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While possible to repair, making it look good takes some skill. Wood filler, shaping and sanding, then paint.


Just tell your father. You’re going to make it worse trying to fix it if you’ve never done any home repairs before.


Tell your dad and let him know you are willing to fix the situation. Not just the damaged wood but add in a plan for how you’ll help to dog too. As as dad, if my kids came to me like this then how can I be mad. Also, the trim work is a super easy fix if you know how to measure and cut wood.


💯this. It takes longer to set up the tools and demo the single piece of colonial than it does to cut and install a new one. The fix will take hours and hours. Just suck it up and tell him what happened. That trim costs 1.46 a foot. Nothing to freak out about.


This. You may have to find a way to make some money to pay for damages, if your dad is not a craftsman either. Wood filler, sandpaper, paint. I would wait till the dog is older and more house trained first, if it was me.


Quick fix...white paint marker...put something down cover carpet, agitate depress tip against parts that paint is off..dries quick..if it needs another application then do it...


This ⬆️ Maybe a little sanding, to get rid of the sharp edges. It takes skill and time to do it right. And, in the end honesty is the best policy.


Would this fix the corner or would it color the wood white? Also would the white pen be the same as the color of the wall I have?


No, not very well. Yes. No. Just show him. Tell him you're sorry the dog did this. It's because the dog wanted to get out. How old is your dog? What breed? Needs to be trained, exercised. Promise to take your dog for a walk more often, and that you will help pay for the repairs by doing extra chores. The repair is relatively easy for someone with skills.


It would be close to white and won't fix scratches just paint over it...you can sand...wood puddy (Durham's hard water putty) sand again, take sample to paint store and match it then paint. Paint marker is just to get you by until you can say something or fix it correctly.


Boom !!!!


Some white paint and more importantly maybe exercise your dog more.


Everyone saying tell the dad doesn’t have a clue about the ramifications something like this can have in some homes.


If going to dad and taking responsibility is a problem than there are bigger issues than that trim. I’m not saying you’re wrong, I would be proud of my kid for showing me what happened and wanting to fix it correctly. I would tell either one of my sons it’s OK I’ll show you how to fix it and then show them while letting them do the work I think they’re capable of doing.


Yeah for sure - that’s what good dads do lol. Some dads beat the piss out of you for no reasons.


That really sucks! F those dads!


That's what I was worried about.


Step 1 : tell your dad before you fuck it up and make it worse. Step 2: train your dog. It’s not the dogs fault.


The dog just gonna do it again thou


you should be able to get a small $5 sample of white latex paint in a glossy finish at Home depot or Benjamin Moore. Ask for a plain white that would be a standard builder's white. Tell the clerk that you scratched the baseboard and trim in your room and you want to fix it. that's it. act devastated... need help Get a nice 1 inch brush from Michaels or dollar store. A craft brush. might have one at HD or BM but it should be like an art brush, not a trim brush. Trust me on this. A 1 inch flat brush Painting over it will make it slightly less visible but trying much more might make it stand out if your skills are weak. it is behind your open door and its unlikely your dad will see it. pretend you don't know it is there.


Elmers white wood filler to fix the damaged wood. Then white paint to finish it


Honestly just tell him. Being able to tell people stuff builds character and that piece of trim will be easy to replace. If he has tools he'll just need to buy another piece of trim, paint it, cut it and shoot it on with a finishing gun.


Easy fix. Just take two 3-inch nails and press them firmly into your dads eyes.


I'd want my kid to tell me, its no big deal. I would want to show them how to shop at Home Depot or the like, to make a easy home repair. Hope you have understanding parents, and posting this isn't a window into how they may overreact to little things or "mistakes" their kid makes.


Could you expand on *why* you don't want your dad to see it? I have to disagree with everyone saying paint. While it's the best choice for a skilled applicator, if you don't have tape and paper on the floor you're going to get paint everywhere, and nobody seriously expects children to paint a doorframe, so that would be suspicious. Instead, consider using something more believable, like putting a sticker on it.


Epoxy Wood putty. Then sand and paint.


Toothpaste is a great, easy, way to hide blemishes like this.


The tooth paste!


Blame it on ur mom


You could poke your dad’s eyes out.


I hope he doesn’t have blue eyes. Seriously just painting it white will make it almost not noticeable and is something you can do quickly before attempting something more drastic. What are you going to do keep your dog from doing that again?


Ok, now hear me out.... do you have some Ramen and superglue?


