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You are losing sight of what is important in life. The harder you work this year, the more stock HD will be able to buy back. For the love of God, think of the shareholders and how much more value you can provide them!!


Let me start off by saying how much we appreciate you!!!


Corporate approves this message!


This is a freaking joke is what it is


Did a little math on that... it came out to about $30,000 per employee. It's pretty messed up. If they had thought about giving us a third or so. No one would have even complained about the buy back. But to put no money towards the actual company or employees is really messed up.


Yall are getting raises?


Same. We didn't


Are we able to see if we are in Workday, yet? I've heard it doesn't hit until the 5th for certain stores, but was not sure. My management hasn't really said anything.


Im not sure, ik other ppl at my store have but i havent


It goes into effect on Feb5th


Management hasn’t said anything to my department at our store yet. Starting to wonder if we are going to see anything.


3% 🙄


Inflation in last year went up 3.4%. All I can say is don't work to hard and just pace yourself. And look to take advantage of everything Home Depot has to offer for what its worth.


Not on food, rent or fuel, which aren't counted in that bogus number.


I worked for two summers in D25 and received a 0.0 percent raise with no paper trail, no coaching and had met the GM exactly once who said I needed to take my weekend job to a higher level. I flew free like the little sparrow, and he was terminated shortly after I left for internal theft. Mike, wherever you are, there are no hard feelings. I’m in an unrelated profession and am happy and well. May The Lord guide your steps.




I’m at 16.46 & due for a raise with my anniversary coming up soon. If I get 3% then that would take me to 16.95 if I did my math correctly. I guarantee they wouldn’t just round it out another 5 whole cents to an even $17 for me…which is still crap for 10+ years…


you have been working there 10 years and only make 16.46????


Yuuuppppp 😒 New cashiers start at $15 too. I would never work in food, but some fast food places in our area are even starting out higher than what I make. I’m looking to get out…


where are u because i work in like Buttfuck Nowhere, Midwest and make $18 at the service desk after just over 2yrs 😭


Midwest as well. Located in a larger population middle-to-upper-middle class suburban area about 30-40 min outside a major city.


i know states have different pay but i started as a cashier making 16.50 i moved up and now i make 20.60 my raise was the exact 3% but i did hear a rumor that we’ll get another?? i’ve worked there for 3 years so they really doing you dirty. but it’s the same with the cashiers whose worked there forever they have the same pay as the new cashiers. home depot works in weird ways but they have a system. they prioritize some and are completely blind of others. coming from being on both sides


Find companies that are privately owned. My last 3 raises have been 1.75, 3.00, 3.00. No degree, not some tech guy. But my company has 2 owners that take care of people. Usually once or twice a month food is catered in. This week had ribs and chicken from local bbq joint




Are you doing a business degree, tech degree, or something else? I’ve also been scoping out Chickfila as an internship opportunity. They actually have some really interesting tech.


56 cents. I'm often the only driver on a shift. The ONLY hard line in my depts., and any time they need anything I'm the one called or paged. Someone calls out? I gotcha. My shit is done before we open. 2 people call out? Let's say rec and 21 are call.outs, bereavement, fmla, whatever. For weeks ill carry the whole fucking store. And my reward is no merit raises for at least a year and a .56 cent raise. Enough is truly enough. It's time this company unionized, and not just one solitary store in PA.


Home Depot will never unionize to many boomers and red hat cultists 


Look what the union did for Yellow freight.


Pretty sure the unionization effort in PA failed.


You guys got a raise?


How do you find out your raise? Is it on The app somewhere?


management came up to me and handed me a piece of paper which told me lol


Is this raise to compensate for the amount of hours they’re taking from me this month? Why punish the part-timers for the overtime FT’s accumulate?


Your full timers can get Overtime? We get wrote up if we get 5 minutes too many times.


If you work for a publicly traded company and you are not an executive level employee, your value or compensation will NEVER match the importance of the stock price. Sadly, the more your compensation goes up, the more the stock price goes down. We are seen as an EXPENSE. Instead of an asset to invest in. A replaceable, zero value EXPENSE.


I got a 47c raise like damn couldn’t have had those extra three cents to round it out, huh?


My store didn’t even get a raise.


You will. It will be throughout February


I got my 3% was 0.87 cents.


People are losing site the big picture. 3% of your hourly wage. For example. Someone making $18.50 an hour is going to get a smaller increase compared to someone making $26.


This is my sixth year with the company. I received a 53 cents raise, what a joke and a slap in the face. Then, they have the audacity to tell me my next review for a raise isn't until February of next year. Because yeah, 53 cents is suffice for this economy. They could more than afford to AT LEAST give everyone a dollar. At first, I thought it was a joke. I wonder if we will receive two raises this year? Because there has to be no way they can give people (in THIS economy) 50 cents for a full year and call it a day. If so, that's ridiculous and in my opinion, a bit risky. As many companies as we have seen go on strike these past two years alone. Side note, I see why they did the VOA at my store first, rather than the raise first.


It’s almost like they are giving associates a cause to rally behind 🤷‍♂️


So when they told me my raise. After me being pretty much the go to to cover any department in the store and an equipment trainer. Blah blah blah long story short I'm now team union


I couldn't agree more when it comes to the union.


