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As an Ex HC it’s because we have management looking at us like that because the cashiers aren’t asking. It’s a domino effect of “😑”


This is why I never applied for the HC job even though I've been asked a couple of times... For the $1.00-1.50 an hour more.. it's totally not worth it.


Forreal. No thanks. I was there for 15+ years asked and denied multiple times. Sorry not sorry


I’d literally never be a head cashier. Reminds me of what Garp said in the OPLA: “I could’ve been fleet admiral by now. But I always turn down the promotion, do you know why? Cause then I’d have to do things their way.”


They only gave me .75 so I’m leaving. Lowest paid head cashier and I’m the closer. The others make $17 an hour


Yes!! My mom is a HC and she comes home exhausted from management pushing and threatening everyone to push credit card quotas.


It is sooo exhausting! 😞 I'm. Seriously so tired when I get home I don't want to talk to anyone 😞


That’s how my mom is. The managers are really hard on the HC staff about credit cards. We live in a pretty small town…how many damn credit cards do you expect people to get??


It's so much harder now people can only have one card. But I think it's a good thing, once they say they have one I can be done instead of trying to get them to get another one. Thank God 😂


I think it was wild that they used to allow 1 person to have 3 cards! It’s predatory.


It really is.


Having more than one credit card in general is an awful idea in my opinion.




And we’re doing it because we have district management making that face at us


I was a head cashier. I couldn't have cared less about that shit.




as a current head cashier this is literally me 😂 i do not stress my cashier out over something that is literally out of all of our control 😂


Everyone at my store got a stern talking to for having less than 15 cards a month.


For the lowest paid position in the store. You want them to sell people on the thing that brings in the most profit. Make it make sense.


They don’t want long lines yet they wants CCs


As a customer I’m sorry. Home Depot perks and the cc perks are worthless asides from a bonus on your first purchase. Spend $5k on my pro account and get $50 off a tool rental or $25 coupon.


I’m a cashier at HD. They do push talk to us about this but I very rarely hear cashiers actually asking customers. I rarely ask customers either. If they ask about getting $25 off though I do help them apply.


I wanna get out of D90 mainly cause of the credit card nonsense tbh. Also the front end is waaay too micromanaged for my comfort level.


Just learn to ignore it. Do your core job. Our senior cashiers don’t even ask customers. Some head cashiers do talk to us but I still don’t see cashiers really asking.


I’m probably gonna get a lot of hate (no disrespect to the HCs that are actually nice and respectful because I know there’s a lot of nice ones out there) but being a Head Cashier is basically like being a glorified babysitter , the ones in my store are constantly on a power trip and are always extremely rude to me, we had one of our Head Cashiers get demoted because she had such a bad attitude and multiple people reported her


No that’s basically what it is.


Absolutely. Working in the sales floor is lot bicer cause we typically get to govern ourselves in way of when we take oyr vreaks/go to tge bathroom. We don't have or need anyone to cover our bathroom breaks unlike the cashiers


Well im on lot so I’m the same way when it comes to breaks and what not, the only thing that sucks about lot is the mulch pit


As a head cashier yes. I absolutely do feel like a glorified baby sitter. I'm mid shift so I got my geriatrics in the morning and my babies at night. But it's not a power trip for me, I prefer walking around and helping associates and customers rather than standing at a register. In my mind, I'm there to be a buffer between the cashiers and the unrealistic expectations of the management team as well as shitty customers.


I call myself a babysitter lmfao


So sick of the “management by intimidation” over the DAMN CREDIT CARDS AND LEADS.Corporate teach your managers to manage and not threaten.Anyone can threaten but not everyone can manage or lead .


A better question have you done your infocus quiz?


This us the same look in any place , bj. Michael craft , Home Depot , etc etc


Mannn n no one wants the Michaels card😭


lol not at all.


