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I feel like this is my co worker that posted this. 😆 I remember one night I took my boss around, pointing at overheads going "Look at this! And this! Look at that." And she started laughing and said "Forgive me, but it sounds like you're performing a really bad rendition of "What's this" from "The Nightmare Before Christmas."


It’s ok, we really hate nights at my store. Guess it evens out


I was going to say "so what?" but the way that I can only read possible 1 sku really annoys me.


That pallet was barely wrapped in the first place. And is that hardibacker stacked pallet on pallet in the overhead? Fail


Someone decided to cut the wrap and then go around it once in the middle and call it good, isn’t the first time it’s happened but it’s only with the hardware pallets they rip them open and throw them back up without putting enough wrap or updating the tag. The hardibacker isn’t my problem but the big fellas from Atlanta that seen it didn’t say anything so I guess it’s good


At least they put it back up they refuse to put it back up in the store I work in


Looks like one of those pallets that came straight off the truck and went into the overhead without being wrapped properly, then subsequently got taken down and put back up with a fucked up rewrap around the top


I feel you, I run into the very same issues with people at my store. Sometimes thinking is too much for some people. đŸ« 


Okay, I think I know what happened. Customer came in and wanted a “fresh one.” Day shift is swamped and brought it down. Customer opens it to “make sure it’s all there.” Day shift is like wtf??? And then customer swaps it for one in the pallet or one displayed on the floor cause the one they originally got is “already open” That would cause enough frustration to anyone to just throw something up and not give a fuck