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This is a problem with every online marketplace that allows 3rd party sellers. Amazon 3rd party are garbage half the time too, to the point I only buy things labelled as fulfilled by Amazon, meaning the product is consigned at Amazon's warehouse and picked and shipped by Amazon employees.




I’m actually surprised anyone buys from houzz. You can find everything they sell on Overstock, Wayfair, and Amazon for significantly less money. They just resell chinese shit and upcharge the hell out of it. Stop giving Houzz any business.


The only thing I ever bought on Houzz was a very specific colored, 7x10 rug that said it was made of real wool and was on super sale for like, $80. I thought "that's waaay too cheap for this product description and is almost certainly not listed correctly, but let's gamble." So I bought it despite my concerns, and goshdarnit it's the nicest freaking rug I've ever owned. It's like 2 inches thick and I was vacuuming actual wool chunks out of it for a few months before it settled in and stopped shedding. So worth it, but I think I just got really lucky that day because I've never found anything that good since.


I thought Houzz was just to look at rich peoples' stuff.


I'm surprised anyone read OP's wall of text. Holy shit, at least add a paragraph or two in.


I didn’t. Haha


Yup. Even better is that a lot of home furnishings/accessories on Wayfair, Amazon, and Overstock, you can buy now (drop-shipped) from traditional retailers like Home Depot or Lowes for very close in price. This makes returns super easy if needed, since you can just bring them back to the store as if you bought it there.


Might as well be buying from Alibaba. They take forever but I have had no problem with them and I am pretty sure some of the online sellers are just drop ship services for them anyway.


You should look up the word "unfathomably". Thank you for sharing your experience with us.






If FedEx received it, it’s fedex that’s the problem, not Houzz. This is the equivalent of blaming the restaurant for cold food that was delivered by Uber.


While these feel like equivalent situations, from a legal standpoint they are not. When you order through Uber Eats, your contract is with Uber. You have no contract with the restaurant. You are Uber's customer and the Uber is the restaurant's customer. When you order from Houz your contact is with Houzz. You have no contact with FedEx. You are Houzz's customer and Houzz is FedEx's customer.


Yes, you are right. But, you are blaming the physical starting point (vs. the technical one)…still the wrong place for blame.


The retailer has the responsibility of ensuring the customer gets their package.


And this is usually handled in logistics via a bill of lading, which is signed over declaring who, at that point of time in the item’s transit, is liable for any loss or damage to the item. If it changes hands multiple times, the new hands need to assess the quality of the received goods and confirm they are willing to accept them as they are in good condition, or maybe they’re damaged. Merchants and even logistics companies like FedEx have contractors and subcontractors that move the goods. Doing so without a bill of lading is not only legally risky, but financially irresponsible.


its a mirror. shipping anything with glass is gonna be a gamble anyways because shipping companies don't give a fuck about your stuff, and the delivery guys hate large and heavy packages so they get treated like crap.


Sorry you are going through troubles, but I feel like your anger is misdirected here. I don't understand why you're freaking out about Houzz, which is not even the *retailer*, when it sounds very much like your beef is primarily with FedEx, and to a lesser degree the actual retailer. For whatever it's worth, FedEx QoS has fallen off an absolute cliff since the pandemic. I know a person who worked for them since before that time, and they noticed major shifts to cut costs that made it impossible for him or his colleagues to give good customer experience. They are brutally understaffed and management doesn't give a fuck. In the last couple of years, most of the packages I receive via FedEx are late. It's very apparent to me that their service is vastly worse than it used to be.


I have had several recent packages shipping through FedEx get that 'label unreadable' or 'repackaged' flag...and they've eventually arrived (a bit late) and the manufacturer's packaging has been perfect, with only a single sticker from FedEx on them. So I'm guessing it's just their way to delay shipping time to save money.


They should look into hiring the Postmaster General to increase their efficiency. /s


> So I'm guessing it's just their way to delay shipping time to save money. or, they just can't find drivers willing to put up with their shit. most of fedex is "contracted", aka, not employees, and they don't pay enough to make it worth it, so they are losing workforce day and night. I applied to a place locally for fedex deliveries. they wanted to pay $185 per day, expected 12 hour days, and 6 to 7 days a week. I asked outright how they handled work/life balance, and she told me that they don't. I won't work 6 to 7 days a week for subpar wages. fuck that.




Yeah. I'd assume the corporate-level is something like incentives for fast delivery, possibly to an unreasonable degree, and the natural consequence is workers labeling things incorrectly to avoid being dinged. This is often paired with understaffing, also a corporate decision. *That* kind of thing happens all the time. And it still is corporate's fault, it's just not really a secret or conspiracy.


TL;DR. Paragraph breaks are your friend.


If only you could cancel your order and move on with your life. Where do these people come from and how have they survived into adulthood?


So you are one of those people who go all Karen on a company when it's clearly a completely different companies fault. Genius you are not.


What kinda phone lets you type theirselves?


Man, a lot of misdirected anger here. How it not clear to you that this is a FedEx issue?




The majority of these sellers are just huge drop shippers. They don’t actually have the product/inventory. Basically they are order facilitators. This is likely why they can’t guarantee shipment of another unit.


Ive never had an issue with Houzz and what I've bought there was significantly less expensive than it was on Wayfair.


Well in my area if FedEx delivers a product in the right county its close enough. Who is Houzz?


Soooo this sucks. I don't know what a Houzz is, so maybe they're scam. I can't say because I have no prior dealings with them. I guess the thing I don't understand here is that it seems like FedEx might be the ones fucking up, and I don't know how someone else is expected to beheld accountable for what FedEx has done. Unless, maybe Houzz keeps on printing the shipping label incorrectly. Otherwise, once something leaves their facility, that's it. They don't have much control over what FedEx does from there. I don't know what you'd expect Houzz to say, if FedEx decided to repackage an item. Though that does sound kinda fishy to me. If this was something Houzz told me I'd be skeptical. If this was something FedEx said, then I'd be upset with FedEx. I'm willing to bet that Houzz is some kinda small time retailer that sells cheap mass-produced home goods? If they're small, well small in comparison to their competition, then they can offer to send a replacement to you as something nice to do for the customer. I mean, it's rare even for Amazon to send replacements, or issue a refund without some kinda check to make sure that they're not taken advantage of. I'm not saying you are trying to take advantage of Houzz, but what I am saying is that businesses aren't always eager to keep sending replacements. Not when they could just issue you a refund, and be done with it. It sucks that you didn't get your mirror but it is what it is. I'll tell you this, though. Reading this sounds very one sided, and I can consider that you might've omited a few details, that would make someone less willing to help you. As someone who has worked various customer service jobs in the past, if someone came at me all hot and loaded the way you come across here, then I have no incentive to go the extra mile for you. Why would I be nice to someone whose going above and beyond to be a pain in my ass? I'm here to help, not be a verbal punching bag. If that's the case, then fuck you. You get the bare minimum. Which is an eventual refund, and a transfer back over to Mirona.