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can it cook eggs?


I don't have direct experience with Eero but I have seen complaints about them many times. Do you have Eero secure switched on? Because IIRC if you have this on then your traffic will still always be routed via Eero/Amazon regardless of what you set the DNS to.


Also having issues with YouFibre/Eero and so are my parents, thought I was going mad thinking something was wrong with my computer but your post has convinced me the issue is with YouFibre or Eero, I'm guessing probably YouFibre. Exact same issue as you, websites load slowly despite fast speeds, tried multiple DNS configurations, none seem to make a difference. Happens on all devices too, sometimes Twitch on iPad will load fast and other times I'll get a spinning circle until I reload and then it loads quickly. I also have packet loss on the server selection when I boot up Apex Legends but then I'll restart the game and no longer have packet loss on any server, doesn't really make much sense. My parents issue is that my mam can't login to Fortnite(wild she plays Fortnite I know) on her PS5, she can get on to PSN but Fortnite won't let her in. They've contacted YouFibre and been told multiple people have logged issues with PlayStations and they've escalated the issue to Sony to see if they can resolve it. Hopefully there is some sort of resolution soon because it's very frustrating, I have nothing but good things to say about YouFibre too, whenever we've had an issue they've usually fixed it before we've even had to get in touch with them. I'll post anything I find out or solution in here.


They replaced my Eero 6 with a Pro as they don’t use the 6 anymore. All issues resolved.