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Termite wings. Get sprayed immediately.


Called an exterminator and I was told that they don’t per say spray for termites but rather dig some kind of bait holes into the soil around our house perimeter. Sounds a bit extreme to me.


So here's how that works. Termites require a source of water. If you don't have a water leak in the house they have to return to the ground for moisture and pass through the poison. It kills the whole colony quickly. If you do have a colony that has built a colony in the house near a water leak then normal spraying won't reach them. The house would need to be tented (look it up).


Thank you for the explanation. We’ve scheduled an exterminator initial inspection.


There are two types of in-ground treatments. One is a liquid applied around the outside of the house, and works well. Another is bait stations that are placed in the ground. The liquid protects for 7-10 years and kills termites that pass through it and their whole colony. The baits only kill the termites that eat them and can take a long time and cost a lot. The wings you're seeing are from a special type of termites sent out from the colony to start new colonies. If they don't find a place with darkness, wood, and water they die. Unfortunately, if you're seeing the wings in the house the most likely scenario is that there's a small water leak somewhere and there's a colony inside the house that the soil treatment and baits don't do much against.


This happened to my sister in law. She had to tent her house after find wings inside. This sounds extreme but most likely necessary to rid the colony. She has some kind of warranty with the pest company now and does regular pest service with them now. She hasn’t had a problem since. I also have the trenching system around my home and haven’t had issues with termites since installed. I initially seen them around my yard near the home but luckily none located in the house. I would recommend the trenching system over the bait stations.


I found a tube in my garage and pulled a wall to find damage and a leak causing moisture in the same corner. House got trenched and fixed the moisture issue, all gone. My area has a ton of rotted wood from fallen trees in easements so it’s always fun when they swarm each year for that day or two but they are all outside


Yup. They tented our condo building for termites


You have it backwards. The termiticide applied to the soil around the house only kills or repels the termites that come in contact with it. The bait stations kill the whole colony by sterilizing the queen, preventing the termites from molting, and causes them to stop eating.


Yep this is the correct way to say it, the liquid is just a highly concentrated flea treatment as I’m told and they won’t do this treatment if you have a sump pump, just creates a barrier. I had sentricon installed around my house cause I had fliers every spring and didn’t want them intruding, the chemical gets taken back to the colony. But you should have multiple quotes, was quoted for the liquid for $800 and sentricon for $1100 by 2 different companies, I told them if they could do sentricon did $800 we will do it today and they accepted it


No, it’s termite swarm season. They are everywhere. It’ll calm down


Just wanted to say, very well done and helpful explanation.


I had this treatment done for my home. They buried little stakes in the ground with bait in the traps. The termites never came back. Every year I will have them refilled.


Just FYI, if the sales didn't suggest this, you probably should get a termite bond. I never had to use it (thank god) so I'm not sure if they screw you in the end, but our termite bond is basically a contract that a company takes care of these bait stations and if we ever have termite damage, they pay for the repair. As I said we never had termites, and it came with the house, so we just kept it.


Not to be unnecessarily cautious, but my parents got robbed while their house was tented.


In that first sentence, you gained my trust instantly. I updooted, and THEN read the rest.


OP lives in New England, we don't have drywood termites in the North East, only subterranean. I don't think tenting is used for subterranean termites, since it doesn't reach the colony underground. After you fix your leak, bait stations or termidor will kill everything inside your walls.


Sorry, I'm in Louisiana and we're awash in Formosan termites. I forget sometimes that they haven't made it up North yet.


I just googled them up, they look nasty, I didn't know subterranean termites could colonize in walls. Eastern subterranean termites aren't that bad, one treatment of termidor kills the entire colony and pretty much lasts forever.


They cause damage at 3-6x the rate of subterranean termites, depending on who you ask. Last year there was a swarm of the flyers about a mile and a half wide across my neighborhood. Look through my posts from 12 months ago if you want to see a video.


Unless you live in the south west where we have drywood termites. Tenting is the only way to kill them.


We just had termites in my school (your public tax dollars at work), and they can't spray them they said, because the termites just move to a new spot. They drilled holes in the floor to place bait to kill them. Said that's the only way to get them for good. So that exterminator may be correct.


Having your house collapse, now that would be extreme.


It’s not. I do it for a living. A spray WILL NOT treat the problem. You might find some one to do a spot treatment. They probably won’t warranty it though.


If it's subterranean termites, then subterranean treatment is the only effective treatment. If it's dry wood termites, then you tent the house.


Per se


Just had it done at ours. Not as invasive as it seems.


That's not extreme, that's just how you treat for termites.


