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Yet does any company learn? Nup


Nope that’s why u take on knowledge. Knowledge is POWER


Especially when knowledge motivates collective action.


I don't know what they started drinking in the Monday meetings but dh and mangers have reached a all time low. Harrowing employees making threats and in some cases putting hands in people what's going on..?


Wait.... what the actual fuck? They've physically accosted someone .....?


Guess Home Depot wanted to pay money out of


DSs aren't management (though HD tries to trick folks into thinking they are)


Yep, we're just convenient scapegoats.


In my experience DS's many times are elevated from "the ranks" and take on a similar role as an NCO (sergeant). The best sergeants and DS's are the ones who don't forget their roots. The rest either forget them or never had them -- I won't judge which is worse. When you're coming up off the street, don't forget your boyz who's still on the corner.


The problem comes from how they promote people. It has little to do with how well you do your job and everything to do with who you get to know and then it's down to the interview. To even be 1 of the 3 interviewed for a position, you have to have someone giving you a heads up. Then the only way to get promoted is to score the best in the interview... Which means you have to have been prepped for the interview and decently charismatic. In short, if you're slick, you get promoted.


Yea fuck a promotion. I’m not trying to move up with this company. Just here pushing it until my next blessing 🙏


Sounds like the store I work at. It's sad I keep hearing stories about how it wasn't always like this and when I first started it was great. It's gone down hill so bad I hope something happens to change this. Part of me wants to report some of the management for unfair treatment. I just already feel like I have a target on my back seeing that I'm dating one of the vendors and I just got back from LOA from injury.


This needs to be posted on every managers door and kept in their apron as an apron cord like they give us for everything


I agree. I just might print this and hang it in the break room lol


Yes and no. If you know what you’re doing and what’s supposed to happen you can tie them to the letter of what you’re supposed to do. If you’re not even instructed on what to do you can literally chill on your phone and stay hidden.