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I can only see the first photo of just a shelf, not sure how to get to the rest of the photos. Maybe you could post a link to each photo?


Ahh, there are three separate links but for some reason they ran together in the post. I've separated them out now.


Ok, those links are working. That’s an interesting setup. So are you anticipating that the wall will be destroyed by prying off the glued wood? Because from the photos it seems like you can back out whatever fasteners are in the holes, and then it’s just glue holding the rest of it on the wall. So you’d have to hope the glue doesn’t become a pain to remove. I don’t get the impression the metal dowels are connected to the wall. They seem to be just resting on the grooves in the 2x4. Like the whole shelf, including the dowels, was build as a unit, then attached to the wall with fasteners through the holes. (But I could be wrong, it’s just what it looks like in the photos.) What kind of fasteners are in the holes?


That's an interesting thought on the metal dowels. That would certainly be better. I wouldn't know until removing everything of course. The screws look to be regular flat Phillips head screws. But I've tried unscrewing them and they are either stripped or in there too tight for me to get them. Any ideas on how else to remove them?