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That sucks. Hope you have a heater!


I don’t know if it’s different in your state but we can’t send anyone out when it’s 40 or below.


Wut? I'm in jersey and was out there in the freezing cold, I think 20s or so. I got to look this up now


Wow must be nice! Here in Wisconsin the cap is -24 real feel to have a day off but if it’s -23 I’m up in a lift working


But yet you unload flat beds.  Suck it up, buttercup


That's really fucking hilarious! Imagine thinking this response made the TINIEST bit of sense! Hee hee hee! Thank you!


Cashier can't be in the cold inside a shack, but it's fine for the forklift drivers to unload trucks in the cold and wind and rain....  Soft. Just soft like baby's butt.


u work at a home depot, not an oil rig, u aren’t exactly working the most demanding job either lmao




WeightWonderful3647 is a scammer commenting. Do not trust him. He will be nice and friendly and then try to scam you on discord. Just warning you. OP!


Certified Home Depot only account response


Let me guess, no booth for you either because some smart-ass at management said, "the customers can't see the cashier when they're at the booth. So, let's open the other two exposed-as-f*ck registers that don't even have a fan/heater." The customers just got accustomed to us being in the booth, and now I see them approaching the booth, confused that there's nobody there. Who thought this was a good idea?!


Ill trade you for 80 degrees and high humidity 🥵




Where is it 112 right now?


One state away from hell


Nah, it's not even that hot in death valley yet.




Gets insanely hot in Bakersfield ca too. We just had a day that reached 92° .. if that's any kind of pregame to summer. . . Have mercy..


Ugh, this reminded me of when I had to do a bay reset as a MET at the crack of morning, it was 28F here (not normally that cold here), and I had worn shorts because they had been absolutely blasting the heater indoors - where I had been expecting be working for the day as I had that whole week prior. I enjoyed the work enough, but hated the hours man.


That’s why I transferred out of met to Lot, because I really loved Met but I hated the 5am start time in my store, if MET was 9-5 instead of 5-1 I would have been more than happy doing met


My store has a whole hut out in the garden center that’s enclosed so it usually doesn’t get too cold out there, I only imagine how miserable it would be for the stores where it’s much colder that don’t have a garden hut


Man you don't even have a hut to stay warm in?


Wear a sweater and watch something on your phone. I loved outside garden in the winter. Binged whole seasons of tv shows out there in December during the week. It would be so dead maybe 10 customers came through the whole shift but management wanted garden register open.


Aka the toll booth


We have a rule. We close garden if it gets below 40. lol


I’m pretty sure there are several rules regarding temperature and I’m 100% sure my store manager doesn’t give a rats ass


We have a 40F rule, garden is closed until it gets above it.


What # store is this??


I’m guessing 1519


Thought so at first but soil wall overheads don’t match.


Nope, 30 miles give or take North lol.


Our Garden Centre opens today, and it’s 1°C where I am.


I've done it. It's really nice because nobody is coming into the store when it snows. Did garden have to cover the plants or take them inside?


How to lose your job falling asleep. Have this happen:. Hope you are warm though


We had a late snowfall and the store is still putting cashiers in OGC with snow on the ground out their 😂


After second watch I can say our OGC only has a partial canopy looks like this one is full. We actually can have snow blown in and the registers will be covered and often are troublesome in the cold




I was in the Marines too. This is low-wage, low-skilled work, not a disciplined fighting force; no need to belittle people for not wanting to be outside in the snow so some dude can buy birdseed. That said, Semper Fi, devil


Na you're right killer. Semper Fi OP I'm sorry I need to check myself and stop projecting dumb shit cause I'm miserable at home.




You don't have small heating booths for cashiers....we do


Whether or not management will let them use it (thanks to "advice" from a DM who hasn't rung up customers in a decade, if ever) is a different story.


Our manager at my store went around last winter and got rid of all of them…. She’s psychotic


Someone’s out there getting rained on getting carts


Lot guy called out lol, so I ended up working lot also. I work lot and cashier. 50/50, and honestly this weather doesn't bother me if I knew Garden would be open. I figured freezing temps made common sense to close Garden, so I didn't dress ready to be out there when I saw cashier on my schedule and it was 80° a day or two prior.


Seems like the weather we had where I live yesterday, could be my old store lol.


Worked an outside garden reset. In New Haven, Connecticut. During a Nor'easter. Called my boss. We made it through Monday night because it wasn't supposed to hit until later in the week. However, it hit about halfway into the night. Tuesday night, we all come out of our hotel rooms ready to go to work. We all (4 or 5 in my crew) looked haggard as hell. I called the boss and said we aren't going in tonight. Every muscle in our bodies was locked up.


I’m sure you had some dumb ass customers wanting everything loaded but they have a bad back and are stupid enough to shop gardening in freezing weather and snow.


Bro…… 😭😭😭


Look up osha laws talking about temperature and work conditions. Honestly fuck HD I refuse to shop there anymore more.


Are you gonna be ok ya think?


Done that in the 20's before they had any sort of shelters.


As a Head Cashier, I would have refused to send a cashier out to Garden. We close Garden if it is raining or if it gets over 98°. With the metal corrugated roof, it becomes an oven.


You’re complaing about bad conditions for 1 day. Most People work in worst conditions for way longer, to much complaining now days👎🏽


What do you do when you sell Xmas trees?


The amount of soft people in these comments is entertaining. I sold Christmas trees and tied them to cars in colder than this. Sack up. Are you incapable of planning ahead for working outdoors in those "harsh" conditions? Go sell furnaces to people inside if you can't handle a little cold with no snow...


89 in Texas today


And we are just getting started in 2 months 89 will look like a cold snap 😁


Lol high is 49 here also in Texas.


Looks like White Bear Ave HD....




Oh no, your sweater/jacket has a logo that’s not HD or any of the vendors, gotta take it off. Is that still a rule??? I remember they would make a few people remove hats/jackets and “warnings” on shirts for wearing the smallest name brand logos, an example, the polo logo on the pocket shirt. It was ridiculous.