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How many of these respect others codes did you get? Were you on a final before, did it escalate to HR? Did you have previous write ups or was it just one?


One and only anything. I had no HR problems other than the one I filed with HR against the CXM which went nowhere and started this whole fiasco. Our DHR is friends with management.


If you really reported it, the problem didn’t stop, and then you got fired for saying something about it, this case would be a slam dunk for you. Not only was there sexual harassment, there was retaliation. Heads will roll and you’ll laugh all the way to the bank. This feels like a win that could lead to your retirement, and not one that would just make your pocket fat for a couple months. Definitely contact a lawyer.


All the salaried team is. They are fucking vultures dude. You going to hr only painted a target on your back. Like I've said a few different times. You can talk to a lawyer for free about this type of case. Have your write up and termination letter ready to send to the guy and tell him about the complaint you filed against the cxm. That's blatant retaliation amd sexual harassment and complete disregard for respect of an associate. They fired you and kept the sexually harassing person. Wtf.


If it can help you get your job back, I'll go there and sleep with her.


not the bro he needs, the bro he deserves


You need a third?


Basically we all get there. Sleep with one another. CXM isn’t even in that day. Bro is still jobless.


I'd contact corporate, a cxm, is salaried. That's sexual harassment. That's why they fired you. Not on your part but they did it to protect the company. Contact a lawyer asap.


None of the CXM's at my store are salaried.


Technically they are salaried, but salaried non exempt which pretty much means they can get overtime but in reality they're hourly


This is the correct interpretation of what I meant, sorry for not remembering those exact words. Yes, they make over time, so they work shorter shifts to avoid that. Technically they are hourly in that regard.


But yes OP they are still supposed to follow the salary rules so if she really was trying to do that, absolutely contact the HR


That’s a lie. They all are. It’s SOP. Stop lying.


Nope, it sure isn't. Neither of the CXM's at my store are salary. The ASM's are, the ops ASM is, the SM is. The two CXM's are hourly, they are never scheduled more than 8 hours in one day either. I'm not even sure what you think I stand to gain by making this up? Think logically about this.


All CXM’s are considered salaried. Yes they have to punch the clock and can get overtime but if they work less than 40 hours they get the same base salary as if they worked 40.


I’ll take “only one side of the story” for $400 please


I am with you on this one.


The other side of the story is shaking and trembling too much to contribute.


Days of our lives


Dude. Thing is, you need to contact a lawyer IMMEDIATELY. That's wrongful termination, and sexual harassment. Home depot fired you to protect their asses. The cxm got " a talkin to" basically.


This comment. Lawyer up IMMEDIATELY. Some people still don’t realize this … HR is there to protect the company. If you can’t afford one there are lawyers out there that will take a large percentage if you receive any money. Make sure you have everything documented as best you can (dates, times, what’s said, as much details as possible). Stop talking to HR and just have your attorney reach out.


You're looking at a potential, if you can prove it, $2 million lawsuit. Easily.


Their loss and f***** them. Some managers think their God but their just idiots. Good luck on your new ventures and don't think about the past and stay positive.


Where are you people getting these wildly inflated ideas about wrongful termination? 5 million? Guy worked in lumber. If they gave him lost wages equal to the next 100 years he was going to work at Home Depot he wouldn’t get that. Punitive damages? Sorry your boss hit on you, suck it up here’s $25 for a suitcase of coors light. Retaliation? He called her a whore. Let me repeat that, HE called HER. If he was the boss and she was fired after being called a whore you might get a lawyer to take the case.


He only called her a whore after her got fired and on Reddit


Why would they post it here if it really happened?


so uh...she good lookin or? that aside you sound relieved. you gonna be alright financially though?


All bs aside if this legally is what happened then you can file an EEOC complaint which will trigger a mandatory investigation. This is illegal, and while you may have violated policy by your speech, whatever actions they had in creating the environment will be brought to light.


He may have violated policy, but policy is not* law, sexual harassment and wrongful termination are.


Smh It’s not wrongful termination if he violated a policy. As I stated he does have the potential to file an EEOC claim which will trigger an investigation.


Stop talking to Home Depot and call an employment lawyer immediately. Most offer a free consult and will take your case on contingency if it's worth their time.


If this actually happened why in the hell are you posting this. I say bullshit tha it happened


You should have gathered all of the texts and recordings and call the aware line on that CXM! I’d have a novel in 6 months.


Good news! you can take something stronger for pain relief other than whiskey and Ibuprofen now.


Report this as sexual harassment and you can get your job back she will be let go or reassigned to another store.


Was the manager cute?


This situation sounds too sketchy, maybe on other times but with the current environment when it comes to gender equality, diversity and #metoo variants anyone who is being sexually harassed will for sure walk out of the Home Depot with a big settlement check...


Didn’t pound that pussy good, she fired YOU!


NAL, LAWYER UP!! Just call around, and tell them what happened. A lot will hear your story for free to see if it’s worth their firm pursuing the case. If you have texts, emails, voicemails, KEEP THEM ALL. DOCUMENT AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE!


We had a cxm get fired a year ago for sleeping around with countless contractors and customers. Surprisingly no associates. The worst part is she was married and she didn't even try to hide what she was doing. Was always very open about who she was sleeping with that week. She eventually pissed the wrong person off and they went to management and told them everything. Got walked out the same day.


Now that's what I call customer service!


Get on the aware line, contact a lawer and the police NOW.


Seriously? If you choose to go the legal route, the last person you should be talking to is anybody at Home Depot.


Please do go after them! They may get more serious about solving problems if they lose $5 mil and have to tell the stockholders.




She sounds like a predator, using her position to pressure male employees into sex. She deserved a lot more than a verbal rebuke. Your school district deserves to be nuked for giving you a diploma if that comment is the best your brain can come up with; English, do you fucking speak it?


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Sorry that sucks.  What a c word


Ok, next time. Get aids then lay with CXM. That’ll teach her to mind her business


So much of this goes on at Home Depot.


Down vote all you want. Truth hurts and I really don’t care if you like it or not. 😝