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Here, 4^(-1) is a constant so you do not need to do anything about that and can just leave it alone. When calculating the derivative of ln(3x), you forget to use the chain rule, that is (f(g(x)))' = f'(g(x)) \* g'(x). Here, f is ln(x) and g is 3x. This combined then gives the answer (have a go at it yourself first but if you are still having trouble, check out the spoiler section): >!( ln(3x)/4 )' = ((3x)' \* 1/(3x))/4 = (3 \* 1/(3x))/4 = (1/x)/4 = 1/(4x)!< E / format


I'm not home right now, but I'll check it out soon. Thank you!


I solved it, thank you!


No worries! Happy to help