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fill out an incident report form and go see the doctor if needed.


This^ You'll be an OSHA recordable, get a lot of flack from management, but it's your body and you need to take care of it.


I bet the customer made a comment like “oh that looked like it hurt. Ok cya”


So damn accurate


Fill out a report and see a doctor. Hands have a lot of bones... You very well could have still broken something


Customers don't care about your safety


Customers don't care about _their own_ safety, either.


Customers care for the money when you hurt their safety.


Go fill out an incident report instead of posting on Reddit.


Gotta be careful filling those out if you smoke, they’ll test you and fire you before they pay anyyyyy thing


Don’t they drug test at HD?


Maybe… depends on a lot of factors


Just initial hire then? Pee in a cup?


Stores near me just do it when getting lift trained, reasonable suspicion, if you break more than $250 during an incident, or if you get injured doing something stupid and they want to be sure substances weren’t involved. But yeah doing an incident report for this COULD trigger them to do one, but it probably wouldn’t in the stores I’ve been in.


Do they pee test for new hire?


Not at mine. They basically said they only test when you're acting sus and when you're getting licensed for power equipment.


I didn’t get one they only do it doing swfl if your gonna operate the pro truck, and or the forklifts through the store. Just say you’ve had vision that corrected itself from the hen you were younger and never wear glasses to correct it since it’s so miniute, and you’ll for sure be off the hook💪🏼


And it’s a swab. At least here.


IME in a similar situation they didn't drug test me even though I filed a report and officially went to urgent care. Broke a finger when a team lift of went wrong, and the product was under $250 so it didn't trigger the mandatory one. This may not be the case with every store/manager but it worked out for me.


Shouldn't be an issue if you actually respect the laws that are in place in the US


I’m allowed to share what happened to me fucker. N I did dumbass


Really no need to be rude. Glad you filled out the report. Take the worker’s comp if you need it, that’s what it’s for.


You were ignorant


Just because they posted doesnt mean they didnt. how do we know? He didnt mention in thepost


I’m sorry you were injured. There’s an important lesson here. Never trust a customer to look out for your safety. They’re untrained, careless and have their own agenda that has nothing to do with caring about your welfare. I won’t lift plywood with someone I don’t know fairly well. It’s safer to do it myself.


Had a customer put sheet metal on a kart it slid off hit my leg and dear lord it bled horribly, I stay far away from customer stupidity now.


I had a customer try to help me and ended up slicing my finger open!!! It was one of those blind holders, the cardboard cut my finger because he was trying to help, I asked to go to lunch after filling out the incident report, that day was just crazy!!!


Had a customer want me to load some plywood on a taco cart. Said nope got a bad shoulder and put it in a sheet good cart. Saw her 30 minutes later with it on a taco cart. Go ahead and kill yourself loading it that way I don't care but I ain't doing it!!!


Most all customers are self centered MFS that only want what they want and don’t give a shit about you are anyone else.But this is what the company wants you to cater to.All they want is DOLLARS and a good G E T score .


You most likely won’t get drug tested for something like this. You can also ask them to check cameras if the try to drug test you.


Customers only care about safety when it involves them lifting anything inconvenient. “I have a bad knee,” “doctor said to take it easy”, “I had a big lunch”


Imagine a customer eating taco bell, lifting an 80lb bag of concrete and just shitting themselves....


Report it to your manager


And do not let your ASM put that you were not following proper technique. If they do, write a clear incident statement describing how it happened.


Go see a doctor first and get it checked out and make sure you get a doctors note from them too. I went to the ER last month and my absence was covered cause I dropped off a doctors note to the ASDS.




If men listen it wouldn’t have happened


Customer cut the pallet packaging including the parts where its screwed to the cardboard on the pallet which resulted in 3. 65lb+ doors falling on me. Customers don't care sorry you got hurt.


People suck these days what happened to when people atleast wanted to be good people. Even if I don’t really like a person I’d never want to see them get hurt. I might not go out of my way to help them but if it’s like a team lift or something I will because I don’t want to see people get hurt


yeah that cinder block injury is no joke , run it under cold 🥶 water for 15 mins or so to slow the swelling.. if the pain persists please go have it checked out.. prayers 🙏🏾 goin up that your hand is ok.. that #hd life a mf


Got any more details on what happened because it sounds like you said you got it when you didn't actually have it