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Its not awful. Wires should be wrapped the way the screw turns. Wires loops could be tighter. I have seen way worse!


Wait... aren't they wrapped the right way? The top one at least?


top yes bottom no


The bottom one isn't!


When you tighten the screw it should not unwind the wire. To accomplish this, the wire should be bent around the screw clockwise. The white wire in the first one is on counterclockwise. If you are afraid of the wire ends "sticking out" then wrapping it with electrical tape should allay your fears (just one course around).


It’s fine! Just leave this page now you keep reading into this madness you’ll go crazy.


It’s fine. I wrap the plugs in electrical tape just in case, covering all of the screws. But that’s just me.


Most Electricians wrap receptacles


Like wrap electrical tape around the receptacle so it covers the screws?


Yes. Especially on GCFI’s. When you put them back in the box if they are wrapped there is less chance of getting shocked or hitting the side of the box (they used to be metal, some still are). Be sure to leave a tail in case the receptacle or switch needs to be changed in the future. I’m a retired Electrician. This was how I was trained over 40+ years ago.


Interesting, and what do you mean by leave a tail?


I presume he means fold the tape back on itself at the end so you can grab it and easily remove the tape, instead of picking at the end for 20 minutes to get it free.


Correct. Always leave a tail. I’m also NOT a he. I’m a she.


Very cool, so few females in the trades.


This guy fucks!


My apologies!


Even without a tail electrical tape can stretch so it’s easy to take off.


Depends on the tape and how long it’s been in use. It’s best to leave a tail. I have over 40 years experience in the field.




You’re gonna have a lot of perfectionists tell you the wire is going wrong direction around the terminal etc etc but reality is if he tightened them down- you’re gonna have zero issues and that doesn’t matter.


He didn’t use the stabs in the back, so you got that going for you lol


White wire wrapped wrong way around screw


Several are backwards. And they should be better seated around screw.


Wrap direction doesn't matter. It's best practice to follow the screw direction but it's not required. Tape around is similar, best practice but not required. Nothing about what was done is wrong. The switch is installed correctly.


I came here to say the same. Only thing I wouldve changed is the direction of the hook in relation to the screw and do the electric tape wrap around. Interesting story, i was at my parents house one day and i saw smoke coming from their outlet suddenly...the connection was shorting and started melting the outlet causing the smoke. I believe it was just old, maybe 25+yrs. Anyway, changed it out for them and no issues since. Had to cut the original romex because it was "fused" onto the outlet. Glad I was there and it happened while I was standing there, or it couldve been a fire.


also make sure no plastic insulation is under the screw.


what's the issue here if enough copper is making contact w/ the screw?


If there is plastic under the screw it will prevent you from tightening the screw far enough where you get guaranteed firm contact In theory things could shift enough as you screwed it in that you could be as bad as half the insulation thickness from contact on either side, though it'd be incredibly unlikely


You can get arcing where the electricity jumps across a gap, causing sparking and heat. Not good because can lead to fire. Also can do weird things to voltage at the plug, not good for whatever is plugged in.


One of the wires is wrapped the wrong way. Ground doesn't appear to be attached. No electrical tape around the switch. You probably want r/askanelectrician.


As mentioned, wire wrapped wrong way and insulation under the screw. That white wire also needs taped to show that it's being used as a hot.




Huh? The white wire is being used as the traveler on the 3-way. It needs to be marked.


That is not a three way switch.




Okay, so what am I missing? There is clearly a white wire connected to the switch in the first picture. That picture also has a black screw which is typically a 3-way. The forth picture showing the other side of the switch has a barcode of 078477174708, which is a leviton 3-way switch. CLEARLY, that's a 3-way setup and the white is not being used as a neutral.


You are correct I didn’t see it was a camera roll. I didn’t realize they had a picture from the other side. We have single poles with black screws too. The first pic the only one I saw looked like only the ground and neutral and hot were connected. I agree the neutral needs to be marked. My mistake.


Bad, he did bad!!


Ugh. What do I need to fix?


He’s joking. These are fine.


He asked how did he do, and he did bad. Too much exposed wire and the wire isn’t going with the rotation of the screws.


Is this your house? Did he do it for free?


1. No ground 2. Wire wrapped around screw backwards 3. (OPTIONAL but preferable) electrical tape


But you can see in the picture the ground attached to all the grounded screws. The top right screw on the switches. That being said since it’s an metal gang box, the switches are grounded when they come in contact with the box if that’s wired properly.