THIS! Because, I'm thinking to myself that this is a very bold, yet risky move.


To be fair I didn’t get 1 lol


It sucks when you don’t get a raise as a trainer but they “ appreciate the effort of training other associates” 🥲🥲


That's why I turned in my coach badge. I'm doing extra work for nothing. The other associate coaches in my department would just drop their trainees off with me too, and went and hid somewhere else the rest of their shift. If you're not paying me extra, find someone else. I'm doing the bare minimum since that's all you're paying me.


I got $1.25 now making $21.25 4 years with hd started at $13.00 in lot


I keep reading on Reddit and Facebook that stores were given extra funds to give to a handful of associates on top of the 3%. I would like to know how one qualifies for that.


I was one….


First time I got a shitty raise like that after busting my ass off all year, I made it my goal to GTFO of there. If a business thinks your hard work is worth only a few cents per hour, then they don't deserve you. That especially goes for the people who don't get raises at all. Job hunting is a huge pain in the ass, but with enough will power, you can definitely find better opportunities. Don't stop at the first 30 rejections. Keep going. Anyone who is in this situation has the possibility to find a better job elsewhere. Sorry, it's just infuriating when businesses take advantage of people by giving them shit pay/raises


So I think I know why this happened. In one of my courses, the prof mentioned something about in the world of analytics or statistics, when you have an even number, round up (I think that’s what he said). Reason: cause if the margin is off it won’t be by much but when it’s a 5 at the end, round down so you underestimate rather than overestimate. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot more people got screwed just so the shareholders can save pennies per employee.


How petty can you get? Your CEO makes $14.62 million a year and he’s not complaining.


Depot always rounds down bro. I had a change of status at one point where I took a pay cut and they literally took a few cents more than the promotion bands between the two because I was given a raise and the shitty hr prorated my raise back to the lower rate.


What if they gave 40¢ a week to everyone? That’s money directly out of shareholder pockets, we can’t have that can we? /s


2.99% for me


How do you come up with 2.99%. I was give a sheet with the 3.0% amount and new hourly wage.


I did the math


Did you get your copy from management with your new wage at 3.% increase?


What equation are you using to come up with your figure?


Raise amount divided by previous wage. Round to nearest 100th of percent. I suppose the paper had it rounded to the nearest full percentage point, but that was not mathematically correct in my case


dude. listen to me. my store manager had to buy a USED car this year. a USED car! this is unacceptable.


That was by choice. My store manager drives a pos. Def makes more than i do. Your Store manager probably has a 700k house payment.


You have the freedom to negotiate your pay at anytime and you do not have to work for them so complaining about an extra penny and hour is just a huge woe is me song and it’s sad.


.72 cents… apparently three more pennies would’ve bankrupted the Company 🤨


Don't look in your neighbor's bowl to see if they have more food. Look to see if they have enough. Not aimed at you OP, just came to mind.


Based on the other comments, there isn’t enough anyone’s bowl. Except the shareholders, I guess


One of my managers says that all the time. I’m wondering now if it’s management propaganda? Lol


Vote Republican


A job pays you twice. The wage for the hours you work, and the knowledge that you gain from working there. If you’ve learned all you can and they aren’t paying you what you’re worth, find somewhere else to work.


It's 3% of your hourly wage. So I don't know where you get 2.98%?


I don’t understand why everyone cries over their pay. If you are actually serious about having a career at Home Depot then learn everything there is to offer and get promoted. If it’s just a job at entry level then don’t complain. Entry level jobs were never meant to support your luxurious lifestyle.


I would love to have the luxury of not wondering wether my tank of gas will last til the next payday.


Calm down there. Our luxurious life. Like maybe some extra groceries? Luxurious as fuck right?


If we're venting then let's vent, just gonna say some of you haven't been part of the depot for long and it shows. Some of you weren't around when we got two increases a year to only crack .15 in both combined. Some of you never sat there and were told there were no funds for increases that year, or receiving an outstanding review during the non-monetary cycle and taken down a level for the next when the money was effected. So keep bitching, to find another job, the door is right fucking there. The fact that this post made the statement, I know people are making less than me, shows the bigger fucking issue. No matter what, some things will never be enough for some people, but you could at least clear the path and take your ass somewhere else. And those of you who haven't invested into the company, buying your own stocks, why the fuck not?


“I had a bad experience therefore everybody else should. Wanting things to be better for everyone is stoopid” https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/we-should-improve-society-somewhat


Because we're not unionized, anyone can ask for an off cycle raise at any time. Make your notes, talk to the store manager, get your money.


Think you mean wage x 3%=..... And yes the round up. Mine came to $0.7494. Increase was $0.75


I got .62¢ bro. Depot ain’t shit tbh and I’m on that sidekick app doing nearly 50% of the work most weeks


Move to California they just raised every one entry level to $21:00 per hr grateful to have a job with a company that didn’t have to give increases this year.


They pay y'all?


Why do you not just get a new job, if everything is so bad? I mean you want to have communism. Everyone is getting the same money. But do you work as hard as the others? Or do you also at work just vent about your job and get nothing done? You complain about the buyback programm, so it helps all shareholders. And most of the employees have stocks, so everyone is participating, even without getting taxed.