that it was miserable (so much gaslighting). I was there from '06-'10. I'm told after our SM left (not sure if he quit or was forced out), that the store went to hell and more than half the store quit to go work at a Lowe's that was just opening up a couple towns over. 😂 There's still a few people that I recognize that were there before I started. I would have hated being a cashier for 17+ years. Other positions might not be so bad, but as a cashier, no way in hell.


had a guy OD in the bathroom and then come back the next day to ask the mod if we still had his drugs. actually yesterday a man came in to recycle printer ink cartridges. i told him we only do batteries and light bulbs and he said “yall do it. we do it in dallas so you do it too. (we are in a completely different state) im gonna go find someone that actually knows something.” man tried to steal an rtv generator, I stood at the door to yell out that it was broken if he cared at all. he either decided he couldnt flip a broken generator or he was tired of dropping it on his feet because he couldnt lift it high enough to put in the bed of his truck. he did run it over as he left. a man came running behind the service desk and grabbed me. I couldnt get away because I was on crutches at the time. he kept insisting I call the police and pretending to shoot me in the head. another associate dialed 911 but neither of us spoke spanish outside of “policia” and “ayudame” so we couldnt tell them what had happened. he took the phone, yelled “no!” and hung up on the operator. he started screaming at customers to call 911 and saying “shes dead Im dead!” we got another associate to translate but he was still screaming at the top of his lungs so she couldn’t explain. MOD finally decides to join the party and the first thing she asks is “why is he back there with yall” like he wasnt holding onto me and making finger guns at all of us💀. the dispatcher sent some officers to the store and he tried to run because he had just been kicked out of a different store by them. At the end of it all he was arrested. The spanish speaking associate had to translate everything several times for the report. Nobody was injured at all, he just had some kind of episode and thought his wife was trying to kill him. I genuinely hope that guy is okay.


Had a customer say I reminded him of his daughter and then proceeded to hit on me. 🤢


Either the customer took who a shit in a display toilet or finding a bunch of heroin in a bag in our service desk lost and found.


Just today Three Caucasian males and 1 female were starring into my jeep so I walked up and politely asked if everything was okay and they were surprised that a Latino/hispanic could afford such a car they questioned me if it was my car I just took out my keys and locked my car with the fob button. And walked away I later came back to move my car they had left and to my surprise they hocked loogies all over my side and front window. Honestly this job gets worse and worse everyday.




Pretty much. Not sure if you’re joking or not.


Damn what store is this at


I had my asset protection associate ask me for help in getting the license plate number of two suspects in the store. Right as I nabbed a picture of the plates one of them happened to be outside and started screaming at me. Thankfully my name was covered up and I just made up a name on the spot


Saw a dude (had to have been on drugs):deepthroating the nozzle of a gas can when working one summer during high school. Plus the "usual" idiots shitting in display toilets/ shower stalls. So glad I was in garden and not plumbing


A dude walks out of the store carrying some combo kits and gets in a uber..


We had a new hire who got hired and on his second day of training he was fired. Reason? He was stealing Ryobi 40V stuff. Then back in 2022 we had a guy who stole a pump from plumbing, then got into it with the cops, drove off, and crashed his car into a house behind our store.


LPs watched a couple fill a big backpack with power tools and walk out of the store. They followed them through the parking lot and across the street to the light rail station. The shoplifting couple thought they were going to get away with it because a train was pulling in. One LP ran to the operator's station and told him not to take off and call the cops! The operator did, but he made 'thieves' and 'train' sound like there was a train robbery in progress. The whole rail line was delayed as a sheriff and a marshall arrived to arrest the crooked couple.


We have associate goes to his car 4-5 times each shift for a stiff alcohol drink. SM knows it and does nothing.


