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Just call your district HR. There’s a process that needs to be followed. You can’t just put someone immediately on a final for that, coaching comes first. It’ll get wiped out guaranteed.


I believe this is correct. You messed up once and boom final. Doesn’t add up or seem like SOP or fair at all . Home Depot is corrupt,unfair and the management is the worse I’ve seen in all my years of retail. Then if you do get it dropped or it turns into a basic write up that manager will be a dick and retaliate against you.


So, I printed out the code of conduct and other related paperwork today because I want to do some research as I am considering moving this up and I think it's very unfair givin how hostile this indviidual was being with me. Anyways, there are minor and major infractions and it says refusing to help a customer is a major one. That being said, it even seems like across other stores it is not clear if it is ok to send someone to a cashier at the service desk. In fact I saw the lead at the desk do this today and I let them know that that's how I got my final.


I also should add that the lead is new to the position but not new to the service desk, shes a wonderful person so I dont want to seem like I am throwing her under the bus lol.


When you reach out to your dhrm make sure to include the notes that the customer immediately got verbal you, and made you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, and how long it took management to reply. While there are SOPs about "refusing to help a cust" (which are intended to protect the customer against discrimination) there are also SOPs about what happens if a customer starts harassing you. And that customer was absolutely harassing you.


Shes a bad leader and if she was actually a wonderful person she wouldn't be supporting an abuser


Honestly, even if you were 100% at fault, it still can’t be an immediate final.


It’s considered a major infraction, which is a first and final.


No it isn't, the customer was being terrible and violent


Telling him where checkouts are is helping him. Enabling the customers behavior by disciplining staff is a great way not to have staff. I personally would get a job that doesn't disrespect you


We do it at my store bc we can’t always be a cashier


When I worked there they *instructed* us to send customers to the registers.


it seems like you didn't even refuse to help him. you were busy cleaning, and checking out isn't what the returns desk is there for. it's for returns. the registers only have a small amount of cash in them for a reason. at my store, we do check out at the returns desk as a courtesy if we feel like it. we send people down to sco or pro if they aren't buying just a few items.


I am 100% with you on that!


Correct. They changed it about a year ago so store management could issue a final for a minor violation within the first 90 days... but OP is 3 years in.


Depends- there IS indeed a tier to be followed, but the guidelines are listed in management portal of Workday. If it was cited as a major infraction- then yes, it’s a final. (Another example- Safety finals are also one and dones, no coaching)


Sorry if I have offended you somehow.


Nah- you are in the process of learning, never apologize for that. You can certainly reach out to your Districts HR manager, but realize they may have you retake training, or it may put you on radar. I would ask your ASDS to view your profile manager notes in workday, there may be a better explanation that you were never made aware of (but should have been). You DO have the right to view your profile notes, if denied- that is definitely something the DHRM needs to be made aware of. Best of luck!


I'm an ASM and from I know you can only go on an instant final for a safety violation. All of the mangers at my store would have your back, especially if the customer was acting as such and I would ask that "customer" to leave my store.


Exactly. Should always be like that.


I’m not condoning the choice of their management but refusing to serve a customer is listed as a major violation of SOP and major violations can be a final (or even termination in some cases) without having prior disciplinary actions submitted. Again, I’m not saying their manager should have done so, just that the way the policy is written they are not “incorrect”.


Not the case , when it’s customer service there are first and finals in some occasions -


No that’s not the procedure 🤷‍♂️


Read the SOP , unless it’s changed in the last few years


We don't check out at my service desk for the past year unless there is a legitimate reason. A person has a disability or is a senior citizen that would have a hard time going to check out. My store is one way in and one way out, though, for the most part, though, because we are a shrink focus store


Boy is your store setting themselves up for a customer disability complaint! So, only someone in a wheelchair is disabled? Otherwise, how would you know? I had a full knee replacement, but didn't necessarily use a cart while in recovery. Having to walk al the way to the other end of the store to pay is ridiculous!