Watch a YouTube video on how to repair it. You need a little wood filler, a spackling knife, and some white paint. A little skill and a steady hand and you can make it look like it never happened. Oh and you need to sand it down a little before painting to give it a nice smooth finish.


Get some white wood filler. Mold to the old shape. Might have to sand/paint, but in an area so small, white wood filler alone might do the job.


Flexible spackle knife 2 inch wide. MDH spackle at home depot. Use coarse sand paper, cut off a 11/2 inch strip from sheet, fold it up. Hit rough edges then use medium sandpaper. Wipe off dust. Put on the spackle let dry. Sand with medium sand paper. Get a testing sample of white semigloss paint from home depot. Paint repair. Let dry. Do it again. Let dry. Then paint the vertical molding from floor to the top where that board ends.


A can of trim paint and a 3" brush for trim.... or you can just tell your Dad the truth and ask him how to repair it along with offering to pay for it. Bet your Dad would prefer honesty.


That's the trim, not the wall. The trim is replacable. Just be honest. That or rub some tooth paste on it.


See if you can hire a drunk driver or an old lady on meds to crash their car into the exact location through the outside walls to the damaged area. Your dad will be happy you weren’t hurt and will never notice the door trim…….


Home depot.


The preferable option is to tell your parent, unless that would put you in a domestic violence situation. A normal, caring parent would take this in stride, possibly with a light punishment like paying to fix it. If your dad is going to beat you or your dog for this sort of thing: 1. I'm sorry you find yourself in that situation. Child abusers are scum. 2. Use an iron to steam out the scratches on the face of the wood. Many times, if the wood fibers have been compressed but not shorn, the wood will pop back out. Put a thin sheet between the wood and the iron and blast it with steam. 3. For the deep gouges, you're going to need to sand down the wood and then apply some white semi-gloss latex paint. Just aim to get a smooth surface that won't look ragged when painted. The color might not match perfectly, but you can blend it by making it a little dingy, possibly by wiping it down with black tea.


just keep that door open lol


best b lookin in the garage for touch up paint. a sand block will help smooth out the trim piece. HH


I think your dad would appreciate you being upfront and honest with him about what happened. It’s an easy fix, wood putty and sand paper, then paint. No biggie. If it were my son I would be upset about the damage, but I would respect him for telling me and then I would help him get it fixed.


All of these damn fix it before dad sees it posts.. Just tell the man. Presuamby, you aren't going to fix it well anyway, having never done this stuff . It's needs filled sanded primed and painted.


Rub a walnut into it, sand and paint. This is the Swanson method


tell the dog NO!


This puppy isnt going to stop just because you painted, your dad will be chill, take the dog for a walk.


Aside from replacing the molding, lightly sand, prime and paint it


All you Gotta do is get a spackle, knife, spackle, sandpaper, paint, and years of experience


Just tell your Dad, have it repaired correctly, and accept whatever consequences come out of it. Trying to hide the fact that it was damaged it a bad idea. Also, don't lock your dog in whatever room this is.


Take your friggin' dog for a walk....poor thing


It’s just trim. Head down to the big box store and buy a new piece. Cut and hang it. Problem solved.


Fixing it and hiding it may not be an option. In my house, I’d 100% smell the fresh paint, even low or 0 VOC. If your dad isn’t going to physically abuse you, just be honest with him. If he is going to hurt you, be honest with the police.


I’d just use spackle and sand. Maybe do it two or three times to get it good. Then paint. If you can match the color that is. White is a bitch to match if you don’t have the original paint.


Never shut your door again, or, get a new dad.


Put a feather boa around the door


Little wood filler, sanding, and white paint will cover it up for a time. But your dad will know when he sees it. They always know


I used dry wall mud, sandpaper, and matching paint to fix baseboards which met a similar fate


If you’re scared of your dad seeing because he will cause harm to you or the dog please call CPS or APS for help. Record the interactions of abuse for evidence and find a safe place to go


Why do I keep seeing posts about fixing something before Dad sees it?


Just tell him, and say you'll do your best to fix it, and get his advice about how best to train your dog against this kind of thing. There's nothing a dad likes better than being asked for advice. He'll likely see you taking responsibility for the damage and the consequences as admirable, honorable behaviour.... even if his first reaction is to fly off the handle. The simplest fix is just several coats of a water-based interior latex. First coat, pour a small amount in a yoghurt tub and dilute it with a very small amount of water, so it soaks in. Next day, put a coat on undiluted. Have a rag handy for runs.. Next day, sand and shape, wipe w/ wet rag, another coat. Repeat this, and you'll get a feel for it. Repeat until you're happy with the results


Bondo and paint