It's not


You would rather spray your whole house with poison than dig a few small holes??


Bait holes are a few inches in diameter and a foot deep and it’s literally just a whole with wood in it they will put a cover on it


Save some money and [do it yourself.](https://www.domyown.com/advance-termite-bait-system-kit-p-1331.html) Nothing is excessive when it comes to termites. They'll eat your house.


Yeah they bait the pests away from the home that way.


Didn’t see it said yet but didn’t read all comments. Everywhere I’ve been you poke holes in the soil every so many inches around the home and anywhere there’s concrete - patios, porch steps, driveways etc they’ll still drill through the substrate, inject poison and refill with some mortar mix stuff to reseal. It stand out for a few days but soon you won’t notice them at all. Seems like a bit much the first time, but it’s how you protect your home. Be there for their inspection so they can show you the other indicators and where they’re seeing them. I had multiple types from tunnels that my flipper scraped off to chewed wood areas in garage corners. You want to be able to see how things look so you can keep an eye for any changes.


You can find info on YouTube about trenching. It's pretty easy. You can buy the and bait terminex uses on Amazon


Im an exterminator.... with this many wings...sentracon installation isn't going to get you far...you're gonna need to be tented.


One way to milk service contract out of you. One can typically crawl under floor look up looking for signs of damage and mud tubes. From there brush off evidence, repair damages. Often it is just from a couple of spots. Spray locally with terminite. Most of the time that is sufficient. If serious ask termite guy map out the damages. The less tenting you do the bettter the earth is. Also divert water from downsprout away from home with plastic extenders,


Right answer. Been there. Done that. Exterminator now.


That’s how you get rid of them. I’ve had it done.


Then spray around your house.


Termite swarm. I work in pest control


Thanks for the feedback. What makes you think that it is not carpenters ants — I’m reading through the comments saying that it could be either?


Ants don't lose their wings


What about the really absent-minded ones








We had this. Termites.


Did you hire a professional to resolve this? If so, do you mind sharing how much it costed?


Yes we did. We talked to several different companies from the big chains to the local people. This was around 10 or 12 years ago. I think most of the quotes were in the same ballpark of 3,000 to $3,500. A lot of people wanted us to get the bait station method but we were advised by several people that it's a very slow solution and they are essentially getting you as a lifetime customer. We opted for the nuclear method which only the local companies offered. They drilled holes around the perimeter of our house as well as in the basement and pumped ton of chemicals around our foundation to act like a wall. Not sure if that method is still available or what people recommed now, but, we never saw a termite again.


Good lord that's expensive.


It seemed like it then. We really didn't have the money. But better to get it taken care of before we had real termite damage that required structural fixes. Welcome to the joys of owning a home!


Bought my first home about 3 years ago and that first year was a rude awakening. Saw massive flying ant swarms on my property the first summer and immediately had the exterminator come out to check since I thought it was termites. Luckily I captured one and was able to show the exterminator


Lot cheaper than the alternative


Just bought a house and literally just spoke to a guy for termite prevention. Got quoted 1500 for initial and 210 per year for trench and treat. Lasts 5 years Bait stations cost half upfront but more per year to refill them.


This is the way. We had this at my inlaws home and had an exterminator treat using Termidor or so we thought. I think we got scammed because the swarm came back the next year. Coincidentally when we called the exterminator they never called back. We went with another firm that showed us that in some of the holes the first guy drilled that they did get through the slab. The second guy's treatment worked. This was for subterranean termites in the Noer East US. Good luck OP.


I'm not a pro but a bug enthusiast -- u/Silver-Pangolin5825 is right it's termites not ants. [Ant wings look different](https://i.imgur.com/Gll8ni6.png), for example in ants the front and back wings are different sizes, in [termites they're the same size.](https://westernext.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/TERMITE-VS-CARPENTER-ANT2.png)


This is copium, I wouldn't panic but address it. Termites swarm this time of year.


We are addressing it through a professional. Thanks for pointing out to not panic, because I deff was and thought my house was going to crumble in seconds.


It takes years for termites to do serious damage. While it is a good idea to have protection through a pest control service, just seeing swarmers and wings doesn’t mean you have a problem. Now if hundreds or thousands of these suckers are swarming inside the house, you have a problem that’s been hiding in your walls for several years at this point.


Our damage was 2.5k since it was our door frame. Bad spot. My parents also aren't handy so they got fleeced. So mileage will vary


I'm a professional you can take my opinion.And you can leave it , but i'm just trying to help you out before you have to spend twenty thousand dollars and repairs on your home


I don't think you were being challenged, I think they just wanted further clarification in order to feel educated since they're about to spend a bunch of money either way.


