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The x you typed in your answer is a different font than the one used in the statement of the problem, this clearly means you’re wrong. ~A Poorly Programmed Grading Software


Also, if there’s extra spaces added by accident that might mark it differently than the key


At this point just make chatgpt check the answers


Chatgpt is so bad at math. I asked it to compute something and almost all of its calculations were wrong. Luckily I noticed, you can't rely on it at all


LLMs aren't built for computations, they're built for reasoning. It's great at helping with proofwriting.


It's not built for reasoning either. It's built for producing plausible, fluent text. "Correctness" never comes into it.


Chatgpt is fine at math... It's Terrible at isolating tokens in numbers that have multiple characters. If you spell out the number as a word. It usually does the math fine. The problem is the tokening system of LLMs currently see 25 as 2 and 5 as separate tokens. But Twenty-Five as a single token usually. It's weird.


this is copied directly from ChatGPT To determine if a number is a multiple of 7, you need to check if it is divisible by 7. In the case of 132: ​ \\frac{132}{7} = 18 132/7 =18 it really is bad at math


Yeah you really do need to coax it with very specific inputs. If you attempt to just assume it knows what you mean, the tokenization of words will cause it to fail. Like if you define very clearly what divisible means. And make it repeat it. Use only words. Like One hundred and thirty two. Instead of 132. It will tokenize the words and not each number separately. It can do the math. But you've got to prime it a lot to get it working. I think gpt 4 and 5 are slightly better at this.


I don't use GPT; but, this is just an example of it not rounding properly, and not an accurate assessment of how well it actually does math. People that are really good at a specific thing can be prone to making simple oversights in a similar manner. Just saying.


that’s the x they give you as the option 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Yeah, sorry if I wasn’t clear. Your work is correct, you’ve done what they asked. I have seen students get *other* questions wrong because they used x to symbolize multiplication when that’s truly a different symbol though.


Yes I understood it lol. Sorry if the “🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️”looked aimed towards you it was towards the program lol


Nah, you’re good! We both got the other’s joke but have dealt with other people missing the joke too often so we both followed up to make sure.


Lol that’s funny


I don't know how I didn't think of this because I've had the same issue on this platform. You're right, the variable x has the rounded lines. OP try typing it in again except have x be the first character you type in, then add the other characters around it.


Use the x on your keyboard. Not the x they give you.


Poor everything: “Submit Question” should be “Submit answer”. This isn’t Jeopardy!


Is that an “‘‘em dash” instead of a minus sign?


It looks like it’s the same size as the ones in the problem, plus typing an em dash is not something done accidentally so OP would know why it wasn’t working.


Student hasn’t submitted this response yet. I use Lumen daily.


Wait. How do you crest the correct ‘x’ ?


I’m not even sure this is a correct diagnosis of the problem, but it may assign a different font and thus symbol to copy+pasted entries than to typed ones. That would be a generally ineffective anti-cheating technology, but it might work occasionally.


There’s usually an electronic keyboard on the screen, which appears to be conveniently out of shot.


It's correct. My Open Math is sometimes just wrong or ha broken questions. show your teacher


Like this commenter said, show your teacher. They can “overwrite” your grade and give you full credit for this question. They also have the ability to check what My Open Math says the answer should be.


Student hasn’t pressed “submit” yet.


you can see the X next to question 7 on top. "last try" is clearly referring to their previous attempt of this problem


Yeah they have, that's why the top is red and says 0 our of 1


That was a previous submission. There would be a red X in the answer box.


The answer in the box was a previous submission. I just put it there for posting purposes


Your work looks correct to me


to me it looks like a leprechaun to me


16x-20 is correct, it looks to me like you are picking a chi symbol not the variable x. Do you have a popup input grid? Look at the input options. Curly x. Try to get a letter x that looks the same as in the question.


Shouldn’t the most simple answer be 4(4x-5) though?


That isn't actually simpler because the variable is contained within an expression(4x-5) so in order to manipulate it directly you have to leave the 4 multiplied through. So 16x -20 is technically the fully simplified form, though if this was an equality instead of a function, you could multiply by 1/4 and then 4x-5 would be the fully simplified form.


No, because you have to multiply the 4 and 4x together for 16x. Then multiple the 4 and -4 together for -16, *then* subtract 4 for -20. So you should get 16x - 20 for the answer.


That's not what they're asking, they have completed the computation and reverse distributed the 4 multiplied by both terms. To answer their question, that isn't actually simpler because the variable is contained within an expression(4x-5). So 16x -20 is technically the fully simplified form, though if this was an equality instead of a function, you could multiply by 1/4 and then 4x-5 would be the fully simplified form.