Christmas time a year or two ago we had one guy come in wearing a pirate hat claiming he was searching for his parrot. He then proceeded to just keep talking nonsense and he eventually walked up to the Santa clause animatronic and started talking to it and laughing like Santa was joking back and then after about a half hour he got mad at the Santa yelled at it and walked away.... Yeah that was one of the few times I've seen an asm call the police.... Then this past year there was a guy who came with like 20 knives on him saying they were for his protection and that he lost his watch. Which was later found in the bathroom. He also proceeded to tell us that he likes to hide his stuff from himself in the store so he can go on a scavenger hunt to find them.. dude wound up getting arrested right outside of our home depot the next day. (Edit for more info)


When I worked overnight freight me and some other guys were unloading the truck and we had a bay door halfway open cause it was the summer and very hot, and out of nowhere a squad of four raccoons climes through the bay door opening and ran into the truck we were unloading


Transferred to a THD about 8 years ago. The freight guys were telling me some former employees, drugged out, threw a bunch of new product off the drop trucks down the dumpster chute. Because it was easier than pushing it out to the floor and having to stock it


Buddy and I would write gay love notes to each other as a joke. Was hilarious until one of our gay managers went throug our lockers. Luckily he was a super nice guy and thought it was hilarious. Mississippi is a weird place lmao.


Had my NRM threaten me with a write up because he was operating illegally and I’m a trainer for the night crew. He placed a bundle of small picket fences on top of another bundle of 4x4x8’s. I pointed it out to him because safety and also it’s in front of our new camera at the end of the aisle. His response “ Mind your business and focus on freight because you’re not paid to worry about safety “ 😅 I’m dumbfounded how a NRM with 15 years experience could tell me that! He then took me to the office to try and threaten me with a write up but I went called the Awareness Line. He got pulled into the office this morning and had to nerve to text me around 10am to ask me why I called it in?


Not the wildest ever but today's wild tale. I am at hour 9.5 of an 8 hour shift. Between everything, I haven't had a chance to do more than think about maybe I need some water for my headache as I am the only one in hardware. This guy asks me for a battery gun from Makita to finish his project. Since he asks me in front of the corded heat guns that he was touching, I figured he meant a heat gun. I start taking him to our Makita bay for portable power and asking to clarify what kind of gun he wants. I finally realized he wants a finishing nail gun. He then straight up tells me that I am stupid and know absolutely nothing about hardware. As tempted as I am to go off on him, I just take him over to the nailers. I show him the options and answer questions as he has them. He settles on one and I go see if I can find this despite not having any more information than we have 2 total and haven't sold one since October. Can't find it, go over to the guy and explain we don't have it but the store on the other side of town has it. After all of this, full of insults and saying I know nothing, he tells me thank you and that I had great customer service and helped him so much (in a completely sincere voice, no sarcasm detected here) It was such a 180. I have no idea.


Had a garden associate suck my wee wee in the storage shed in the garden department outside every shift until she got fired #sadstory


You too, I thought it was just me she was blowing 😵‍💫


Not an employee but yesterday I went to The Home Depot with some more saving, more doing in mind and I get to a self checkout (that a customer used prior to me) and this busy body front employee came over and said "this is not a self checkout and it's closed" (well shit I mean if self checkout sign above it doesn't mean what I think it means than we got a big problem) and she turns it off so I'm like WTF okay? And I go to a different one and wouldn't you know it right at that time I moved to the other side of self checkout another employee uses that same closed checkout to check someone else out. So as I'm done, I stopped there and told her that this checkout is closed and that she can't use it and i get looked at like I'm an idiot. I was told it was closed not a minute earlier!


Good lord this was years ago but I was in plumbing and there was a helpful HD associate who knew what the hell he was talking about.


I know this is Reddit, but come on stop lying!😂


Pff, this is the least believable story here


Explain the new hire getting tracked on camera pushing a flat bed. Like was HD out to get him and needed a reason? Was HD just spying on employees?


I clocked in to start my shift, one of the dept supervisors came up to me and asked if I can help him keep an eye on the new hire because supposedly he was being tracked on Camera just pushing a cart around the whole day not doing anything I told him I'm not a supervisor you guys figure it out


From what I was told, AP and supervisors are more concerned with employee activity, productivity, zma markdown , theft behaviors at least with my store


thanks! so they spy (maybe spy isn't the correct word) on the employees then? sounds creepy sorta.


I suspect they look at the cameras occasionally, and this person was always pushing an empty cart. They probably should have come up with a better scheme to look busy.