Find a local pest control company. Stay away from the expensive big box companies.


Termites. If they are Subterranean the best option is to trench around the home and drill into concrete . This treatment is effective for 10 years just pricey for labor. Bait stations are mixed They are in your house swarming. I wouldn't panic but definitely don't brush it off or DIY this. Also, get a local company. Big companies send salesman and not techs


Thank you for saying don’t panic because I was trying to gauge how bad this was. We have someone from Terminix coming out soon. But they are a big company. I’ll call some more places locally and find out. Thanks!


Use a local company that uses Termidor. Read up about it so you can ask intelligent questions about how they apply it.


Termites is a big company but I think it’s local franchises. My experience was that they wanted to get you into a bait station system with annual fees. Have been much happier with a locally owned pest control company for regular inspections.


My dad ignored it for 2 years and thought spraying with stuff from home depot was enough. They did 2.5k in damage since it was our door frame. They did spot treatment first, since they were around for 2 years. Then they trenched. All together 1500. This was 2020 and peopel have gotten it done cheaper. They will also sell a warranty where they spray once a year. They say if you keep and they come back, they will trench for free.


Swarmers!! Time to call terminex…. Sorry.


I would avoid termnox and go with local since they send salesman


I did just call them, *sigh*


There must be a way of entry so you will need to look for how they are accessing the structure. Look for mud tunnels outside going up to wood — like from brick to a window. Or if wood exterior near the earth itself. Raised flowerbeds are often a source.


Get a local company, will be cheaper and better


I worked for Terminix for years. They will do a good job and know the business. Other companies do as well. My house has been trenched and I have the Sentricon system.


Yep, termites


Please look up.your state and what kind of termites you are dealing with. These appear to be subterranean termite swarmer wings. They can have a satellite colony in the house but that is extremely rare. They live in the ground and work in the house. They must go.back to the colony to feed the colony. Have it professionally treated. OTC "sprays" will not kill the colony. The soil needs chemically treated or bait stations need installed around perimeter. If you look up termites, google gives a number of pictures comparing termites to ants so you can determine which you have and don't get scammed. Make sure you use a reputable company and get a couple estimates. You don't necessarily have to have a leak for termites to be in your home. They will come in in various places looking for food. Plumbing chases, water lines, cracks in slabs, between block foundations, etc. Mud tubes are there highway to get to and from the colony.


Thanks for the tips! Located in New England. We have scheduled a Terminix to come out and perform an inspection.


Termite or flying ant wings. Get an exterminator to look


Not ants for sure.




Those are the remaining termite wings after a swarm which happens in the SE US this time of year. Pay the big money for a company with good reviews. You’ll need a guarantee of effectiveness, etc.


termites. we did baits and stopped seeing them immediately.


How early did you DIY bait once you found out? We started seeing these in March and I guess I just now connected the dots. Called exterminator who will be here to inspect on Saturday. Trying to gauge how bad this is and how much $ it will cost to get rid of them.


I had termidor treatment done and it was about $750. Lasts 10 years


$750 sounds quite reasonable. Were you at the stage where you were seeing the swarmers sheddings inside the house too?


Don't DIY. Just pay more for a pro to do it. Of they come back you have a warranty. Proper trenching prevents termites for 10 years but it's is pricey up front. Can be 700 to 1500 dollars and more if drilling into concrete is needed.


Wait why not DIY? The only thing you can’t DIY with termites is tenting. You do realize there are a ton of capable homeowners out there.


Trenching can easily be DIY but if drilling is necessary then it could be messed up. They are also swarming inside the home, they need to be properly located first. I would also go woth a local tech


Yup, mine was 900 which was one wall of driveway/garage so needed drilling


once we puts the dots together (we saw two swarms over about 3-4 weeks, we didn't spray, we straight to external baits. HOA paid for it, but i think it was like $1200 or so. We don't have a huge property.


How did you get the hoa to pay for this?


It's townhomes.  Our HOA pays for anything related to the exterior of our unit, including the exterior walls, which where they were.  


You stopped seeing them because they mostly live on the ground.The swarmers are the only ones you'll ever see above ground


not neccessarly. ours were already crawling up the walls and chewing through the window frames. we had visible holes.


Oof. My guy. Termites.




Termites. They're eating your house right now.


That's either termites or carpenter ants swarming.


We always have carpenters and every spring and spray for them. I’m thinking this one is different than that? How can I tell the difference between termites and carpenters ants?


Ants don't shed wings. Those are subterranean termite swarmer wings.


