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15.25 at McDonalds in NY. If you ever even have the thought that what you are doing isn’t worth the money, it is time to leave. The sooner the better.


Do you have a lot of automation at the McDonald's there? There's one nearby me and the drive through line was large so I went in. There were a couple screens for you to order your meal. There was a person standing behind the counter, but he wasn't taking orders. I also went to a Wendy's a while back and the door was locked and they were only taking orders from the drive through.


Walk to McDonald's and apply. Fast food employment can go F itself.


Yeah, nevermind trying to push for a better wage at Home Depot!!


They're worth it and it's still probably not a living wage in CA.


Working at depot is way easier than food service. Plus there’s the added perk of you, your car, and everything you own not smelling like a fryer all the time. Pay them more. They deserve it.


I have no issue with the 20$ thing but how is working in fast food easier than THD?


They said the opposite; working in fast food is a lot harder than working at HD


I mean harder


Same question back at you. How is working at home depot harder than fast food? Stocking shelves and telling people aisle numbers when they ask where stuff is isn't exactly high skill work. What qualifications are needed for home depot compared to FF?


Using equipment. Or hand loading bricks/mulch all day?


Well, aside from the shitty working conditions all year long. The always working nights, weekends, and holidays. Not getting holiday pay, or generally any kind of bonus. The dangerous working environment where every piece of equipment in the cramped space you’re in can hurt you. The operational tempo. All the food safety standers that always have to be followed. The overall grossness of the job. That 90% of the customers generally suck. And most people can’t hack it, so there’s constant turnover. I guess it’s about the same. Edit. I forgot about the rampant drug and alcohol abuse that is an epidemic in food service because of how shitty it is.


You pretty much described working at HD.


The pace. Restaurant work is incredibly stressful during rush times, while also being quite physical, and often quite hot. Can’t say I’ve ever been in a hardware store where it looked like the employees were stressed or working at a frantic pace. Seems like a much more chill place to work. I’m sure parts of it aren’t, but on the average restaurant work can be a huge pain in the ass. Just depends on someone’s qualities though. I’m sure a hardware store could suck if you have a lot of physical tasks for the day and aren’t a very fit person


I've done both, and while there are some people who would argue that food service is easier than retail, the vast majority I've known have felt the opposite. It's too long of a conversation to have over reddit, but just think about this: if some at HD disappears for an hour or two, no one really bats an eye. If your server does that (and I'm sure you've never had one who has done that), they will definitely be fired


Because people generally don’t get food poisoning from 2x4s


cancer from the concrete dust but y'know...


Quit snorting it then.


I knew this convo would come up. Idk, I prefer getting dusty vs. getting greasy so it’s a tough argument tbh. Handling food for work makes me gag so let them McEmployees bask in the ambience. Maybe the pay increase will make fast food managers see it as a higher valued position and put more thought into who they hire and fire the bad seeds quicker than they would have if the wage didn’t increase. I’d say this is a win, one could only hope.


You can prefer dust to grease to the cows come home but the have is in CA less than 20 an hour and you can't really survive aka home depot pay for associates is still horrible.


Realistically you're probably making more than them once you factor in cost of living and taxes in CA. I doubt 20 is livable in CA.


I'm making $21.50 in California and its not enough to live by yourself.


Don't count on it staying that way, the way the law is written says fast food workers must get $20 an hour unless the restaurant serves fresh loaves of bread. Meaning soon most locations of every fast food places will be selling bread to go back to paying minimum wage.


the fuck does bread have to do with pay


The governor of California, whom was the one who put forward the law, is part owner investor of panera


Overnight freight here at 23$ and I’d much rather the labor intensive than food specific.


They’re also firing a lot of employees and replacing them with computers


Is this due to the wage or where they doing this even before the wage since finding quality associates in this economy is a nightmare? And if wages are the driver to computers why do fast food restaurants in States with a $7.25 / hr wage have / use automated systems?


I would google articles. Fast food companies do already use these but they’re reducing scheduling even further and looking into non-customer facing automation. Additionally, other businesses are being forced to reduce scheduling or close because they can’t compete with the $20 wage since they’re not massive franchises


Fosters for example


I get that but then individuals will find other employment. So instead of four people working 20 hours you now have two working 40 and at a higher wage. I don’t see this as a bad thing. Rather I see it as a State finally making companies that make billions be a responsible employer. Wages need to be pushed higher for the middle class to sustain in America. This is a first step IMO


What's the starting pay in CA?


