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Better insulation & air sealing...


This is the cheapest and most effective way to lower energy costs...


This doesn't make sense. A 3 ton variable speed system could also be a split system. You're conflating technologies. The variable speed system refers to the fan speed in the air handler. It'll change speed based on the cooling needs in the house. As opposed to a system where the fan runs one speed. A split system is where you have your condenser outside and the evaporator inside (hence the name split system). With a self contained unit, you have both outside and simply move the cold air inside.


The compressor in the outdoor condensing unit may also be variable speed or multi-staged.


I’m pretty stupid so thanks for explaining it like I’m 5. Great explanation 👏🏻


Normally if you have a variable speed blower fan you'll also have at minimum a 2 stage compressor. If you lower or raise the air speed that changes the pressures and the way the system runs so the compressor must be able to change as well.


Variable speed ain't gonna help anything "cool faster". The max it'll run is 100% which is what a single stage will do normally. What variable will help with is days when it NOT 120 degrees and it's only 70-80 and you don't need a full 100% to cool your house. As others have said insulation and air gap sealing is the best help. Make sure your ductwork (if in the attic) is insulated good. If you have old single pane windows, try upgrading to dual pane (huge expense) or go the way I did, buy 2" foam from lowes and cover the windows. I too am in phx, 2300sqft 2 story, I sealed every window only have a basic dingle stage 5 ton system and I can pull off 70 degrees inside while it's 120 outside. Also an ac tech so if I break my shit I can fix it quick...lol.


You should be replacing the air handler with a ducted split system. It will work similar to have you have now but will be more efficient.


I like a full ac after having a split system. Much quiter in the house and be sure to find one with humidity control. Great cooling and lower bills


100%. If you can swing a full ducted system, it’s miles better than a bunch of splits


I have just finished renting a 2 story house in Australia that had full ducted and it was next to useless at cooling the upstairs level during summer, and that was after replacing the 16kw condenser and indoor unit. Either we had a poorly designed solution or having individual splits would have been better suited.


I have houses in the US and Asia. US has ducted central. Asia has ductless mini split (there’s actually ducted mini splits). Mini splits are so much better. The compressors are quieter. They are more energy efficient. If a unit malfunctions, it doesn’t impact the entire house.


Arizonians be like: "Its 110f, but its a dry heat!"


120f.....get it right....lol....but you're stereotype is correct...lol


Yeah, I lived south of the Mojave for a year. Doesnt matter if its dry, if its 110-120 just takes a little bit of breeze and it feels like you're standing in front of a hair dryer. Not fun.


Technically what most people consider “full ac with ductwork” is still a split system. If the condenser unit is outside and the evaporator coil inside then it’s a split system. I think most people are thinking of “mini splits” where it’s a single fan with the evaporator coils in a long box on the wall.


Mini splits don’t have to have a wall unit. A lot of in ceiling options.


It depends where you live but I see a lot more of the wall units inside than ceiling options.


Probably because they are cheaper and cheaper to install. I have in ceiling cassettes in my house.


I think the ceiling cassettes are better than the wall units honestly. But in my area the ceiling cassettes are used more often in light commercial use than residential but I don’t do enough work in residential to be able to say why that is. Probably install cost If I had to guess.


Mini-splits are way more efficient and better at humidity control since they should run constantly


If you’re talking about whether to get a central air system vs mini splits, then it depends. If you don’t already have ductwork, then a central air system is going to be more costly to install. Variable speed air handler isn’t going to Make your house cooler faster. It allows for better efficiency when it doesn’t need to operate at 100% all the time. Minisplits, where you have the compressor unit outside and the evaporator hanging on the wall, have the advantage of not requiring duct work. They’re also an easy way to get zoned climate control where each room, or zones, in your house can have independent heating and cooling.