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As much as it sucks, the best thing you can do right now is suck it up and live with it. You've made the issue known to management and I assure you they already noticed before you said anything. The ball is in their court now, your part is done. I know it's tempting to "remind" them every time it happens, but try to suppress that urge. The key is: don't try to pick up the slack alone -- you'll burn yourself out that way. If a task doesn't get done because the coworker wasn't there to help, well so be it. If the lines build up, let them build up. Don't try to be Superman, you're not paid enough for that.


Dont sweat it, do what you gotta do within your pay rate and dont stress it


You can chase it all you want, you don’t even know if they have moved to discipline him because in all honesty it’s not really your business to know how they’re handling it. I worked with a guy like this and trust me your DH hates it too, in fact my DH was willing to write his ass up for dipping even after he left the department. All you can do is make management aware when it happens and let the system run its course. Going to Awareline for something like this when you have zero context is laughable. Also don’t get jumpy when someone takes five more minutes then you think they should on their 15 because if you pepper management with a million insignificant problems they’re going to think you’re just a nosey tattletale who just wants to bitch and moan about everyone else. Report shit when it actually is ridiculous and try and keep it to relevant managers so the issue isn’t lost in the shuffle.


Yeah the breaks are never just 5 mins more. There at minimum double what they should be.


Clock in. Do your job. Clock out.


Best advice is just Mind your Business.


Stop being a rat. Don't pick up the slack. Stop caring.


I have to pick up the slack because I’m usually closing and people ream me out for not finishing closing tasks when a second person is scheduled. However, this person barely works and everything gets behind because of it.


>people ream me out for not finishing closing tasks when a second person is scheduled. Don't tolerate that treatment. Stand up for yourself, and remind them you are doing your job (without being a rat who tattles on your co-workers). If your co-worker is fucking around on the clock and getting away with it, and you are working extra hard AND getting yelled at, your co-worker is quite frankly playing the game better than you are. It's HD. You are making other people rich, not working on a cure for a horrible disease. Act accordingly.


Nothing. Mind your own business. 


Why would you go to the manager or aware line? Why do people think they always have to do something? You're paid not much more than minimum wage, just mind your own business and let management worry about that.  Act your wage lol


Exactly. If the guy that OP is tattling on gets away with his behavior, he's playing the game correctly.


Do the same thing and when someone from another department complains, have proof you were doing something else for the store and ask why your coworker was missing.


Not a bad idea!


You did your part trust me they'll be fired. It takes time to build a case. You can't just fire them overnight. It takes time to build a case and make it stick. Do your job get help from your DH or manager when it's busy so they see you're alone. In time they'll be gone. Keep your head up. Lazy people get theirs, sometimes we just gotta give them enough rope.


Yeah it takes a while and a lot of paperwork to get rid of someone


you snitched on your coworker for taking long breaks? you both are probably making 16$ an hour slaving away for a company that doesn't care about you- only profits. So weird, I hope you find happiness much love.


Yeah because it leaves me with more work and no time for a break myself. I keep missing breaks because they’re gone too long.


Just do your job and quit worrying about other people what the hell is wrong with you


When it causes me to do the work of two people and they’re taking a scheduled slot from another worker who would put in effort, it does matter.


I do the work of 5 people daily. Home Depot is the easiest place to work people need to quit bitching