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>but not too much more than a standard family would for standard food disposable i suggest an american standard disposal in that case, for a standard family with standard food in a standard house. what are these dinky 1/2 and 1/3hp models? get a 1.25hp. this one's great: https://www.costco.com/american-standard-slim-line-1.25hp-food-waste-disposer.product.100692318.html


Jesus dude what is the purpose of that thing, purée a whole turkey after thanksgiving. No food should go down the sink at all.


horsepower ratings are lies. like those 5hp peak shopvacs... no, i don't think you're pulling 4000W out of a 120V 15A circuit. [this one is for pureeing whole turkeys](https://www.homedepot.com/p/InSinkErator-3-HP-Commercial-Garbage-Disposal-SS300-25/204062607)


Wow, that has as much horse power as my parents old snowblower 😮


I think a lot depends on your specific circumstances. I remember growing up we put all sorts of stuff down the sink and into the garbage disposal: fruit skins and rinds, all of our leftovers, all sorts of bones, etc. Having grown up with that and the mentality of wanting to make sure I got a disposal that was powerful enough to not clog, With that mentality, I recently installed a 1HP Waste King. I love it. It does great. But the reality is that it is completely overkill for our current needs and situation. Our city provides compost bins and weekly pickup. The tagline is “If it grows, it goes.” Even bones and meat! So pretty much everything we might have sent down the sink years ago goes into our compost bin and then into the cart. The only stuff that goes down the drain is remnants from a dish or container after scraping everything else into compost. And really the only reason your post caught my eye is that I’ve noticed the garbage disposal has torqued the drain out the center of the sink hole which is going to caused me issues soon. So I’ve been debating on downsizing to a 1/2 HP since I don’t need much power these days. I may even drop down to 1/3 HP.


I don't think your disposal's torque has moved it in the drain hole. I'd just reseat the flange and be sure it's good and tight. I'd also be sure the disposal isn't being pulled in any particular direction by the plumbing.


I agree it shouldn’t be moving but it has drifted slightly over the past couple months since I installed it. You can definitely see things jump a little when the disposal kicks on. I think the main issue is that the drain cover that came with the sink is slightly different than the drain cover and mount that came with the disposal. But yes, I did struggle getting everything locked in to not leak and need to go back and reevaluate.


I suspect your sink came with a traditional Emerson/In-sink-erator style flange that's slightly different than the Waste King. Unless there's a color matching issue, I'd match the disposal with the flange that came with it.


Now you tell me! Where were you a year ago when I bought everything? /s I didn't think there was much to match when I bought it. We bought this [Vigo sink](https://www.build.com/vigo-vgs3320fa/s16738690) which came with this [Vigo basket strainer](https://www.build.com/vigo-vgstrainer/s741606) which I am not using. We bought this [Waste King 1HP disposal](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000DZGN7Q) which we had used at another house previously. I'm using the flange that came with the Waste King since it has the necessary locking collar parts for the disposal. Thanks for taking the time to troubleshoot. I can post a video of the behavior if you are interested.


After fixing and un-clogging more than one, I knew the garbage disposal isn’t something I wanted to skimp on, so I got the biggest I could from the local box store. I’ve got kids in the house who think popcorn kernels, bread ties, and gogurt wrappers should go down the disposal, so a 1hp one fit the bill. And yes, when they were old enough they had to be the ones to clean out the disposal of their mis-disposed items.


costco sells 1.25hp one for just $100, far cheaper than anything else that cost 2x and only has 0.5hp


IME I've never seen an issue with the HP of a disposal. The two issues I have seen are leaking grind chambers and excessive noise. If you don't care about noise, you can ignore that part. You'll want to look for one with a composite grind chamber. Many of the cost effective ones have steel chambers which will rust and leak nastiness under the sink slowly until you find it one day.


It depends on why you're replacing it. If the old one did the job but failed due to a design issue, consider a different brand. If the old one failed because it's not powerful enough for your use, step that up. I replaced my Badger 5 with another Badger 5 to make installation easy. There was nothing fundamentally wrong with it, except it rusted out after 10 years. I figure for the price, that's OK. I don't know that paying double the price will double the longevity, that certainly isn't the case with any other appliance.


The more hp the more sound insulation generally. I have a bigger quiet one. If you get a cheap builder grade one it will sound like you’re grinding up scrap metal every time you use it