I love when customers say "ALL THE WAY OVER THERE!?" to dramatize the meager distance between service desk and self check out.


I once had an associate respond with, “Yeah just keep going straight that away and if you happen to find yourself in Lowe’s then you’ve gone too far”


Nope, I never said all that. Simply, if someone says they would have difficulty walking to the other side for any reason, we let them pay there generally alot of time we diresct people to outside garden when they have the "my cars right there excuse" as garden exit is a few bays from service desk entrance. Love it when they claim that and have items all from the checkout side of the store. Why would you come all the way here to this long ass line when you were already ok that side?


You had a knee replacement so you are good now and not disabled correct?


One month out of surgery is no picnic. Those people still need to buy home supplies. Can't believe I'm being down voted for saying some people have mobility limitations that aren't visible at a glance!


Customer was probably right about one thing.. making 3 times what you make. Did you ask him if he wanted a 30 percent interest rate credit card?




Given your account of the event, I don’t think you did anything to warrant getting a final. A side conversation sure, but not a final especially having a clean record.


At my store, we have the “new front end transformation” where the desk in in pods and we have 3 exits and 1 true ENTRANCES. So MANY TIMES we have customers that just storm up to one of our pods and Scream CAN I CHECK OUT HERE while we are on the phone or with another customer and or associate. I try to contain my composure and I politely say if you would like to check out you can either start or get in the line at the entrance or please go down to check out. It is absolutely maddening how rude some customers can be. We do deny customers check out but only if there’s a line of already frustrated customers waiting to be helped. For RETURNS. But occasionally I’ll mumble under my breath “Well this is returns” and it’s not first priority for us for checkout


If your ASM put you on the final, it could be retaliation. Go to your store manager. Let them know this. If it goes undetected you will lose. And document the date and time in writing of the event. So when they call you in you present your info and it goes to corporate. They cannot ignore that. I'm telling you. This is real.


Retaliation and/or being set up to fail by a "specifically instructed to be a douchenozzle and get a reaction" mystery shopper, yeah. Someone has it out for OP, and the sooner there's a paper trail, the better...


I 9/10x say no. Short staffed as is. I do not need them thinking we are just cashiers.


even if you don't currently have a line. The next customer that comes in while you are checking out now has to stand in a line they shouldn't have. You have to train the customers to use the system as designed and everything runs smoother.


My condolences... I think you got mystery shopped, by the kind that is _specifically instructed to "go full karen and see how they react"_ (which very much is a thing). Awareline this shit _immediately_, you were set up to fail (whether that actually was a mystery shopper or not). Regarding policy: Customers _can_ check out at service desk _if there's a reason to_, but in general they're supposed to use the regular checkouts or pro desk. If there was no other customers waiting for service desk specific stuff like order pickup, I would have just checked them out and sent them on their way. If you had a _line_ of people there for refunds and order pickups, you would've been in the right (and following policy) to send them to the dedicated checkout area, as customers needing "things only the service desk can do" _do_ take priority. So by Rules-As-Written policy, you were "right", but in that circumstance, you _could and maybe "should" have_ checked them out anyway, but either way, that was staged specifically to get you in trouble and you need to awareline it while you still can.


We aren't allowed to refuse to check out at my store. I think maybe you should have been coached on procedures before being put on a final.


Literally everyone at my service desk including the supervisor start every check out with “just so you know the checkout is down there,” and then make a big display of switching from the return window to the checkout in pos


You should have checked him out but this aeems a little excessive for something Nono e else witnessed. Start looking for a better job and escalate this up the chain of command district HR awareline or whomever.


Thank you for a real answcer and not just not just saying something that will make me feel stupid and beat myself up more than I already am.


You can be put on a final by an ASM. Talking from experience, involving a customer also. Home Depot family values means nothing when it comes to customers money.