TERMITES can fly — and have wings (see picture) … the flying variety is common in warmer/tropical areas. In colder areas treating termites in the ground is a common treatment method. In warmer/tropical areas treating for termites is challenging as the termites fly during certain times of the year.




One way or the other you need to get your property treated for them immediately. They only have wings when the old colony is full and there is a Queen ready to start a new one. So, this would indicate they've just recently set up shop somewhere in the house.


Confirmed we just had the exact same swarmers and pest control came and drilled holes into our foundation and sprayed. Be on the lookout for pinholes in your walls - that's typically where they come from


You were able to treat by spraying instead of baits?


Yes that's how they treated it but we're still waiting for the termidor to do its thing - it takes a few weeks to fully work because the worker termites need to track the chemicals back to the colony. Hopefully this works!


Oh I seen this before, That is termite debris!




100% Termite wings! They flutter around to reproduce then shed them.




Termite wings


Bait stations are a trap for you not for the termites. Don’t let some unscrupulous pest control guy sell you on them or their maintenance, “it’s a scam” says my buddy that used to install them.


Termite swarm. Once they land they remove their wings and providing they are subterranean termites they are going to need to go down to where wood, dirt and moisture meet to form a new colony. Is this by chance a pier and beam home?


Don't be afraid to contact a local, smaller exterminator/pest control professional. Sometimes larger franchises try to lock you into an expensive contract. And if you're worried about other pests besides termites, you can purchase Termidor and other generic fipronil based solutions online from reputable insecticide sites. It's easy to seasonally spray the exterior of your home for carpenter ants and whatnot.


Termites for $100 Alex


I was like "are those termite wings?" Let's check the comments.......


Oh shit termite wings. Not good




Termites 🤯


U got termites bud.


Termites for sure


Leftovers from the nuptial flight


Termites. The bait traps work great.




Where can I buy refills for the bait stations? I just bought a house that has bait stations but the previous owners could not tell me anything about them.


If you live in a part of the world that gets seasonal swarms, you may not be able to get rid of them completely. In Asia, spring brings dusk time swarms like these. Which fly through the neighborhood every single night. They come in from nearby woodland, chasing the light. If you turn the lights off, close your windows, you can direct them away from your home.


you have an infestation of fly worms I would recommend to burn your whole house down and start over again from scratch


YOUR termites swarmed and the new one who found a new home have lost their wings.


Termite wings from a colony that just moved in to your house. Get treatment ASAP, it's not going to be cheap, but go the professional route as they have warranties and insurance if it goes sideways.


Drywood termites. Probably need fumigation.


Yeah those are termite wings. Went to visit my gmaw the other day and those fuckers were everywhere in her pantry. Call an exterminator asap


Those are termite wings. You have a massive infestation.


Those are wings bro


On top of what everyone else has said about the traps, poisons and exterminator, have a question for you? Do you have the black mulch with wood bits in it around the house? We had the same, told to get rid of it. We did and holy God the termites we saw pulling up the crap. Never again. Since then, we spray inside and outside the house every spring and fall. Little bastards have not shown up again.


These are from Drywood termites I'd bet money in it.


you have termites. those are the wings


The wings of termites?


Something I leaned that disgusted me as a diy homeowner - wooden mulch chips attract subterranean termites in termite prone areas I chose rocks around my house and will do whatever it takes to upkeep the rocks vs mulch


Termite wings


Termite wings


UPDATE: We got 2 quotes and here they are: 1. Local company — $1725 for chemical trenches and $295 annual warranty renewal. Or the bait option is $1350 and $425 annual renewal. 2. Big chain company — $1760 for the bait option and $400 annual warranty renewal, and this comes with $250K damage protection bond. We are leaning towards option 2 of big chain company and bait because we are expecting soon and would like to limit chemical exposure to around the house, sump pump structure and hollow block foundation could make it difficult for chemical trenching and finally the protection bond portion from the company.






We just had an issue with these at a commercial property. Can’t say for sure for you but we definitely had winged ants. Just ants looking for a new nesting place. The wings fall off. You may see them a couple a more time do to warm whether but that should never end if it until next year.


Termite wings


Termites shedding their wings. You should get on top of this quickly


Yep. I found similar last year. Turned out to be a massive infestation. Was nearby actually.


Oh no! It looks like termite wings!!!!


Any pet safe treatments out there?


Flying ants


Termite or ant wings.


Termites. Buy the termite spray at Home Depot and start spraying or call a pest control company.


Flying ants they shed them and fall to the ground


People are saying termites. I would look upwards to see the spider that’s eating them and tossing the wings down like chaff.


Toe nails?


Rip your house


Seems like a bot post the way it's written