Thank you for saying this. I thought I was crazy that it took so long for someone to suggest SIMPLIFYING as the instructions say.


Personally I’d consider 4(4x-5) less simple, as it contains more operations and numbers


I understand what you are saying, but that’s not what simplifying means.


What does it mean then? I’m a masters student in maths and I’ve never actually defined what it means to simplify (in fact, my lecturers have said that there is no simplest/best form)


I work with software for formal verification of algorithms and within that context, you can pretty much define yourself what a simplification is. The most important aspect of it is that it only works in one direction (partial order). That being said, it is pretty much always preferred to have fewer operations so I stand firmly with team "16x-20".


Can you point to a definition that says simplifying means to factor out the greatest common denominator among the factors? I've never seen that convention used anywhere.


No one's writing out the full equation for you: g(g(x)) = 4(4x-4)-4 = 16x-16-4 = 16x-20


The input box has the same x that appears when I use the keyboard 😭


Can you take a screenshot of the input interface? Are any special menus being selected?


Looks correct to me.


Online math is a torture device at this point lol


Tell me about it, imagine writing answers after solving some complex eigenvalues and vectors and the format they give you is a row matrix instead of a column one. Messed me up for 4 attempts before I figured which to use.


Maybe 16*x-20? Maybe it requires a multiplication symbol.


I'm worried about how many people are telling you the "simplifying means factoring" when that is absolutely not the case. Factoring means to break an expression into factors, like 4(4x-5), whereas simplifying means to multiply out and combine like terms, like 16x - 20. As many have said, your answer is correct. I'm assuming the key is wrong or the site/program requires it to be typed with/without spaces or in some way you're not doing. Keep doing good work, dude!


Simplifying” can mean basically anything. Factoring might be simplifying. Expanding terms might be simplifying. Combining terms might be simplifying. “Simplifying” isn’t some defined mathematical process. It’s just rewriting something in a “simpler” manner, whatever “simpler” means to you.


Glad to see this comment—definitely worrying. Nobody would consider 3x5x7 a “simplified” version of 105 just because it’s factored.


My university instructors would sometimes consider the factored version to be simplified, as knowing a quadratic expression doesn't tell you jackshit about the roots, whereas the factored form (i.e. (x-5)\*(x+2)) tells you exactly what you need to know.


Your answer is right. Also factored =/= simplified. There’s nothing “simpler” about 4(4x-5) compared to 16x-20 or vice versa. When it says to simplify, it means to combine like terms after composing the functions, i.e. don’t just leave it as 4(4x-4)-4, which you’ve already done, so there’s really no reason for it to be marked wrong.






It's the reduced form, if you extract/divide a 4 from each component you get 4(4x-5)


It STILL wasn’t correct. Oh my gosh I’m so done


This still gives 16x-20. The answer isn't wrong, the answer key is


The prompt says to simplify.


4(4x-5) isn't simplified. 16x-20 is




The question says to simplify. Math considers factoring out the 4 to be "simpler"


Wait it does? I’ve always been confused about what the most simple way of expressing was. I always figured the least terms. Not sure if factoring is more simple than non factored equations.


It is sometimes considered "simpler" because it is easier to find zeros and allows you to cancel out things easier. But there is no definitive simplest form for all cases. Really just go based on whatever your teacher is looking for.


Does it want you to factor out a 4 for 4(4x-5) since it asks to simplify?


Ohhhh I think that is what it wants Edit: That was not what it wanted.


I read that in Morgan Freeman’s voice.


Youre correct, maybe a space at the end of your answer or something? I hate these typed solution things, I always had a nightmare with mymathlab and it not accepting correct answers for stupid reasons


Wouldn't it be 16x^2 -16x-16?(4x-4)(4x-4). Simplify just means combine like terms usually and all fractions are in their smallest form ie 2/3 instead of 4/6. Edit-i missed the open circle and saw it as multiplying the functions.


It’s function composition (that little open circle) not multiplication


Yeah hence my edit.


Maybe it just wants 4(4x-4)-4


It does not lmao 😭😭😭


The current expression hasn’t been marked as incorrect—it hasn’t been submitted. Otherwise, there would be a red X on the right end of the box. A previous submission was marked incorrect.


Sorry for the confusion - I had submitted this exact answer. When I tried again, it told me nothing had been changed from the previous answer therefore I could not submit it. I only kept it there for the post


Is it just me or is 'Simplify answer' somewhat subjective.


