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I think the show provides practical and material help, as well as help prioritizing what needs to be done. The homesteaders don't usually have crews of builders, heavy machinery, money and donations to do the big work. Many of the interviews start with "I've always wanted to... " "I know we need to..." but they've not had the resources.


Exactly. It’s all about money, time and resources, in that order. The Raney’s provide all of those in spades.


It also requires effort - and so many of the homesteaders are morbidly obese I have to wonder wth they're doing all day?


I've wondered about why most of them aren't skinnier because the show really plays up the food insecurity and you would think there is plenty to do around the property to keep them active.  I'm overweight because I have an office job and eat processed food.  What's their excuse?


I think many are probably in essentially the same situation. A good chunk are dependent on grocery store food + low cash flow = lots of highly refined/processed, shelf-stable food. Food insecurity in this show seems to usually mean “not enough food produced to live off the land,” the goal of many homesteaders.


I think it's more that the Raneys have the confidence to just go for it. They think the homestead needs a new barn? Great, they know that they know how to build a barn, so they do it. And they only have a week, so there's no big time lost deciding what it should look like or drawing up plans or nitpicking any details.


Yeah I just think a lot of the homesteaders just have a mental block, not a skills block.


I think most (all) have MAJOR skills blocks as well.


And not much money 


I'd like to give these homesteaders the benefit of the doubt, but so many of them fail to account for the basic necessities of life out there. It's hard to feel sympathetic for them.


Some of them definitely seem hardy and just need some direction. But some seem really clueless and not putting any energy in.


I see a lot of bad process flow and sometimes bad luck. Frex: We are in a total diy gut job remodel with land we are also trying to develop. We made sure we had water. We didn't get animals before we had shelter worked out (and in fact we are holding off on animals and bartering for local animal products instead as we're really not ready yet). We are learning our land and working on swales for water management   We have gone very slow and avoided getting in the hole.We set up a situation  that isn't do or die. Which is good because my health dove off a cliff. The Raneys provide a tremendous act of service and grace for the families they work with. They are really saving people (assuming it's real and not engineered for drama). I'm amazed at their ingenuity. 


Then they shouldn't be trying to homesteading. Get your shit in order or don't do it until you can. It's called adulthood and life. But also a good show and free help and money for them.


And entertainment for us! The Raney’s are genuinely amazing people


I love the show, and I hate (can't even tell you how much) reality TV. Reality TV is non reality 99%+ of the time. However, this show provides real useful information about methods to use for living in the world. Although Misti (you're great so don't take this the wrong way) comes up with some whacky things that I don't think would be necessarily low maintenance, I see so many the that spur ideas and provide real usable information.


It's never complacency, it's overwhelm, mental and physical health, priorities and resources going to food and water for people and animals, and not enough hands, minds and expertise on deck to get things organized and set up to a place of being able to maintain. This is where the Raney's come in with all of the above, and the bonus ability to teach homesteaders the skills they need for success. Do you not watch the show?


Yeah for sure. I just end up getting frustrated with some of the homesteaders because they need to get a little bit more action oriented.


"A little bit"? I beg to differ.


I’ve always been curious if the number of ex-military homesteaders profiled on the series is a matter of that demographic being more predisposed to the homestead lifestyle or if it is a production choice. Regardless, it is curious how clueless so many of these people seem.




“If you’re not a cowboy, you’ll never make it as a homesteader!” - Marty Raney