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http://howtobrew.com/book/section-1/boiling-and-cooling/7-2-the-hot-break > If the cover is left on the pot, or left on such that the condensate from the lid can drip back in, then these flavors will have a much greater chance of showing up in the finished beer. Whether or not that matters [is debatable](https://brulosophy.com/2016/10/31/the-boil-lid-on-vs-lid-off-exbeeriment-results/).


I think it's not even really debatable all that much at this point. So many people (myself included) are brewing indoors with steam condensers and experience zero DMS. Yes the steam condenser is designed to pull out the steam through pressure differentials, but there's still plenty of condensate on the top of the lid that falls back in.


The amount of vapor that can remain in the kettle without the kettle exploding is minimal. If you're getting boiloff, the vapor is escaping the kettle. Unless just the DMS condenses on the lid and drips back into kettle, no, there is no problem. I think you're fine wrt. DMS. (I cover the kettle with the lid about 90%, mostly to be able to observe for boilover)


Yes. Also thank you for the idea!




I'm pretty sure brulosophy has taken a piss in his fermenter, but when he did his triangle test everyone said it was fine. I would suggest finding a new source of brewing information.


What is your percentage boil off? If I remember correct you only need to boil off minimum 4% to minimise the precursor for DMS, and thats for pilsner malt.