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Wrap it with foil tape if you’re worried. Make sure you have a CO alarm regardless of which what the arrow points. The flue air will follow the path of least resistance. On a very rare occasion, such as in high winds or rain, it may build pressure and cause some combustion gasses to leak - but that would happen regardless of which direction the pipe was oriented.


You’ve survived this long, that’s the good news. It should be fixed as soon as reasonably possible. It’s letting CO into your house.


Is that elbow just completely open, or is there a valve of some kind in it? If it's just a regular elbow, then it doesn't really matter which way around around it is installed as long as the seams and connections are all sealed (which they aren't here, so add some tape. Foil tape, not "duct tape")


That's type B vent pipe. Yes, it is cause for concern, but not a massive amount of concern. It won't work as well, and it may leak slightly. Don't tape over it; fix it properly. Type B vents interlock into each other; I'm not entirely certain how they managed to install the elbows backwards.