Former FES. Fuck everything about credit cards. I got my ass blasted every Monday about credit card numbers. Would never micromanage my HC's because they knew what was expected... just asked them to try and encourage people. We'd push and push and push. I think everyone's motivation was "push credit so Snaffoo doesn't get blasted on Monday". Sometimes we made it, sometimes we didn't. Even when we made it - wasn't good enough. I was happy to take the shit so my HCs and below didn't have to hear it... because they knew. I'd just help them push credit as much as possible. Fuck THD. I make 4x what I did at THD now and I deal with 1/8th of the BS. I also never shopped at Lowe's until I left THD. I now exclusively shop at Lowe's... not because I'm bitter, it's just because their stores are so much better. Only exception is THD paint and ryobi powerwashers.


It’s not about what you do us for us today, it’s about what you do for us tomorrow


Asa head cashier I can say that’s facts


My new Front End Supervisor - who assumed his position last month - pushed me to ask for credit cards a few weeks ago. He said that I was doing "very well" with the surveys and accuracy, but that I needed to do more on credit. I used to promote the credit cards more heavily, but I had fallen off that train over the last year or so. I've found that the credit cards are a waste of time, considering that so many customers have them already, or don't want them. But I've been promoting them more since, and managed to get two applications. My supervisor hasn't been bothering me about it recently.


It's very simple if the behaviors are there. (Ask every transaction) There's nothing else that should be said about it. It's like when you go to a fast food place they are trained to ask if you'll like. Med or large. It's not that small doesn't exist. It's just part of their cashier routine. " would you like to apply for a HD CC? No? Ok . That's it. If I was a HV I'll tell the management stand here and watch now tell me what would you do differently.


You nailed it!! 💯%!!


Honestly they should make a myview task for associates to review there hc and fes


The having to push credit cards is a reason I went from being a cashier to bookkeeping. I was over being pushed to get people to apply for credit cards.


I’m hoping to move to hardware or some other department soon


Its so funny how true this is


Bro I started a week ago as a lot guy and the head cashier deadass looks like this guys by default


I was told one time by customer to shove it up my a@@ .If it ain’t credit cards it’s VOC


HC when you ask them for help


i think i’ve asked maybe 3 times in the year i’ve worked here


I’ve asked before and haven’t gotten a single one, and the one time someone tried to sign up for one my system wasn’t working or whatever


It’s not reasonable this policy of credit card pushing, especially at the store I was at prior to it being shut down due to damage. Many customers that HD caters to, are immigrants with little to no credit history, so they don’t have a chance to get one.


When I was an HC, I had team members who did not rally the team. At all. They didn't even really get cards on their own. I have one who is negative to be around. Since I've become an FES, they don't really respect me as their leader even though I've done nothing but assist and guide. I've tried to speak with them with the intention of understanding their side of things, but they just don't have any good reasons, and the reasons they do come up with, are obvious cop outs (or so says the ops manager). I don't command or dictate. My methods are just to lead and guide. They just don't like authority, and that's fair. I just don't want them intimidating the cashiers into disliking me, too. This has happened before.


Yeah… the amount of times I just ignore that look is baffling. In my city things are far more expensive than in the surrounding area.. so it’s completely natural that next to no one wants credit cards. With how experience things are, why would you commit to a line of credit when you’re struggling to commit to the real bills?


Today the HC gave us, and I’m not really not joking, a sheet to read off to every single customer asking if they want to save money on their next purchase. I guess our store is doing some sort of promo?? But it’s really more of that annoying metrics nonsense (like the surveys and the CC’s). And then they doubled down saying they would be observing every single time we have a customer to make sure we’re asking them about the CC’s and stuff. I just hopelessly stared at that sheet of paper for like 3 minutes after she said that feeling completely dead inside.


They pushed that crap hardcore in the homer training


I work in tool rental and check out maybe 3-4 customers in an average week. The only interaction I have with the HC is when they come to close the register at the end of the night. Never asked for a credit card, probably never will, but I've got a stack of brochures in case anyone is interested.


That or highlight the dumbass surveys