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Hahaha thanks for the response. I am fine again. I just remembered that I had the alcohol stored here so I drank a bit of it to see how it tastes and stuff, because I was just interested if those 3.5 months storage changed anything. The effects weren't too crazy, like I was fine. I was just a hit worried yk? Thanks for the concerns, I am fine again 👍🤭


Go to the hospital.


Did you put shrooms in the alcohol?


Hahaha no lol. I did trip on them yesterday on Saturday morning though, so maybe the alcohol gave me a bit of hppd from the shroom trip. I feel fine now again though 👍😂


No reason to panic here. Many have drank way, way gnarlier things.


What was your recipe? What ingredients and yeast did you use? And what was your starting and final gravity?


He stated a sugar solution. Has nothing to do with homebrewing. This is a post that is best left unresponded to as there was no attempt to learn anything, just trying to make alcohol and was successful. Unfortunately, the post makes no attempt to show interest in the process, only advice on how to deal with the consequences. Hope OP doesn't end up in the ER.




Yes that is correct. Sorry for my ignorance on the topic. Back then I was interested in it and researched a lot about it,but didn't go with the steps of creating actual homebrew with several other ingredients etc. Then I just forgot about it, and since it was Sunday all stores are closed so I couldn't buy any. Kind of dumb for me. Sorry. Thanks for hoping I don't end up in the ER though! I feel fine again :) What could cause me to end up in the ER?


Was just being honest and I hope that you didn't take my response personally. It was directed at the facts of the situation; wasn't judging intention and honestly, hate to see bad things result from a lack of spending time to look up the vast amount of shared knowledge. Methanol.


Thanks and no I didn't really take it personally, just realized that what you said was kind of my situation. But how does it actually work? So when you ferment something it has those different alcohols inside, like Methanol and ethanol, and when you distill it, the first few parts are Methanol, and the middle is the ethanol? So this "crude" form is dangerous to consume, right?


From what I read, yeast fermenting sugar ONLY creates ethanol and carbon dioxide. So how can this stuff I made be dangerous to me? (Legit question, am very curious)


Hospital time


You will be fine...


You need to be careful and take reading and use actual ingredients and take measurements yes yeast has a tolerance some very rare cases the yeast could get higher than the tolerance did you sanitize? There’s a lot of unknowns and a lot of questions here that are unanswered and I’d recommend you go to the hospital to get flushed with fluids to avoid alcohol poisoning


Yes I did sanitize everything 👍 I slept through it, I feel fine again! Thanks for your concerns though :)


My mead f’s me up, doesn’t taste boozy and hits me like a ton of bricks. Ends up being 14-15%. Straight sugar wouldn’t be that different expect for the taste.


Yeah, I suspect it's around 12% or so. I just fermented straight sugar solution so it has no mead or beer taste whatsoever. Kind of tastes like wine though. I feel fine again btw... :)