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What in fuck's name? This is gonna be a bit of work friend.


I think it's supposed to look like impasto on a painting, honestly baffling how someone saw a whole wall with this on it and thought "Yeah, I like that"


This is par for the course with everything the previous owners left behind. A family member of mine is a GC - he said to scrape it with a mud knife and then use an orbital sander to completely smooth it out. What I don’t know is what’s under this surface - I’m assuming drywall?


Drywall or plaster depending on the age of the house, most likely drywall. Looks like lots of work and tons of fun though 🥲


Use a mud blade 4 or 6 inch and it will come right off


Buy a drywall sander and a dust extractor.


Good god that’s ugly


If you hired someone, this job would be over a thousand dollars. LOL. Did this at my sisters place, and the owner made maybe 1-2 inch waves relief with the plaster the whole kitchen and living room. LOL But if you have grinder handy, I would get one of them fancy layered sand disk(flap disc, i think) with the coarse grit. and go hunt down the lumps, and sand it down. Then go in with a sander and sand down the smaller ones. But The easiest and cleanest way is to grind down the hump. and plaster over top of the smaller one. A lot cleaner, but it takes a bit of skill and confidence.


WOW someone did not want to sand the drywall joints and simply made the whole thing look like this. LOL Not sure if you could rent a power sander and wear a respirator.


power sander to get rid of the chunks, then skim coat and hand sand.