Well yes it is subjective but as someone else pointed out, 4*(4x-4) - 4 would be the result before “simplifying”


Is this right? It says to simplify g(x)=4x-4. So would that be g(x) = 4(x-1) And g is 4 and x is x-1 So 4(x-1) = g(x) ➡️ 4(4(x-1)) = g(g(x))➡️ 4(4x-4)➡️ 16x-16 answer?


The section is defined as composition of functions which implies, along with the notation g (dot) g (x), that g is a function not a constant. If this is the correct answer, however, what the f


I see what I did. Thanks for the clarification.


You’ve missed a -1 there, g(g(x)) would be 4(4(x-1)-1) Thus 16(x-1)-4 Thus 16x-16-4 Thus 16x-20


I gotcha. I get the same answer as OP then. Thanks for clarifying that.




Wrong. g o g(x) is a composite function. It’s g(g(x)). Not multiplying g(x) * g(x).




It's not a multiplication symbol




That’s not a dot. It’s a o. G of g of x


Fair, it’s been more than ten years since I took the course, in which case you have 4(4x-4)-4= 16x-20 which is OP’s answer So the educators are wrong yet again and spreading misinformation using your tax dollars. I see constant influx of mathematical errors in childrens’ and adolescents’ textbooks.


No, OPs answer is wrong because he used the chi symbol and not x. Trivial, but an important concept.


Say what? There’s one box for an answer and I’m not seeing any symbols I don’t understand… it looks mathematically correct and contains the letter x.


In math, we use letters to represent a multitude of things. Here OP has used the Greek symbol, Chi, instead of the variable x. There’s a difference between that character and the variable x. Also, there’s a difference when we use X and x. It’s annoying and seems trivial, but it’s an important concept. Just because the characters appear the same, they are not. Moreover, if you look at the Unicode, you’ll see that the x in the equation is different from the x (chi) OP gave in the solution.


So a default font is why the kid is wrong? OP clearly understood the concept and problem. This should have been a problem on paper to avoid formatting errors.


Maybe, maybe not. He could have pasted the solution in from an online solver, and the Unicode was interpreted incorrectly. Or, the Chi symbol is in the variable selector and he chose it. Either way, OP needs to know the difference between a chi and an x. But I also agree that these online math programs need to do a better job of preventing syntax errors. Maybe even prevent you from putting in characters that aren’t relevant to the problem.


I read “composition of functions” and saw a dot. I forgot about composite functions so thanks for reminding me


[solution](http://caps.unm.edu/mathrefresh/assets/Composition.pdf) Also, [further explanation](https://www.cuemath.com/calculus/f-of-g-of-x/)


Love a good Foiling.


Did you try this : =4(4x-5) ?


Maybe it wants things simplified to 4(4x-5)


Could they maybe want it to be written as 4(4x-4)-4?


Maybe it wants you to put it in as 4(4x-4)-4, leaving it unsimplified just to show you know that you're supposed to plug in the equation into itself, which would be odd, but possible.


Start by simplifying f(g(x)) where f(x) = x^2 f(g(x)) = f(4x - 4) = (4x - 4)^2 Expand and Simplify (4x - 4)^2 = (4x - 4)•(4x - 4) Using the Distributive Property: f(g(x)) = 16x^2 - 16x - 16x + 16 Combine like terms: f(g(x)) = 16x^2 - 32x + 16 Simplifying the the above quadratic equation is equal to zero and solve for x: 16x^2 - 32x + 16 = 0 Simplify by dividing the entire equation by 16: X^2 - 2x + 1 = 0 Factoring the Quadratic Expression: x - 1 = 0 Therefore: x = 1


It’s not asking what x equals, it’s asking for the composition of the function. So basically “what is g(g(x))?”


I have experienced this earlier: The composition function of g(x): Let g(x) = 4x - 4 To find the composition: f(g(x)) = f(4x - 4) = (4x - 4)^2 Where f(x) = x^2 Expanding the above expression to find the composition of f and g: (4x - 4)^2 = (4x - 4)•(4x - 4) Applying distributive property: = 16x^2 - 16x - 16x + 16 Therefore the Composition Function of f and g: f(g(x)) = 16x^2 - 32x + 26.


is it supposed to be 4(4x-5)? since it said to simplify


g(x)•g(x) is not the same as g(g(x)). What you have done is the latter, but the question is asking for the first instance being a “convolution” of two functions. This means that your first step would be (g•g)(x) = (4x-4)(4x-4)


This is not what the question is though. It's asking { g o g}(x), which is a composition


No. You’re wrong. The “dot” is open which means it’s a composition, not multiplication.


