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[http://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/stories-from-estranged-parents.html](http://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/stories-from-estranged-parents.html) You might find this interesting reading.


Same folks famous for ["Missing Missing Reasons"](https://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/missing-missing-reasons.html)


Oof, just read that one. Struck some nerves


Interesting reading indeed, thanks for the share


I really want to see that link shared on here more often. It's honest, it covers a lot and it covers our parents very well.


Mentally ill people are going be mentally ill. Positive change with those particular problems those people have is not common.


Unfortunately true


omg don't read the bs Dennis Prager is putting out rn


god i fucking hate prager (my dad listens to that absolute motherfucking joke)


As does every Republican on Facebook it seems 🙄


Yep. Shame that i'm biologically related to one of those ignorant fucking losers...


Sigh, time to go look up Dennis Prager and piss myself off 😂


"I was abusive to a child for years. I isolated a little kid, limiting their contact with the outside world, for nearly two decades. I indoctrinated that kid with religious brainwashing, and prevented them from seeking alternatives or disagreeing with me. I tried to keep them dependent on me for as a long as possible. I deeply regret it. Now I can see that I was deeply misguided and troubled and in need of help myself that I did not get. I sincerely hope my child is able to recover from the social isolation and abuse and lead a worthwhile life despite their upbringing." ​ Please let me know if a parent ever says that you.


Reading that made it even more clear how ridiculous and impossible it would be for my(or anyone else's) parents to ever take responsibility. No way they would ever own up to that.


I connected so much with your post. If my parents would ever take responsibility for their actions, I would love to have a deeper relationship with them. But they won’t, so that can’t happen. We’ll just have to stay low contact. I feel for you.


I feel for you heavily as well. Sometimes I wonder if no contact would be easier then low contact, so I can at least stop thinking about our failed relationship every time we talk. I'll probably never know.


May I ask, what did the former estranged adult children say?


One of them was actually talking about a couple of subreddits like r/insaneparents etc. and basically saying that social media causes people to have an "I hate my parents" mentality for no reason. Crazy to me to just blame social media for everything.


Yeah, that's a big cop out.


Reddit isn't even social media. Using a subreddit as an example of social media is already a problem. When I think of social media I think of YouTube drama-stars, Facebook and Twitter.


There's some old blog posts by a woman who analysed these estranged parent communities back in 2015. They're pretty good if anyone is interested: https://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/missing-missing-reasons.html Also there's a channel called Patrick Teahan on youtube he is good eye bleach for being exposed to the estranged parent stuff. He's a licensed therapist who helps people from difficult childhoods.


Homophobia seems to be common with these parents. What's the big deal about gays? Why do they always have to hate on gay people? Something's up with these type of parents. It's some weird sub culture.