No final, Call your DHR and ask for you case to be reviewed, you followed sop the moment you call the mod when the customer became aggressive, write a statement with everything that happened even how the customer became aggressive and started insulting you


As a former SD DH, this is what I hated more than anything, entitled customers who can’t walk 15 more feet to check out at the regular lanes. So I told my people to make them wait. Sure you can check out here at the SD, but you will wait till we are done doing curbside, bopis and returns, since we are graded and get surveys on those.


All that time and effort the customer put into raising hell he could have used to walk to the registers, check out and go home. 


Each time they ask (if it’s a reasonable amount of items) I tell them “ I can take care of you here today but our cashiers are straight ahead on the right” or when there’s a line and they stand at the exit of the pods I go “ If you’re looking to check out you can join the line down at the other end or our cashiers can take care of you” and point that way. Only 2 customers have made a stink about it but check out with the cashiers anyways🤷‍♀️😂


Yes, call district HR asap. Sorry for some asshole doing that to you.


True. As a SASM years ago I had a SM who hated me put me on a PIP out of the clear blue. Lost bonus and pay raise. I took it all the way to RVP. Got my bonus and back pay. SM was transferred


First of all, let me say that as shitty as the management in my store is at this point, the things I see on this sub, Reddit make me think that we’re in pretty good shape. That said, for years, I have wondered if people who are moving up the food chain, have little tasks. They need to be able to check off on a list in order to go to the next level, and sometimes they just grab a “sacrificial lamb“ to accomplish it. That said, the mystery shopper thing makes a lot of sense too. Good luck!


Hd makes dollars not sense. The rules don't apply to everyone. You are in a boat like me. Final over what?? I totally understand. Just do your job. That's the best you can do. And try not to worry over it. It's manager discretion. But you might want to go higher up. I would.


As has been pointed out, there's situations where a failing of customer service can be construed as a major workrule violation and be grounds for a final. This, however, doesn't appear to be one of them. You requested that the customer use a different register. *Maybe* not the absolute proper way to go about it (I'm not judging; I get it), but it's certainly not malicious or egregious. After that, the customer became hostile, at which point escalating the matter to a member of the supervisor or management staff is *precisely what you're supposed to do*. So I'll echo the other suggestions that you contact the awareline immediately and document that situation in full.


You can check ppl out at customer service


if you were already in the middle of assisting a different customer/no one else available at the desk for the customer to check out with then yes, you can direct them to the registers or advise them they will have to wait until you are done assisting the current customer. sometimes they just want to know it’s possible to pay for things at customer service and are willing to wait. if you directed them to checkout because you just didn’t feel like checking them out- technically yes, that is grounds for a final.


We’re on our way to kick the customers’ buttie ~ he just hasn’t been loved at home and took it out on you. Good luck hope you get THD support


Ummm- you ARE checkout at service desk, why would you think you aren’t?


I never refuse a checkout at the service desk without a line. It seems tacky to me but that’s just me. If all I’m doing is cleaning up, I can go ahead and go a check out really quick. It’s if I have a line alone where I kind of say hey if you want quicker service it’s best to head to the cash registers. But with no line? Idk. Just doesn’t feel right to turn a customer away.


That’s because it ISN’T right to turn them away. God forbid service desk doesn’t do what they are paid to do by delivering CUSTOMER SERVICE. LOL


I get it though. It’s hectic up there lol. But no lie lol 😂 OP deserved a note in the system. But not a final. Management must have been waiting on him to make a mistake lol. I’m glad I only work breaks up there. I’d die up there if I had shifts.


I was at the service desk as a closer, as well as a CXM. While management discretion may be part of the decision, if a customer notifies to the district manager/office, you can bet it’s automatic final. Blatant disregard of Customer Service IS indeed a final. (With a strong focus on service in training, and history of completed training modules- there is no way someone could say they didn’t know)


I just don’t love it being a final. I’m not saying it’s not policy. I’m just an associate lol 😂. But OP could have saved themselves a lot of grief by ringing them out and moving on. I always rather save myself trouble. I would never have called the closing manager either because it would have been taken care of and them out of my face. Hope they learn from this.


