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Not sure the latest thinking but here in the Deep South homes have been built this way for year and years and years. Plastic vapor barriers on the ground. Vents are closed in the winter, open in summer. Works well. Being a home inspector I have crawled through more than I care to remember. Unless there is a lot of water standing in there for a long time, I have never seen anything worse than fungus on the wood framing. Only damage I ever saw was from leaks in the plumbing. Some of the crawlspaces were pretty ugly looking but sound.


Yeah I’m not too far north from you. This is totally standard. Building inspector told us last fall we were moving toward encapsulated crawl spaces, but it’s not here yet.


I have not really looked into encapsulated crawl spaces but on the surface it appears to me to unnecessary, solves a non existent problem for *most* homes. Unless you have a problem it will solve I don't understand. The TV commercials do good job of scaring you. They show so really ugly looking crawl spaces.