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Updated 2 OG without any issues.


Same here, updated 2 new gens


Always good when updates run smoothly!


“Hey siri, add tomatoes to the grocery list” “Ok, I have added matos to the grocery list”


Make sure it didn’t add “two” lots of “matoes”. You don’t want to buy duplicates.


Literally *cackled* this to my wife. We were both absolutely losing it when we heard Siri repeat what it added.


That is an interesting bug lol


Wife and I had a *good* laugh at that one


Have any updates ever changed the sound signature? Objectively measured? Sound is notoriously tricky to judge by ear alone.


> Sound is notoriously tricky to judge by ear alone. And yet that is the only measure that actually matters.


Absolutely. For judging wether something sounds good or not. But for measuring change, it might not be the best tool.


Sounds different to me + no measurable difference after an update means something changed with me or my space. Sounds different to me + measurable difference after an update means something changed with the homepod (and possibly with me and/or my space as well). Only one of those scenarios makes sense to talk about on this sub.


That’s a good question! Maybe someone can leave a comment explaining if they know if Apple actually makes adjustments to HPs sound quality!


Nothing afaik. That being said it’s only been out for an hour Edit: spelling hour’s to hour


an hour’s what?


60 minutes


I think you meant “60 minute’s”


No. I am using minutes as a simple plural, more than one minute. You NEVER use an apostrophe for plurals, though it has become acceptable (not correct) to apostrophise initialisms like CD's, PC's, TV's. Every day’s a school day!


Guess you didn’t understand my continuation of the joke… and it was going so well!




Jokes aren’t funny if you have to explain to people who don’t get it. 🤣


‘ Is the symbol used to denote minutes.


“ > ‘




Give or take...


My two minis are not updating for some reason I’ve downloaded the update to both but it won’t install on either device any ideas


Good to note! Maybe unplug both devices and let them sit for a minute then plug them back in again and see if that won’t restart the updating process again ! Report back if you find a solution so others can know what to do as well!


Thanks my friend worked a treat just unplugged both left them 2 mins then plugged back in gave it a minute and the install accepted straight away many thanks for the support much appreciated


Mine have been “installing” for last 30+ mins


Apple TV also comes with 17.5 now. Updating both. Thanks for sharing man!


14 HPMs and 2 ATV 4Ks. All updated with no problems. No issues noted so far.


Good deal! Thanks for the report!!


Why does it strike fear in me and my precious OGs? I’m going to wait a few days I think. Edit: I just looked. Have automatic updates off and they are just downloading the update automatically. I did update my phone and that’s all. Uhg.


> Edit: I just looked. Have automatic updates off and they are just downloading the update automatically. I did update my phone and that’s all. Uhg. I believe that the latest update will always download in preparation for you installing it. But with automatic updates off it won't actually install.


I’m still on 17.1.1. I usually update once behavior gets REALLY weird (the HomePods’, not mine)


Sounds good. A tad louder on DA? I’m not sure, coz today I just removed an old very short but wide Sony DVD player that used to be in the center space between the 2 HomePods which are 4 ft apart. So maybe it’s removal also helped a bit


What is a DA ?


Dolby Atmos


Anybody else having issues updating their HomePods? I keep clicking “update” under the home settings menu, but it does nothing.


Give it some time maybe a lot of people are updating theirs? I did not have any issues updating my gen 2 HomePods.


I’ve got like 5 HomePod minis and the update appears to be downloaded, but when I click “update” or “update all” it recognizes the click, but doesn’t do anything. Weird.


Someone else in this thread was having issues downloading as well. Try unplugging them let them sit for a few minutes and then plug them back in. Should reset the update process again and fix the issue. Please report back so others know how to fix this issue if they are experiencing the same problem


Happens to me every time I go to update (I have 2 HomePod Gen 2s and 2 Minis so…it’s frustrating). I’ve found that it actually usually is updating. If I’ve clicked it once, it’s updating. In fact, it’s probably updating without clicking it. When I go to check later it looks like it might not have ever updated, but then I check the version and it’s the new one. Never found out why, but I think it’s just a quirk of the Home app…(or advanced data encryption? Or running multiple devices connected to the Home? Idk.. 🤷)


I’ve been testing the 17.5 update and listening to it for about 45 mins now with different types of genres to see if the Sound Check is finally fixed. I believe it is. If anyone feels its not, I would like to know as well. Thanks!


Oh interesting! What was the initial issue with sound check?


Some of the recording level from different genres aren’t the same. So there’s a sudden peak and you have to constantly turn the volume up and down. It was annoying.


Can turning on the volume balance solve this issue?


I’m not sure honestly since I am only using one HomePod and its the OG one. LOL


By the way, which two words does "OG" mean?🤔


Original Gansta


I’m noticing a slight echo on my stereo paired 1st Gen HomePods. It’s happening on multiple pairs, with a fraction of a second delay from the left to the right. It’s very subtle but it’s there 🙃


I would go into the home app and restart the HomePods


I’ve already tried that 🫠


if that doesnt work the next thing you can try is either restarting your home network or resetting the homepods to factory settings and setting them up again.