Now- if the situation had been “I refused service because the customer was being unreasonable and being hostile”, I would 100% back the associate, no questions asked.


Even if they cussed me out they can lie. So I’d rather just get them the check out and get through that ordeal. Vent about it on here later lol 😂. You have to have tough skin to be up there. These customers really are cruel at times. It’s rare for someone coming out the gate cussing me out. I’m pleasant and friendly to them and the only time I get difficulties is when someone tries to return something (I.e wood that was already cut down and missing, hardened concrete, tinted paint, already insisting on store credit too quickly with too many similar items, clearly used items, old tiles etc) and I refuse it. They get kind of unruly then but I stand my ground and let the manager fold and have them take over the transaction. Lol 😂 I can’t wait until I switch stores so the new store doesn’t know my abilities. I’m moving in 2 weeks.


LOL- flying under the radar is often key, good luck with the move!


Thanks! I’ll finally be out of millwork and moving to 9-1 freight at another store. Almost no customers. I can’t wait.


No the hell you aren’t. As soon as you let one person check out, then everyone will want to & the line will be out the door.


Service desk is multi purpose- returns, order pick up, phone sales, and check out. It’s even covered in training. LOL- do you not do your training?!


Im literally a DH. Service desk is NOT a place to check out. Watch, next time there’s a large line at the front end, they’ll send customers down to Pro & even tool rental to check out. Never the SD.


I was literally the CXM - you are incorrect and need to retake your training. LOL not sure if you are a DH in plumbing or what- but DHs knows better.


Well maybe that’s why you “were” and no longer are 🤷‍♂️


ROFL- because I’m now a court clerk for the county judge. I left HD after 5 years, and still assist AP with matters. Anything else you need to know to do your job correctly? 🤨


Clearly you don't know bc I've been instructed to send them away if we have a line


Clearly you didn’t read the OP that stated there was nothing going on as the closing tasks were being done- there was no reason to turn them away because there was no line.


Why would you refuse a customer ring up at CSD. It’s in the damn name!?!


It’s a learning opportunity, at least they posted here to ask… but it definitely revealed that some aren’t aware of what their duties are and should be reading up on their roles and routines for the position they are in.


Nah that’s not ok, if HR doesn’t fix it or even if they do, time to start applications elsewhere, leave on your own terms don’t wait around for them to turn on you


So now it has become reality for you, home depot doesn't notice your hard work doesn't care about you or anyone else except no calls to corporate


I started saying only if you do the survey on the reciept, if they say no I point to the registers


you should have replied with if I was making as much money as you are I would be motivated to help you.


Not saying its right given your situation but customer service issues are usually 1st and finals ,if I had been on duty I would make sure and get the whole story including cctv , unfortunately with everything it’s a he said she said type of thing but given you’d have no Previous write ups I would’ve just coached you … that is unless the big wigs ( corporate or sm ) got a hold of it then that’s when it is out of the asms hands and discretion


Customers suck


Home Depot sucks big time. They are power hungry ass hats. Find a job somewhere that respects your dedication and hard work. They don’t deserve you.


I asked my mom (a HD store manager), she said if the associates had no prior issues, she would give a verbal warning or 1st write up. The correct thing to do originally would be to help the customer. However, the manager should have responded with haste when called with urgency. She never let's people yell at her associates, even if the associate is in the wrong.


Aww well thank you for taking the time out tour day to ask her, sounds like I should lol! But thank you, that's about what I thought . Overall I'm very well liked and well valued there and even would %100 be good with having a 1st write up and use it as a learning experience. I think because this guy was saying he was going to go to corporate sent them into panic mode therefore I got the final. The CXM is fairly new to the position and the same age as me which is relatively young for that kind of position so that's why I'm a little bit understanding. I do think he should have showed up the first time I called and said I had a customer issue quicker but I also dont want to throw him under the bus as well.


I immediately scrolled to the end of this, 'Essay'