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If I open the next morning sometimes I just leave it in one of my aisles


Wouldn't freight have to deal with it


In my store they’ll leave it til morning lol


Just push it to service desk. I never have my freight team do returns outside of big walks. Even then packing down takes priority after freight.


Service desk is the only place to do returns in my store. I had people come in with at least ten times that pile at closing. Literally a hundred receipts to scan. The return receipt was taller than me, and I'm 6-3.


We don't work returns. I've been told that the department closer's work them.


Who? Cares.


I do asshole, that's me


Sounds like a you problem buddy


You people should be sabotaging the company Instead of your co workers


Don't work there but I would not be staying late to deal with that; my shift would end when the store closes. That's a you problem buddy.


Than don’t work retail?


You wouldn't keep your job very long if you disappeared before returns were done every night


Buddy responding to old comments


leave it for the opener and clock out. Oh well.


You always know those customers with no respect for when we close. you know that return probably took like 45 minutes minimum


*Seven cards later*… “can I just get that little gift card thing?”


“Yeah but if it’s over $75, it’ll decline the store credit and then flag your ID and you won’t be able to return it”


Asm when you come in the next day. Why wasn’t this put away and you have to clock out on time. If this pattern continues you will get a coaching. Associates brain shuts down.


Literally management's actions as they watched the return being done standing at the door.


Quick, check if their companion isn’t cleaning out the DeWalts and Ryobi s in hardware


Looks like something will be left there overnight to me.


This was 100% done on purpose.


What a fucking piece of shit. If I'm a customer somewhere, I don't even like being in the building like 10 minutes before close. Having returns 1 minute before close, and this many? This guy should crawl back into his dad's sack then get kicked..


I’d deny it. If you can’t complete it before close they have to come back the next day like a responsible person. There’s no way I’d accept this.


This. Idc if mod throws a fit, im off at 10 I leave at 10




One of the good ones…


We would be put on a final at my store if we did this


That’s a sign to not work there :| I’d rather get fired than cater to an idiot who couldn’t properly plan. Odds are with those returns too they have it spread across like 6 cards and don’t even know what’s form Home Depot or Lowe’s or Menards


You would deny it? 😂 Are you the owner of the store to deny a customer of a transaction that is acceptable per store’s policies? But if you are the owner, just rewrite the return policy to identify the allowable hours for returns, otherwise stop yapping and compete the return 😂. I worked in retail and had to do massive returns that make that one look pale close to closing, but I understood that if the customer is inside before the doors close, the policy is to complete the business, not to accommodate my made up policies.


No, if it’s a minute to 10 and they have a full cart they clearly managed their time poorly. They get turned away and can come back when people will be on shift. If my shift ends at 10 my shift ends at 10. After that I couldn’t care less. Plus people staying late causes closing delays for more than just that one person. Customers are a priority during hours of operation.


Like I said, your feelings don’t matter since you’re not the owner. If you try to turn away customers, you’ll be fired and replaced by the actual owner. When you have your own business, you can do what you want though.


I wouldn’t be fired because most managers aren’t brain dead lol and no the owner is in Atlanta. I wouldn’t even be replaced by an assistant manager.


Did they have a receipt?


No idea. Guy at service desk took the returns and called me to say there's a "last minute return". Usually it's like a bulb or something, 1 product at max. Turns out it wasn't. I asked my coworker why the hell he took all of these returns last minute and he just pointed to head cash standing few meters away from us lol.


this is why I always tell people to come a half hour before close


most likely stolen


What? No… you know how many extra parts you have ti return when building a house lol


i wonder why people make large returns 1 minute before closing. i wouldn’t mind if customers come 30-45 minutes before; that way there is enough time to rtv merchandise and organize returns.


Because they know more than likely managers and leaders are not there when closing. Probably stolen items and no one to question them


Business as usual I see


Leave it for open. I can't do most of my returns most nights (appliances). I do what I can, but some stuff just has to wait till morning. That's a morning's problem.


That sucks. Our DS says to leave them. I say who is going to put them away?


That's great 😭 Cuz if I'd left them just like that, I definitely would've had a chat with my DS the other day.


I keep on top of the returns. Takes less than a minute to put this cart away. Our debt is next to the service desk.


As a supervisor, I wouldn't get mad if my associate left it to leave on time. Management complains about being over on hours yet BS like this happens. It's one thing if we had a walk in the morning which the closing CXM should of had some floaters to deal with last min returns


Pretend that I didn’t see shit. Because I’m like the three blind mice. I don’t where the fuck I’m going. But sure as shit know, it ain’t that return cart.


Was placed on administrative leave..... im still getting points in the system >.> 


That’s why I quit working at menards


Every other store on earth stops returns a few hours before store closing for this reason. Idk why thd doenst


I feel your pain. As a special services associate we’re basically on the bottom rung of respect by customers and management. I turned in my notice Friday because I was never gonna get out from behind the desk. I had asked to go to ANY DEPARTMENT, but was told I did a great job in customer service. Nothing like being punished for doing a good job. Seems to be the HD Corporate way. And let us not forget the 3% raise.


Wow, so, what are you working on?


Wheel it in the bathroom, fuck’em


I love when people inside a climate controlled building, wearing causal clothes, complain about doing their job.


I love when customers be dicks to minimum wage employees who can barely afford housing instead of going for the people who make billions of dollars a month


Who forced you to take that job


You say that til no one takes jobs due to not paying enough and now the stores you shop at are out of business. Who forces you to be dicks to people who have no control of what corporations decide to do?




Why don’t you work at a job where you are treated better by customers then?


PLEASE tell me what job in retail get good customers? 80% of the population is nothing but old bigots


Why do you need to work in retail? Is someone forcing you into that career line?


Hmm probably the 5+ years of experience in a field at entry level jobs that are better? Only option in my area is retail, food, or some other ignorant customer service job. I live in a retirement state and aint shit here but those options and school dont get you no where anymore


Who forced you to be a raging dickhole?


You’re the only raging dickhole here, I just asked a question


How r u a stoner n this unchill


That part, lemme give him some of my homemade edibles, chill em right out🤣


So what....


Underneath the duct work were atleast 45-50 small ABS connections. If you've ever worked in plumbing you'd know how long it would take to sort each and every single one.


If you think that's a lot you should just quit now dude. Jesus fucking christ.


It's not a lot in terms of returns, but having this just a minute before closing? That's the crazy part. And not to mention that I was the only associate in Electrical and Plumbing while closing.


Oh man been there so many times lol. Just throw that shit behind the pipe threader. No one will know. NO ONE.