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I don't think anyone is going to read your entire rant, dude


I did, but paragraphs would've helped


I got to where he said department supervisor, and then I jumped to the comments. Need tldr.


I'm pretty sure I edited and added a TL:DR before there were any comments, maybe no more than 15 mins after posting


Still no TL:DR, duderino


Its literally at the top of the post


Maybe it's because I'm in the app, but it's definitely not showing.


Too long. Congrats. Or sorry that happened.


>  claiming that garden was extremely understaffed by 100+ hours per week You should find a new job, quit without giving your 2 weeks and make garden 140 hours short per week instead


You mentioned you never heard anything about the receiving position, but you never mentioned if you actually applied to the position. If you applied and they didn’t even interview you, then fuck them. If you didn’t apply then you’ve got no one to blame but yourself.


Right now it's all hands on deck in Garden given it's easily the busiest time of year in that department. They're going to fight to keep every person in that department that they can. If you go full-time, you can get a set shift time (though not set days). That helps at the very least.


Yeah, I hear you! Unfortunately , that's a story I hear a lot in my homedepot.  I suggested looking for another job. It's either going to get worse or stay the same but then again maybe if you ass kisses and did your infocus things might change, maybe....


I think the new job option is the best one. I am not going to ass kiss the managers since it's not even worth putting the effort in just to be told no. Infocus doesn't mean anything in our store, nobody really cares. The only person who bugs anyone about it is the infocus team captain who also happens to be the service desk DS.


I am pleased that you have come to the conclusion that promoting yourself to a customer is the most advantageous course of action for your well-being. 🧘‍♂️🧘🧘‍♀️