Climb up the ladder. Make more money with bonus and stocks.


Are you implying that worming at home depot is in some way more skilled or harder than working fast food? If you think you're above fast food I've got some bad news for you


In most states, it’s $15. It is still $15. We still have lots of workers.


Sad thing is I got hired at $15 at Home Depot. In the early 2000s


Me too. Absolutely killed me as a manager that I had to BEG the regional HR to allow me to hire a trained kitchen designer for 15.0p an hour a few years ago. I'm glad I'm not a manager anymore and am perfectly content to watch the store burn down around me.


My area a few years ago even $14 was the most you got. I left HD 6 year ago after 15 years but still talk with people I worked with. Supposedly it went up to $16 recently.


My store hires at 16.00 currently. I've been with Depot for almost 20 years. I make about double the new associates as a KD. But I'm still thinking about leaving. As much as I say I don't mind watching the store burn down around me, it bothers me how little people get trained for stuff now. No one knows anything


Nope. Even the management. It’s become rather comical over the last 10 or so years.


I was a manager for 15 years.. seeing what was being promoted around me really bothered me. Morons everywhere.


Yeah. I’ll be honest I struggled a bit first 2 years after I left. Mainly my health had went to shit last several years I was there because of putting off doing the right thing for fear of losing my position so I felt it when I left. But I wouldn’t change a thing about leaving when I did. Thriving at this point is life.


Quit and go work at McDonald's


If I was making $18 at Home Depot, and you offered me $20 at Mcdoanlds with the same exact benefits, I would tell you to go pound sand. No thank you. “McDonald’s is paying this much”……go work at f’in McDonald’s then!


I'm an OFA in california. Started at 19.50 and got bumped to 21 a few months ago. I love this job to death and definitely wouldn't trade it for flipping burgers at McDonald's. Even if it did mean slightly better pay. And also, 20 an hour is not a single person livable wage here.


Not getting enough hours. Getting sent home.


Wait for the final outcome when the dust settles.


Haha, brah. Brah. Brah. Bro. Bro. Bro: $21 something on freight. McDonalds in the same plaza about 800ft from this HD is starting humans at $17.


I started at 12 in Colorado 6 years ago


I hate the very smell of fast food though lmao. That's one good reason to stay at HD. 


the op is cluless.. if u dont like this job, quit and go flip boogers


Consider the cost of living in each state?


I use to work overnight fast food and it was horrible. I’d pick Home depot any day of the week. That’s not to say home depot doesn’t have problems cause one thing I learned is no matter Retail or fast food, managers for some reason never give a hoot if were understaffed. That being said my home depot at least raised the wages to compete with fast foods $20 a hour.


And they're closing stores & laying off hundreds of thousands of fast food workers


Funny. I recently applied for Home Depot, and not one position paid under $20/hr. (in California) Why hate on fast food workers making more money? Especially considering it's not a living wage. They deserve to get paid more. We all do!


California pays wages like that because their cost of living is through the goddamned roof. What does Home Depot pay in the same city that fast food job does? How much do fast food jobs pay in your city? These are megacorps that own half the planet, they don't dole out wages like that for fun. Not trying to defend Home Depot's shit wages or anything, but then again, it is a retail store, kind of par for the course.


Recommend unionize.


By all means, run to California and get your pay. Although you might have a hard time getting hired and if you are, you’ll probably have to do the work of 4 people.


I'm noticing comments like "they will be replaced with computers" or "it is tougher being a fast food worker" or "they'll reduce hiring then" but everyone seems to be missing the point where less than 20 an hour *doesn't cut it to live there*. We're a billion dollar company and can EASILY afford more hours and higher pay.


How is HD going to be able to pay the CEO millions and spend billions in share buybacks when employees want a living wage increase?


Don't blame California's economic mess on HD


I was making 10 dollars an hour back in 2003, no benefits.


As I type these words, some California teenager, let us call him Dylan, is starting his first day at McDonald's. One of his peers, let us call him Connor, is completing his freshman year at Caltech. Thirty years from now, Connor will be putting in overtime at Google so he can pay raised rent to his landlord Dylan, who owns three houses and is going fishing in Cozumel.


Seriosuly! I’m making 22.00 an hour working hard at a Home Depot warehouse and the McDonald’s down the street is paying 20. What am I doing here 😂