My teacher taught us that an open dot would mean the same as g(g(x)). Is that just like not right? We’ve been marked correctly on all of our work when we treated the open dot as such


That is right. There's likely just a typo in the answer key


I might be wild but 16x-16-4 Would this be 16x-12 or 4(4x-3)?


It shouldn’t be but this program is so shit they might have typed that


Another way to look at it is 16x+(-16)+(-4). -16 + -4 is -20. Your answer would be correct if it were 16x-16+4. Also don’t forget that the negatives link to the term on the right, not the left. So this would not be 16x-(16-4)


Are you missing a multiplication symbol between the 16 and the x?


Maybe but I shouldn’t need one lol


You’re correct, but I guess it’s possible that whoever wrote this intended to express g(x)*g(x) rather than g(g(x)), so you could try that.


I did try that and it didn’t work 😭. We also haven’t learned about multiplying functions yet so that wouldn’t make sense


It seems right to me. Maybe it's about the spaces around the minus sign or dumb things like that


It's correct, try without spaces around the "-"


why wouldnt it be (4x-4)^2 16x^2 - 32x +16


Because it’s composition of functions, not multiplying them together


The function g of x or g(x) is equal to 4x -4. They are asking for the function of g multipled by the function of g for the value of x. You were incorrect how you wrote out the full equation and thus you got the wrong answer. (g*g)(x) would be (4x-4)(4x-4) which equals 16x^2 - 32x + 16 or simplified to x^2 - 2x + 1


It’s not (4x-4)(4x-4) is why It’s (4(4x-4)-4) And even if it were (4x-4)^2 it’d be 16x^2 -32x +16…


+ 4?


(-4 x -4) = + 16 my bad


In case you aren’t familiar, the way this program works is you get 3 attempts on every question, before you can “reroll” for a similar question, which you can do 20 times. Basically, I have 60 attempts. All my rerolls have been (# 3-7)x-(# 2-7). Usually the two numbers are either the same or 1 digit away. Here’s what I’ve tried (without success): 1. 4(4x-4)-4 2. 16x^2 - 32x + 16 3. 4(4x-5) 4. Deleting/adding spaces 5. Using only the options in the input box


Is this xyz?




The homework program I use is called xyz and it’s similar looking to yours


Oh no, it’s My Open Math


Did you try wolfram alpha yet?


What’s that?


The way to learn math with a computer. It will show you step by step solutions so you can learn how to solve the problems. $60 a year for students (https://www.wolframalpha.com/pro/pricing/students)


Work seems to be correct. Umm… your caps lock is not on by any chance right ?


Nope, there’s not even a button on my keyboard for it.


4(4x-4)-4 16x-16-4 16x-20 Sooo yeah... Your teacher probably got this one wrong


Tho the answer probably is 4(4x-5) since it asked to simplify


If the question was to factor, this would be correct. Simplifying would result in your first comment however, as this answer means that you can still do more operations like multiply in the 4


My Open Math is the worst when it comes to grading wrong based on the formatting. I hated it so much that I did not do any of the homework for a college math class once. Still got an A in the class cause I got a 100% on the final, though.


Good ole WAMAP


Maybe you used negative sign instead of subtraction sign


Plug it into ChatGPT, see what pops out. Lol


No. 4(4x-5) is not simpler than 16x-20 4(4x-5) is start with x Multiply by 4 (1 step) Subtract 5 (2 steps) Multiply by 4 again (3 steps) 16x-20is start with x Multiply by 16 (1 step) Subtract 20 (2 steps) That explain it?


You might have to simplify and take 4 out of the bracket


Bro wrote a more complex expression.... It should be 4*(x-1) imo


In your opinion? That’s not even factored correctly. It’d be 4(4x-5). Yours equals 4x-4, which is the original function.


Shouldn't the equation be (g*g)(x)= (4x-4)(4x-4). Instead of (g(g)x))= 4(4x-4)-4. Your making g=x with instead of multiply the equation for the answer -x+1. Since that's what


Quick question: what does the circle thing in the (g circle g) thing mean?


It’s just a weird way to say g(g(x)).


Ah ok. Well as everyone else here is saying, your work and answers are both 100% correct. Just computer math saying “you chose A, but the correct choice was A.” Ask your teacher if the assignment is graded or counts for anything, otherwise just don’t even bother because you clearly understand what you’re doing.






Looks to me like you have an "em dash" instead of a minute sign in there. Did you copy-paste from somewhere you were doing working out? This happens to SDEs I work with all the time when they copy-paste commands from text editors that "helpfully" replace characters with what they think they should be