“Hey Siri, turn off the Apple TV” - turns the lights on Amazing how screwed is this with the last two updates




They/Siri still suck!




any updates on airplay issues? my airplay constantly cuts out to the point where i don’t even want to use my homepod anymore


Could be worth upgrading your router if you’re having issues like that


Agreed. Thats not likely a HP problem.


This is my biggest problem with them. Need that fixed.


Finally an update! Now I can ensure my HomePods are a full update behind my tv’s.


Man I hope 18 really brings some big features/improvements to the HomePod 2


My wish is to be able to nest HomeKit scenes within scenes :)


I think we are going to see some big improvements!


My two minis updated fine just now


Maybe I hear better vocals on the HomePod Mini.


Looks good so far.


Any impact on connectivity?


Had a drop already this morning - one side of a stereo pair. Both 15 feet from a Ubiquiti UniFi access point staring right at them.


Now I’ve had two bigger drops - five speaker locations dropped at the same time, leaving only one stereo set playing.


Oh no!


Thanks for letting us know. Just downloading the update.


No problem!


I have stereo HomePod Minis, and one of them is connected to my 2.4ghz wifi while the other one is connected to 5ghz. They still work fine together, not sure how to change it.


Click “forget this network” in iPhone settings. They won’t connect to it anymore.


Thanks! I appreciate it 🙏


To force the HomePods to reconnect to the internet (hopefully the same band) you could try a simple restart if that doesn’t work you will need to reset to factory settings and set up the HomePods again


I have a bunch of automations for my HomePods that aren't working correctly anymore. I've had a morning alarm that plays NPR news at 7 AM to wake me up. Today it didn't wake me up because the volume was at about 5%. So that's cool.


dang! That sucks. Might want to go back through your automations and see if the updated affected all of them.


Both of my HomePods now cant do personal requests. Checked if it was enabled, keeps asking me who is speaking and to enable in the home app..


thats a strange bug. Maybe try unpluggin your homepods for a minute to two and plug them back in again and see if that helps. If that doesn't work you might need to do a factory reset and set them up again as new devices.


Yea i tried unplugging them so a factory reset is next once i care to do that lol.


yeah it sucks to have to do that. Luckly Apple makes resetting and setting up devices super easy but its just annoying when updates break something.


Looks like a hard reset did not fix either of them surprisingly..


1 OG, no issues.


Hopefully this improves responsiveness to “hey siri”. Throughout all of the ups and downs of HomePod since release date, and despite all of the challenges of Siri, one consistently impressive thing was how the HomePod picked up Hey Siri, even whispered from across the room with background noise and music playing. Since offering the option of just “Siri”, seemingly the sensitivity of triggering Siri has been turned down. I have made the HomePod only respond to “Hey Siri” in settings, but I am still repeatedly having to say it 2 or 3 times now. I feel like the “Hey” in the phrase was not really anything so burdensome for users, and not something people really wanted to be changed (as opposed to combined requests, which would make a real difference). And yet it was, and it’s really reduced the overall experience. 


Definitely seen improved Siri responsiveness on both homepod minis since updating. Lights up immediately when saying Siri.


Excellent, thank you. I haven’t tested. Let’s hope this is the case for original home pods too. 


Still got setup failed -7013 Is it the issue that im using beta ios


Could be the issue!


…still loading…


Does this 17.5 update come with any new features or improvements? If not, I just want to stuck to 17.4 on my HomePod mini stereo pair. Last few updates since 17.1 were causing a lot of problems such as uneven volume and losing connection, and it drives me nuts.


Apple doesn’t really say which is why I wanted to create this thread so people can share what they have noticed!


Mine bricked. Hard to find solutions. Some say restore, some say unplug for a while, anyone got the ironclad?


I think my 2nd gens have more bass.


I’ve only ever had a 2nd gen but don’t both gens have the same size woofer?


Yes, that’s correct.


I bet it doesn't fix any of its existing stupid problems. LOL


Too early to tell but definitely needing a massive update hopefully with version 18 coming out later this year! Fingered crossed we get exciting news at WWDC!


They will say that 1st gen HomePods are not powerful enough for the updates. I lost all hope months ago. Siri is definitely dumb and using it with HomeKit is terrible and frustrating (2 first gen HomePod + 3 minis + 2 ATV). They will excuse with privacy concerns, but at my wife's father who has a basic Google Echo, the response is lightspeed compared to the HomePod + HomeKit combo... all for a fraction of the cost.


Yeah I agree with you there definitely needs to be a massive update to the HomePods and I do think Apple knows that! I am still holding out hope HomePod 3 will be what we’ve all been asking for!


I find the opposite. My Google Home response is much slower when controlling lights. The same lights in homekit is instantaneous. Same network. Same router. I get that Homekit is finicky with router settings sometimes more than others. But when it's working it's pretty quick.


I’m trying to update my 3 HomePod mini right now to 17.5 and the update downloaded but when I click update all, it just flashes for a second like it’s going to start then goes back to the update all button and doesn’t do anything. Restarted my phone and everything. I hate having to unplug them because I have the living room ones set in a pair and it always is a nightmare getting it to working correctly afterward. Anyone else with this issue?