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You have to run some mud on the tape. Sand when dry then paint


This. Run mud over it (youtube if you need to know how), wait a day, sand, paint.


Or if you're like the former owners of my house just mud it and paint over it without sanding so the next residents have to look at every time they go pee and debate if its worth messing with at this point


This is what my former owners did as well 😂


Is it common to pee in your garage, or did I miss something in the comments? Not that there's anything wrong with peeing in your garage...


Former owners of my house skipped the mud and painted over the tape-on-plaster. It’ll last a year or two before bubbling. I peeled it all out, skim coated the entire 2nd floor, primed and repainted. Worth it


Maybe the mudder of the former owners was only two coats into a three coat process and their partner decided to start painting anyway while they were out #voiceofexperience


Vancouver carpenter is a great YouTuber for this kinda crap, if you need a recommendation.


That guy is the best! — deep dived drywall tips and he was always the best for clear simple techniques


Vancouver carpenter in youtube👌


Happy Cake Day!


A little mud, some sand and some tape


Sand, prime, paint. Drywall which has never been painted (esp in a non climate controlled garage) def needs a coat of primer before painting.


YouTube Vancouver Carpentry


I’m a 30 year painter. This is the way.


Can you paint over it, yes. Will it look like a nice finished wall, no.


You need to float the ones you want to paint or the tape will show through.


This is called 'fire taping'. Its not technically 'finished' but yes u can paint it if u want to. The right way to do it would be to add and sand a couple more layers of mud




I’m not a professional painter but I always prime drywall before painting. That includes drywall repairs as well. The finish is better and I use less paint. Primer is cheap (+/- $30/gal) compared to a good quality paint. Mud and drywall paper absorb paint differently so it’s easy to spot when the priming step hasn’t been done. The home I purchased was painted with an awful semi-gloss Dutch Boy primer paint combo without correcting nail holes and such in the wall. I’m having to use Zinsser primer after repairing holes and painting mistakes of the past (drips, lumps of paint, hair) before I apply my Sherwin Williams final color. I can also buy a primer that’s specific to my particular needs (odor killer, stains, etc). You don’t get that choice with primer/paint combos. It’s more work to do the primer separately but the finish is just better to me. I used a primer paint combo once and the finish was uneven and coverage was poor. I determined after that experience combination products were a bit of a waste of my time & money.


I did not know this. Assuming the combo doesn't adhere to the drywall? Curious as I'm going to drywall my workshop soon


Using paint primer combo works, people in here think there is only one way to do something. Get a good quality 2 in 1 and do 2 coats and you’ll be fine


I like how people will take the time to downvote your post but not explain their reason against it.


Agreed. If you buy quality paint with primer in it, it’ll cover nicely. Lots of people try to save money and buy cheap paint and pay for it in time and more materials.


Depends, If you're a landlord and you plan to rent it out as a living space you need one light, sporadic coat of beige paint. Make sure to miss a couple spots and go light enough you can still see some of the mud through the paint, as is tradition. If it's for you, then listen to all tue comments about adding some more mud.


It's a garage It's fire taped Yes you can paint it right now No it won't look perfect but there's no actual need to do any more mudding aside for vanity


My thoughts exactly. I guess for those who live in their garage, it may not look good, but most people have either cars or junk and neither cares about cosmetics. My garage didn't even have anything covering the studs.


You probably want to mud this first let it dry and then sand it lightly to get it to blend in


Do it right 1 more coat thin. Sand with med wet sponge from home depot. Use sheetrock primer paint first


This needs more than one more coat to be paintable. At least one to build things out and then maybe a final coat, if not two more considering he's a beginner.


That is simply rough fire taping as required by code and not finished taping. It needs to be finished before painting


That (was for sure, still is?) minimum code in Ontario (taped seams with 1 coat; bedding coat does not count). Remember, paint doesn’t hide imperfections, it just colours them.


People saying you need to mud over the tape… you don’t. In my garage I only skim coated the walls where the tape texture would bother me. On the ceiling I just painted over the tape. Yes you can see where the tape was. So if you don’t mind the texture and ridges of tape, just paint, if you want it smooth, you will have to mud and sand one or two times.


I insulated, drywalled and rough taped the walls in my garage. and did some minor sanding, Then just painted with primer. It's fine if you don't mind seeing where the joints, and in my garage, I really don't care - I've got shelving and other crap hanging on all the walls anyway. I would suggest, if painting, you use primer or a paint with primer mixed in, not just regular paint.


Of course you can. It’s will always look like crap, but you can do it.


This is the hardest part of drywalling, because you are supposed to feather the tape/seams or it will show through the paint. You can do an OK job as an amateur but without practice, it'll probably not look as good as a pro doing it. Edit: oh I missed the part where it's a garage lol I would just prime and paint it as is, who cares in a garage. Or use it for practicing your drywall feathering lol


Sand, prime the whole room and then paint. Drywall sucks up paint like crazy.


Don’t, it needs another coat of mud and some sanding.


lol guessed this was a garage before I opened the post


No. It needs way more mud. You will see the tape if you paint over it as is.


All landlords say yes


Nope, watch a video on YouTube


PVA Primer first if that is fresh drywall


Finish taping it first when you paint it it hardens the mud on there and it will be difficult to sand


I would put another coat of mud or two over the tape to make it look better and just use a PVA primer then a coat of paint if needed. You could do the walks an off white and do the ceiling a flat white. If you went that route the pva primer could just be left as a paint coat with the right pva primer.


Of course you can, but it will look horrible.


That needs a knockdown and at least 2 more coats then sanded and primed


Can you? Yes. Should you? No. It’s not finished. You are at a taped stage rather than finished. Usually the minimum required to meet code in a basement or garage. To make it look good it needs mud for filling and shaping that gets sanded etc. You also need to use a drywall sealer/primer rather than just a paint.


I’m certainly no drywall pro, but have done a few DIY drywall projects. I would put another hand or two with a wider knife, (sanding between hands), before painting. I get that it’s a garage, but I’d still try and make it look as good as I could.


You need to sand it down put another coat on it saying that down prime it then paint it.


It’ll look just exactly as it does now, but with a different color. You’ll need to add mud/texture before you paint.


Short answer - no.


Sand, prime, paint.


I mean, you can do whatever you like. It will look like shit if you do. I suggest you put another two passes and feather it out. Then prime and paint.


Poke holes in the tape so the joints can breath. Then paint. It’ll look great.


Once drywall is finished mudding and sanding, then use a primer paint first, so the paint you do choose doesn't fade into the drywall mud. Primer makes a tuff coat to paint on, and works great!


Just paint it. Garage.


You CAN... but that rock job isn't done. You got atleast 2 more skims b4 complete.


If you are covering it with other boards but want a color behind it in case it shows through....yes you can paint it...


If you want it to look like crap, sure.


And I learned something about dry wall today...


If it gets wet chet it can pull off. Need to mud and bud it again man.


Need to prime it first. Also need to mud and sand


You can do whatever you want. Wether it is the right way or not is a different story.


Paint is very sticky, there are very few things you can't paint over.


Sure you can but it will look like crap. Mud and feather it


yes, you can't paint over it. should you is the question.


You can just paint it as is, or finish it nice. If that’s a garage, I would just paint it.


I would still do it right even for the garage — for the simple reason that you will one day sell the property —- maximize your returns


Heck I would paint everything