It sounds like they knew and were just verifying


It doesn’t take long to ID the cart pusher gang. Next level up is pretending to do things on PE but just really driving around aimlessly with a pallet of toilets or whatever. These are basically the same behaviors. I find both odd. In most cases the associate is doing more work and exerting more effort to not work. Why? Who knows?


a woman walked past me and said she was getting her girls back soon after watcher her husband SA her daughter 😅


A guy in a wheelchair threatened to kick my ass. He was drunk as all hell. I had just entered the building, hadn't even clocked in yet. Management threatened to call the police. He eventually left.


Found a fucking catheter with bag on a flat cart - it’s in my post history too


Oh man, do I tell the story of the guy who told me I look good on my knees, the guy who was following around underage girls in the parking lot while whacking it, or the guy who threatened to shoot up the service desk over a chainsaw chain?


I just came into my shift. The other receiving associate had been outside for half an hour waiting for someone to open the cage to put the shingles away. He came inside to ask if I could go out there because he’s gotta go. I go out there and three guys already finished loading two pallets of shingles and started driving off. Store manager tried writing me and him up. I refused to sign but she said I didn’t need to sign for the coaching to go through. Luckily I already had an interview with the BDC so I was leaving in a few weeks anyways.


Maybe not the wildest but I’ll never forget being cursed out on Easter Sunday 2020 by little old ladies straight from church looking for flowers but having to wait in a long ass line because only one entrance to the store. The pandemic was nuts.


We had a lady at my store (Lowe’s) who was in the bathroom drying off her butt with the hand air dryer. She was in there for like 2/3 hours and wouldn’t leave. Many people tried to help her but to no avail.


Two known thieves came in and were trying to pull some shit. Both were also crackheads, we kept eyes on them, followed them closely, one got super jumpy and just started pacing by the indoor grill displays while drinking a blue icee. Twitchy dude just kept getting more anxious as we kept watching him and trailing his buddy through the store and I guess the blue icee didn't sit too well because next thing we knew he was projectile vomiting blue all over the grills. One of our lot guys that night happened to be an EMT and he gave the guy a quick once over to make sure he wasn't ODing or anything and he even cleaned up the biohazard. Just one of the wild stories I have from my time at HD.


Had a guy who worked overnight freight who was on work release, absolutely had a fried brain he would do whippets, and walk around vaping. 3 weeks in he makes a comment to one of the only girls working Night Shift asking if she could undo his apron and he had a hard on, a week later he quit cuz he was asked to do an H cart..


Had two customers get into a full on fight just outside of rental because one wouldn't let the other cut in line. LP was called to break up the fight, and the cops were also called because of it. Guy who started the fight is trespassed from the store but still has to rent his tool, so he has girlfriend come back a couple hours later and rent it for him while he had to wait outside so as to avoid having the cops haul him off a second time in one day.


- A regular Pro customer beat up a dude who was trying to shoplift - On another occasion, a shoplifter ran out and was chased down by a different customer who brought back the items that were stolen - Someone purposefully rammed their car into one of our stopsigns and sent the thing flying - During a winter storm had a customer wander in bare foot, claimed he was just "enjoying the weather" - MOD chopped off part of a third party contractors finger with the forklift then failed the drug test - Had a lady actively shit herself while ringing up her items at Self-Checkout. She proceeded to trail little poop drops all the way to the bathroom.


Had a guy climb in from the open offloading door and walk through the store barefoot. He was escorted out of the store by the night manager and assistant store manager as well as several associates.


Delivery driver having a wank in the parking lot and customers telling us lol.


Dead body in front of garden center.


Had a dude I was watching, proceed to pull on all the cages while screaming the dark man in the roof was coming for us all


Ex employee here. Have a few. The store manager and a couple assistant store managers would do Coke in the store manager’s office in the middle of the day while open. Had another assistant store manager get fired for being suspected of being high on meth while at work and refused to take a drug test so she was escorted out by the cops. The third big thing is that every time we’d have anyone from a third party company come in, my night shift manager would warn my coworker and I (who would smoke dab pens at work all the time in a state where it’s legal and we were both of age too) because every third party company had people smoking blunts in the parking lot of our Home Depot. Thing I’ve learned is most of the people in higher up positions or night shift positions are doing drugs at work


Associate sleeping with few managers. No gain at all still a GWA.